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Damn You BMR! No wonder why we all get fat as we age


Sep 11, 2007
R U FREAKING KIDDING ME ABOUT STARBUCKS? I know people who go there religiously.... that's a lotta calories.

Truth is (more fattening) than fiction!

I drink Americanos now. And better yet, I french press strong coffee at home and add just a touch of low or non fat soy (does nonfat soy exist?) I remember once getting some seasonal frappucinoed abomination at Starf*cks when I went in to work (on a motherf*cking Sunday!!!) and it was so sweet licking the whip cream off my lips made me diabetic.

Starbucks nutrition website is kinda sketch and purposely not that user friendly. But a regular 16 ounce 'Double Chocolatey Chip Frappucino' is 500 calories. A 16 ounce egg nog latte is 460 calories. Once you get into the Venti's (their large sizes) you could feed starving children with them. Of course, the kids would still be undernourished.


I think what I had (the last flavored drink I've ever gotten at Starf*cks, it was that jarring) was something with maple syrup.

I applaud NYC for mandating nutrition/caloric info on fast food restaurant menus. I remember I was at Penn Station and thought it was odd I was the only customer at Aunti Anne's preztels then I realized when I was handing over my money that the tiny little 'snack' I bought had combined 700 calories or something. OMG.

You should look at 'worst food lists' for fun. There are a couple around. LOL at "worst food in America". Those chili cheese fries look pretty awesome in a heart stoppingly cellulite inflating way. I know some say 'you can eat anything in moderation' but fast food restaurants don't make millions off moderation.


I've heard that Americans 'drink their calories'. This used to mean booze and then sodas but now it means coffees and even 'sports drinks'.


I have a calorie/nutrition tracker app. I'm vaguely interested in calorie restriction/optimal nutrition for longevity and am experimenting.

Interesting because there's the 'super low calorie' diet that supposedly makes you live longer. It's mostly men who do it. It's not meant for weight loss but rather longevity. Not sure how a chronic caloric deficit helps your body run longer but allegedly there's experimental data that backs it up.



Yeah, I'm not interested in weight loss. I just want to live a long ass time. :) (And preferably without yucky, excess cholesterol clogging everything up. Whenever I feel like something fatty fat fat I just think of the cholesterol, :sick: )


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Wow. If you did it correctly I wouldn't say it's bad. I guess it's only bad if you find it very hard to eat around that many calories a day.

I've eaten that many calories today just eating the home made cherry scones i made earlier. Hmmmm, warm scones :happy2:

Just to understand this better, Do i only need to eat this many calories to function or if i eat over this amount of calories i'll put on weight because if it is the latter, then i'm screwed. Lol

Tiger Owl

Active member
Sep 10, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I've eaten that many calories today just eating the home made cherry scones i made earlier. Hmmmm, warm scones :happy2:

Just to understand this better, Do i only need to eat this many calories to function or if i eat over this amount of calories i'll put on weight because if it is the latter, then i'm screwed. Lol

You add your BMR to the number of calories you estimate that you burn daily doing things like exercise and being on your feet and active. If you put more calories in than you burn you gain, less and you lose. There are formulae around I just don't have one on hand to give you.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
You add your BMR to the number of calories you estimate that you burn daily doing things like exercise and being on your feet and active. If you put more calories in than you burn you gain, less and you lose. There are formulae around I just don't have one on hand to give you.

Haha, i don't waste my time worrying about things like my daily burn/exercise regime.
Thanks for explaining though ;)


Aug 6, 2010
Not a calorie counter and haven't found it difficult to maintain weight. If anything, over the last couple of years, have lost weight from reducing crap consumption. It's easy to maintain your weight if you avoid processed sugar (soft drinks, baked goods, etc.), junk food in general and maintain a reasonable and consistent exercise program.

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm guessing you are either a guy (arrgh so many guys have this "problem" of naturally easily losing weight or being slender) or a true ectomorphic female and picky eater?

I'm a guy, but 2000 calories is not a healthy calorie count, nor is it giving mea healthy BMI or BMR. With minimum exercise, I should be eating at least 2500 calories.


Sep 11, 2007
I'm a guy, but 2000 calories is not a healthy calorie count, nor is it giving mea healthy BMI or BMR. With minimum exercise, I should be eating at least 2500 calories.

So funny how many guys I have met who have this issue of not being able to eat enough or hold on to weight. I had a male friend years ago tell me "don't call me skinny, never call a guy skinny". I think the preferred term was 'slender'. Haha. What kind of food do you eat by the way? Do you mean it's hard to hit 2500 because you just don't like eating or because with the food you eat it's hard to eat that many calories?

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
So funny how many guys I have met who have this issue of not being able to eat enough or hold on to weight. I had a male friend years ago tell me "don't call me skinny, never call a guy skinny". I think the preferred term was 'slender'. Haha. What kind of food do you eat by the way? Do you mean it's hard to hit 2500 because you just don't like eating or because with the food you eat it's hard to eat that many calories?

I eat when I am hungry and usually until I am full, which isn't a whole lot compared to how some guys can be considered "pigs" eating this way. But that is probably the reason why I can't get the calories I am trying to get, I just don't stuff myself, nor do I force stuff myself with food. But that extra calories is a pain to get on a daily basis.

Carbs probably contain most of my eating habits and usually followed by protein. I do eat fastfood here and there, but it does not take up the majority of my eating habits (hardly at all.)

Probably the thing I need to eat more are fruits and vegetables (yes, I do like eating them... but I don't eat enough of them.)


Sep 11, 2007
I eat when I am hungry and usually until I am full, which isn't a whole lot compared to how some guys can be considered "pigs" eating this way. But that is probably the reason why I can't get the calories I am trying to get, I just don't stuff myself, nor do I force stuff myself with food. But that extra calories is a pain to get on a daily basis.

Carbs probably contain most of my eating habits and usually followed by protein. I do eat fastfood here and there, but it does not take up the majority of my eating habits (hardly at all.)

Probably the thing I need to eat more are fruits and vegetables (yes, I do like eating them... but I don't eat enough of them.)

I just noticed the 'J' in your type. That is such a J trait I think, to be more of picky or particular eater. I don't force myself to eat either, but if I find something tasty I will eat a lot of it. And I will easily eat too many bites of something because I realize I'm full too late. My eyes have always been bigger than my stomach and whether I cook for myself or for others I always way overestimate the amount of ingredients used. So when I make smoothies for myself there's almost always an extra cup full.

If it's an issue for you I'd eat more healthy fats. Like avocados and nuts. And in your case you might actually try smoothies to add nutrients as well as calories. You could probably eat a peanut butter (low sugar kind) soy protein shake 2x a day as a 'treat' and it would help you hit your 2500.

Curious, but would you say you 'live to eat' or 'eat to live'? >_<


Wait, I think your previous posts already answered that question. :p


Apr 6, 2008
That's why the interesting question in obesity research is not why some people get fat but how some people manage not to. The fraction of people that live a "healthy lifestyle" in the west is tiny, much smaller than the fraction of people that are normal or thinner weight. Something else is going on.


Sep 11, 2007
That's why the interesting question in obesity research is not why some people get fat but how some people manage not to. The fraction of people that live a "healthy lifestyle" in the west is tiny, much smaller than the fraction of people that are normal or thinner weight. Something else is going on.

That could probably be its own heated food/eating culture debate. A lot of it is that people tend to eat mindlessly. Not just in that people in the states munch on snacks and eat in front of the TV or computers or desks but that we've lost the relationship to our food. Generally we don't know where our food comes from or the process or conditions in which the food was cultivated, harvested, raised, butchered, delivered, etc. We're almost literally being spoon fed while the government and big business create this monolithic food-industrial complex. That's why you see extremes in the states between 'average Americans' and people who are extremely conscious and aware of their food - namely ethical vegans/vegetarians, people who are now sick due partly to poor nutrition and eating and now must monitor their food religiously, and culinary elitists. All aware of their food in different ways but in much more informed capacities than the average consumer.

Also this:

Eat to live. Hahahaha


It's just too damn easy to eat lots of delicious food on the cheap in the states. You have to have an anomalous level of *not enjoying food* to not succumb to it. Most people will gorge themselves and over eat quite a bit given the opportunity. And the opportunity is always there. A small percentage of people naturally will only eat if something is 1) absolutely delicious 2) within their stringent personal taste limits or 3) they are truly hungry.

Meaning only a small percentage naturally stop themselves exactly when they are full like Quinlan or just don't want to eat even if they may be a little hungry because the food isn't good enough for them. Wish I had that. :alttongue: It's not a question of discipline it's literally that person does not feel like eating more. That's why it's rare. I'd guess evolution wise that lack of desire to gorge oneself actually played against the species.


Aug 28, 2008
:c I feel you Cze cze! Mine is like 1300.. WtF!?... Luckily for me, I'm not concerned with losing weight, I'm trying to gain muscle so I get to eat more than that :devil:

BUT!! If you're concerned about it, I've posted it a lot in the exercise discussion threads, but there's those substitution diets that work REALLY well at keeping your calorie count in check. I was looser about it than the recipe books call for, but I still stuck to them enough to make them effective.

- Cook the meals in the books and count the calories in them as per normal.. if you leave something out, it is still the same calorie count. (I liked cook yourself thin since I could steal the recipes from the internet easily.)
- Don't count juice, tea, milk, or water as calories.
- Don't count fruits and veggies not specified in recipes as calories (so if you get hungry these things are 'free')
- Always round up if you're not sure on a calorie count
- If you go out to eat, count whatever you ate as 500 calories, whether it's actually more or less than that.
- If I felt myself faltering on a particular meal (breakfast, for example) I'd just buy frozen breakfast foods.. eating something fast is better than skipping it, imo.

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant

It's just too damn easy to eat lots of delicious food on the cheap in the states. You have to have an anomalous level of *not enjoying food* to not succumb to it. Most people will gorge themselves and over eat quite a bit given the opportunity. And the opportunity is always there. A small percentage of people naturally will only eat if something is 1) absolutely delicious 2) within their stringent personal taste limits or 3) they are truly hungry.

Meaning only a small percentage naturally stop themselves exactly when they are full like Quinlan or just don't want to eat even if they may be a little hungry because the food isn't good enough for them. Wish I had that. :alttongue: It's not a question of discipline it's literally that person does not feel like eating more. That's why it's rare. I'd guess evolution wise that lack of desire to gorge oneself actually played against the species.

Yep, I can also be considered a picky eater also. There are certain foods I won't touch or let someone else eat them. The two most easy examples I can think of are lobster and crab (I do like shrimp though.) I will only touch lobster or crab if it is made into a soup. I am mostly a picky eater when it comes to meat.

But generally, when I feel full, I just stop.