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Submitted for your consideration...

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Whoops. Florida Voters, please quit voting for Evil Barney Fife. There's a reason Andy didnt give Barney Fife bullets. He kept shooting himself in the foot. Evil Barney Fife as a governer keeps shooting the whole state in the foot.​
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The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
You "win" or you die.
This is the world they want for us.​

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Riddle me this:

What whole is half of half; halved by half?

Divide and conquer is the hint, look real hard and see the glint. If two halves make up a whole, can a whole survive its two halves being halved?

The PSA at the end of the episode reminds you to verify where your propaganda is coming from. Cool heads and warm hearts save lives. Knowing is half the battle.

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Far right republicans want a government shut down. They don't care if it destabilizes the economy that is their hope.
All McCarthy has to do to is reach across the isle.
"..his party has become overrun with infighting and dysfunction the American worker shouldn't have to pay for that..."

Humpty Dumpty didn't fall, he was pushed.

This could be over very quickly, but republican grandstanding is getting in the way...
By the time the lower deck is flooding, the ship is already sinking. Time is running out.​

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
If you're in it in the world, workers built it.​

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
You don't...hate puppies do you?
We as a species cannot afford to to indulge in more animal cruelty on top of everything else.