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Can you come up with a reform in society “Can you propose something that is controversial? Can you visualize a reform for society?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Can you propose something that is controversial? Can you visualize a reform for society? Know this, that your vision will never appear in reality. It would be akin to a proposal of a utopian science fiction novel.

“All great truths begin as blasphemies.” George Bernard Shaw

“To me money after a certain amount is Monopoly money. Who agrees with this sentiment?

Can you describe in your own words how do you personally feel about the matter? Which is more important, a human being or pursuing rich wealth?

Imagine a world where we truly were part of the whole and that we would not cause divisions amongst ourselves.

Imagine a society where it was a strict ethical and moral imperative to take care of those less fortunate.

Imagine a world where if we have success, we then had a moral imperative to help those less fortunate.

This instead of hoarding our money and effectively distancing ourselves from our fellow man and their concerns.

Why in God’s name are there billionaires worth over 100 billion? It makes no sense, rhyme or reason. It is lacking social duty.

Imagine, and this is downright controversial. We have owners of teams who make money off of the playing of sports venues.

Jerry Jones is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys football team. His team is currently worth 7.5 billion dollars.

Imagine hypothetically that the government would invest in anything that made huge amounts of money. This would be in sports, music, and film.

Imagine government owned teams in different cities. The activities that draw large incomes and profits could be socialized. Also no singer, actor or sports star deserves 10’s of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Imagine a society it was socially rewarded for individuals who have special talents. Instead of having these huge contracts, they’d have large salaries above the norm and rest of population.

They would not be exorbitant salaries that would take in the wealth of ancient emperors. Then imagine that a sizable proportion of the revenue of each team and all of the special class of individuals who have talent is then redistributed back towards a city.

This would be a utopian science fiction novel. Of a society that worked together. Of a society that believed we are all part of the whole.

Of a society that would not have or allow homelessness. Of a society that worked to increase the human happiness ratio for the benefit of its citizens.

In such a society these would be applauded values.

1. Increase the human happiness ratio of the nations citizens.
2. Education
3. Children
4. Decrease the debt between rich verses our poor
5. Health Care.” LightSun

#healthcare #children #wealthgap #education

#controversial #reform #society
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Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Start here...


January 11, 1944 - FDR's message to the Congress on the State of the Union


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Pedophiles should get the death penalty. Parents of victim should be allowed to dispense it at their own discretion.

For violent crimes : a partial return of the law of the talion (eye for an eye). I think the idea for a rapist and killer of getting literally ass fucked to death would do more to dissuade potential perpetrators than the current justice system.

Decriminalisation of most non-violent crimes and implementation of monetary compensation enforced by automatic withdrawals until the debt is settled.

I understand there is a plethora of flaws in here to criticize - but you said controversial.
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My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
There are mechanisms in place that setup for societal collapse by 2040, with only about a decade to change the trajectory.

The main way out of this is to find alternatives to fossil fueled automobiles with increasingly longer commutes. But certainly a more comprehensive and nuanced approach is needed.
One take on it:

Probably even more controversial(especially given recent grifts involving the philosophy), but even more critical is the notion of existential risk:

The way out of these are, I think, even more complicated.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
Since congress has ceded most of its legislative capacity to the imperial presidency, regulatory bureaucracies and SCOTUS, we should lean into radical federalism (moving as much legislative capacity back to the states as possible).

This doesn't apply to things only the fed gov't can handle like national defense.

The more the Fed gov't is used as a partisan bludgeon to force partisan laws on parts of the country that disagree the more polarized we will become.

If Florida wants to live differently than California let them. Let our states be laboratories for democracy. People can then move to whichever ones are working best.

It's letting states mostly go their own way is the only thing I see as being an effective pressure release valve on national partisanship.

So much of what's wrong with the country can be distilled down to the inclination to force a way of life on people who don't want it.

You want to tax people at eye watering levels, be my guest. You want to decriminalize petty crime, knock yourself out.

But in a country as big and ideologically diverse as ours don't try to force your way of life down our throats.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Since congress has ceded most of its legislative capacity to the imperial presidency, regulatory bureaucracies and SCOTUS, we should lean into radical federalism (moving as much legislative capacity back to the states as possible).

This doesn't apply to things only the fed gov't can handle like national defense.

The more the Fed gov't is used as a partisan bludgeon to force partisan laws on parts of the country that disagree the more polarized we will become.

If Florida wants to live differently than California let them. Let our states be laboratories for democracy. People can then move to whichever ones are working best.

It's letting states mostly go their own way is the only thing I see as being an effective pressure release valve on national partisanship.

So much of what's wrong with the country can be distilled down to the inclination to force a way of life on people who don't want it.

You want to tax people at eye watering levels, be my guest. You want to decriminalize petty crime, knock yourself out.

But in a country as big and ideologically diverse as ours don't try to force your way of life down our throats.
Some people can. Many cannot afford to move, or cannot find work in a state where the laws are more aligned with their values. This sort of fragmentation would also call into question the very notion of what it means to be American. But then perhaps today, it means nothing at all.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
Some people can. Many cannot afford to move, or cannot find work in a state where the laws are more aligned with their values. This sort of fragmentation would also call into question the very notion of what it means to be American. But then perhaps today, it means nothing at all.
That sucks for them then.

No solution will be even close to perfect, and this is the only one I've seen that approaches "good".

In a time of realignment like we have now the question of what it means to be American is up for grabs, allowing the states to try different models and see what works allows competing visions of "America" make their case to the public. If one works better than the others we may get to a place where a new consensus of what America is can rise to the fore.

Worrying about the fragmentation of what it means to be an American in today's day and age is like worrying about the breaking of a vase that's already broken.

If we continue to lean on the fed gov't for policy making we doom ourselves to continue on our current downward trajectory.

Luckily (assuming one shares my sympathies) we seem to already be moving in the direction I recommend.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Are you dismayed by the political infighting? Not all, thankfully there are level heads on both sides. What do you look for when you are viewing threads that are incredibly sensitive?

When I view Republicans and Democrats, theists and non-theists, pro-life and pro-choice and the NRA with the gun lobbyists, I witness mob mentality. How can these different factions best communicate?

To me I expect especially our political leaders and the media to practice cognitive mindfulness. This would mean to communicate in such a manner as using reason and objective facts to make one’s case.

Sadly we as a society are easily led astray by our emotions and by politicians that tell us what they here. The worst use all manner of cognitive distortions in the thought process.

The likes of, “Emotional Reasoning, all or nothing thinking generalizations and labeling, pejoratives, and name calling.” The worst demonize their opponent and the entire other political party.

Do you know how irrational it is to label and seriously offend the entire Democratic Party by labeling them socialists, and Marxist’s? You are attacking 150,000,000 human beings.

The reverse is true to demonize the entire Republican platform by name calling, you are indeed hate mongering. You too are attacking half the country roughly 150,000,000 people.

This is just as irrational as realists attacking, and vilifying idealists. The reverse is also certainly true. I am an idealist. When scrolling down web feeds I look for level headed democrats and republicans who talk intelligently, and maturally. Making their case.

Using reason and not allow negative subjective language to contaminate their message. I am looking for level headed human beings who can indeed walk across the aisle.” LightSun
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