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[MBTI General] Intuitards: Do all Sensors suck?

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
You might be right, but global warming is a very bad example, perhaps because it's more of a future than present challenge? I think intuitives are probably more likely to care about and acknowledge it … That being said, you would probably have seen a larger difference between intuitives and sensors a few years ago, as global warming is being more and more accepted as a fact.

No, global warming is more a concern for SJs, methinks. Think of those old SJs who bitch about the youth. I'd say that sort of thinking could extend to global warming, the fear that the world is suddenly going to end.

I personally don't think global warming exists. I think it's yet more junk science to keep the public afraid.

An N probably wouldn't even care about global warming because they're big picture oriented -- and the big picture is that we're all gonna die anyway so why bother trying to save the world?

Experimental science, sure, but pseudoscience? I do like some peas with my carrots.

I'll concede, though, that whether a particular subject should be labeled as a pseudoscience may be open for debate.

I enjoy eugenics, which is only pseudoscience to appease the PC crowd.

I believe that certain races are inferior and certain races are superior. It's the same principle as certain breeds of dogs being more intelligent than other breeds. But once again, that's dismissed to appease the PC crowd who are just too afraid to handle the sad, sad reality.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
No, global warming is more a concern for SJs, methinks. Think of those old SJs who bitch about the youth. I'd say that sort of thinking could extend to global warming, the fear that the world is suddenly going to end.

I personally don't think global warming exists. I think it's yet more junk science to keep the public afraid.

An N probably wouldn't even care about global warming because they're big picture oriented -- and the big picture is that we're all gonna die anyway so why bother trying to save the world?

Haha, I think your instincts are failing you, seriously. Just because you don’t believe in global warming, doesn’t mean you are representative for intuitives.

Global warming junk science to scare the public? By who? The government? Then they are doing are pretty good job at covering up how they use it as propaganda, since the White House edits climate reports to make them sound more moderate.

Environmentalist. Taste that word. There is something rebellious and idealistic about it, isn’t it? In my book that fit NFs, the idealists, quite a lot better than conservative SJs, who have the tendency to think the world, will always stay the same.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
No, global warming is more a concern for SJs, methinks. Think of those old SJs who bitch about the youth. I'd say that sort of thinking could extend to global warming, the fear that the world is suddenly going to end.

I personally don't think global warming exists. I think it's yet more junk science to keep the public afraid.

An N probably wouldn't even care about global warming because they're big picture oriented -- and the big picture is that we're all gonna die anyway so why bother trying to save the world?

I enjoy eugenics, which is only pseudoscience to appease the PC crowd.

I believe that certain races are inferior and certain races are superior. It's the same principle as certain breeds of dogs being more intelligent than other breeds. But once again, that's dismissed to appease the PC crowd who are just too afraid to handle the sad, sad reality.

i took a class on biogeochemistry and the fragility of ecosystems and how much we screw around with them really infurates me. i wish people cared more about their environment. i don't mean in the sense of being tree-huggers, but there's something to teh respect that should be shown toward the place which provides you with the H2O you drink and the energy you consume, etc.

Global warming is a side branch of it, but it really stresses me when people waste unnecessarily.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
I personally don't think global warming exists. I think it's yet more junk science to keep the public afraid.
Cool. I think it's so they can control the weather and kill us with hurricanes etcetera without us getting suspicious. The UN and others have expressed desires to cut the world population much more drastically than could be achieved with (voluntary) birth control. :)

It is fascinating to weed out all the differing agendas in that particular debate. Both the European and American attitudes to global climate change involve it existing - they just each push the explanations that most benefit themselves. Solar explanations are now gaining popularity. But ultimately, they're all in on the plan to secretly cull us. :yes:

And you're right - every human dies and what a fascinating time and scenario in which to die! :) Quite a privilege to be the last of the multi-government generation. I frequently wonder how my end will pan out. Not that I wouldn't make efforts towards it not being in some modern form of concentration camp or unleashed plague if possible, but I'm not sitting home crying about it either. I bet every dead person who's done that regrets it, whether or not their fears became reality.

But, I'm not sure how this relates to the N/S issue. They would process this sort of issue differently, but each could come to the same conclusions in their own way.
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The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
i took a class on biogeochemistry and the fragility of ecosystems and how much we screw around with them really infurates me. i wish people cared more about their environment. i don't mean in the sense of being tree-huggers, but there's something to teh respect that should be shown toward the place which provides you with the H2O you drink and the energy you consume, etc.

Global warming is a side branch of it, but it really stresses me when people waste unnecessarily.

Well since overpopulation is a factor for global warming, I think that Asia, and specifically China, should take responsibility. The Chinese must be exterminated. As I can recall, it is commies who are responsible for global warming -- remember Chernobyl? I'd say that was a pretty big factor!

I share your sentiments with tree-huggers, I can't stand those fucking morons. I think hippies ought to be sterilized.

And do not listen to college professors -- they're under commie influence. Bolshevists, I tell you!!!

I bet every dead person who's done that regrets it, whether or not their fears became reality.

The wonderful thing about dead people is that they don't regret anything. And they certainly don't annoy me.


This is interesting-- we bring so much to the table when we analyze ourselves. I think that I come from a family that tends toward the N and the P, and I wonder if this is why I thought I was an SJ at first (maybe I am, it's hard to know, given these biases and preconceptions- this stuff is all pretty subjective). My mother and older brother are SO N, I guess I thought I couldn't possibly be what they are. Same with my dad-- I thought he was ISFJ but now I think he's INFJ. Our N just isn't quite as strong as theirs.

Just following up on the N vs. S portion of the thread:

My wife has formally tested as an INFP and shows all the traditional INFP "markers" in her personal life. But she doesn't exhibit much obvious N in public. She comes from a blue-collar, no-nonsense family that prized "hands-on" skills and common sense. Her grandfather raised pigs and hunted squirrels to feed the family, and her father worked in a factory all his life. Flights of fancy were frowned upon, and the kids were discouraged from going to college. Higher education and intellectual pursuits were considered a waste of time.

Since she only got a high school education, she doesn't trust herself to brainstorm or discuss intellectual subjects in company. She sticks to light conversation or remains aloof. But she likes hanging around with Ns and she's quick on the pick-up.

I think her N is most active in those areas that are most private for her, for example her religion and her art. They're both non-traditional and even chaotic in a way. She fences off those areas and keeps them in a place where she doesn't have to put up with other people's oversight and second-guessing, and I guess that's where she feels she can set her N free.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
Well since overpopulation is a factor for global warming, I think that Asia, and specifically China, should take responsibility. The Chinese must be exterminated. As I can recall, it is commies who are responsible for global warming -- remember Chernobyl? I'd say that was a pretty big factor!

I share your sentiments with tree-huggers, I can't stand those fucking morons. I think hippies ought to be sterilized.

And do not listen to college professors -- they're under commie influence. Bolshevists, I tell you!!!

The wonderful thing about dead people is that they don't regret anything. And they certainly don't annoy me.

NEITHER of us are old enough to remember chernobyl. (although one of my classmates was russian and in-utero within 100 miles of chernobyl. he turned out.... mostly... okay. actually, he could also just be the uber-style INTJ. we were good buddies in high school lol)

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
NEITHER of us are old enough to remember chernobyl. (although one of my classmates was russian and in-utero within 100 miles of chernobyl. he turned out.... mostly... okay. actually, he could also just be the uber-style INTJ. we were good buddies in high school lol)

What other style is there?


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
No, global warming is more a concern for SJs, methinks. Think of those old SJs who bitch about the youth. I'd say that sort of thinking could extend to global warming, the fear that the world is suddenly going to end.

An N probably wouldn't even care about global warming because they're big picture oriented -- and the big picture is that we're all gonna die anyway so why bother trying to save the world?

You might be joking, I can't tell.

If you aren't, then I guess that makes me an SJ, simply because I believe very much in global warming, and always have had a deep concern for the ecological, non-human world??

I have an ISFJ friend who is extremely thoughtful, perceptive, and has destroyed my preconceived notions of S types. She can follow the intuition stuff, and completely understands a lot of my feelings, maybe better than some of the N's I've met. But, I also think she doesn't really understand some of my abstractness/haziness, and my general approach to life. She's much more planned out, and perhaps more 'simple' (for lack of a better word - I don't mean this in a bad way, and am not implying lack of intelligence or ability) - she just seems a little more solid, or something. I don't know.

I don't have much firsthand experience w/ S's. All of my close friends are N's, aside from the one mentioned above, so I don't really know any other S's for sure (although no doubt know many that are acquaintances, or that I work with). Although, I had my mom take the mbti test a few yrs ago, and she came out ISxJ (I can't remember whether it was T or F). But..I don't really want to bring her into this! ;-)

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
NFs also have distorted thinking.

It is a weakness to care about others, because we're all walking time bombs anyway.

But the SJ is the type who complains about the decreasing intellect of the youth of America.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
But the SJ is the type who complains about the decreasing intellect of the youth of America.

Haha, indeed, and that bugs me ... In fact the opposite is happening, the youth is getting smarter (Flynn Effect) ...


New member
May 27, 2007
None of this is to say that Ns are the pinnacle of human evolution or anything. I shouldn't have to remind you that the ENTJ Evil Overlord is in your camp.

ENTx's make the world go round baby. Without us, jack shit would happen, I tell ya. Y'all would die of boredom. Or we would anyway, which is what matters, heheheh...

Nah I love ISTP's. My best mate is ISTP. They totally rock. IxxP's generally rock, unless they're ISFP's, in which case they get on my nerves. But otherwise, FWIW, I've no axes to grind against Sensors.

There is this funny story though right, about my ISTP buddy when we were playing poker one night? We had these French cards (me being French) that were just the same as English cards except for K, Q and J are R, D and V respectively. Not exactly rocket science, considering the pictures pretty much gave it away anyway. But this ISTP couldn't handle it, so we wrote him a post-it note and stuck it to his part of the table, with "R=King, D=Queen and V=Jack" on it. He was the only one out of 8 of us (all otherwise iNtuitives) who needed it even though I'm the only one that speaks French. Throughout the game he was holding his cards up to the post-it note and saying aloud to himself, "Hmmm, R - that's ... king... right and V that's..." like, great poker face, dude... hahaha

I guess you had to be there really.

Anyway no, ISTP's are cool, and don't you be dissing ENTx's while I'm around or you'll pay buddy!

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
ENTJs kick ass, they remind us how fun war and genocide are.

INTJs make terrific serial killers and school shooters! (Cold and calculating.)

ISTPs make the best spree/highway killers! (Spontaneous and fun.)

Isn't death amusing?

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
:happy0065: You guys are the best
Throughout the game he was holding his cards up to the post-it note and saying aloud to himself, "Hmmm, R - that's ... king... right and V that's..." like, great poker face, dude... hahaha

I guess you had to be there really.
INTJs make terrific serial killers and school shooters! (Cold and calculating.)

ISTPs make the best spree/highway killers! (Spontaneous and fun.)


Sep 11, 2007
I have a very strong N function (like 80%?) and I loves me some S's!. Mostly because it's novel and I really need some S in my life. Not not that 'S' you perv, but yeah, I also find ISFP and ESTJ's pretty attractive (I think from my limited experience). ISFP are an enigma and I love it! I love poking around down there.

IMO, the 'S' means people function in the moment, own and express their physicality by second nature, and just experience the world in a very different way from me. I would like to try living like that and see what it's like. So yeah, I'm intrigued.

I can definitely see things about those personality types that could annoy me after a while, but I'll take the annoying with the good.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
My parents both tested S. I couldn't imagine society without Protectors and Providers as Keirsey would call them. Anyone that whittles down an individual to a type and constantly devalues that type rather than seeing both strengths and weaknesses is not much different than a racist or sexist, in my opinion.

Often iNtuitors are intimidated by the sensing world with its expectations, some types more than others; I see it all the time. Ns probably get cliquey and superior in reaction to this, as many minorities do. Ever seen how nasty homosexuals can be about heterosexuals on forums? It's all harmless venting, I'm sure. They don't mean it. :)

Very astute observations on both MBTI and homo/hetero-sexual accounts. However, harmless? Sometimes the seemingly harmless rants of others elicit violence from the insecure and unstable.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
Most people here are iNtuitives and don't seem to think much of Sensors and I thought that was a bit harsh. Today it occured to me that most of the S types do acutally suck.

There are 4 SJs (tyrants :rules:) and 2 ESxPs (loud :banana:) not to mention the overlap of ESxJs :peepwall:.

So that's 6 out of 8 Sensors with the potential to be very annoying people. That Leaves the ISxPs, who I don't think would be exceptionally annoying since the ISTPs would be off by themselves tinkering and the ISFPs would be alone doing creative ISFP things. None of this is to say that Ns are the pinnacle of human evolution or anything. I shouldn't have to remind you that the ENTJ Evil Overlord is in your camp.
A hyperbole.