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[MBTI General] Are NTJs more like NFPs than NTPs?


Anew Leaf

Some brief thoughts... I find that Fe-Doms are more intrusive than Fe-users.

Having an EXFJ hug you, wanting attention, demanding you love them.... it's all very exhausting after awhile.

Having a Fe-user hug you, wanting attention.... is much easier to deal with as a Fi-dom... I don't get worn out from them usually.

And in regards to hugging...

If I hug someone or let myself be hugged.... it is kind of a Big Deal for me. For me physical touch is kind of a special thing, and something I only do with people I find special. I also just want to respect other people's space and right to their space. If I am in a relationship then I can be very affectionate. (Very affectionate for me as a Fi user, probably not anywhere near too affectionate for a Fe-user.) So I kind of "save up" my snuggling for the few people I treasure the most. It's like giving them a gift of myself in a manner that few will see.

My ENFJ friend has helped get me out of my shell quite a bit. However, the end result is that I simply show MORE affection for my current friends... I don't expand outwards with people that aren't in my Fi-zone.

I never understood the functions until recently... and it does make me laugh seeing the differences between Fi-user and Fe-user. My XNTP friends are SOO affectionate! I get hugs from them all the time, they will sit close with me on the couch, throw their arm around me, etc. My NTJ friends are so extra reserved. My ENTJ friend gave me a hug a few months ago - first physical touch ever - and it was like such an awkward moment for us. I was like "crap, is John dying?!! Why is he touching me?"

Conversely, I have a customer who is an ESFJ who ALWAYS has to hug me. It drives me INSANE. She reeks of perfume, has this super high pitched voice and yells, "HONEY BUN I NEED A HUG!!" (In my head I am thinking, I need a shot gun.) There was one day that I was determined to move heaven and earth to avoid getting a hug.... so I just kept walking fast away from her... around my store... finally hid in the bathroom for a bit.... came out, and boom! she was waiting for me. Ugh, it's like being stalked.

In conclusion as a Fi-dom person, I likes teh hugz from peapullz ah laks. Ah dun laks teh hugs from peapull ah dun lak.

P.S. I also like to test the waters with people at times... "Aww, you're being so cute I just want to hug you!" Is me scoping out the territory... to see if I did hug them if they would be happy or secretly cringing at the moment.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
@skylights: Thanks for the input. *Hugs you (whether you like it or not)*. Haha.


haha jk you can has hugz. :hug:

Conversely, I have a customer who is an ESFJ who ALWAYS has to hug me. It drives me INSANE. She reeks of perfume, has this super high pitched voice and yells, "HONEY BUN I NEED A HUG!!" (In my head I am thinking, I need a shot gun.)

that sounds HORRIBLE.

i have a close, longtime ESFJ friend who always squees (yes, there really is no other word more accurate for it) my name when she sees me (in private, not in public, lol) and throws her arms up, and it concerned me a bit at first but it's actually sort of adorable. it makes me laugh because she really genuinely loves so many people and likes hugging them. she doesn't do it with new acquaintances, but once you're in "the fold", you're hug material. and it's like, um, i saw you a day ago. she doesn't care. she's still THAT happy to see you. but she is a comfortable hugger - not too long, not to tight, not awkward. plus she's always clean and pretty and smells nice but not overpowering, so i don't mind

i feel like that ^ is how it should be done.


Aug 6, 2010
Unbridled Ne hops, skips and jumps, creating unnecessary drama from misunderstandings or deliberate attempts to manipulate. It's easier for me to connect with a Ti-dom since their thoughts are easier to follow.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Unbridled Ne hops, skips and jumps, creating unnecessary drama from misunderstandings or deliberate attempts to manipulate. It's easier for me to connect with a Ti-dom since their thoughts are easier to follow.

So, basically INTP > ENxP ??? I'd have to agree with your assessment. :D

*comes to the realization that he just "created unnecessary drama from a misunderstanding" and made a "deliberate attempt to manipulate"*

In all seriousness, I've realized that the reason I "get" ENTJ's more than other NT's is because of the shared T-dom. I think INTJ's and ENTP's connect more as N-doms, while INTP-ENTJ connect as T-doms. Although, INTP/ENTP connect with Ne/Ti. And INTJ/ENTJ probably connect with Ni/Te. INTP/INTJ and ENTP/ENTJ interactions are probably still mysteries to be solved.


Aug 6, 2010
So, basically INTP > ENxP ??? I'd have to agree with your assessment. :D

*comes to the realization that he just "created unnecessary drama from a misunderstanding" and made a "deliberate attempt to manipulate"*

In all seriousness, I've realized that the reason I "get" ENTJ's more than other NT's is because of the shared T-dom. I think INTJ's and ENTP's connect more as N-doms, while INTP-ENTJ connect as T-doms. Although, INTP/ENTP connect with Ne/Ti. And INTJ/ENTJ probably connect with Ni/Te. INTP/INTJ and ENTP/ENTJ interactions are probably still mysteries to be solved.
Ha ha...did your ENTP inner child just peep out?

The comment about Ne doms covers ENxPs but solely for the unbridled ones. Most female ENTPs have found a way to manage their Ne-domness, as well as some male ENTPs and some female ENFPs.


Feb 13, 2010
Instinctual Variant
NTJs are more like NFPs in some ways and more like NTPs in others. /thread

Anew Leaf


haha jk you can has hugz. :hug:

that sounds HORRIBLE.

i have a close, longtime ESFJ friend who always squees (yes, there really is no other word more accurate for it) my name when she sees me (in private, not in public, lol) and throws her arms up, and it concerned me a bit at first but it's actually sort of adorable. it makes me laugh because she really genuinely loves so many people and likes hugging them. she doesn't do it with new acquaintances, but once you're in "the fold", you're hug material. and it's like, um, i saw you a day ago. she doesn't care. she's still THAT happy to see you. but she is a comfortable hugger - not too long, not to tight, not awkward. plus she's always clean and pretty and smells nice but not overpowering, so i don't mind

i feel like that ^ is how it should be done.

It is horrible. It's at least the 4th circle of hell for me.

My ENFJ friend is like your friend there a bit... although she does it in public too. ;) I have finally gotten used to it and I hug back with her and get affectionate. (Took me a couple years though, haha!) And I must admit that it is rather nice at times to be loved so much your friend can't help but show it! :) But this allowance is rare and must be earned.... via adorable animal photo sacrifice.... etc.

Unbridled Ne hops, skips and jumps, creating unnecessary drama from misunderstandings or deliberate attempts to manipulate. It's easier for me to connect with a Ti-dom since their thoughts are easier to follow.

Haha, I can relate. :) Or just plain talking too much. One of my best friends is an ENTP... and when he's feeling comfy he says EVERYTHING that comes to mind. He's married to an INTJ and this hilarious conversation took place this weekend:

INTJ: honey can you get my sweater from the car? I'm kinda cold.
ENTP: Ok, can you get my keys out of my pocket? My hands are greasy.
INTJ: Ugh, again?! Why do you always need me to get your keys for you!
ENTP: No, wrong pocket.... try the middle pocket... *waggles eyebrows at her*
INTJ: GAH! Why are you saying this stuff in front of other people!!
ENTP: Oh yes, reach deep in my pocket!

At this point his audience of primarily NPs started laughing pretty hard.

NTJs are more like NFPs in some ways and more like NTPs in others. /thread

Ah, INTJs.... the verbal distillers.


Apr 24, 2008
I remember the time on this forum when entp's were wanted beings, now folks are amassing against. You are an unthankful audience.

But for your convenience, I felt always alone, in the time I was liked and in the time not.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I remember the time on this forum when entp's were wanted beings, now folks are amassing against. You are an unthankful audience.

But for your convenience, I felt always alone, in the time I was liked and in the time not.

You're still here? We thought we had driven you ENTP's off. Well, anyways, welcome back.


Apr 24, 2008
No the wrong snakes are all yours.. how'ld you translate falsche schlange, I've no clue gn8


Aug 6, 2010
I remember the time on this forum when entp's were wanted beings, now folks are amassing against. You are an unthankful audience.

But for your convenience, I felt always alone, in the time I was liked and in the time not.
While we've had our differences, you're a male entp who's of the decent sort. That is from a motivations perspective.

My problems with male ENTPs are usually steeped in misunderstanding, as well as the way I prefer to interact with people. That's not to say that ENTPs are generally "bad". They're not. Just more difficult to source motivations from.

To expand on that, it has to do with being led without consent. To try to understand Ne doms, you're almost forced to follow them from rabbit hole to rabbit hole until you get the complete picture, much like how they source information in a random fashion. This creates discomfort within me since as a somewhat positional person, I prefer to anticipate. With Ne-doms I don't trust, I won't follow.


Apr 24, 2008
While we've had our differences, you're a male entp who's of the decent sort. That is from a motivations perspective.

My problems with male ENTPs are usually steeped in misunderstanding, as well as the way I prefer to interact with people. That's not to say that ENTPs are generally "bad". They're not. Just more difficult to source motivations from.

To expand on that, it has to do with being led without consent. To try to understand Ne doms, you're almost forced to follow them from rabbit hole to rabbit hole until you get the complete picture, much like how they source information in a random fashion. This creates discomfort within me since as a somewhat positional person, I prefer to anticipate. With Ne-doms I don't trust, I won't follow.

Thats what i try to tell my superiors everytime, dont make the crazy engineer the boss, he just cant deal with peeople and they dont like him anyways.

I think one of my greatest problems is the lack to understandin myself and notice my emotions, maybe because I lack Fe. I rather say everything is ok and fine than dealing with the situation. This makes me a perfect drama queen, but it gives me another thing aswell, which are good manners. Cause I would find it shameful and it feels wrong to me to start the list about what I hate about Fi and Te people now.


Aug 6, 2010
Thats what i try to tell my superiors everytime, dont make the crazy engineer the boss, he just cant deal with peeople and they dont like him anyways.

I think one of my greatest problems is the lack to understandin myself and notice my emotions, maybe because I lack Fe. I rather say everything is ok and fine than dealing with the situation. This makes me a perfect drama queen, but it gives me another thing aswell, which are good manners. Cause I would find it shameful and it feels wrong to me to start the list about what I hate about Fi and Te people.
Not sure where you're getting the unlikeable bit from. You're pretty likeable.

As far as starting a list about what you dislike about Fi and Te people go ahead. It won't hurt my feelings. I'd be curious what your issues are, since I've been honest about my issues which are definitely partially my issues in how I react to unfettered Ne-doms.


Apr 24, 2008
That would be what I meant, I never asked for your issues. Are you starting another of yours word battles here ? You know I dont like those


Apr 24, 2008
No. I was freely sharing information.

And I thought you were freely altering the discussions topic in your favor... my bad must be because I am a bad entp. A bad entp that answered this thread from his mobile phone... fear what will be coming next (still havent found the exclamation mark on the keypad)


Aug 6, 2010
And I thought you were freely altering the discussions topic in your favor... my bad must be because I am a bad entp. A bad entp that answered this thread from his mobile phone... fear what will be coming next (still havent found the exclamation mark on the keypad)
Whoah, this is exactly how it ends up, fraught full of misunderstanding or assumption of motivation that doesn't exist.

I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to freely information share so there's better understanding. Pardon me for even considering that possibility.

*bows out*


Apr 24, 2008
Ya this thread is a wonderful opportunity, makes me feel all cozy and innovative


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
INTJ: honey can you get my sweater from the car? I'm kinda cold.
ENTP: Ok, can you get my keys out of my pocket? My hands are greasy.
INTJ: Ugh, again?! Why do you always need me to get your keys for you!
ENTP: No, wrong pocket.... try the middle pocket... *waggles eyebrows at her*
INTJ: GAH! Why are you saying this stuff in front of other people!!
ENTP: Oh yes, reach deep in my pocket!

At this point his audience of primarily NPs started laughing pretty hard.

yeah, see, i find that pretty hilarious. i mean, you know that they're attracted to one another. duh. and immature sex jokes are just funny because everyone is so damn uptight about sex. also, "pocket". hehehe.

it really is Ne humor... metaphors and symbolic representation and all that...

The comment about Ne doms covers ENxPs but solely for the unbridled ones. Most female ENTPs have found a way to manage their Ne-domness, as well as some male ENTPs and some female ENFPs.

what do you consider learning to manage Ne?

wondering because i wonder how much it correlates to skilled usage of Ne. some crazy, crazy ENxPs are Ne-brilliant, but i wouldn't say they always manage themselves well. but they evidently manage their Ne well enough, because they're coming up with these extraordinary ideas.

if you mean reigning it in to be more acceptable, it's kind of frustrating, sometimes, ha... i dunno if i've already mentioned it in this thread, but it's so funny, sometimes i'll be talking with my INTP brother, and i'll drop a couple paragraphs, and he'll be looking at me like i'm an idiot, but then i'll hit my conclusion and he'll be like, "whoa. how did you figure that out?" um weren't you listening?! lol. while he was trying to figure out where i was coming up with all that dumb crap, my mind was rearranging and reorganizing and creating new relationships and juxtapositions. i don't want to be obnoxious - but it really does work more easily when i have a place to exput my ideas - either verbally or onto paper. i used to get told off in school all the time by teachers for "doodling" when i was really half-doodling and half making notes...

ah well. not to excuse the truly obnoxious Ne doms who piss even me off. but it's tricky sometimes. i'm sure this is true for the other functions too. but i wonder where the right balance is, between indulging your mind and conforming to restrictions like social appropriateness, efficiency of action, etc...