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what mtbi type does this describe?


New member
May 29, 2007
I never would have imagined the darker side of them, until I lived with one for 4 years.

yeah that rings true. i am great at being an acquaintance but it doesn't work out too well if things get deeper...but i don't let them get deeper anymore now anyways...

Oh and I agree with the other poster, every INFJ I know is sure of their type once they familiarize themselves with MBTI. I notice many INFPs confuse themselves with INFJ, but I actually think the ENFP is more like the INFP than the INFJ.

i don't really think i am an infj or any type of j actually.

i don't have a problem with being an infp, but then again i am pretty cognizant of how fucked up i am, so having a fucked up type seems about right.... its just that i test infp but don't identify with the infp descriptions or the infps at infpgc...but sometimes i think the people who post the most at infpgc aren't really infps but just sad, nice people who want a comforatble place to chat with other sad, nice people--the real infps there are probably the ones who have post counts totaling 3 over 5 years...


New member
Apr 29, 2007
yeah that rings true. i am great at being an acquaintance but it doesn't work out too well if things get deeper...but i don't let them get deeper anymore now anyways...


I don't know if that's the answer. I think it's a disservice to yourself (and future friends) not to get close to people you find interesting.

If you have had some bad experiences in the past, don't give up! You'll get better at dealing with tantrums or otherwise regrettable behavior, the more you put yourself out there or...... get better at picking who to become close too. Keeping things on a superficial level for fear of a bad outcome is a shitty way to live your life.


New member
May 29, 2007
I don't know if that's the answer. I think it's a disservice to yourself (and future friends) not to get close to people you find interesting.

probably so, but there aren't really people who will work with damaged people in the way they do with damaged horses and dogs and mean little circus chimps...in order to get close you need what you have never had and that is unconditional acceptance and to feel safe...but most everyone else is at least a little damaged themselves and so unwilling or unable to provide that...so it becomes a catch 22...

If you have had some bad experiences in the past, don't give up!

too late =)

You'll get better at dealing with tantrums or otherwise regrettable behavior


i don't really have tantrums...very few outside of my immediate family have seen me in a bad state emotionally...i don't really understand what i do to ruin things...but most people i have known want away when they get me, then miss me terribly once i am gone...so i am not exactly sure what is going on--i accept that it is me, i just don't know what i am doing exactly (i have asked even, but they never say really, they just say "oh it was me not you" or some such...no one ever says the most important things to the people who need to hear it the most...it seems...)

i know people here thought that my discussion with toonia and cafe was some sort of fight, but for me at least i was just talking casually...i don't really feel much these days.... i think that perhaps three things were going on: (1) the infp under my name influences the tone with which people read my posts (i think if i had an intp/j there my posts would have been read differently); (2) toonia and cafe are sort of like the patron saints of this board and i am a nobody, and (3) most people didn't read the whole thing, they just focused on my comment about cafe's posts about her daughter...(and as camus pointed out, killing the arab might be what get's you into court, but its the cream in your coffee at your mother's funeral that will get you hung in the end...);

Keeping things on a superficial level for fear of a bad outcome is a shitty way to live your life.


nighting said:
As to J vs P. I have issues with many test questions focusing more on the neat, tidy, external organization qualities and doesn't address mental structure which is what INxJ is mostly about.

can you elaborate on this please?

ps: i have always been envious of your avatar:blush: