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Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant


Your significant other just ended your 2 year relationship quite suddenly and with no apparent explanation. Up until this point you had both been talking about marriage and last week you even went to look at rings together. Now he/she won't even return your phone calls or texts. After talking with his/her family you find out that he/she has just been diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer.

- Describe how this scenario would make you feel as well as what sort of influences and motivations lie behind those feelings. Why do you feel the way you do?
At first I'd be hurt as all hell. I'd be crying, bitter, angry. I would feel horrible. I'd wonder why people just come in and out of my life like I am nothing, although I try to give them my all. I would feel bitter about being ghosted. Coward, didn't even have the balls to tell me to fuck off. Well, fuck them! I did fine on my own for years, if he decided he wanted to frolick along to someone else so be it.

I would feel absolutely devastated to discover the cancer thing. But I'd still be angry with them. Why not talk to me? Did we not make promises to stay through thick and thin? I'd feel hurt he didn't trust me enough to stay. Losing you would be so hard, but give me a chance to have closure and grieve.

- In this scenario what would you honestly say the primary focus of your feelings would be?
Inward feelings. I have a tendency to grab onto painful feelings and brew them for a period of time.



You are in college and this semester both you and your roommate end up in the same class together. You and your roommate get along fairly well and the living situation works but you aren't particularly close. You both typically do your own thing and are rather indifferent to each other. As the semester progresses you excel and become one of the top students in the class whereas your roommate is struggling significantly to grasp the material. The professor assigns a fairly challenging take home test that is a significant portion of your grade. He/she makes it clear that while it is open book, students are to work alone. Later your roommate comes to you begging for help after struggling with the test most of the weekend. You have already completed the assignment and he/she isn't asking to copy your answers, just to help tutor and mentor them as they struggle to complete the test, so there is no way your professor would ever know. However, this is the first time your room-mate has asked you for help this semester. He/she makes it clear that how they do on this test could mean the difference between passing and failing this class.

- How do you respond to your roommate’s request and why?

I would offer to help them with the concepts they are struggling with, but refuse to give them the answers. I don't think it benefits my roommate at all if I just give them the answers. College is progressive and you need to understand foundations or as you go up you'll never succeed. I would help them best I could, show them library books, etc. There are so many resources to teach yourself things, you just have to close facebook and find them instead of slacking off. I would encourage them heavily to search out the solutions on their owns. We could make up similar problems to the ones on the exam so they get experience but still have to solve themselves. Answers should not just be given. It is unlikely there will be a drastic change in the grade enough to make a professor nervous, but if he asked, I would note I showed my roommate how to find and use resources to teach themselves the concept, rather than giving them the answers. However, I would wonder why my roommate didn't try harder and feel annoyed. Did they go to office hours, a tutor, anything? Or did they just expect me as the smart one in the room to give them the answers? Because I will not be used.

- What sort of things in this scenario stand out to you as far as having a strong influence on your decision making and why?

I feel I should be kind to people. So naturally I would try something to assist. But I also think it is an empathy of understanding how difficult things can be sometimes.

- Describe the flow of your decision making process.

I would start off accepting they swallowed their pride enough to ask for help so I should help. While I may feel frustrated wondering if my roommate had tried things before the exam, the goal would be empowering my roommate to be able to do this without me or some other student. I would give resources, and example questions rather than copy from the test. The logic is about the long run. Will they benefit if I just hand them the answers? No! But they will if I help them ACTUALLY understand.



Your boss calls you into his/her office in order to assign you to a new project. He/she gives you a choice between two.

Project 1 is a rather broad, expansive project covering multiple areas of company operations. It has the potential to have a very significant impact on company operations but it would require a collective effort and an extensive amount of group work where you would be logically thinking through the project together with the group of individuals your boss has also assigned to it.

Project 2 has a much more specific and narrow focus and would require a significant amount of in depth individual analysis to work through the problem. You would be working alone and the completion of the project may or may not have much impact on company operations. However, after complete the process and problem you were working on will be streamlined and fundamentally understood.

- Which project appeals to you the most, as it relates to the way you prefer to logically process information? Why?

Project 2. For one, independent work. I absolutely hate group projects. But to me, it is far more valuable for something to be understood for years to come than to have some famed impact. I don't care if you notice me, you don't have to be noticed to leave some ripple effect on the world. If someone recognizes the issue at hand and understands, I'll know what I did. Plus, I like sitting down to really really understand a concept I feel passionate about. I think it'd be good for me to focus on one thing rather than bouncing around 20 different ideas.

- What sort of things in this scenario, across either project, stood out to you as having a strong influence on your decision? Why?

Group vs. independent work, how this project would impact the world itself. I prefer independent work and study. I find most people unreliable and a nuisance when I have a good idea. I do not think a project should strictly be about my fame but how it would benefit the whole, since I mean, if you do all that work and it has no benefit to someone's knowledge why the fuck did I even waste my time? I rather form understanding and be entirely unknown. Its like a move - the actors and actresses are acknowledged tenfold but few take the time to truly remember a director, besides the people strongly impacted by their work.



Your college professor has assigned you to a group project with 3 other individuals. All 3 of these individuals have a good strong work ethic and desire to contribute to the overall success of this project. You are at the first meeting of your group and the other members are tossing around valuable ideas as to the nature and direction of this project.

- Describe your behavior in this situation as you process and think about the ideas they are presenting.

Ew group projects. I hate group projects. I like to do things entirely alone. Honestly in group projects I tend to become domineering and take it over, even if they have good input. I'll organize it in a fashion that each one will be responsible for a piece of it, and we'll meet together to put the finishing pieces together, revise, and put our names on it. That way the only thing group about it is really the final aspect. We will discuss and agree to one vision. This vision is what will come together. I'd debate with them on the nature of their topics, and whether or not the result will align with the main idea.

- Describe what major influences drive this behavior.

My inability to see my peers as reliable helpers. In the past I'd start projects, we'd have a plan, and they'd all slack and not do their shit. I became at their mercy and I hate being at someone's mercy. I would twist this to put myself in control of the situation. If someone failed, I'd have the back up plan prepared. I don't need other people to do a good job. People hold me back.



It has been a very long week and you feel mentally and emotionally drained, but good news! It is Saturday and you have nothing significant that needs to be done. You FINALLY have some free time to yourself to recharge your batteries and do whatever you want.

- Describe what sort of activities would help you to recharge. What would you enjoy doing after a long week and why?

A mind numbing video game like Katamari or something. I'd likely do less reading since a lot of my books I get emotionally attached to and I'm feeling emotionally drained. I'd likely get online and watch endless assortments of stupid youtube videos, go outside running and listening to music escaping from my own mind and into my world where I make up my characters and such. To escape I just escape myself for a while. Force myself to avoid thought really.

- What sort of things do you feel you draw non-physical energy from doing?

I've always loved music and I feel like different music can effect you. If I am drained I usually find music that sort of emulates my feelings since I often feel like I don't really have someone close to have a bond with to share that level of emotion. Sometimes I don't even know how to talk about my actual feelings, so I just bitch about events, giving every detail but not really getting to the point which is being hurt. I start arguments and get into debates I can't finish, and conflict gives me a great deal of adrenaline and anxiety. I don't like it when I am angry because I feel I often hurt people with my anger, although I just really want them to realize they're doing something hurtful or harmful. I wish I was actually better AT describing my feelings, rather than just responding. Often I find exercising and escapism necessary. I get pint up wrapped in my own feelings too much. I feel trapped in my inner world a lot.



You have a meeting with your college career counselor to discuss potential careers that interest you. He/she offers you a list of the following careers and asks you to pick your TOP 3. He/she asks you to take money out of the equation. Imagine all of these careers received equal compensation. Focus instead on where you would truly feel most happy and fulfilled.

Artist, Scientist, Actor, Engineer, Musician, Lawyer, Counselor, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Manager, Psychologist, Computer Programmer / Analyst, Clergy, Child Care, Medical Doctor

- What were your top 3 choices and what aspects of these careers appeal to you?

1. Artist/writer - I put writer here because writing is an art and you didn't give me the damn option I wanted. REBELLION. XD In all seriousness, so much can be changed, understood, and discovered through art and literature. I feel it actually heavily shapes culture, ideas, and all around human understanding. I have so much to say, to compel people to see, I want to see the world take on what it COULD be, not what it is, and to do that there has to be a change in the perspectives coming from the stories being told. I want to do that. I feel those words can be the most powerful force of nature anyone could see.

2. Counselor - Honestly I fail to see how a counselor and a psychologist differ, besides one deals with the problems and the other can do both deal with and diagnose. I chose counselor because when someone brings me a problem, I become more about solutions. I go wild and come up with a multitude of things for them to try to help themselves with their problems. I however also get extremely frustrated with people who do nothing about the situation when they can. If it is something they can't help, more empathy is there, but if you have trouble being on time you are your own fucking problem.

3. Clergy - I am very religious and my faith means a great deal to me. While I don't think I could ever do this in a sense, I feel people use religion in a negative way, in a way it is not supposed to be used. God is love, and I think the world has forgotten. At the same time, I think other people see God is love and then go on to act like they can do whatever because of it. No, Jesus should create a change in your heart so you don't WANT to be some asinine bitch who should fall in a well. People like these two extremes make people turn AWAY from God and it makes me so mad.

- Was it difficult or easy to pick only 3 and why?

It was harder to pick more than the 2, considering I've narrowed my interests into social work and writing/arts. I personally feel like music, writing, and art are all the same so.

- Prioritize the aspects of your career choices that influenced your decision, what things mattered most to you, where do you imagine finding the most fulfillment and why?

How I can make an imprint to change the way the world views things. Enable people to help themselves. I think of course the writing would be most fulfilling. I've always loved some sort of writing it is just hard to make a career of it.


Click on the image below and pay close attention to the things that jump out to you, objects, thoughts, feelings, impressions, ideas etc. What do you see?

- Describe the main things that stand out to you in this picture.

The tunneling in the rocks. I immediately noticed the trees covering that area and I wonder if its like a cave, or little hiding spot. I wonder if anyone's hiding back there. Also, how did those trees even grow down there? That's a weird place for trees to grow.

- Why do you think/feel you focused on those things?

Because it stands out from the rest of the picture. XD

- Describe the strength with which this photo did or did not appeal to you and why?

It barely appealed to me at all. It looks bleak and dull for the most part. I had to find something about it that caught my eyes, otherwise I likely would've just glossed over it.

Venus Rose

New member
Jul 8, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I have skimmed this, but I have also glanced at a couple of your other posts on the forum. You seem to have a lot of loud, outward energy (by this, I don't mean that you are loud and assertive in a social situation per se, but that your energy is strong, without any pull-backs of the SP, "no holds barred" sort of thing, and it pushes itself outwards into the world)...so I was wondering, could you please go over why you settled on sx/sp for your stacking? I have been wondering about sx/so or so/sx...

[h=3]Sexual Primary / Social Support[/h]"The Sensual Player"


  • Expression: intense, outer-focused
  • Energy: intense energy expressed outwards, assertively
  • Behavior: intense, assertive, sultry and aggressive
  • Mindset: "If I can maintain position and inclusion in the group/world, I can keep up and escalate all this merging/intensity."
  • Examples: Gwen Stefani
[h=3]Social Primary / Sexual Support[/h]"The Intense Appealer"


  • Expression: bright smiley, intense expression
  • Energy: outward energy expressed intensely, broadly
  • Behavior: bright, smiley, erratic and scattered
  • Mindset: "If I can get close to people with merging/intensity, I can make sure of and keep improving my position and inclusion in the group/world."
  • Examples: Paige Davis (Trading Spaces), Tom Cruise
[h=3]Sexual Primary / Self-Preservation Support[/h]"One-Man Storm"

  • Expression: intense, self-absorbed expression
  • Energy: intense energy expressed calmly, steadily, assertively
  • Behavior: intense, assertive, troubled and self absorbed
  • Mindset: "If I can make (us) have an orderly & pleasing lifestyle, I can keep up and escalate all this merging/intensity."
  • Examples: Harlock (Arcadia of my Youth)


Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I have skimmed this, but I have also glanced at a couple of your other posts on the forum. You seem to have a lot of loud, outward energy (by this, I don't mean that you are loud and assertive in a social situation per se, but that your energy is strong, without any pull-backs of the SP, "no holds barred" sort of thing, and it pushes itself outwards into the world)...so I was wondering, could you please go over why you settled on sx/sp for your stacking? I have been wondering about sx/so or so/sx...

So, I feel 100% I am Sx-dominant. I have a loud energy and can be unintentionally bold and in your face without often even realizing I am bold and in your face. I also prefer gaining very strong 1x1 connections. So I've never really varied from Sx-dominance view. I am of course interested in your opinion on matters though.

My biggest issue is my utter lack of relation to So. My understanding of So involves a perspective from So-dominants. They discussed keeping friend groups separate because they only share certain things with certain friends. Wearing a sort of social mask in groups, ENJOYING conversing in groups more. I do not relate to this at all. If I am in a social group, I usually find a connection with 1 or 2 people and then jump ship. I despise social groups, I feel a group setting ends up being a way to "hide" yourself and I want to know you and your inner essence, not your group etiquette. I feel like considering I find the way So's talk about So-ing to be utterly unfathomable in my own life to be a sign I must be utterly blind to it.

I however do not soundly relate to Sp either. I think I've gained more Sp over the years, as I've experienced pain, and socially now I sometimes am less emotionally open than I once was. While I want to follow completely the Sx passion, I feel the Sp is my grounder. It reminds me I need to settle down, I need to be financially fit, I need to take care of myself instead of chasing the wonders of the world. I think I relate to the Sx/Sp push/pull sort of effect, where I want to be unreserved and open with people yet a small voice also tells me to shut up, you're gonna get hurt bad again. So that's why at this time, I chose Sx/Sp. I hear people suggest I am So/Sx a lot because I tend to talk about how I want to change the negatives in the world, but I don't necessarily think my idealism automatically correlates to So.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I'll try to get back to this by the end of the week. There's so much to pull apart and I sadly must head to class in a little bit. But thank you for the thread mention.

Venus Rose

New member
Jul 8, 2016
Instinctual Variant
So, I feel 100% I am Sx-dominant. I have a loud energy and can be unintentionally bold and in your face without often even realizing I am bold and in your face. I also prefer gaining very strong 1x1 connections. So I've never really varied from Sx-dominance view. I am of course interested in your opinion on matters though.

Hmm ok, so I will focus on the sx dominant types then.

My biggest issue is my utter lack of relation to So. My understanding of So involves a perspective from So-dominants. They discussed keeping friend groups separate because they only share certain things with certain friends.
I am not sure I understand this, lol. Yeah, I don't think I do this either.

Wearing a sort of social mask in groups, ENJOYING conversing in groups more.
I don't relate to that either.

I do not relate to this at all. If I am in a social group, I usually find a connection with 1 or 2 people and then jump ship. I despise social groups, I feel a group setting ends up being a way to "hide" yourself and I want to know you and your inner essence, not your group etiquette. I feel like considering I find the way So's talk about So-ing to be utterly unfathomable in my own life to be a sign I must be utterly blind to it.
I don't focus on the group in that way either, and prefer one-on-one connections. You may want to consider the different stacking subtypes:

fireside sx/so - strong sx, weak soc and weaker sp. pulls from sp/sx shadow to intensify sx. exhibitionism, wild abandon, most 'on fire' of all stacks or stack ranges.

flirter sx/so - strong sx, moderate soc, weak sp. highly sociable and extroverted per type, flirtatious interaction style, more coy than firesiders but more risque than coolsiders.

coolside sx/so - strong sx, strong soc, weak sp. pulls from so/sp secondary, political activist streak, 'cooled' by soc with some intellectual reserve, channels sx into social causes.

...I personally don't relate to any of them, but if it helps you then...you might also want to look into sx/so

Here are the sx/sp ranges, by contrast:

sx/sp seducer (weak sp) - sx in full command produces an active recruiter of potential mates; but being sx/sp this remains in the yin mode of seducing. charismatic and overtly sexualized, arguably the most purely sx of all stacks and ranges. draws from so/sx shadow to liven up sx into an erotic playfulness and to keep sx far ahead of their relatively nominal sp. an emotional yearning to their mating ritual; an inherently unstable range that can lead to a pattern of serial heartbreak. often confused for sx/so.

sx/sp mystifier (midrange) - the range where the mystique of the sx/sp stack is at its strongest. unconsciously attracts with intense eye contact and other sx feelers, but holds back enough to give them a kind of untouchable or hard to get close to quality. depending on their true intentions this can either frustrate their sx or reward their functional sp cooling system. like midrangers of all stacks, there's a seemingly casual approach to meeting their variant needs as the secondary instinct is kept both in play and at bay, and others may wonder what they really want.

sx/sp wanderer (strong sp) - the most clasically 'blocked' of the sx's, often exchanging intimacy in favor of the more immediate pleasures of the body. paradoxically the most wandering and restless of the sx/sp's. pulls from sp/so to ensure the sx flood is contained by the sp levee, which can provide a sense of stability at the expense of seeming put off by others. sex can mean a hollow satisfying of the instinct while more vulnerable feelings are suspended. quietly charged but muted, and can seem self pres first.


As for "being blind to it," you might actually want to look into what Katherine Fauvre has said about stacking. I was talking about this here...
In one (or maybe several) of her video hangouts with Ben Vaserlan. She said that people are "most arrogant" about the middle instinct, thinking they have it figured out, they don't really need to attend to it much, and it's not that much of a trouble. The dominant and last instincts become more of the focus; the dominant because it is what you care about the most, and the last because it is pretty clearly seen as an area of deficiency. I am paraphrasing, but I think that was the gist of it.

In that sense, I could see myself neglecting to what extent So may be playing a role in my personality because honestly I do not pay conscious focus on it, and have always felt like "it just takes care of itself; so I am good" sort of thing.

I however do not soundly relate to Sp either. I think I've gained more Sp over the years, as I've experienced pain, and socially now I sometimes am less emotionally open than I once was. While I want to follow completely the Sx passion, I feel the Sp is my grounder. It reminds me I need to settle down, I need to be financially fit, I need to take care of myself instead of chasing the wonders of the world.
I feel like a lot of what you have said here comes with the territory of "growing up"...honestly.

I think I relate to the Sx/Sp push/pull sort of effect, where I want to be unreserved and open with people yet a small voice also tells me to shut up, you're gonna get hurt bad again. So that's why at this time, I chose Sx/Sp. I hear people suggest I am So/Sx a lot because I tend to talk about how I want to change the negatives in the world, but I don't necessarily think my idealism automatically correlates to So.

Overall your energy is this:
"Energy: intense energy expressed outwards, assertively"
and not this:
"Energy: intense energy expressed calmly, steadily, assertively"

And I know you have two id types in your tritype (7 and 8), and you are core 7, so you may come across as sx/so-ish. But I have interacted with an sx/sp 7w8 before, and he really didn't have the same kind of energy. His was more in line with the sx/sp.

I don't actively seek out groups either, and prefer to be with 1 or 2 people that I am genuinely interested in. However, I have noticed that I can have some shyness/awkwardness around 'feeling seen' sometimes, in a Soc variant sense, even though this is not always the case. It could also be because of the 4 and 5 (both introverted, both kind of 'awkward' or unsmooth, socially speaking). I am not usually focused on this though. My typical focus is sx. I am not thinking about Soc unless the situation requires it (for instance, giving a presentation in front of the entire class; I may get quite nervous or anxious. But once the situation is over, I forget about it.)

I know that my Soc is however, stronger than my SP, because I barely pay any attention to SP and find it kind of boring, frankly. But I do recognize that it is important.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hmm ok, so I will focus on the sx dominant types then.

I am not sure I understand this, lol. Yeah, I don't think I do this either.

I don't relate to that either.

I don't focus on the group in that way either, and prefer one-on-one connections. You may want to consider the different stacking subtypes:

...I personally don't relate to any of them, but if it helps you then...you might also want to look into sx/so

Here are the sx/sp ranges, by contrast:


As for "being blind to it," you might actually want to look into what Katherine Fauvre has said about stacking. I was talking about this here...


I feel like a lot of what you have said here comes with the territory of "growing up"...honestly.

Overall your energy is this:
"Energy: intense energy expressed outwards, assertively"
and not this:
"Energy: intense energy expressed calmly, steadily, assertively"

And I know you have two id types in your tritype (7 and 8), and you are core 7, so you may come across as sx/so-ish. But I have interacted with an sx/sp 7w8 before, and he really didn't have the same kind of energy. His was more in line with the sx/sp.

I don't actively seek out groups either, and prefer to be with 1 or 2 people that I am genuinely interested in. However, I have noticed that I can have some shyness/awkwardness around 'feeling seen' sometimes, in a Soc variant sense, even though this is not always the case. It could also be because of the 4 and 5 (both introverted, both kind of 'awkward' or unsmooth, socially speaking). I am not usually focused on this though. My typical focus is sx. I am not thinking about Soc unless the situation requires it (for instance, giving a presentation in front of the entire class; I may get quite nervous or anxious. But once the situation is over, I forget about it.)

I know that my Soc is however, stronger than my SP, because I barely pay any attention to SP and find it kind of boring, frankly. But I do recognize that it is important.
thank you for the links, I honestly didn't know about the strength subtypes. XD

I agree I do not express things calmly. actually, everyone who knows me knows I joke about it, saying CHILL? I HAVE NO CHILL! because I don't. I am terrible at expressing myself in a composed manner. I either blurt it blunt force trauma or I choose not to speak and go home and cry about it. XD

The way you discuss So makes it more relatable to me.

I know I don't recognize it, but there are a lot of people who have interacted with me who felt I was flirtier than I even realize I come off as. so I feel like that could play into me being the "flirter" range. I've been told I am very fiery as well. I feel like I need to read in more detail because I could be any of those ranges. I have a tendency to fire passion into my social causes, have wild abandon about it at times, etc. so. I think this likely clarifies I have some So somewhere. thank you.


Sep 29, 2016
Hey, thanks for the Tag!
...but i have to tell you I am really not good at typing people I don't know in real life. I don't think any advice I could give would be helpful to you.
Good luck!


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
i am confused about the goal here... are you wanting people to respond to the scenarios, or to respond to your responses?

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
i am confused about the goal here... are you wanting people to respond to the scenarios, or to respond to your responses?

Respond to the responses. This questionnaire is becoming popular though.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
i am confused about the goal here... are you wanting people to respond to the scenarios, or to respond to your responses?

the goal is to respond to my responses with your opinion of my type.

hence "type me" thread. :p

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Still looking for insight...maybe MBTI?

I can be somewhat stubborn but I'm willing to hear arguments... :p
Dec 28, 2016
Instinctual Variant
(I'll do my best but I am *very* rusty on the theory in general so be warned lol.) You're a tough one to type Jazzy. In the past I would have said enfp easy but Im honestly not too sure. Sometimes you exhibit more fe than fi and vice versa. So my advice is to look into shadow functions first. I always feel like the best way to look at typing is to look at how you behave when at your healthiest, and how you behave when at your worst. That way you know when you're in shadow mode (which isnt your true type) vs how you are when you're functioning healthily. To me when youre angry or sad or passionate, you seem to exhibit more Fi. But at the same time I see a certain confusion when it comes to addressing your feelings, and more clarity when addressing the emotions of others (something Ive noticed in my Fe friends). I can honestly see you as some type of NF. either xNFJ or xNFP I'm not too sure. You dont strike me as a sensor because you seem far too focused on the future or the past, you don't strike me as a think on her feet, here and now type of person. Hopefully my ramblings help somewhat :')

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
(I'll do my best but I am *very* rusty on the theory in general so be warned lol.) You're a tough one to type Jazzy. In the past I would have said enfp easy but Im honestly not too sure. Sometimes you exhibit more fe than fi and vice versa. So my advice is to look into shadow functions first. I always feel like the best way to look at typing is to look at how you behave when at your healthiest, and how you behave when at your worst. That way you know when you're in shadow mode (which isnt your true type) vs how you are when you're functioning healthily. To me when youre angry or sad or passionate, you seem to exhibit more Fi. But at the same time I see a certain confusion when it comes to addressing your feelings, and more clarity when addressing the emotions of others (something Ive noticed in my Fe friends). I can honestly see you as some type of NF. either xNFJ or xNFP I'm not too sure. You dont strike me as a sensor because you seem far too focused on the future or the past, you don't strike me as a think on her feet, here and now type of person. Hopefully my ramblings help somewhat :')

it does mean something. I relate little to Se because I have to force and remind myself to exist in the moment otherwise I get too lost in the past or the future. heh. I've never really analyzed myself based on shadows so I may try that on for size.

and I hope this isn't a push but [MENTION=26674]Norrsken[/MENTION] you suggested you may come back, any 2 cents? XD


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
it does mean something. I relate little to Se because I have to force and remind myself to exist in the moment otherwise I get too lost in the past or the future. heh. I've never really analyzed myself based on shadows so I may try that on for size.

and I hope this isn't a push but [MENTION=26674]Norrsken[/MENTION] you suggested you may come back, any 2 cents? XD

I feel like you're a pretty typical ENFP.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
An FP, but what kind?

All I'm sure about is Fi and Te from what you gave me.

I liked ISFP, and can't see the arguments for any intuitives that people gave. For some reason you're vibing a little like one of my former friends, who typed as an ISFP. But she could have been something else, for sure. And this is the Internet, where communication notoriously distorts :p

You had ISFP before, didn't you? What made you change?