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Self Analysis and conclusions - seeking feedback.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I think the drive to serve other people are deeply related to Fe... basically I think Athenian is trying to see how readily you use Fe. The example you give for putting other people's needs ahead of your own would be Fe.

What about values? How important are they to you? Also how do you feel when your own crashes with those of a person you care a lot about?

Most of the values that are important to me (love, liberty, individuality, honesty/authenticity, and fairness are the ones that easily come to mind) are things that don't tend to cause a lot of conflict among friends, but sometimes my beliefs on liberty do cause disagreements, and there are also cases where a friend will highly value something that to me is superficial (social traditions etc - stuff I don't outright oppose on any value basis, but seem highly overvalued to me).

First, I would try to understand how and why they reached the view they did by giving them the opportunity to "try and convince me" (its pretty rare for them to change my mind if its something I feel strongly about, but in their attempt to do so, I gain an understanding of where they are coming from and also reassure them that their opinion is worth hearing). I may question them in a Socratic method while they explain their view, this is both for me to better understand them and to make sure they have considered the same things I would in reaching such a conclusion. If it becomes clear that neither of us will change our minds, then I simply "agree to disagree" and leave it at that (but I do file away their view in memory and keep an eye out for moments that might be able to put their view in a new perspective either for me or them).

Basically, unless its something that really bothers me, I don't want to make someone feel their view is "wrong" but I do want to challenge their view and make sure it is well thought out and that they believe it because they reached the conclusion on their own and that they are comfortable with their decision.

Tovlo said:
I'd like to ask you two questions:

1. How would you care for a person in deep distress?

It depends on the cause of the distress, but as a generality, I would offer to be an ear for them to talk to and offer to help with other things if I thought it would help. I know the value of "just having someone to talk to" in times like that, but also recognize that in certain cases, you just want to be left alone but its good to know that if/when you change your mind there will be someone to listen to you.

2. What aspect of your personality has been recognized over the course of your life as the source of your greatest achievements?

Hmmm, I'm really not achievement oriented so thats a bit of a difficult question. In a traditional sense of what people might notice and view as accomplishments, my analytical and problem solving skills tend to get the most notice by others, but the satisfaction gained through those acts is minor. I suppose it goes back to doing things for others thats what gives me a sense of satisfaction. In my own mind, if I can do something for a friend that makes even a minor difference to them thats more of accomplishment to me than the things others are likely to notice - finding a creative way to personalize something I make or buy as a gift for someone would be a good example of something that would give me a sense of accomplishment.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Hmmmm.... I think your initial assessment is correct. You're an INFp.... very slight preference for P over J. Oh... and that was my Ni working. I would rather not try explaining why.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Tenebrous - I can relate to you in the fact that I think about this stuff just as much as you do, and I think we 'think' very similarly, because you analyze all of it quite a bit, to the depth that I do!! :)

I just took both tests (first one made me laugh...ISFP? Well, I definitely relate to the artistic streak, and I acknowledge my Se is pretty good...but seriously, ISFP?? :). I think all of this merely confirms that a lot of my preferences have become pretty muted over time...I don't seem terribly extreme in any of them! I think this is why I've started falling back on the 'what was I like as a kid' thing, to ultimately decide what I am. (I also sometimes wonder whether mbti loses its meaning/practicality for anyone who isn't too extreme.) :) Shall I change my type to IxFx now??? lol. Nah, I'll stick to INFJ, since as a kid I wasn't like *anyone* my age (I thought almost everyone was petty/superficial and 'mean'), wasn't part of any group (didn't fit in with any of the cliques - not even the chess team/science club- type kids!), was ultra-sensitive, always very organized and an excellent student, took things seriously, and liked to please others - I suppose NOT pleasing others didn't even enter my brain!!

Oh, sorry, I know you wanted feedback, but I'm instead adding my own info because I think we're exploring similar things regarding ourselves.

I'll leave the feedback to the experts on this forum. :)

First test that others have posted isn't terribly accurate --

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ****************************** (30.4)
good use
introverted Sensing (Si) ****************************** (30.4)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ***************************** (29.7)
average use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************* (33.5)
good use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************* (19.5)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ***************************** (29.3)
average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************** (20.4)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ********************************************** (46.8)
excellent use
Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ISFP
Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Feeling (Fi): Staying true to who you really are. Paying close attention to your personal identity, values and beliefs. Checking with your conscience. Choosing behavior congruent with what is important to you.

Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Sensing (Se): Immersing in the present context. Responding naturally to everything tangible you detect through your senses. Checking with what your gut instincts say. Testing limits and take risks for big rewards.
If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ESFP, or INFP

2nd test that INTJMom posted -



New member
May 2, 2007
It depends on the cause of the distress, but as a generality, I would offer to be an ear for them to talk to and offer to help with other things if I thought it would help.

I wonder when you say "offer to help with other things if I thought it would help", what do you mean by that?

What kind of help would you offer?

In a traditional sense of what people might notice and view as accomplishments, my analytical and problem solving skills tend to get the most notice by others, but the satisfaction gained through those acts is minor.

Would you be able to describe a typical scenario where these skills brought you appreciation and notice by others?

Have your analytical and problem solving skills brought you notice from others throughout your life or is it a more current trend?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Hmmm, I'm really not achievement oriented so thats a bit of a difficult question. In a traditional sense of what people might notice and view as accomplishments, my analytical and problem solving skills tend to get the most notice by others, but the satisfaction gained through those acts is minor. I suppose it goes back to doing things for others thats what gives me a sense of satisfaction. In my own mind, if I can do something for a friend that makes even a minor difference to them thats more of accomplishment to me than the things others are likely to notice - finding a creative way to personalize something I make or buy as a gift for someone would be a good example of something that would give me a sense of accomplishment.

I'll add that one of the biggest differences between myself and an NT is the drive for competence. I share the desire to understand things, but I don't care about being wrong, or being competent in a given situation. If my idea was wrong, I want it to get corrected, and I'm willing to put it out there to be corrected. I'll still use my understanding to deal with things, however. In other words, my self-image is separate from my ability to understand things, but I still want to understand them. Although I do consider it a loss to myself if I hurt another person, and don't like it when other people are hurt, and try to prevent that from happening. I also like making people feel better. That's my main F quality.

Anyway... my results on the second test were:

INTJ 76%
INFP 64%
ISTP 62%
ENTP 58%
ISFJ 50%
ENFJ 46%
ESTJ 44%
ESFP 32%


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I wonder when you say "offer to help with other things if I thought it would help", what do you mean by that?

What kind of help would you offer?

Situational based on what I perceive their needs to be and what talents I may have that could be put to use. The only specific one that comes to mind (which was about 5 or 6 years ago) was having a classmate that was working and going to school at the same time and struggling in several classes, so I offered to help however I could - it wasn't exactly tutoring, but I wasn't doing their assignment either, I was trying to help them understand the material and complete the assignments at the same time.

Would you be able to describe a typical scenario where these skills brought you appreciation and notice by others?

Have your analytical and problem solving skills brought you notice from others throughout your life or is it a more current trend?

I have a lot of natural curiosity, so whenever I am exposed to a new system, I try to figure out how it works and understand it as best I can (the analytical part). When things go wrong, I tend to be the first person to be able to track down the problem and can often find a work around for it (the problem solving part). Most of the time, my first guess is the right one (Ni?) and when its not I resort to trying to think of possible causes and solutions (I think I'm using Te or Ti to find and identify the problem and Ne to solve it).

I enjoy playing board games and strategy games, and I do the same thing there. I observe and learn how the system works then once I'm comfortable with my understanding of the rules/mechanics of the system, I try to think of unexpected things to do with it that will keep my opponents wondering what I'm doing. In a case like that, I'm analyzing the rules and the problem solving is finding a way to use the rules to accomplish unexpected results (I don't care about winning so much as confusing my opponents, but sometimes victory is a result anyway :))

I think my curious and analytical nature is a lot more noticeable then my problem solving since problem solving only comes up when there is a problem, but my ability to analyze and understand things is more apparent because I find inconstancies and/or flaws that others don't see and can also sometimes find alternative/unexpected ways to use things. I think this may be Ne working subconsciously (at least it makes sense in it being the auxiliary process for an INFP and I'm solving problems by asking "what results will xyz action bring" and doing that until I have a solution instead of approaching it from a "this is the problem, whats the best way to solve it" that Te would probably use).

athenian200 said:
I'll add that one of the biggest differences between myself and an NT is the drive for competence. I share the desire to understand things, but I don't care about being wrong, or being competent in a given situation. If my idea was wrong, I want it to get corrected, and I'm willing to put it out there to be corrected. I'll still use my understanding to deal with things, however. In other words, my self-image is separate from my ability to understand things, but I still want to understand them. Although I do consider it a loss to myself if I hurt another person, and don't like it when other people are hurt, and try to prevent that from happening. I also like making people feel better. That's my main F quality.

That sounds a lot like me. Being right/competent isn't a goal, when it happens, its the side effect of wanting to understand things and storing that information to be used as needed later.

Having concern for the feelings of others is more subconscious to me. Unless I know something specific will bother someone, I don't make an attempt to alter how I communicate with them on the basis of avoiding hurting them. I may not even know its happening, but I think its probable that I may occasionally end up hurting or offending others through well intentioned criticism because I value understanding and clarity and someone else might rather be wrong and not know it than be questioned about it.

This goes back to earlier questions, but to me, making someone aware that I am there if they want to talk and giving them alone time if they don't want to talk is the approach I most often take when someone is upset. Unless I know specific things that I expect to work to cheer someone up, I am just as likely to make them more aggravated if I try to cheer them up without understating them and the situation that brought them to that point.


New member
May 2, 2007
I'm going to cast a vote for INTP just to be a contrarian. :devil:

I still weight your own self-assessment toward INFP more heavily than anything I noted, but given your responses to my questions, I felt more of an INTP pattern forming.

1. The second question I asked was to try to guess at what your dominant or "hero" function was. As you described I began to see Ti forming. I recognized much of what you described in myself, but I see it at work in me in a later stage of my processing phase (tertiary in an INFJ). You described it as the first step in your processing. Also as you described, you noted you first analyze and then move into a brainstorming of possibilities mode which I agree would be Ne and would be the secondary function of an INTP.

2. The first question I asked was to try to guess at your secondary or "good parent" function. That didn't feel so clear to me. I almost had an Si sense, but I can't pin down why except that perhaps there was a practical hands-on or concrete formation to how you would choose to enact your help. I considered that with your instinct being to listen first, followed up with brainstorming about what might relieve a person's burden, and then offering practical or hands on support, it does potentially reflect a Ti, Ne, Si, Fe flow.

3. I know very well an INTP who has many similarities with the way you describe your experience. I, of course, can only observe externally and know what is shared with me about their experience, but I had access to their internal world in a way I believe gives me a good sense. They were a very good listener with deep caring for others. When providing help to another person, they tended toward listening and then providing acts of service to lighten a load or brighten a moment in a similar way to what you describe.

I haven't known many other INTP's, but my experience with this particular INTP leads me to consider that the NF traits you identified with are not excluded from the realm of how an NT can experience and present.

Consider too that your best fit natural type might be one thing, but that you may have access to excellent use of other functions through maturation or stressful life circumstances.

But I will say, if you ultimately feel INFP based on your own comprehensive analysis and sense, I find that the most solid measure.

(Besides, I mostly don't know what I'm talking about. I just felt obligated to complete with a type vote after wading in with my questions.:D )


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
...That being said... I think you're INFx. Let me ask you a question:

Are you more focused on other's feelings towards you in a situation, or your own feelings about things in general?

Since you say you used to neglect your own needs, does that mean it was more natural for you to focus on other people's perception of you? In other words, does what people think of your actions usually impact your self-image or choices much, or did it used to?

TR, I don't recall you answering these questions, and I was quite interested in reading your answers. Did I miss it somewhere?

By the way, I am leaning toward INFJ.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm going to cast a vote for INTP just to be a contrarian. :devil:

I still weight your own self-assessment toward INFP more heavily than anything I noted, but given your responses to my questions, I felt more of an INTP pattern forming.

As far as thinking like one, I'd very much agree with that assessment, but the problem comes in the form of the core values and beliefs of an NT vs an NF. I feel like I often think like an NT, but I have the values and beleifs of an NF, so I think what comes acress as Ti, may be Fi working with Ne to produce similar results (I don't recall where I read that theroy that Fi can look like Ti but it made sense to me and fits my hypothesis)

1. The second question I asked was to try to guess at what your dominant or "hero" function was. As you described I began to see Ti forming. I recognized much of what you described in myself, but I see it at work in me in a later stage of my processing phase (tertiary in an INFJ). You described it as the first step in your processing. Also as you described, you noted you first analyze and then move into a brainstorming of possibilities mode which I agree would be Ne and would be the secondary function of an INTP.

Hmmm, interestign observation, but how would Fi show up as a noticable heroic function? The question was what would be noticable to others, and that implies extroversion of action. The way I see it, Fi or Fe often motivate me to take actions, but the actual actions I take will probably need some of the other functions to actualize. For somethign to have meanign to me, F has to be engaged in some form, and those are the things I put my heart into but don't get much notice/recognition. The T stuff I do is because I'm either responding to events or using T in the service of F by interacting with N or S. I believe I adapted to life be taking on traits of NTs because most of my friends are and have been NTs of some kind (and I've never been as good at most of the same math/science pursuits as them, but still good enough to fit in with them more than most other types). I guess the question about the heroic function woudl be is it what motivates you to take action, or what gets the results?

2. The first question I asked was to try to guess at your secondary or "good parent" function. That didn't feel so clear to me. I almost had an Si sense, but I can't pin down why except that perhaps there was a practical hands-on or concrete formation to how you would choose to enact your help. I considered that with your instinct being to listen first, followed up with brainstorming about what might relieve a person's burden, and then offering practical or hands on support, it does potentially reflect a Ti, Ne, Si, Fe flow.

This is where motivation and reason may be more important. When I help someone, I essentialy want to help them help themselves. to be the catalyst to them either growing or overcoming their problems, but if there are external problems that that I think I can help with (the more concrete S type things) I will also try to help them with those as well. If a friend were to be in an accident that resulted in difficulty doing household tasks, I would do what I could to help them out knowing that the problem was concrete, so the solution would also be a concrete one. On the other hand, if a friend were dealing with depression, then I would want to be there for them and and spend time with them so they knew they had someone to turn to when they needed/wanted someone to talk to. In the case of concrete problems and solutions, its simply my desire to help and be useful thats reacting to the situation, in the case of abstract issues, its empathy thats motivating me.

3. I know very well an INTP who has many similarities with the way you describe your experience. I, of course, can only observe externally and know what is shared with me about their experience, but I had access to their internal world in a way I believe gives me a good sense. They were a very good listener with deep caring for others. When providing help to another person, they tended toward listening and then providing acts of service to lighten a load or brighten a moment in a similar way to what you describe.

I haven't known many other INTP's, but my experience with this particular INTP leads me to consider that the NF traits you identified with are not excluded from the realm of how an NT can experience and present.

There are things in INTP that seem a lot like me, even moreso than some things in INFP or INFJ, but there are things that I clearly disagree with that seem important to INTPs as well. And some of the important things seem like they could easily be shared with INFP just that Fi would replace Ti in the processes which in many ways makes more sense to how I see myself.

In particular, I strongly identify with the INTPs desire to understand things and natural attraction to complex things, but I strongly disagree with the Knowledge is everything attitude that seems very important to them. Yes, I want to understand the how and why of anything that evokes my curiosity, but I think the curisoity that is motivatign that is more feeling than thinking. I may be using thinking to understand things, but feelign is what motivates me to want to understand. This may be inaccurate, but I think INTPs want to know things and I want to understand things. I'm not sure which type that distinction represents, but I think it represents the difference between valuing knowledge (NT) and valuing meaning (NF).

I think for an INTP, their first reaction may be to offer solutions and offer acts of service" but to me, my first priority is to "be there for them" and then offer to help or advise only if I see a clear need or it is requested of me.

Consider too that your best fit natural type might be one thing, but that you may have access to excellent use of other functions through maturation or stressful life circumstances.

But I will say, if you ultimately feel INFP based on your own comprehensive analysis and sense, I find that the most solid measure.

In any possible case I've consiered, I think that would be a factor to consider. I believe I adapted to the world by thinking more and feeling less to get by with minimal conflict and judgement of my emotions but retained parts of my core values in the sense of what motivates me to do things and what things are important to me. I won't completely exclude NT options, but they just dont make sense to me as far as comparing whats important to me vs what NTs value and strive for, but those values are a nearly pefect match to the NF temperament. The INFJ / INFP side is still a lot more complicated and I see a lot of myself in both descriptions but it comes down to feeling like Fe is a lot less developed in me than Fi (but I have to consider that it may have been circumstances that caused that and it should be the other way around too).


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Originally Posted by athenian200
...That being said... I think you're INFx. Let me ask you a question:

Are you more focused on other's feelings towards you in a situation, or your own feelings about things in general?

Perhaps an order of importance would be appropriate to answer the question

Feelings of close friends > My own feelings > Feelings of everyone else

In all cases, I am concerned with the potential effect (both intended and unintended) my words and actions may have on others and in general want to have a positive effect when I can, when there is a potential conflict, the above order of priority takes effect.

Originally Posted by athenian200
Since you say you used to neglect your own needs, does that mean it was more natural for you to focus on other people's perception of you? In other words, does what people think of your actions usually impact your self-image or choices much, or did it used to?

I would not say it affects my self image with the exception of the views of friends and those who's opinions I have come to value. To use the above example, I would say that my priorities used to be different.

Feelings of close friends > Feelings of casual/distant friends > Feelings of acquaintances > My own feelings > Feelings of everyone else

I used to go out of my way to do things for anyone that I knew even a little but if I thought I could do something for them, but it was more from my desire to be helpful than my desire to be viewed favorably. The following quote is regarding INFP development and how Fi might show up at a young age.

http://www.infjorinfp.com/docs/Individuation.htm said:
1st period - 6 to 12 years - The dominant function for an INFP is introverted Feeling.

As a small child you were intent on pleasing others, and you were probably an obedient and considerate member of the family. Since your feelings were directed toward the inner world, you were likely shy and inclined to spend time by yourself. Your desire to be helpful may have led you to disregard your own interests simply to be of service and to win praise. You may have developed a delicate conscience, leading perhaps to feelings of guilt over inconsequential matters. And you may have felt an obligation to keep harmony in the family, taking responsibility for any failure to maintain it.

The parts in bold are what I consider to be a good description of neglecting myself for others that extended well beyond childhood.

TR, I don't recall you answering these questions, and I was quite interested in reading your answers. Did I miss it somewhere?

By the way, I am leaning toward INFJ.

I may not have answered them directly, but I remember thinking about the questions, so I'll try to answer again (above)...


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
The only specific one that comes to mind (which was about 5 or 6 years ago) was having a classmate that was working and going to school at the same time and struggling in several classes, so I offered to help however I could - it wasn't exactly tutoring, but I wasn't doing their assignment either, I was trying to help them understand the material and complete the assignments at the same time.
Fe response, possibly linked to Ni. The goal is to help them become a better person, rather than dominant Fe where you want to ease their struggling.

I have a lot of natural curiosity, so whenever I am exposed to a new system, I try to figure out how it works and understand it as best I can (the analytical part).
Ti response. May I ask you a question? When you first examine a problem, what approach do you take?

Most of the time, my first guess is the right one (Ni?) and when its not I resort to trying to think of possible causes and solutions (I think I'm using Te or Ti to find and identify the problem and Ne to solve it).
First part looks like Ni, second could be a mix of Ti, Ni and Ne. Need more data. Te is much more procedural. If you go through a method in your head for how you would go about solving something, then it's Te. But somehow I doubt that's what you do.

I enjoy playing board games and strategy games, and I do the same thing there. I observe and learn how the system works then once I'm comfortable with my understanding of the rules/mechanics of the system, I try to think of unexpected things to do with it that will keep my opponents wondering what I'm doing. In a case like that, I'm analyzing the rules and the problem solving is finding a way to use the rules to accomplish unexpected results (I don't care about winning so much as confusing my opponents, but sometimes victory is a result anyway :))
Ni, Ti, Ne. Understanding by observation is Ni with some help from Ti or the reverse. Thinking of unexpected things to do is Ne. Although Ni can probably do it as well, it's just slower and more deliberate.

I think my curious and analytical nature is a lot more noticeable then my problem solving since problem solving only comes up when there is a problem, but my ability to analyze and understand things is more apparent because I find inconstancies and/or flaws that others don't see and can also sometimes find alternative/unexpected ways to use things. I think this may be Ne working subconsciously
Either Ne or Ni. Do you just see the connections or do you build up a model of the thing in your head?

(at least it makes sense in it being the auxiliary process for an INFP and I'm solving problems by asking "what results will xyz action bring" and doing that until I have a solution instead of approaching it from a "this is the problem, whats the best way to solve it" that Te would probably use).
That sounds awfully like what I do. For a given problem, I let my mind wander until it brings up an idea (either Ni or Ne... although it's mostly Ni. Ne only comes in when I see something physical in the environment.). Then I ask myself "What would it do to the system?" Run the scenario over in my head. (Visualization in my head I would attribute to Ni, figuring if it'll work is Ti). If the system involves people, then Fe will help in puzzling out people's reactions to that action.

Having concern for the feelings of others is more subconscious to me. Unless I know something specific will bother someone, I don't make an attempt to alter how I communicate with them on the basis of avoiding hurting them. I may not even know its happening, but I think its probable that I may occasionally end up hurting or offending others through well intentioned criticism because I value understanding and clarity and someone else might rather be wrong and not know it than be questioned about it.
Not all Fs are afraid of pushing something simply because it might offend others. For example I will deliberately provoke somebody if I think that will be beneficial in the long run. The end goal is what matters. That's probably more prominent in Js than Ps. The main difference between F and T is that a F would unconsciously take emotions into consideration more than a T would.

This goes back to earlier questions, but to me, making someone aware that I am there if they want to talk and giving them alone time if they don't want to talk is the approach I most often take when someone is upset. Unless I know specific things that I expect to work to cheer someone up, I am just as likely to make them more aggravated if I try to cheer them up without understating them and the situation that brought them to that point.
That statement points to introverted feeler.

Perhaps an order of importance would be appropriate to answer the question

Feelings of close friends > My own feelings > Feelings of everyone else

In all cases, I am concerned with the potential effect (both intended and unintended) my words and actions may have on others and in general want to have a positive effect when I can, when there is a potential conflict, the above order of priority takes effect.
No questions about that one... Fe! :D

I would not say it affects my self image with the exception of the views of friends and those who's opinions I have come to value. To use the above example, I would say that my priorities used to be different.

Feelings of close friends > Feelings of casual/distant friends > Feelings of acquaintances > My own feelings > Feelings of everyone else
It could simply be a developmental phrase. I used to be the same way myself... putting other people's needs ahead of my own until people started taking advantage of me (auxillary Fe). Now, I'm at a stage where I'm a little more critical (development of that tertiary Ti). It could very well be Fi as well though, it's hard to say.

Overall feel for me is still INFx... although I want to lean towards INFJ now.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ti response. May I ask you a question? When you first examine a problem, what approach do you take?

Evaluate the problem, how much does it bother me / how serious is it.
Does problem affect me emotionally or cause mental unrest?
(If yes, then evaluate if a quick solution is needed, or a well planned long term solution would be preferable)
Does the problem present any immediate risk/danger?
(if yes, instinct will kick in (hopefully) and further planning cannot be speculated)
Is there anything else that has priority over it?
(if yes, ignore problem and come back to it later)
What additional implications does the problem present?
(is it a simple problem, or one that might have various chain reactions)
Consider multiple solutions and the implications of each possible solution
Weigh the good and bad of each solutions against the desired outcome.
(Unless a solution has a very bad potential outcome, the potential positives carry much more weight than potential negatives)
If problem requires immediate (same day) response, go with solution that "feels like the one I'll be least likely to regret".
If problem does not require immediate attention, evaluate feelings about most likely solutions, then sleep on it and See if feelings changed with sleep or remained constant.
If feelings remained constant, go with solution that "feels like the right thing to do" (may not be applicable if its something where no values conflicts exist)
(if problem is important but does not require immediate action, I will often continue to dwell on it for a week or more before making a decision).

I probably left out a step or more in there, but I think thats a rough approximation of how I look at problems before I go about actually trying to solve them.

First part looks like Ni, second could be a mix of Ti, Ni and Ne. Need more data. Te is much more procedural. If you go through a method in your head for how you would go about solving something, then it's Te. But somehow I doubt that's what you do.

For looking for possible solutions, its more of quick evaluations until I find an idea that seems good, then I will try to step through it in my mind looking for potential flaws and oversights (find new potential problems and evaluate them).

Either Ne or Ni. Do you just see the connections or do you build up a model of the thing in your head?

If I concentrate on it, I can conceptualize devices, but I think "see the connections" would be more accurate, but I don't "see" them so much as just feel compelled to explore alternate ideas. Its like someone will be explaining how something works, and an alternate idea/use will just pop into my head and I feel the need to explore where that idea might lead to, or I'll be taking a walk daydreaming as I go and some new idea will make me say "well, what would the result of this option be?".

That sounds awfully like what I do. For a given problem, I let my mind wander until it brings up an idea (either Ni or Ne... although it's mostly Ni. Ne only comes in when I see something physical in the environment.). Then I ask myself "What would it do to the system?" Run the scenario over in my head. (Visualization in my head I would attribute to Ni, figuring if it'll work is Ti). If the system involves people, then Fe will help in puzzling out people's reactions to that action.

A lot like above. Thinking of the last time i went shopping, when I look at an object, I start asking "what could i use this for" but sometimes I see something and instantly know "ah ha!, I could use this to for _____" (regardless of whether or not it happened to be its intended use).

It could simply be a developmental phrase. I used to be the same way myself... putting other people's needs ahead of my own until people started taking advantage of me (auxillary Fe). Now, I'm at a stage where I'm a little more critical (development of that tertiary Ti). It could very well be Fi as well though, it's hard to say.

To me its not really a matter of feeling taken advantage of so much as reaching a point where I realized even though I like helping others and feeling useful, it had no impact on my long term emotional well being, and eventually decided I needed to re-evaluate my priorities.

(edit/append: 26 Oct 07)
I wanted to clarify that a bit. I still feel a strong need to do things for others and it still affects my immediate and short term feelings, I just am a lot more selective of who I do things for because I find doing things for close friends or others who have some meaning to me makes more of a difference to me (the meaningfulness of the acts is proportional to the meaningfulness of the person the act is done for). When I do things for others, I prefer it to be my choice (as opposed to them asking me for something) and when that is the case, I will put a lot of time and effort into those activities (trying to be innovative and creative with my ideas to the extent that the act will allow).

Overall feel for me is still INFx... although I want to lean towards INFJ now.

In a recent post by Bluewing on INFPs, I found a lot of information that seemed to fit me very well and some stuff that I could not reconcile as well.

Bluewing said:
An Extroverted Feeler would wish to make an emotional attachment under all circumstances, whilst the Introverted Feeler would experience intense reservations unless they thought that what they have inputted would truly be appreciated. This seems to evince that the function of Introverted Feeling gives one a more direct access to the essence of pure feeling than extroverted. For this reason the INFP tends to be more aware of whether or not their input has been appreciated on the level it deserved to be. Their longing for harmony first and foremost leads them to make intense emotional attachments to ideas that they are compelled by from a person-centered perspective. And since they are unable to remove themselves from the situations that their minds place them in, they very much envision themselves as having the basic emotional human needs. Therefore they not only wish to affirm others, but tend to find the reciprocation of this to be necessary.

I sometimes find I've made an emotional attachment to someone without planning to do so, but in those cases, its usually because I saw/felt some special quality in that person that set them apart from everyone else. I don't make an effort to emotionally connect to everyone I meet, its usually something I feel shortly after meeting someone that compels me to seek a more meaningful relationship with them or to consider them "just an acquaintance" if I don't feel any connection to them. Feeling "understood" by someone is one of the things I value, and indirectly if someone can make me feel understood, I think that equates to appreciation as used above. To me, I think its important to appreciate someone for who they are as a unique individual - to appreciate the qualities about them that set them apart from others.

(edit/append: 26 Oct 07)
The concept of wanting to feel appreciated is something I struggle with. I do have such desires, but that often feels selfish to me and so I tell myself and sometimes others that "having done what I thought felt right was the only important part", but I'd say I'm being at least somewhat deceitful/delusional in not accepting my internal desire to feel appreciated, but much like actions taken for others, the meaningfulness of appreciation is proportional to how important the person in question is to me - appreciation by strangers is nice, but comparatively trivial, while feeling appreciated by friends is a lot more meaningful to me. What I'm appreciated for also has weigh in that consideration. Being appreciated for "something anyone could have done" is a lot less meaningful to me than being appreciated for something I put my heart and mind into (I want to be appreciated for the things that make me different, and likewise prefer to value and praise others for their unique qualities so that they know someone appreciates them for who they are, not merely what they do for others.).

Though perhaps the salient reason why the Introverted Feeler differs from an Extrovert in this regard is that the Introverted judging function tends to set abstract goals, those that cannot be assessed in terms of concrete benchmarks that Judgers tend to employ. Therefore the INFP, must first understand that their mindset is comprehended and accepted by others before they could move themselves out to the open. This, as aforementioned tends to lead to major reservations. For that reason also, they tend to cling to their idealistic visions of ‘kindness and understanding’, that is, simply because they are unable to find a place that is fitting for their high ideals. An INTP can claim to having undergone similar experiences whereas their thoughts are not comprehended because their decision-making faculty is too abstract to be of use to practically minded individuals. As Leanor Thomson once pointed out, that even INTPs with highly developed communication skills struggle to express their thoughts in a way that Extroverted Thinkers could understand, because their ideas tend to have little meaning to them because no clear-cut application to the real world is observable. The INTP however, can explain the essence of their ideas to the Judgers on the theoretical level, as they tend to be objective communicators. Judgers will not be at ease dealing with such ways of thinking, but their affinity with logic will lead them to find common ground with the INTP. However, for the INFP, the dilemma is more difficult. Being more subjectively inclined, INFPs are unable to explain their ideas to Extroverted Feelers from whom they may often look for sympathy. The more the INFP is misunderstood, the more reservations they shall experience. Emotional comfort will derive almost entirely from within. Unlike the INTP who seeks to understand principles of the real world, the INFP will be more than happy removing their grasp from the external world. Possibly even be content with finding harmony in the world they have created. So long, as of course they have found harmony of some kind. Such a retreat will advance the INFP further towards the position John Milton was in, where they would be longing for the perfect world that has no place in the external reality.

I very much relate to those words.

(edit/append: 26 Oct 07)
A lot of ideas that seem clear in my mind are hard to share with others because they would require so many unusual and/or unlikely conditions to exist that even trying to explain what I see could be is problematic because I would also have to go through detailed explanations of how it could be made to be and why I think its a good idea (that also may lead to further misunderstandings). Sometimes I feel strongly in an idea and attempt to enter the world of thinking to try to put structure to the idea to present it in a way that others might understand, but even then, my ideas and intent are often misunderstood. Sometimes explaining them in the form of "let me tell you about this strange dream I had" can work to present an idea without harsh value judgments of others, but since they usually came as a result of active exploration of ideas and playing through scenarios in my head, that creates an authenticity value conflict so I really don't feel comfortable with that approach either.

*** I can see that referencing that post with comparatives and contrasts is going to be a long project and I'm getting very sleepy, I'll come back and edit this post later to append more thoughts ***

(Edit/Append: 26 Oct 07 - Continuing above comparison to Bluewing's INFP description)

Fi-Introverted Feeling, bends the Extroverted Intuition inwards and therefore creates the effect germane to Introverted Intuition. This leads the INFP, unlike most perceiving types to merely collect information that is fitting with the goals set by Introverted Feeling, instead of collecting all information as their extroverted cousin ENFP would be more likely to.
INFJ, as a dominant Introverted Intuiting type, is likely the most Intuitive type. However, one does not need as much Intuitive power in order to derive profound insights. INFJs often have more intuitions than they can consciously process. INFPs, on the other hand, are often able to consciously process-or apply feeling-oriented judgments to nearly all of their Intuitions. Their raw intuitions in themselves may not link them to direct insights as they would with the INFJs, but this certainly happens after they have applied Introverted Judgment to the contemplated idea.
INFPs are able to derive more depth than the INFJs due to the profundity of their conscious assessment. (Introverted Feeling). Thus, whilst INFJs examine all of their Intuitions with a less than profound apparatus (Extroverted Feeling), INFPs examine only small portions of their Intuitions, but examine them thoroughly.

A better understanding of how INFJs experience introverted intuition interacting with extroverted feeling would be helpful here, but the overall description for INFP does seem to fit fairly well with a lot of my thought processes. I focus on one idea is great detail trying to imagine all the possibilities that pertain to it making adjustments/tweaks to it as I run it through my head each time and eventually if I become satisfied with the idea, I either try to figure out of I can make it a reality or just keep it in my mind as a possibility waiting for an opportunity. And I have a few ideas that I've never found a satisfactory end to the scenario for that I just keep around looking for more ideas to apply to them later.

INFPs, are able to understand the subjective thought processes (feelings) of others due to their Fi factor of empathy. Extroverted Intuition accommodates in this regard as it allows for them to see the situation clearly from the perspective of another person.
If the INTP strives to concoct a mathematical equation that maps out the ebb and flow of the entire world, the INFP does the same to understand the true essence of human nature and all of our motivations. INFPs are often able to discern the smallest aspects of the human element and understand them thoroughly, as well as INTPs are often able to understand the smallest aspects of complex, impersonal theories. Accordingly, INFPs tend to construct a worldview based on their personal values through careful thought as analogously to how INTPs tend to construct their world-view based on dispassionate reasoning. Thus, the INTP may have a view of the impersonal laws of nature in a fashion much akin to how God may see them, the INFP would have the same relationship to the person-centered situations. Attaining a profound understanding of the inner motives of individuals and human nature by and large, as well as avoiding being ‘stuck in a rut’ and hence having the ability to have a view that is as extensive as it is profound. Though we should take note that because of the INTP’s objective approach to ideas, they wish to understand the world no matter what. However, an INFP must first attain harmony with the external environment in order to attempt to understand it. For this reason, the INFP often tends to focus more on the people and atmospheres that they are most closely in tune with.

This sounds about right to me, but it feels more like something I do unconsciously and just make my decisions based on what information my intuition gives me. I notice this often in cases where I am more detached, such as watching two people I know argue with each other and its clear to me that neither of them is understanding where the other is coming from and whats really important to them, but its clear to me that their disagreement is because of different values and motivations yet they are approaching the situation in the "do unto others" mode in presenting their view not realizing that whats right for them would not be whats right for the other and vice/versa. I'm not sure how much of that comes from just having a basic understanding of type theory and how much comes from how I naturally view the world.

This is especially pertinent to the people they tend to deal with, as they invest most of their energy in those they have bonded close with and seek to attain as much understanding of them as possible. They tend to devote little energy to those that they have not reconciled to on as profound of a level. Needless to say that INFPs, due to their person-centered approach to life find it most important to come to a point of emotional reconciliation with others before they could go further.

This also seems to fit my views. I would also add that I seek greater understanding of anyone I see as a potential new friend in addition to existing close friends. I still try to observe and understand acquaintances as well, but don't put as much active effort into it.

This, furthermore outlines the notion that the INFP can only be persuaded through attunement with the Feeling element, as analogously to how an INTP must be persuaded through attunement with the Thinking element. I.E, logically sound argument. The problem that both of these types incur in regards to diminution of Extroverted Intuition, is that they will tend to make decisions before they have managed to collect sufficient information. And as before mentioned, will not be able to collect information with a truly open-mind as their thoughts are influenced almost solely by the Introverted Feeling to which Extroverted Intuition is a servile lackey. Development of Extroverted Intuition liquidates the dilemma of potential one-sidedness as the auxiliary function becomes emancipated from the serfdom of the superior. Intuition, by property of itself, processes ideas. Thus, in such an event, the INFP will not be afflicted with the malady of collecting only information that is desired by the Introverted Judgment. INPs, as aforementioned tend to explore subjects in great depth with intense focus, whilst the Intuition oriented thinkers (hence, the Dostoevsky example), explore more ideas, yet with less of an intense of a focus. Extroverted Intuition is the most extensive function of all. An INP who has mastered Extroverted Intuition will be able to concoct a worldview that is almost as broad as it is deep. Aristotle and Shakespeare the case in point. Ivory tower academics are examples of INTPs who have not accomplished this task, and Kierkegaard to whose work we can refer to as being stuck in a dimly lit room, is an example of an INFP who has not accomplished the task.

This is an interesting way of looking at things, and I'm not really sure how my mind works in thsi regard, but I think I'm more often guilty of looking for too much information to make a decision than not enough, so maybe I have better control of my extroverted intuition than I realize, or maybe I'm just misunderstanding the idea.

Introverted Sensing will give the INFP more grounding in the real world, one that they truly wish to harmonize themselves with, not the one that their minds have concocted to replace. After Extroverted Thinking has developed as an entailment of cultivation of Introverted Sensing, the INFP will likely be able to view the world with a sober eye. At that point they will likely be able to harmonize themselves with the world as it truly is, and at this point they will be devoid of much inner conflict. The inner conflict follows as a consequence of an INFP having disregarded the external realities in favor of bending the picture to the extent where it would be easier to harmonize with, and the INFP eventually discovering that their attempts to harmonize can not be thought of as legitimate for this reason. Because they only think they have harmonized themselves with the world, but only harmonized themselves with their illusory vision of the world. In order to find true harmony, the INFP must obtain a realistic view of the world, and there is no better way to start this than by attempting to cultivate Introverted Sensing. The most down to Earth and common-sensical function one can encounter. Only this, and not many of their sentimental illusions will pave their way for inner peace. The only true goal in life of an Introverted Judger.

Ok, now this is one of those ideas that I find hard to reconcile. I do think I accept the external world as it is and view it with a sober (and very bitter) eye, to me that means I accept and deal with the limitations of reality, but accepting the truth and being at peace with the truth are not the same thing to me. I look at it as the world being full of problems that need to be fixed, and some of them can be, but a lot of them will probably take centuries (if ever) before they can be fixed. - Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible - (couldnt find the original source, but heard that quote on the Colbert Report).

Inferior Function: Extroverted Thinking

This is the section I found virtualy nothing in common with, yet in Quenk's description of inferior Extroverted Thinking I found many things in common. I can understand things logically, I just don't value logic more than my feelings about something. I never say "this feels logical", I may say "yes, I can see your logic, but thats not what matters to me, I'm just not comfortable with that idea/descision (ie, it does not feel right)" or even "yes, thats logical" if there is no feeling reaction to override it. Logic is not something I feel, logic either is or is not, no feeling involved in it for me, and logic is merely a tool to aid in decision making when I feel its appropriate to the situation.
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