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Am I mistyped?


New member
Mar 8, 2017
1. During your youth (7'ish to 18), What did you focus on the most? What activities did you like and why? What aspect of life was lax in attention?
I'm 17. I've always liked reading, even though I've shifted from mostly books to mostly online articles on whatever I'm interested in at the moment. I also like crafting/drawing, swimming, ice skating, basketball, riding bikes, and sometimes cooking, although I'm not particularly good at anything. I simply can't focus on mastering just one activity.

I didn't care much for my health until I was 14, and I struggled with my relationship with food and exercise for a while. These days, I only manage to get myself to exercise twice a week if I'm lucky, but I do eat better than I did before.

When I was younger, I desperately wanted to fit in but I didn't enjoy socializing that much, although I did have a few friends that I hung out with at school. I was depressed for a few months after being forced to change classes in 7th grade for no reason, because I got along with everyone in my 6th grade class and the girls in my new class were really cliquey. If it weren't for the boys, I doubt I'd still be alive today. Thankfully, I've put that behind me, I've moved to a school in a different country, and I get along with everyone here even though I don't have close friends (and I've lost touch with most of the people at my old school). I'm pretty satisfied with my social life (or lack thereof, according to some people) at the moment.

Now my biggest concern is getting myself motivated to do the boring school work in order to graduate.

2. You're in you senior year of high school (or whatever equivalent) and you are looking back over the last couple of years. What was your favorite aspect of the schooling experience and why? Favorite subject and why?
Honestly? I've had enough of high school. I have no motivation and have considered dropping out because I feel like I'm not mature enough to truly understand the importance of finishing school. I've been lectured on it so many times, but I still don't see the point of suffering through these last few months. The only subjects I'm interested in are foreign languages (I do 2 of them). My favorite subjects were IT and art when I was younger, but I dropped art when it started becoming more about art history than actually making art. I decided to do chemistry and physics in junior year instead of IT because I thought those would keep my options open in case I decide to do pharmacy or engineering someday. I don't particularly enjoy memorizing or writing long essays (you can imagine that English is my worst subject, and I struggle to get myself to study the boring content in science) and foreign languages don't have much of either. The grammar rules are pretty interesting, and reading something in a different language is like solving a puzzle – being able to understand the gist of an article in Japanese or French without constantly referring to a dictionary is really rewarding!

3. A couple of friends call and invite you out to a restaurant. While there, you all are pleasantly conversing and one of your friends makes a comment that irked you. What are you're thoughts and how do you respond?

It depends. If it irks me because it's closed-minded/ignorant, I might roll my eyes or correct them if I know something about the subject. I'm fairly non-confrontational in real life.

4. Your schooling is done and it's time to strike out into the world!! What sort of career do you want to go into and why?
I don't know! I wish I had a clearer idea of what I really want to do after I graduate. My parents are pushing me to go to college/university but I'm not sure if I should go if I don't know what course to do. I don't want to change majors several times and stay in school until I'm 30. I'd rather learn whatever looks interesting and at my own pace than follow a syllabus.

5. A friend is getting married and they put you in charge of the cake. You narrowed it down to two places to make an order. The first is a bakery with whom you got a good relationship with. The other is a well-known cake maker to whom everyone goes to (your friend hints to it as well). Which one do you choose and why?
First, why would they trust me with the cake? I'm not good at guessing people's tastes. If they really did, though, I'd ask my friend and their fiancé(e) to choose since it's their wedding and I wouldn't want to be personally responsible if it turns out that no one likes the cake. If they insisted that it was up to me, I'd probably go with the one whom my friend hints to.

6. You get into an argument with a friend/family member/co-worker. They criticize one of your personality traits. What would most likely be the focus of their critique?
Probably my lack of follow-through or "disappearing" at random times.

7. It's New Years! You and your friends are out and about after a party. Being drunk, one of your friends suggests to do something....'questionable' (Nothing serious. I.e, drugs, escort, etc.). What are your thoughts and how do you respond?
I'd be the sober one because I don't want to lose my inhibitions and do something stupid that I won't remember the next morning, although I understand that some people enjoy letting their guards down more than I do. If my friend won't die, get seriously hurt, or go to jail for doing whatever they're suggesting, I'd probably just laugh it off and let them do it. However, I'd try my best to stop them from doing drugs while drunk, simply because the effects of drugs are much more unpredictable when there's alcohol in the system.

8. A new art gallery opens up and your friend wants to go to the grand opening. Both of you analyze all the paintings and sculptures. What about these works warrants the most attention from you? Why?
That's really subjective. Different things can catch my eye at different times. :mellow:

9. You have been saving up and decide to buy a new car. At the dealership, you peruse the lots. What are the criteria and factors that influence your choice? Which one would initially be your main focus?
I'd take factors such as efficiency, price, and size all into account in no particular order. Brand doesn't matter.

10. Yep, you now have a kid (sex of your choosing)! Years pass and they are now 15 years old. You notice their personality traits are the complete opposite of how you were when at their age. Describe how they are. Describe the possible conflicts that would arise between both of you due to differing temperaments.
For some reason, I'd rather have a son than a daughter, so I'll make this kid a boy.

He's incredibly outgoing and loves being the center of attention. He has a strong sense of self and has always known that he wants to become a famous actor, so he's been dedicating all of his spare time to acting. He's also a motivated student who works hard without being asked to, which I admire. He sees everything besides studying and acting as a waste of time – I've encouraged him to broaden his horizons, but he has a one-track mind and there's no stopping this kid. Once, I tried to explain that he should keep his options open because there are no guarantees that he'll make it big in Hollywood, but he called me wishy-washy and accused me of belittling his acting skills. He thinks he can do absolutely anything that he sets his mind to. I can't imagine what'll happen to him if he ends up not fulfilling his dream despite his efforts. He has several close friends, but he's made many enemies because of his unapologetic nature and unwillingness to compromise his values/ideals just to get along. I might hurt people unintentionally, but when he does, it's because he genuinely doesn't care what other people think of him, a quality that I secretly envy but also makes me worry about him. He thinks I'm too nitpicky and prone to overthinking things, weighing pros/cons, while he makes quick decisions based on his feelings and "gets it over and done with." I remember how my mom used to be the one who always told me to hurry up and make a decision/take action, but now it's usually my son who tells me to hurry up! When he was younger, I never burst into tears or gushed over him after any of his school plays, so he was convinced that I thought he didn't do a good job, and he told me he was actually hurt that I didn't seem to share his passion. The truth is that I really thought he did well, but I'm just not deeply moved by anything. He was also embarrassed by my awkwardness in social situations compared to other kids' moms.

That last question took forever to answer!
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New member
Mar 8, 2017
The first one was about MBTI^^^

I'm also curious about my instinctual variant stacking (I might fill in an enneagram questionnaire later – I'm either 5 or 9). It's unlikely that I'm sx dom, but I still don't know whether I'm sp/so, sp/sx, or so/sp...

Self-Preservation (Need to protect and preserve)
1. Do you tend to save money and are cautious about spending it?
Usually. I don't really like shopping for things other than food, and I'm an indecisive shopper, but I do have moments when I give in to curiosity.

2. Are you security oriented? Ready to protect yourself, those close to you and your resources?
Somewhat. I forgot things like closing doors when I was younger, but I've grown to be slightly more security oriented.

3. Are you fairly consistent? Like things known and regular? No big changes?
I have trouble sticking to routines and actually dislike too much structure, but it takes a while for me to adjust to big changes. I'm not the kind of person who knows what's expected of me in new situations right away.

4. Do you dislike taking big risks unless it's a "sure" thing?
For the most part, yes.

5. Are you fairly private? Not revealing too much to strangers?
Yes. I do share some parts of my life story to strangers on the internet, but I don't share my real name or contact details with any of them. I also use different usernames for every forum. As for people IRL, it's the other way around – all they get to know is my name and what school I go to until we know each other better.

6. Do you tend to be introverted?

7. Do you understand money? Securities? Investments?
Not yet. I grew up somewhat sheltered so I never had the chance to learn much of this .-.

8. Do you tend to plan for the future? Ready for emergencies?
I worry a lot about the future but don't have any definite plans yet.

9. Are you concerned about health? Safety? Comfort? Home? Hearth?

10. Are you worried about what may go wrong? Tend to imagine worse case scenarios?

11. Do you like things spelled out? Details? Exact information? Guarantees?
It'd be nice, but I don't demand exact details from others unless I'm making an important decision. Mostly because of bad experiences with people who refuse to let me go and do my own thing until I've explained every single detail to them.

12. In relationships do you take care of others financially?
Not applicable – I've been single throughout my teen years.

Social (Need for Social Validation) - Can show up with strong focus on groups, organizations, family, world, friends, your surroundings, your social image
1. Do you need or really like social validation?
Only under stress.

2. Is social image important to you?
Do I care about being rich and famous? No.
Do I want to be seen as strong and independent so people won't treat me like a little kid? Yes.

3. Do you have desires/fantasies of being rewarded in a social or public arena?
Eww, no! (no offense to people who do)

4. Do you think about your affect on others, groups, organizations, and the world?
Only people around me, because I don't want to be a burden on them. Not necessarily organizations and the world.

5. Is it very important to you to look good in public, groups, work, and the world? Is name recognition important, either yours or others?
No and no.

6. Are you upset if you don't get enough validation, reward for the hard and creative work you do in a social context or for a social cause?
I don't need much of it, but just a tiny bit would be great.

7. Are you involved in groups, organizations and team oriented activities?
Nah. Too introverted for that.

8. Is belonging to special groups or being a leader of a group important to you?
Belonging, yes. I do want to blend in and I hate sticking out like a sore thumb. I don't like being a leader though. I have no desire to control other people.

9. Are you strongly upset if you feel not included or rejected by a group or family or not invited to a social event?
I used to be. Now I'm only slightly upset, even though I wouldn't want to be invited to social events all the time!

10. Do you make your money through your association with groups affecting a large number of people?
The only money I get is from relatives during Chinese New Year...

11. Do you get really upset if you make a social faux pas? Do you think about and plan out how you will be or present yourself in public?
Yes, but I also want to know why that thing is considered socially unacceptable when I'm called out on it. I wish I was less socially awkward.

12. Are you the social instigator and connector in your family?
Hell no.

Relationship (Need for 1 to 1 or Relationship Closeness)
1. Do you define yourself through a romantic or close partnership? Is closeness with another person of paramount importance?

2. Do you like intense energy, particularly in relating to people? Are you energized when you have a revealing conversation or engagement with another, particularly a special other?
Depends. I generally prefer lighthearted discussions about random things (other than gossip, which I can't stand) but I have fond memories of late-night conversations about deep topics with my roommates back when I shared a room.

3. Do you tend to focus more attention on close relationships than money?
Not really.

4. Does money relate to how a partner will see you more than security for yourself?
Of course not. Money is for paying bills and buying food. I wouldn't want a partner who cares about how much money I have, and if they do care because they expect me to support them, then I'm sorry, I'm not their mom!

5. Are money and resources less for self and more to please an intimate other?
Well, I wouldn't mind spoiling a partner on their birthday or something like that, but I need to take care of my own needs first. In fact, I probably wouldn't want to look for a date when I still don't have a secure income. The idea of a sugar parent doesn't appeal to me either – I'd rather work for my own money.

6. Does your attention go more to how well you relate to a partner or potential partner than to other concerns?
Not applicable.

7. Would others describe you as dramatic? Do you like to go deep with things?
Very few people would call me dramatic unless I'm overreacting in stressful situations. I may be deep at random times, but not always.

8. Do you tend to be in the moment and not think as much about the future or your future security?
I wish.

9. Do you have an urge to merge? Do you "lose yourself" with an important other at times?

10. Do you like risk taking? New experiences? Tend to get bored without enough stimulation particularly in the area of relationships?
I like new experiences, nothing too risky though. More often than not, I'm easily overstimulated.

11. Are you focused more on connection with another and forget your own priorities?

12. Do you focus a lot on sexuality, romantic fantasies or mystical spiritual experiences?


New member
Mar 21, 2017
You sound like a Ti Dom to me so INTP or ISTP. You strike me more as an INTP though . I would write out a really long post to support this but I don't have access to a computer right now.
Edit: anndddd just checked your profile which lists you as an INTP lol. So no, I don't think you're mistyped


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Agreed - definite Ti dom, I picked that up straight away. (explaining yourself in terms of logical "this is that" statements)

I'm not really seeing the Ne though. I thought I could see Si but it could be Se-flavoured Ti. And this strikes me as Ni:

I don't know! I wish I had a clearer idea of what I really want to do after I graduate. My parents are pushing me to go to college/university but I'm not sure if I should go if I don't know what course to do. I don't want to change majors several times and stay in school until I'm 30. I'd rather learn whatever looks interesting and at my own pace than follow a syllabus.

I'm gonna vote ISTP.


New member
Mar 21, 2017
I'm gonna vote ISTP.
That's a good point about the Ni. On second look through, I do see a general future orientation which seems to indicate Ni... Although the below kinda throws me.

Do you tend to be in the moment and not think as much about the future or your future security?
I wish.

Se should be the type that's very much in the moment, living for the appeals of today, especially since it's the aux in this case. Could the general concern about the future be more Si driven due to the need for security?