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[NF] which mbti type is most llikely to be superficial


New member
Jan 14, 2015
which mbti type is most likely to be superficial as in rejecting guys based on there looks ect....now i know it depends on the person and mbti has nothing to do with this but just if you have to make a theoretical judgment,which mbti type would 'most' fit this description?


New member
May 19, 2017
Interesting question. I'm going with ESFJ. Close second would be ESFP.

E: When I think of superficial. I think of the kind of person that needs a lot of people to build their self esteem. So they fear being alone. A lot of these types of people tend to talk a lot.
S: Superficial people focus a lot on materialistic things, status, and looks which are more observable and less abstract things like personality or character.
F: Superficial people make decisions to make themselves feel good. When referring to people not present they may seem callus, but when they are present they put on a more caring front. This may look like "T", but the motivation is mostly for emotional empowerment. It is all rooted in how they feel.
J: This one is probably going to be the hardest letter to type, but I'm going with "J" because a person who has things structured and planned are going to try and be that way to hold up appearances.

I feel very confident with the traits "E" and "S". "F" and "J" are probably less important.

Being rejected based on looks doesn't make someone superficial though since pretty much every person does this. People generally categorize other potential partners into 3 categories whether they like to admit it or not:
Category 1: Accept, this person is attractive and as long as they aren't completely repelling I'll be with them.
Category 2: Reject, this person is semi-attractive and if they have decent character and common interests then with work they are accepted.
Category 3: Reject, this person is unattractive and there is nothing they can do to change that. Even if they are the nicest person in the world this will not change.

Practically everybody does this and the bar is different for different people.

After reading what I wrote a second time I'm thinking about switching it with ESTJ as number one. This is tricky perhaps someone else could help out. For now though I'm sticking with ESFJ


New member
Apr 28, 2016
I like this. It is interesting.
Ps: This of course have exceptions, so it is just an idea

I will go with Introvertsion first because they are way too busy with themselves and enclose themselves at home. Hm, but maybe Extroversion is a better preference for that. I knew of intense Introverts though, who only focus on a very tiny portion of that something.

Hm. Maybe an S because they always focus at reality and generally got less motivation to change or develop themselves more because they have less personal problems, at least, in their mundane life. So it cuts away most S types from looking deeper.

I go with T because they study too hard that they forgot about developing things that matters most, especially their interpersonal skills, and miss something that make them full, as in feeling like a hollow person. Thinking types then use their logical thinking ability to suppress that emptiness. Oh they said. No it cannot be because I have this this and this, job, degree, high salary etc.

J or P. I guess J because most people do not like it very much when their biased assumption turned out to be wrong.

So at the end. ISTJ I guess :huh:


Obliviously Mad
Jun 6, 2017
Instinctual Variant
May 19, 2017
ESTJs. Gods gift to humanity. Follow what I say 'because'. That's the stereotype anyway. People are wrungs on a ladder to be stepped on. If they break eh, I'm putting weight on the next wrung up now. They served their purpose.

That sound right? I don't know that's just my ESTJ impersonation. Academy award time?


New member
Apr 25, 2017
Sensors all the way around. Cultural and lifestyle also play a role. You can be an entitled ENTP for example and show a lot of superficial characteristics. I think it has more to do with lifestyles than type however sensors in my world seem to be empty and shallow compared to intuitives...although I've observed shallow intuitive also in much lower numbers.


Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
But so many if the intuitives post superficial dating stuff ... Do you mean to tell me that the majority of the population is worse? I'm going to go hide in a cave now.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
1. I do not think every people person is necessarily superficial. Liking people does not mean you always sacrifice your entire being or interests. Now relating to functions strictly, the extraverted functions do come off as more superficial than introverted functions. Some more so than others.
I think Fe as a function has a higher CHANCE of being superficial, because they care so much about finding harmony, they will follow the crowd for it. They'll sacrifice their own interior values they may have if the majority doesn't share them. I think there is a chance INTROVERTS can come off as superficial as well, by keeping their values and views internalized and not showing them to other people. They may smile and nod, but think everything you're saying is bullcrap.

2. Se is a very superficial function. It is impulsive and lives exactly in the moment. If someone is an Se dom/AUX, I think there is a higher chance of being superficial. I think this is the function that would feel the most superficial to a person. Maybe this is just my view, but someone who sees things solely in the moment is not a deep thinker. they won't think of consequences, and they may be more likely to simply follow the lead rather than lead the crowd.

3. Te would be somewhat superficial. "Thought" I think is hard to call a superficial function. They both think, just in different ways. One thinks in the form of finding a result, the other thinks for the sake of thinking moreless. But in general, Te is not as "deep" as Ti.

4. I have a hard time seeing the intuitive function in general as "superficial". Ne/Ni involve thinking deeper into the future or into creative outlets. If someone is intuitive, I feel they're less likely to come off as superficial, unless they are flightly in other functions. Their thought process would simply appear less shallow.

So I am going to lean toward some kind of ESxx

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
which mbti type is most likely to be superficial as in rejecting guys based on there looks ect....now i know it depends on the person and mbti has nothing to do with this but just if you have to make a theoretical judgment,which mbti type would 'most' fit this description?

Why is this a bad thing? Are you saying that one must date men they don't find attractive and it's superficial to reject people? Choosing a romantic partner is a very subjective process. I have the freedom to reject guys based on whatever criteria I want to. You're implying it is superficial to do so. Would it be less superficial if one rejects romantic partners based on some other criteria, like intelligence?

Everyone, I think, rejects partners based on how attractive they find them. Am I obliged to date someone who I consider unattractive because it would hurt the feelings of the rejected?

Also I am appalled by your responses. Most of you claim that ESxx types are superficial in dating, especially ESFx types. The opposite of ESxx types would be the super deep INxx types but there is data that shows that INFJs have the lowest marital satisfaction, followed by INFPs whereas the two types with the highest marital satisfaction are ESFJs and ESFPs. Intuitives on the whole don't seem to do as well as sensors in dating. You can go the special snowflake route and say it's because they're shallow that they're happy, however it doesn't change the fact that they're doing something right.