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What am I?


New member
Apr 2, 2015
I'm unsure what i am beyond the I

  • if the word ish is used AT ALL in relation to time, i spaz out mentally
  • I have a dry/dark sense of humor, but i know when and to whom to use it
  • Fuzzy logic and uncertainty are not venacular i handle well
  • I can't handle interruption or even the possibility of interruption
  • I am constantly thinking in if/then terms
  • You need to be blunt with me when something is wrong.
  • Attention seeking behavior does nothing for me and i will ignore it more often than not
  • if i reach out to you, it means i care. a non response will hurt my feelings
  • I am miserable at parties
  • In groups of 5 or more, i'm apt to only talk to those i know
  • All eyes on me in any situation scares me
  • I have to have something to say in order for me to talk
  • It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to serve the purpose.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Fuzzy logic and uncertainty are not venacular i handle well
T, then J (The former applies moreso to Ti and the latter to being a judger)

I can't handle interruption or even the possibility of interruption
I or J

I am constantly thinking in if/then terms
Can you elaborate?

You need to be blunt with me when something is wrong.

I am miserable at parties

In groups of 5 or more, i'm apt to only talk to those i know

All eyes on me in any situation scares me

I have to have something to say in order for me to talk

It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to serve the purpose.

Hmm...the only thing I have so far is IT. Anything you want to add that would potentially show your S/N and J/P preference and/or cognitive functions?

Also, welcome!


New member
Apr 2, 2015
by if/then terms i mean i think in terms of "if i do this, then this happens the possible scenarios of this happening are a.b.c. and dependent on which happens i have a plan"

  • I live by seen it, done it lets move on.
  • I put the minimal effort to get things done, and will rarely go above or beyond unless it's expected.
  • I eat and go grocery shopping within 10 minutes of my house.Not because i likeit, but because why go elsewhere since it's close.
  • I am not someone who can handle pausing in a movie. If it pauses i have to restart.
  • If a netflix movie skips, no matter how small. I will request a replacement then rewatch the whole thing when it gets here.
  • I get the mail and feed the dogs at the same exact time every day.
  • If you tell me to be somewhere or do something at a certain time, it will be done at that exact time
  • Scrabble and Poker are games i played heavily in the past
  • I get burnt out easily
  • I majored in computer science
  • If i am expecting a response online i will refresh the page until i see i have it and then respond within 5 minutes
  • It takes a lot to bother me, so if i say something is bothering me then stop
  • I don't need to be told twice to do something
  • I am not one to complain about being hot/cold, or in pain or to wait
  • I will remember insults and feeling ashamed


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
if i do this, then this happens the possible scenarios of this happening are a.b.c. and dependent on which happens i have a plan

This sounds like Ne to me. Are these scenarios more frequent in times of stress, or are they usually positive in some way? If you frequently think of all the things that "can go wrong" in a situation and/or have a lot of fear/uncertainty of the future, it could be a sign of lower-ranking Ne.

Based on your list I think you are probably more T than F.
Which of these sounds more like you: completing tasks in a sort of by-the-book manner and maximizing efficiency/being systematic/looking towards external facts and information for logic, or analyzing things to understand how they work/preferring the straight to the point answers over long-winded explanations/trusting internal logic rather than external factors? If the former you're probably Te, and if the latter that's Ti.


New member
Apr 2, 2015
This sounds like Ne to me. Are these scenarios more frequent in times of stress, or are they usually positive in some way? If you frequently think of all the things that "can go wrong" in a situation and/or have a lot of fear/uncertainty of the future, it could be a sign of lower-ranking Ne.

Based on your list I think you are probably more T than F.
Which of these sounds more like you: completing tasks in a sort of by-the-book manner and maximizing efficiency/being systematic/looking towards external facts and information for logic, or analyzing things to understand how they work/preferring the straight to the point answers over long-winded explanations/trusting internal logic rather than external factors? If the former you're probably Te, and if the latter that's Ti.

Heres an example of my thinking most of the time - ranging from when contacting someone to going somewhere

If i need to be somewhere at a certain time mentally i go:

Leave at exactly this time to eliminate risk of being late
If theres traffic at this light, turn this way then if i run into traffic after, go this route then repeat the "is there traffic? if so do this,"
If there isn't traffic at this light, continue to go this way and then repeat the "if there is traffic do this, if there isn't do this"

  • Instruction manuals are there for a reason if you can't figure something out
  • I can't handle open ended or imaginative tasks.
  • Ambiguity is a swear word
  • Never, never, never, never use "-ish" when telling me a time to do something
  • If what you asked me to do could wait, why ask me to do it now?
  • If you tell me something happened because.... Why did you let the because happen?
  • I don't care what makes it work, or how well it works, all that matters is that it does work
  • Home improvement is as dull as tapioca pudding to me
  • I have 0 problem sitting back and letting the thing happen to show you were wrong, and should have listened to me
  • Mentally i wake up with a checklist but energy i wake up with,dictates how much gets done.
  • Does this have a puropose? If not what's the point
  • What I eat is NOT as important as that i eat
  • Checking bank account bores me
  • I can remember the 7 digit phone number i had in 1994
  • I can remember small talk conversations i had 10+ years ago
  • I can remember the first time i saw Star Wars
  • If I'm not in the mood for something, it doesn't mean i don't like it. it just means i don't want it now
  • I need to know that what I'm doing serves a need beyond giving me something to do


New member
Apr 1, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Heres an example of my thinking most of the time - ranging from when contacting someone to going somewhere

If i need to be somewhere at a certain time mentally i go:

Leave at exactly this time to eliminate risk of being late
If theres traffic at this light, turn this way then if i run into traffic after, go this route then repeat the "is there traffic? if so do this,"
If there isn't traffic at this light, continue to go this way and then repeat the "if there is traffic do this, if there isn't do this"

  • Instruction manuals are there for a reason if you can't figure something out
  • I can't handle open ended or imaginative tasks.
  • Ambiguity is a swear word
  • Never, never, never, never use "-ish" when telling me a time to do something
  • If what you asked me to do could wait, why ask me to do it now?
  • If you tell me something happened because.... Why did you let the because happen?
  • I don't care what makes it work, or how well it works, all that matters is that it does work
  • Home improvement is as dull as tapioca pudding to me
  • I have 0 problem sitting back and letting the thing happen to show you were wrong, and should have listened to me
  • Mentally i wake up with a checklist but energy i wake up with,dictates how much gets done.
  • Does this have a puropose? If not what's the point
  • What I eat is NOT as important as that i eat
  • Checking bank account bores me
  • I can remember the 7 digit phone number i had in 1994
  • I can remember small talk conversations i had 10+ years ago
  • I can remember the first time i saw Star Wars
  • If I'm not in the mood for something, it doesn't mean i don't like it. it just means i don't want it now
  • I need to know that what I'm doing serves a need beyond giving me something to do


Anybody else agrees?


New member
Apr 2, 2015

Anybody else agrees?
  • Fuzzy logic,guessing,and imaginative are antonyms of everything about me to the core
  • Get anxious if there is even a small chance something happens that would cause me to be late
  • I do things based on my own logic and reasoning but if there is any chance of judgment I will avoid like plague
  • I eat because I'm hungry not because it's a specific time
  • I can't handle being interrupted when I'm doing something.
  • I would rather stop a movie and watch from beginning, than resume after pausing for long period of time
  • I'm a quiet,reserved, literalist
  • Anyone communicating with body language is lost on me

Hobbies i have

  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Repair
  • Writing Poetry
  • Poker
  • Scrabble
  • Fantasy Sports
  • Video Games


New member
Mar 16, 2015
If you were having an enjoyable conversation with someone what would you be talking about?


New member
Apr 2, 2015
If you were having an enjoyable conversation with someone what would you be talking about?

Depends on the individual but generally the topic or theme is me being an active listener talking about an experience they are going through, or an interest we share.


New member
Mar 16, 2015
I believe your type is ISTJ. The J is the most obvious in your posts, then T. There is some indication of S and I didn't see anything to suggest N. You have already determined that you are an introvert.


New member
Apr 2, 2015
I/E - 100% I

S/N - Fuzzy data,May,Might,ish,imaginative,ambiguous = give me nightmares. I know conversations and events that happened 20+ years ago.

T/F - If a task needs to get done, i try and get it done asap, so i have the freedom to do what i want/feel like doing. I need to be hit over the head verbally to be told how you are feeling and what you want done. Body language alone does nothing

J/P - You will never see me purposley or probably even accidently late. It will fester atleast inside if you are late inspite of you telling me a time.Interruptions of any kind aren't welcome.if you ask me to do a task, don't help I can get it done myself. I have "what i want to do's" somewhat planned after my "what i have to dos" but the wants aren't dire so it may not happen. I am a seen it, done it lets move on guy.


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I believe you are an ISTJ. You show signs of high Si and Te and seem very similar to my best friend who is also an xSTJ


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant

ISTJs are generally more outgoing than INTJs though, so I lean towards INTJ.