Hold on. Did you go and check out my Bliss Stream descriptions for 9w1 to confirm your stacking in Stackemup Typology (enneagram-side)?
If this is it yes, I have read it and sheared my thoughts below.
Tomb 1 I corrected some of your spelling and grammar mistakes.
Type Nine
Nines are self-doubting. In the absence of hard proof, they have difficulty thinking/knowing and assume the position of sceptic. They are habitually uncertain about things they have every reason to be certain about. They want to find something they can trust in and look for proofs that will help them to stabilize their shaky sense of existence. They seek out substitutes for their inner guidance that they can reference internally for counsel, direction and advice. They have no trust in their ability to independently know and quickly need reassurances, but just as they have those reassurances quickly lose it.
I have read this, and I believe this is an inaccurate assessment of my personality as a Meen over the 57 seven years thus far. I can relate to all statements as being true in times of stress and uncertainty in the primary school age years of my phycological development. But because these statements above do not describe my cognition as a hole accurately in its normal everyday action, I would advise you seek help in contextualising your typology with more accuracies to reflect the cognition of type nines.
Nines are vacillating. Nines are the point on the enneagram that have no built-in distortion about the world. As a result, nines have difficult feeling that they know or can grasp the expectations of others and respond to the world with ambivalence, vacillation and doubt. As a result, nines seek out external systems that will ground them with a sense of what to expect from the world and the people in it. Beliefs, rules, codes, customs, become very important to to Nines and they look to outer authorities and leaders for guidance and invest a great deal of importance in those beliefs.
This is somewhat true, but it contradicts itself as a statement. Nines due to there no built-in distortion about the world as you say, do have or can have some difficulties yielding and trusting the authority of adults and there dictates as peer leaders. Nines are more influenced by their sub-Conches lens. Being trained to prompted to abandon this innate ability rather than trust and develop it is generating turbulence and insurgency within the inner world of the nine. I myself in primary school had to place several teachers and my parent into close contact with their own sub-Conches lens viewpoint via invoking receptivity with other, receptivity of a spiritual order in order to press the point that I will not suspend my viewpoint. Nines do seek knowledge to build an understanding for developing an understanding of the biases and political biases viewpoint of the collective egoic viewpoints. Nines can be slow to embrace and develop their own expression of phycological corruption and to play the game with mind les fluency. But given time nine do yield and they to also loose primary contact with authentic self.
Nines are fatalistic. They become fixated on finding a magical/powerful figure that can take on responsibility for key areas of their life. The powerful figure works as a buffer to take control of things that nines feel they are at the mercy of. Essentially, the magical figure is somebody that will one day show up to make the nine's life complete and give them the motivation to actually take action and exert their will. Until that time, nines are content to remain complacent.
This is primarily true for underdeveloped nines but not all nines. I am certainly not fatalistic. I find that attitude in others offensive and have had to discipline my auto reaction in order to understand with understanding the nature of the overcompensation. Fatalistic tendency often comes from sensing at the instinctual level from point seven of the helix.
I am noting that you over rely on you 9w8 Point of stress. You start each paragraph statement with an INFJ viewpoint lead statement. And your typology has a 9w8 viewpoint. The words imbalance bias come to mind. I would recommend reading Don Risso's typologies. He had a knack of knitting a continuity of expressing all nine-point energy viewpoint expressions into the flow of his typologies. Personality Types - first edition, is a fine example. It induces a sense in the reader of the three energies of Id Ego and Supper ego and the diversity between the nine energies. Ask your Dominatrix to set some reading homework for you to complete.
Nines are inert. They are unable to see life from a "I can do it" point of view as everything just seems hopeless. They justify their lack of action as simply being too much trouble to do or annoying. They can take action for the benefit of others but not for their own. They say no to things outside of their comfort zone and report not feeling good enough. They indulge in magical thinking believing that the great things in life they desire will just happen one day. They put off important decisions to attend to their responsibilities to others and never feel like doing much of anything. They simply become stuck in routines and habits, "sleepwalking" through events.
Inert, lacking the ability or strength to move.
Once again you are describing the werst as the totality. You are lacking context in your typology. Shore nines have difficulty with apathy and indolence, but the majority of nines grow out of it and adapt to the rigors of life demands. I don't see institutions sanatoriums a cross my nation full of ineffective nines incapable functioning be nursed and feed phytopharmaceuticals as a last resort measure.
Nines are dependent. In order to bring a magical figure into their lives, they instinctively avoid their own autonomy. In response to the fear of losing the support of other's nines suppress their own wilfulness in order to go with the flow, to stay merged with the agenda of others and to suppress their own 'inner voice’; to avoid conflict and to remain in a state of inaction. The end result is that they are out of touch with inner guidance and look for others to provide them with mental reassurance. They forget themselves. They go on autopilot. They fall asleep, so to speak. A process of deterioration in their ability to think abstractly occurs. They find it easier to just adopt group sentiments or sentiments by others.
Nines are dependent. In order to bring a magical figure into their lives, they instinctively avoid their own autonomy. I am starting to feel a loss of Pashence Tomb 1.
This is just crappy pen ship. I just feel like I want to taser you! You are bringing out the INFJ within me.
How about correcting the statement nines are dependant. Every dependant person I see is not a nine. When someone stands in a supermarket line perching their weekly groceries am I to think Ow My God another line of dependant nines. All too lazy to grow their own produce.
Maybe you should say, Nines acting habitually from the behaviours and attitudes of their lower levels there unhealth levels of health (R&H nine levels of development.) Nines can exhibit a habitual degree of co-dependency. Nine can be viewed as being dependant personalities dependent upon others. They fane regency in need. Depending upon others to fill the agency of urgent resolution provider. Nines are dependent. Or can be thought of as being dependant. In order to bring a magical figure into their lives, they instinctively avoid their own autonomy. Unhealth nines can tend to manipulate intelligence in order to solicit a desired response a response that caters to their co dependence to resolve problems that require an analytical response. Emotional inflation distracts and inhibits type nines from actively utilising there third and fourth preferences respectively for both the 9w8 and 9w1. Sensing and Thinking for the 9w1 and Thinking and Sensing for the 9w8.
Healthy nines are in touch with inner clarity, awake to their own autonomy. As a result, they become better able to take action and come into contact with their inner guidance. The less they look for a magical figure outside of themselves, the completer and more whole they start to experience themselves as. Autonomy emerges. By re-owning their power, they gain a sense of control over the direction of their life and a sense of freedom from the agenda of others. They become more self-reliant and perhaps give off, at a subconscious level, the most naturally endearing quality of all the types.
That's not too bad but it's still wonky. You are not pointing out that they need to develop and learn to balance via usage the I, E, S, N, T, F, P, J functions. Nines like all the types don't have a perfect balance between the eight functions of I, E, S, N, T, F, P, J. Nines for whatever reason like all types need to work on developing and integrating all eight functions especially the third and fourth preferred otherwise they are utilised negatively in personality expression. S and T and T and S subjective thinking and thinking subjectively are the Achilles heel for both type nines and all twelve variants of the type nine. Some variants have an easier time of adjusting over the others, but it is evened out because life requires the input awareness from all six instinctual variants.
9w8s are earthy. They are typically an apolitical type, identifying strongly with nature. They have a slyer sense of humour blended in street smarts. They shun bringing attention to themselves and like to run their operations more underground. They are a more down to earth nine still insightful who have an ability to build up the egos of others. They are often very intuitive. They put emphasis on not sticking out and getting more in touch with nature. Their internal experience diffuses more into universals even as they poeticize the crude. Doubts they have about their sponsors or experts can always be projected onto scapegoats. They tend towards being terse. They can be difficult to understand but not because they say too much, rather that they say too little. Their thinking favours repetition and memorization. They focus a lot of attention to energy and body language.
9w8s are stubborn. They are more about holding the line. They stick more fervently to their own principles even when it's at odds with the times, very often giving them a more old-school quality. They dip threats in olive oil and size people up by whether the person can stay within the forms of that occasion without breaking. They stabilize and gain advantage over competitors by setting up "walls" that push competition out and erode the possibilities.
9w8s are reliable. They jump through hoops for people and take hits for the team. They know what to do without having to take direction. They are quick to volunteer themselves for tasks and don't have a problem helping others to further their agenda. They often function as "middlemen" in the distribution of new ideas. They have a compulsion to remind people of stuff and to constantly try and check in with people to make sure things are all right. They are strongly attuned to people's appetites.
9w8s are protective. They are shaken by the horrors of the world and are often the first to advance onto the front-lines willing to sacrifice themselves or whatever power they have at their disposal in order to make a difference. When tragic things happen, they sometimes lament over "what a sick world it is." They put more responsibility on themselves to help make it better. They do things for the benefit of others even more than they do for themselves. They will seek out interdependent relationships between equals who will join them in doing the same. They will come up with or adapt ideas that can be used to deter denigration, insensitivity and other abuses of power. They are big on human rights. Some devote their lives to humanitarian causes finding assurances for their passive/aggressive ambivalence by fighting for justice on behalf of the weak believing it their duty.
9w1s are critical. They have a stronger sense of self-condemnation. They are more impotent in their anger than 8 wingers. They compartmentalize their anger so as to responsibly do their part. They often don't take well to ideas or assertions that disrupt their sense for the objective reality.
9w1s are conformist. They are highly deferential to authority. They look to the authorities to provide them shelter on a whole array of things from what to think to what to wear. They seek out causes, missions, ideologies, organizations etc they can wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to. They like to be part of something bigger than themselves. They show their loyalty by doing what they believe people expect of them and by suppressing any doubts they may have in order to maintain a loyal and partisan stance. They become guardians of the beliefs that they depend on for grounding and build up a pride and mutual admiration for those ideas and people associated with it. They overcommit themselves to the extent their personal lives take a back seat so that they can diligently do their part to extend the legacy of others.
9w1s are normative. Their perceptions of the environment are organized around reflexively defending a status quo. They are easily triggered by people whose opinions are subversive to ideas that conflict with the status quo, and often respond to such subversions as if they were attacks upon themselves. They take it upon themselves to try to ostracize and take on those whose opinions lack a sense of decency and conflict with sentiments and thought-terminating cliches the 9w1 has internalized. Their sense of decency is based upon their own emotive connections to how their fellow 'victims-in-arms' (past or present, living or dead) would feel about it, and for the 9w1 censorship based around that standard of decency supersedes free speech.
Twos are assertive in their other seeking. Nines are fatalistic in their other seeking.
Nines are modest. Threes are egotistical.
Fours are pathologically self-referential. Nines can't sustain self-reference for too long.
Fives are more certain. Nines doubtful.
Sixes are reactive. Nines grounded.
Rebelling is a way of life for Sevens. Nines vacillate between conformity and rebellion.
Eights are independent-minded. Nines seek mental reassurances.
Nines see more points of view than Ones do. Ones are more fanatical.
Your descriptions of the 9w8 and 9w1 are ok-Ish. I as a Sx/Sp 9w1 certainly do not agree with your depiction of the conformist the loyal devoted 9w1 who loves and seeks to serve his or her community because I feel so dependant I could not exist without its constructs. I'm all for synergy. But I don't efface my agenda to serve and preserve and promote institutions causes or anything else. I am passionate about the enneagram and passionate about building an understanding of minds structures, but that passion is shared by all types who have a similar interest. but having said that I do see the ok-ish-ness of your 9w8 and 9w1 typologies but to say that 9w8's are more down to earth and grounded that 9w1 is not what I have found. So, of my 9w8 friends have been quite confused and uncomfortable within their own skins. My two best friends from school age years sleeked a friendship from me in the hope that they would learn how to be more grounded and down to earth.
Being grounded and down to earth is easier via FI rather than Ni.
What I do agree with is 9w8 are more grounded in their ability to bond with others at a social level they seem to relate with ease rather than with blocks. I think it's the Ni first FE second and TE third for the 9w8 and the SE as last that makes them somewhat edgy.
The 9w1 has FI first and NE second and that allow then to observe and build understandings about their environment. 9w1 have SE third and TE last. The supports the first and third but having TE Last makes it difficult to differentiate in judgment between that is natural and that is egoic. 9w1 feel inner conflictions. Should I go along with others in order to fit in or should I stand firm with identifying what real, the two are very different. The natural word and the world view formed via the egoic mind are different. 9w1 feel confused about their view because they want to trust other people, but they want to trust their instinctual awareness too. A balanced instinctual awareness provides intuitions of a spiritual nature. Friends and peers cannot provide that nature in fact friends and peers provide the opposite nature.