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[MBTI General] Tell me about yourselves


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Hi guys, I have a poor understanding of SPs and SJ’s so I thought I’d ask you directly.

  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)
  2. If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?
  3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?
  4. If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.
  5. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)
Please feel free to mock my questions, I know how stupid they sound.

Realize that these questions are coming from an NJ.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Hi guys, I have a poor understanding of SPs and SJ’s so I thought I’d ask you directly.

  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

  1. Any compliment is a nice one, but I'd probably blush more at the shallower ones. :blush: On the flipside, criticism that points more to behavior can get to me (like "Your not reliable/Your music isn't that great/You need more "confidence"), while shallow/physical criticism doesn't as much. Go figure.

    [*]If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

    I'd get out and drive. I'd pack as many things as possible first though. If I had to be in a bigger rush, I'd at least carry a sock stuffed with change (that way I can smash a window if my car gets submerged... OR... just have a lot of spare change around).

    [*]Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?

    I got depressed and wondered "Is that all there is?" I still wonder it.

    [*]If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

    Travel, hopefully meet people, see the ancient landmarks with my own eyes
    - I'd love to just camp out for a night in the Colloseum, at Angkor Wat, or some Mayan temple if I could.

    [*]Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

    Purple resonates with me..but people keep telling me I should be wearing bright colors.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Any compliment is a nice one, but I'd probably blush more at the shallower ones. :blush: On the flipside, criticism that points more to behavior can get to me (like "Your not reliable/Your music isn't that great/You need more "confidence"), while shallow/physical criticism doesn't as much. Go figure..

When you say ‘shallow,’ do you mean complements referring to
  • physical appearance,
  • where you come from,
  • who you’re related to?

Example: “I just love your flowing red hair”/ “You’re from Parris!”/ “Your Great Great Great Great Great Great Aunt was Mary Queen of Scots?!”

I'd get out and drive. I'd pack as many things as possible first though. If I had to be in a bigger rush, I'd at least carry a sock stuffed with change (that way I can smash a window if my car gets submerged... OR... just have a lot of spare change around)..

That’s pretty much what I would do, although first I’d send all of my important computer files to e-mail. I’d be fairly certain that the flood would destroy my computer, and by extension, everything I had saved on my desktop. I’d probably end up getting caught by the flood. :doh:

I got depressed and wondered "Is that all there is?" I still wonder it..

Now I feel guilty.
(my fantasies were vindictive by comparison)

Travel, hopefully meet people, see the ancient landmarks with my own eyes
- I'd love to just camp out for a night in the Colloseum, at Angkor Wat, or some Mayan temple if I could..

With infinite power, money, recourses, you also had the ability to...

  1. advance space exploration technology and explore the universe,
  2. hire a team of biologists to engineer an army of perfect women who would battle against each other in cages,
  3. build the worlds' most fun theme park
  4. Cure all diseases


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Been working hard today
time to play
yes I'll answer . . .

"1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)"

Fun! Welcoming, open. Adventurous, courageous. Innovative, playful.
"2. If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?"

I'd take that premonition with a grain of salt. Although there's a possibility the premonition is right, and strange things do happen, there's also a possibility it's wrong and caused by having eaten too much pizza.

I might go for a drive with my handbag, change of clothes, pictures, passport, and pet, yeah, just in case it was right.

If I actually KNEW a flood was coming, I'd be offering all the neighbors that could fit in my car a ride. Some of them are elderly, one just had two surgeries, one is depressed. I'd be calling my two relatives who live close by. I'd grab food and clothes and important papers and pet supplies and toiletries and a flashlight and . . . And I'd get out of the area, because I know how important I am to my boyfriend. It's really all about the people.
"3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?"

Huh? :)

I liked my mom. Teachers were just these adults I didn't understand, some nice, some not. I was shy then, and liked to read a WHOLE lot, and walk in the woods, have a ton of pets, crossbreed the marigolds, play piano and about five other instruments, do yoga, bake, knit, draw. Attempt to make ink out of wild grapes.

What kind of childhood did YOU have to be asking that? :)
"4. If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale."

Exactly what I'm doing. That is, making space for others to grow, while taking care of myself well enough to keep doing so, and enjoying the little things of the day. With more resources, I would do the same things on a larger scale.
"5. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)"

Green = life, new beginnings . . . cool shaded deciduous-and-pine forests with mosses and clear dripping rivulets, sunlight making geometric spreading rays down toward the biological cellular curvatures of ferns . . .

Okay try again.

Green = life, new beginnings, this moment.

"Please feel free to mock my questions, I know how stupid they sound."

Mocking is something I almost never do.

"Realize that these questions are coming from an NJ."

Be yourself, no need to excuse.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
"3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?"

Huh? :)
What kind of childhood did YOU have to be asking that? :)

I went though public school down in Santa Ana (Southern California.) I had a string of bad teachers, ones who would purposely mock the students until they cried. High school was a little bit better, but I still remember Mrs. Wineman, my 3’rd grade teacher. She was… not a nice person.

After high school, I went straight to college, but not before doing volunteer work at a soup kitchen. My fellow employees were nice enough, but this one unshaven guy was wide-eyed the whole time and barely spoke. I think he was on drugs.

I parents were nice enough. I just included that part of the question because many teenagers find themselves being unreasonably upset with their moms and dads. I thought I would end up reaching a wider audience if I added that to my list.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Example: “I just love your flowing red hair”/ “You’re from Parris!”/ “Your Great Great Great Great Great Great Aunt was Mary Queen of Scots?!”

Yes to all of those things.. umm, except the red hair. Haven't dyed it that color yet. ;)

With infinite power, money, recourses, you also had the ability to...

  1. advance space exploration technology and explore the universe,
  2. hire a team of biologists to engineer an army of perfect women who would battle against each other in cages,
  3. build the worlds' most fun theme park
  4. Cure all diseases

Those things are equally cool, but I'm a little iffy about investing in space exploration. I want to be the one who travels space NOW. Not invest for someone else to get the experience later. Selfish as that is. Since I can't be there now, I'll just go for enriching experiences here. OTOH if the technology was already in place, if we lived 300 yrs in the future, I'd throw all my money at it. :)

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Hi guys, I have a poor understanding of SPs and SJ’s so I thought I’d ask you directly.

always a good approach... also check out the video thread! you can see a few of us in our full sensor glory! :holy:

  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

  1. an esfp friend really hit the trifecta of complementary terms a while back when he described me as smart, funny and a lot of fun! :cheese: complementing my cooking is also always a very good move...

    [*]If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

    I would probably go outside and look at the sky to see if there's any reason to suspect a flood, then I'd check online or call the national weather service to see if I'm crazy or not... if it turns out that a flood really WAS coming I'd start moving all of the stuff that needs protected up to the attic and then see if I had time to drive away (I don't want for my car to get flooded! :cry:)

    [*]Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?

    I wanted to run away and become a socialist revolutionary in a tropical country with delicious native fruits and tasty animals and fish... I could live in a cave with my fellow revolutionaries, eat food that we found and take down the man! :yay: (that's seriously what I daydreamed about as a teenager :shock:)

    [*]If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

    I would set out to explore all of the places in the world that I've always wanted to visit (which means about all of the world except for Gary, Indiana... :thelook:)- I'd meet people, eat food, visit different sites and try living both like the common people and like traditional royalty as well! :holy: Then I'd open a cultural museum in my state capitol so that all of those people who live here and enjoy judging other countries without knowing anything about them can open their minds a bit! :yes:

    [*]Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

green... it's so vibrant and ALIVE, like the woods at my parents house in the summer... green leaves, green grass and even deeper green shadows... it makes me think of long summers and cool shadows as well as when spring finally comes around! :yay:

Please feel free to mock my questions, I know how stupid they sound.

Realize that these questions are coming from an NJ.

not stupid questions! they were fun to answer! And I always appreciate when people are curious about other types instead of just claiming that we're all dumbasses because we're different! :cheese:


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful) Different between a man and a woman. Smart/intelligent dont mean to much. Things that are more based on my Fe efforts seem to be appreciated the most.

If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors? I would turn on the news to see if the streets were slammed with cars. If the were I would grab stuff and go climb in a tree or sit on the roof of my house depending on the severity of the flood. If the streets were fine I would grab the few things that matter and leave.

Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it? Never saw them as pains. If I didnt do homework I could careless what the teachers said as it was my choice. Parents I always got along with and low paying jobs I didnt really care about. Only had 2 and I found a way to enjoy myself(avoided boredom). My main goal in life is find a way to enjoy it, never has been a challenge, I think I am easy that way.

If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale. Start going to trade schools that teach things hands on. Open a custom automotive shop that deals with engines, interiors, stereos, etc.
Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright) Blue - it looks nice. I dont go much deeper then that :D


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You said SP's and SJ's...so does this mean SJ's can answer this too, even thought it's on the SP forum?


New member
Nov 9, 2008
If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

Reserved, respectful, meticulous, reliable.

If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

I'd gather up things important to me (heirlooms, old photos, my 'important documents' file... and probably my PS3 and DVD collection, some food, water and some TP, clothes and blankets) and try to find the closest high-ground. I could wait it out in my vehicle if I had to.

Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?

Not really, I usually had a pretty good work ethic and got along well with my parents. The choices I have made and work I do is for my own benefit, and not to get back at anybody or show off how much better I am. I don't like being a part of the rat race, I just want to live in comfort.

If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

I'd buy cruise ship and invite everybody I know + let them invite whoever. We could go port to port, living it up, seeing the sights around the world.

Also at some point I'd hitch a ride to the International Space Station and experience zero-G

Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

Not too sure, I've never really had a favorite color. I suppose blue, it is always a calm, cool, relaxed color. I don't associate it with depression or anything.

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
Hi guys, I have a poor understanding of SPs and SJ’s so I thought I’d ask you directly.

[*]If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)
-Keenly aware
-Smart and resourceful, clever
-Incredibly artistic and talented, enrapturing the imaginations of others
-Amazing troubleshooter, on top of my game, able to make things come together very smoothly
-All-in-all a Master of Disaster, a Dynamic Revolutionary :happy:

[*]If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?
I would wait for a telling sign of a coming flood or news of it on the weather and then evacuate for a higher elevation (plenty of them here in Seattle :D). I'm not going to listen to a premonition, they're incredibly subjective and that would only lead to wasted time and effort for me.

[*]Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?
I daydreamt about being an international rockstar playing to crowds of thousands in Algebra II. :D

I also pretty much hated everyone for saying that my egotistical dreams of being able to make it with little to no resources were entirely unrealistic. :steam:

Once I flopped on my parents' bed and told my dad I wanted to move out (because I felt too oppressed there). He told me that was fine, just to make a competent plan about how to go about it (he was an ENTJ :rofl1:), which frustrated me because I'm not very good at coming up with predetermined plans at all. :dont:

[*]If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.
Live out my dream of becoming an international rockstar, of course! :D

I would drown myself in my art and start all kinds of projects to make the world a more exciting and pleasant, yet active, place to live in. I would create and advertise new rock clubs, radio stations and spiritual movements. I would change the way real estate is done and money is handled on a local level and propose the new systems to other local governments. I would build a center for the arts where kids and artsy types can hang out and homeless can get on their feet by learning a skill. I would improve parks and bring all kinds of exotic fauna and flora in for people to enjoy. :D

[*]Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)
Ummm...? That sounds pretty deep to me. :shock:

Jungle green = vibrant and alive, entrancingly beautiful

Please feel free to mock my questions, I know how stupid they sound.

Realize that these questions are coming from an NJ.
I think you sound somewhat like an NFJ. :newwink:

stellar renegade

Jul 13, 2009
Nice, whatever! We sound INCREDIBLY alike. :newwink:

Hey, you wanna start a revolution with me!? :bananallama:



New member
Nov 12, 2009
Favorite color, so far:

1 purple
2 blue
3 green

(These are all together on a color wheel.)


New member
Mar 3, 2010
1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

IDK - most compliments don't tend to have a huge effect on me, but probably a compliment on a skill or personal quality I've been worked on improving.

2. If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

I don't think I could just go on a premonition, I'd quickly check on the internet and news outlets to find out more. If it seemed very likely to occur I'd let my family/close friends know and go out of town or somewhere that wouldn't be flooded with my most important/valuable belongings

3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?

I used to fantasize about being a superstar athlete. I've never seriously wanted to run away from home as my family are very good to me. I did like proving people wrong if they doubted me, but I'm too humble to ever rub it in their face.

4. If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

Do what I want, when I want basically - free my family and close friends from working, learn lots of new skills, travel the world, maybe volunteer in some jobs that interest me, get a cleaner etc.

5. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

Light blue - cool, calm and peaceful.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Here goes:

[*]If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

Any complement that I'm good at anything. :) Adventurous. Fair. Logical. Level-headed. Badass is a good one.
[*]If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

Head for high ground.
[*]Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?
Same fantasies that I have now. Move out to the middle of nowhere and start over.

[*]If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

I wouldn't want to be in power so I guess I'd give that up to someone I trusted. I'd buy lots of toys and travel.
[*]Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

Red. Vibrant. Intense. Deep. Blue is my second favorite. Cool. Smooth. Calm.

King sns

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

  1. Good listener/conversationalist, fun, reliable, smart, funny, cute, insightful

    [*]If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

    If I just had some premonition I wouldn't do anything. I'd go take a nap and laugh at myself for having silly premonitions all of a sudden. If the weather predicted rain and flooding, I may try to lift all my important furniture off the ground somehow. Where normally I would do nothing but maybe go grocery shopping, currently because at the bottom of a hill in a place with no basement, I may take it more seriously and monitor the weather until I had reasonable belief that there would be flooding, I would fill my car as much as I could and just go somewhere. Figure out the rest as time goes on. My furniture would not be important enough to REALLY protect beyond that original boosting. MAYBE I would take my nice mattress. But I'm starting from scratch soon anyways, so whatever. Just try to take stuff that I would definitely want. I would call the nursing home where I work and see if they needed help, which they probably would. And then I would be taking care of the elderly people wherever they choose to ship them. If not, then I guess I would go on a nice vacation to visit other areas of the country and return whenever it made sense.

    [*]Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?
    I liked my teachers well enough. I did want to move out ASAP and become financially independent.

    [*]If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

    I would travel around the world volunteering to help the needy, and I would give them money and resources so that they could all be rich like me. The I would try to help run countries better though I don't know how well I would do. Certainly I would allocate my infinite resources to those I think should be in power. And feed and clothe the world. I would also use my infinite resources for my infinitely huge nice house, (perhaps many) fashionizing and beautifying myself and my expensive dog. I would never stay in my house though. I would just have it. Otherwise I would just bring my significant other around the world and we would stay wherever struck our fancy. I would learn a lot of languages and eat a lot. I would have a lot of parties and an infinite wardrobe and infinite nice vehicles. (After all, we are talking INFINITE money.)
    Inflation would never matter because money would be infinite and I could just keep giving it away until one day, money just apparently wouldn't matter anymore. Then everyone might get depressed from having too much and start killing each other and doing strange things for fun to keep them entertained. And then I would die (at the age of 200, since with all my money we did all this research and came up with all of the technology to keep me alive- choose your own adventure about why I died. Probably some anti shortnsweetist would just manage to assassinate me somehow.) and either 1.) The world would end. or 2.) Everything would slowly return to normal. (I'm an S, took the infinite thing a little too literally, I guess!!) I mean, I could go on all day about different things I could do with INFINITE money- in this case I just managed to ruin the world but i'm an SP and not thinking too far ahead into the future, this would probably be my course.
  2. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright) Yellow: Positive, energetic, fun, light, warm


Walking Tourist

it's tea time!
Nov 11, 2008
Hi guys, I have a poor understanding of SPs and SJ’s so I thought I’d ask you directly.

  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful)

    creative, smart, adventurous, funny, friendly, artistic, good story teller and singer...
  2. If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors?

    Fill the car with the neighbors and me and then leave town fast. That should get me onto higher ground and it should also remove the vandalizing neighbors from possible temptation. On the other hand, we'd probably get caught in a huge traffic jam, which would be rather unfun...:smile:
    Or maybe I wouldn't believe the premonition and I'd just go out for a walk and hope that the premonition was erroneous and that I would not be swept away in a mass of water.

  3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it?

    My ultimate fantasy was to become a movie or a theatrical star and win an Oscar or a Tony award and smile because all of those teachers, parents, etc., had to watch my great victory on television. Well, maybe not parents. They would be invited.:devil:-
  4. If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale.

    I would take trips in faraway places. I'd learn foreign languages and I'd look for exotic orchids and I'd listen to lots and lots of stories and taste lots and lots of different foods...
  5. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright)

    My favorite color is turquoise. It reminds me of the sea, and I love the sea!
Please feel free to mock my questions, I know how stupid they sound.

No, I don't like to do that.:blush:

Realize that these questions are coming from an NJ.
What is your favorite color?


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I had no idea this thread was going to be so popular, thank you everyone.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Nice, whatever! We sound INCREDIBLY alike. :newwink:

Hey, you wanna start a revolution with me!? :bananallama:


I somehow imagine that even if we succeeded, after the party died away we'd just be standing there, scratching our heads and asking "well, where do we want to go and overthrow someone next?" :laugh:

I mean... the reorganizing the country doesn't sound NEARLY as fun! :blush:


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
  1. If someone was going to say nice things about you, what adjectives would you consider to be the most complementing? (Examples: adventurous, brave, resourceful) - not sure. I'm happy with most any compliment, and happier if I think it's accurate or I think they believe it.
  2. If you were sitting in your house, and then all of a sudden, you had a premonition that a massive flood was going to flood through the area in the next 30 minutes, what would you do? How would you prepare, would you get inside your car and drive out of the city, or stay in your home and protect it from your vandalizing neighbors? - I would do nothing. Come on, a "premonition"? I'm not a prophet. If I was worried about a flood for some legitimate reason, I'd quickly pack up as for a weekend trip and include things like passport, birth certificate, laptop and hard drive. Also my cat and roommates. Not sure where we would go, depends on the specifics on the flood.
  3. Think back to your teenage years and remember how much of a pain you viewed your parents/teachers/low paying jobs were. What were your ultimate fantasies about? Did you want to run away from home/ prove your teachers wrong and stupid/ become manager and rub the old manager’s nose in it? was a miserable teenager. didn't care about spiting anyone, I was just intensely, quietly miserable. if I had fantasies they were probably about getting away from everything and everyone and living on my own.
  4. If you had infinite resources, money, and power-furthermore, you did not have to work, you had no responsibilities, and you would never be taken out of power- what would you do for fun? Think long term and large scale. lots of travel and in between, I would get a bunch of animals and hire people to do the unpleasant things like cleaning up.
  5. Finally, What is your favorite color and what adjectives or properties would you say it embodies (example: Purple = subdued, quiet depth, ; yellow = charming, bright) don't know if I have a favourite. I like blue and green and sometimes red. Maybe green the best? it is calm and soothing.