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ENFP with enneagram 3?


New member
Nov 25, 2015
How can I know for sure if I'm an ENFP with e3?

some examples and knowledge on this would be wonderful!



King Ping
Oct 3, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Are you driven to be the best at what you do?
Do you feel that your value as a person is tied to your success?
This is a light sketch of Type 3, but sums up the motivation.
If you need more help, just ask away. :)


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Thanks for your response!

Well, I listen and read allot of self help books and watch motivating you-tube videos. This information comes from a practical sense of how to manage life, get sales, and theoretical ideas in correlation to law of attraction. I've failed multiple jobs and experiments in life. Sometimes I feel like I'm never satisfied or living to my true potential. It's almost like a lost soul quality. For example, I'm driven by success at my job (cut throat sales). I do all the right things, then when I reach my hand out for my reward, I don't see any results... resulting in anger or having a careless attitude. so, I am driven, to the extent that I see results, then I procrastinate (lol).

I do feel that my value as a person is tied to my success. Sometimes I feel its never enough. (However, still aware that I'm a valuable person with or without accomplishment.)

When I first joined this sight, I came to the conclusion (with some help) that I may be an ESTJ. however, overtime I have found myself seeing the more idealistic side of myself. I make choices by both rational and other times by the irrationality of how others may view my actions. I'm clearly spontaneous for a long list of reasons (Like quitting multiple jobs!)

The other question is if I take in information through practicality or theoretical ideology's? (S or N)


New member
May 19, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Now I'm not sure about the readers but I'm an ENFP 3w4 (I'll try to describe 3w2 as well)

♦ First of all, being an ENFP means that my functions are Ne Fi Te Si.

♦ The 3w4 enhances my Te since 'what you do represents you', I refuse to put poor work/projects under my name because I hate to feel like I'm representing myself with trash, I take pride in my work, and I always make sure it is done efficiently and nicely, I can be a perfectionist at times, but others I'm pure focused and only hope to get the work done. I also like to make sure my work is always at the top.

♦ 3 is identity focused, which Fi pretty much controls. The way you react represents the way you feel about things, your emotions is what gives you a personality. Fi=values which controls your emotions = 3's identity (who I am). Whatever I feel dominates my personality, it overshadows my other traits and becomes my main personality (4 exageration of emotions?). One minute I'm your ruthless competitor, next the paranoid conspiracy theorist, and somehow even the angry preacher at times. One would not be able to recognise me when I'm feeling something other than what they have first seen when they first met me.

♦ Speaking of the point above, disintegration to type 9 is the most painful thing I could experience, it's like suddenly losing all my emotions (identities) and feeling nothing, I look (and feel) emotionally dead, sometimes become slow and unresponsive, I feel like I can not connect to anyone or anything. Even my functions feel shut off? And any conflict would dreadfully drain me even more.. (I'm the type of people who stands up to conflict and sometimes even low-key enjoy it)

♦ On the point above, whenever I look back at this disintegration, I see a person trying to escape in a dead body, unable to feel anything, unable to tremble, yet suffering greatly, trying to gasp out for a breath of air, trying to catch some emotion, yet feeling unable to even move. Or feeling deeper down as you're trying to reach up to your emotions.

♦ With the help of my Te and 3w4, I often feel really prideful (and vain), sometimes leading me to even feel superior and above everyone. This sometimes causes conflict when working with others. I always feel like my ideas are better and that my team member should just follow my lead, otherwise I would always rather work alone. (I understand that we all got ideas, but one is obviously trash, they should just keep it to themselves and save their dignity)

♦ 3w2 ENFPs are more open/friendly and authentic with others, they tend to have stronger Fi than Te, they are acheivers but do love to help and include others.

♦ 3w2 ENFPs are not the true stereotype of ENFPs, but they're naturally charming, sweet, and social

♦ 3w4 ENFPs are more likely to come off as vain, self centered, and work focused and are likely to not care about others emotions if they see no value or worth in them

♦ Being an ENFP like any other type means that you're always in a soft loop if your not using your auxilliary function. ENFP 3s are likely to forget or ignore their values are they go acheiving or trying to accomplish their goals. 3w2 are faster to notice if they hurt a person and are likely to apolagize, 3w4s in the other hand will either notice or not that they've hurt other people, if their Fi suddenly kicks in they may feel bad, but 3w4s in general aren't the people to really care about apologizing.

(anyways I'm typing this in a hurry and I didn't type a lot of things plus a lot of this is more personal so idk if it applies to others and I'M AWARE THERE MIGHT BE SPELLING MISTAKES I GOTTA GO NOW I'LL JUST END THE POST HERE)

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Any type can be any ennagram. (just look at me a ESFJ 9 :)). Basically 3s have the core fear of being worthless and without success. A good question I've found to spot 3 is do you feel you have to accomplish to feel physlogicsy fufilled. Everyone likes to accomplish to a degree but 3s it's a main motivatior.


New member
May 19, 2018
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=30122]Lord Lavender[/MENTION]

I think it's very well obvious any type can have any combination. This was not the point of the thread. Your response was really irrelevant to any of what was mentioned here.

And I find the enneagram fears to be rather a useless indicator to type people, as they're often really exaggerated. I do not fear being worthless let alone I barely give a sh1t. I achieve things because I want to as it also keeps my busy and at least it is useful to me. I also take pride in my work. And that doesn't mean I fear being worthless.

The only time I fear being worthless is when I'm with my partner and done something wrong that could destroy our relationship or the way s/he sees me. But even with relationships I make sure nobody exerts themself over me because that's honestly really pathetic and weak.

My motivator is just the want or need to achieve things, not fearing "being worthless".

I got a type 9 friend who starts conflicts if she has to (9w8) and an 8 friend who doesn't care about being vulnerable.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=30122]Lord Lavender[/MENTION]

I think it's very well obvious any type can have any combination. This was not the point of the thread. Your response was really irrelevant to any of what was mentioned here.

And I find the enneagram fears to be rather a useless indicator to type people, as they're often really exaggerated. I do not fear being worthless let alone I barely give a sh1t. I achieve things because I want to as it also keeps my busy and at least it is useful to me. I also take pride in my work. And that doesn't mean I fear being worthless.

The only time I fear being worthless is when I'm with my partner and done something wrong that could destroy our relationship or the way s/he sees me. But even with relationships I make sure nobody exerts themself over me because that's honestly really pathetic and weak.

My motivator is just the want or need to achieve things, not fearing "being worthless".

I got a type 9 friend who starts conflicts if she has to (9w8) and an 8 friend who doesn't care about being vulnerable.

I speak from generallilties not personal. One can only gather so much from a questionare and by asking questions to start with.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Controversial opinion but I don't think that it is plausible for an ExFP to be a 3. The concept of a ExFP being a 3 would have to stunt their Fi since 3s are out of touch with their identity and their emotions. The supposed famous 3w2 ESFPs are either ENxJs with high Se or 2w3 ESFPs with heavy wings anyway.

Plausible types for ExFPs imo: 2w3, 4w3, 6w7, 7w6, 7w8, 9w8.

♦ 3 is identity focused, which Fi pretty much controls. The way you react represents the way you feel about things, your emotions is what gives you a personality. Fi=values which controls your emotions = 3's identity (who I am).

This is 4 not 3. 3's are out of touch with their identity like I mentioned above. You sound like a 4w3 with a heavy 3 wing and a 4w3 can disintegrate to a 9 too due to their heavy wing. Your reactivity also doesn't make sense for 3 since they are a competent type.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=30122]Lord Lavender[/MENTION]

I think it's very well obvious any type can have any combination. This was not the point of the thread. Your response was really irrelevant to any of what was mentioned here.

And I find the enneagram fears to be rather a useless indicator to type people, as they're often really exaggerated.

My motivator is just the want or need to achieve things, not fearing "being worthless".

Your attitude stinks and achieving things because you want to doesn't sound like a 3 at all. 3's are in the shame triad, if you don't feel shame then you're not in that triad. Edit: Your username is so try-hard 3w4 as well.

I do not fear being worthless let alone I barely give a sh1t. I achieve things because I want to as it also keeps my busy and at least it is useful to me. I also take pride in my work. And that doesn't mean I fear being worthless.
Sounds like another successful 7w8 that thinks they are a 3.


Jul 10, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Your attitude stinks and achieving things because you want to doesn't sound like a 3 at all. 3's are in the shame triad, if you don't feel shame then you're not in that triad. Edit: Your username is so try-hard 3w4 as well.

Sounds like another successful 7w8 that thinks they are a 3.

Why don't you post about your beliefs in a blog somewhere? You're obviously not here to have a real discussion. There's not much of a point to you being on a forum.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Why don't you post about your beliefs in a blog somewhere?

These aren't my subjective beliefs. I'm the one that is being objective here.

You're obviously not here to have a real discussion.

I am here to have a real discussion. None of her points make her a 3 and i'm going to call her out for being rude.

There's not much of a point to you being on a forum.
There is every point because i'm one the few that actually knows both MBTI+Enneagram from scratch. Edit: There is not much point in someone who doesn't know basic enneagram to label themselves a type in the system.
Last edited:


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
How can I know for sure if I'm an ENFP with e3?

some examples and knowledge on this would be wonderful!


It's really not an uncommon typing combo. A heart core type works pretty well for a high feeling type, if you believe that it makes more sense than any of the other combinations, than it's probably correct. My father is also an ENFP 3 core (so/sp if it matters), and I find it works really well.

the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I tend to see 3w2 as esfj or 3w4 as enfj, entp, or estp.

I know a lot of 3w4 entps who mistype as enfps. I think the emotional concentration and embodied presence of a 3w4 adds a lot of confusion to that.

I like to focus on whether the person is more values oriented or whether they have a greater history with managing and choosing based on highly controlled outcomes-based thinking. 3w4s are often pretty great with strategy. ENTP 3w4s, in particular, have this narrow focus mentally but are able to really put themselves in situations. They have a much stronger need for specifics and for getting some groundwork before they feel comfortable drawing conclusions.

ENFPs tend to be less self-conscious. 3w4 ENTPs are like built with vanity mirrors showing themselves lots of ways of seeing themselves. Most ENFPs, who in my view are 7s, tend to have the 7 challenge of seeing themselves and generally crave a LOT of feedback to get a sense of what is going on for them. A constant dolphin-y ping game. 6 tends to enhance that need for reassurance. 3s tend to want you to agree with them and want validation in that way, rather than in simple permissiveness. They can't help but project something that helps them influence the situation in a certain way and establish a frame of reference for themselves that empowers them.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I tend to see 3w2 as esfj or 3w4 as enfj, entp, or estp.

I believe that any extrovert type can be 3 apart from ExFP cause it stunts their aux function like I mentioned earlier.

I know a lot of 3w4 entps who mistype as enfps. I think the emotional concentration and embodied presence of a 3w4 adds a lot of confusion to that.

Indeed and the ENTP females may find it more appealing to say that they are ENFPs. These '3 ENFPs' like the '5w4 INFPs' never seem like their MBTI type.