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[NT] Questions for INTJs and ENTJs


New member
May 21, 2010
I've been having trouble trying to understand the differences between ENTJs and INTJs.

More specifically, how does the transition between E and I create the uniqueness between the two types?


In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?


When someone is speaking to you - do you stare directly into their eyes, or look around and and move your eyes a lot.

^^ I personally can't seem to stare directly into a persons eyes like a laser beam (if feels uncomfortable).

Are you generally considered a "nice" person to be around?

Thanks in advance for sharing everyone!


New member
Oct 19, 2007
When someone is speaking to you - do you stare directly into their eyes, or look around and and move your eyes a lot.
Yep. I make direct eye contact.

Are you generally considered a "nice" person to be around?
Yep. I'm considered to be almost rediculously polite. I also rarely encounter a chance to get into debates with people in the real world since people rarely discuss abstract or political issues that I actually feel passionately about.


Aug 6, 2010
Most often, eye contact is preferable but within reason. It's not as if it's a staring contest. It's okay to blink and look away sometimes. :tongue:


New member
Aug 2, 2010
In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?
I cannot answer that categorically. It depends on the nature of the conference, my role in it and what kind of thoughts we are talking about. If, for instance, everything important is being said by other people, I have no need to rephrase their words just to say something; I might, however, actively support them if there is still controversy about it. I usually listen before I speak and share mainly thoughts or concerns no one else has yet talked about.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?
I find small talk ridiculous.

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?
There are different layers of principles, I suppose. I can be flexible to a certain degree, but there are limits I will not cross for anyone or -thing.

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?
I am perfectly okay with it. Only when something precious has come of my thoughts do I really feel the urge to share it with others.

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010
In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

In both of them I always prefer to be quiet and listen first, in order to know the full scenario.

If I'm attending a conference, I'm there because it is related to my professional or academic interests, so, yes. But only with people who I find worth sharing my thoughts with.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

The second one.

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

While I always stick to my principles when working with other people, I never close my mind to new ideas, because some of them can be turned into something useful to make a better job (e.g. a new work procedure).

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?

Yes, my thoughts are my best company. Not to mention that I have a hard time to make people understand my ideas, since they are seen as unconventional by most of them. However, if I find someone who deserves the effort, I'll share them.


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
I've been having trouble trying to understand the differences between ENTJs and INTJs.

More specifically, how does the transition between E and I create the uniqueness between the two types?


In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?


When someone is speaking to you - do you stare directly into their eyes, or look around and and move your eyes a lot.

^^ I personally can't seem to stare directly into a persons eyes like a laser beam (if feels uncomfortable).

Are you generally considered a "nice" person to be around?

Thanks in advance for sharing everyone!

I usually listen at first, unless no-one is saying much, in which case I'll pitch in with some ideas to get things going. Basically, if I take control of a meeting it means nobody else was doing it. As much as anything, I'll scan through what comes up, looking for any implications, problems or opportunities that come up.

I rarely bother with small talk. I will sometimes engage in it with people I like, or just to be friendly, but I find that "small talk" spreads to cover a lot of toast, if you know what I mean.

Principals? I'm not sure if I have many of those. One of the few is that I prefer not to restrict peoples actions unless I actually see some real reason to do so. However, by the way you phrased the question, I'm guessing that what you really mean is "Do I listen to other peoples ideas". I do, though how I react to them depends on how useful I find them. My interest is more sparked by insights than ideas.

I don't know about the ENTJs, but I will certainly look straight into peoples eyes when talking seriously to people. It helps to focus there attention and makes it easier to read their reactions. I don't do it continually, of course. What would make people uncomfortable and possibly hostile.


I have no trouble making and holding eye contact with people. I usually end up being the center of attention somewhat, cracking jokes and guiding conversations in social situations where I feel comfortable. On superficial levels people generally enjoy my company and find me harmless, funny, and interesting. In more intimate situations....that isn't always the case.


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
To the OP.

The real difference between Extroversion and Introversion is what defines a person.
If you are defined by the external world, you're an extrovert.
If you're defined from within, you're an introvert.
That's basic Jung archetype stuff. Everyone here should know it.

Everything else is situational or individual, even if there are general types of introverts and extroverts.
It's not right, or correct rather, to say, for example, that all introverts are shy or reluctant to talk, even if the time is right.


Travelling mind
Jan 15, 2009
Instinctual Variant

In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?
Passively listening and taking in all the information.
Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?
Deep conversations.
When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?
It depends. If I am lead I will take things by my principles if I have any and see if I can align other's suggestions with them. If I cannot I will usually ignore it. If I am not in lead I will be flexible to other's thoughts.
Usually these cases differ in that whenever there is certain work I find significant to me I will either work alone or be the leader of the group whereas if I find that it is insignificant I will generally go by what the other's say. I most likely will have no proper motivation to think up proper base principles for the work.
When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?
Sometimes I will want someone to share my thoughts but I more often than not will be content with leaving my own thoughts to myself.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant

1. In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

2. Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

3. When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

4. When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?
1. Depends upon the circumstances. If I have pertinent ideas or questions, I share them; otherwise I listen. One thing I do not like is to be in charge of the meeting, and to have to tease input out of the truly shy, or the marginally engaged. Occasionally I am bored out of my skull, the meeting is pointless and irrelevant, and I make notes on my notepad about entirely unrelated matters.

2. I despise small talk. Utilitarian conversations are necessary, and hopefully brief. Deep conversations are the ones that are truly worthwhile, and a joy to partake in.

3. I am much more willing to compromise on action and implementation than on ideas and values. In other words, I may still think my idea is best, but will go along with a second-best idea in the interests of getting things done. Of course, I may later try to steer the situation back in my original direction.

4. I have yet to spend so much time alone that I am itching for company. Occasionally, I have the desire to share specific thoughts with a specific person, especially if it relates to a recent discussion or ongoing collaboration.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
When someone is speaking to you - do you stare directly into their eyes, or look around and and move your eyes a lot.

I never look someone in the eyes unless I'm trying to get a point across. Usually they dart around.

Are you generally considered a "nice" person to be around?

Sep 18, 2008
Instinctual Variant

In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?
It depends.

If I don't think my thoughts will be considered, I passively listen. If the information being provided is nonsensical and/or not helpful to the situation, I tune out.
If I think my views will be considered and it's a productive discussion, I'll jump straight in with my thoughts. The same attitude applies to online fora.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?
Both. Again, situational. I'm more comfortable with small-talk about anything and nothing, inserting my dry humour into the conversation, if I don't know the person well enough. It helps both of us relax and potentially build a civil relationship.

Deep conversations are reserved for people who really understand me.

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?
Depends. I stick firmly to my principles when the other suggestions don't make sense. I'm very flexible and reasonable with others' suggestions, and incorporate them if I respect them and their suggestions are sensible and reasonable.

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?
Yes, perfectly ok with that. It's my natural state. Craving and itching to find someone to share my thoughts with... that only occurs when... oh. NEVER. I usually wait till someone asks my opinion. I don't foist them, unwanted, on others.


Jun 9, 2010
Direct eye contact at ALL times, unless there is something emotional going on. In this case, I don't look at anyone.



New member
Sep 28, 2010
(From an "INTJ at work" mode)

In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

I only intervene if the chairperson or another person says something I deem important to correct (which is generally rare). Otherwise, I listen.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

I hate small talk. I get into deep conversation with a well known person(s) very easily, one-on-one.

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

Very dependent on situation. I go either way just as frequently, but again dependent on the situation.

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?

I go both ways, but at work I'm solo all the way. Outside of work... I tend to want others to know me, sort of... I also don't want to give others the opportunity to know me... conflicted, I know, hah.

When someone is speaking to you - do you stare directly into their eyes, or look around and and move your eyes a lot.

(I realize these last questions are for ENTJs which I am certainly not, but interesting questions anyhow.)

I look into their eyes but keep it professional. (I don't stare too intensely or overly "challengingly.")

Are you generally considered a "nice" person to be around?

Outside of work, where I can't fire people, yes :)

Thanks in advance for sharing everyone!

No. Oh wait, that wasn't a question!


New member
Jan 6, 2009
In a conference, or class setting, I'm usually an active participant. I like to share my ideas if I feel they are original/not redundant. Sometimes it gets really bothersome listening to idiots talk, talk, talk. In my grad school seminars, I try to stay involved in the discussions for that reason. And I hate when the group goes off on nit-picky tangents (mostly because I have to sit and listen to them).

Small talk is okay in most situations. When I was younger, I hated small talk, but I've been forced out of my comfort zone enough that I don't mind it much now (in small doses). Still, I definitely prefer deep (emphasis on deep) conversations with one person or a small group. I went on a two-month sightseeing tour this summer with a bunch of young S-type people. For most of that time, I was happy to get acquainted with people, but about two-thirds of the way through, I had a mini-meltdown one day and stopped trying. I guess I went into chitchat overload. From then on, I only talked to the intuitive people with whom I'd already formed a deeper connect. I guess I just went numb. I need deep, idea-based conversations to feel comfortable. It's important to me that conversations have meaning beyond social bonding.

I stick firmly to my principles if I think the other people I work with aren't as knowledgeable/intuitive as me. Otherwise, I'm very open to collaboration. Like many INTJs, I absolutely love brainstorming. I consider it to be the ultimate creative process--provided the brainstorming is between a group of intellectual equals.

I love spending time in my head. I'm commuting an hour every day, and I love just sitting in my car alone, thinking. However, too much alone time does wear on me. I lived in an apartment by myself in Japan for a year and would go a week or two without having personal contact with an English speaker. I found myself getting really psyched up whenever I met up with other English speaking foreigners. It was a weird experience. But generally, I loved being alone with my thoughts. From a young age, I've been very aware that my "self" resides within my head. I feel completely at peace there. It's the most freeing feeling to be alone with my thoughts--kind of like the feeling extroverts get when they meet someone that truly understands them. It's hard to explain, but I think other INTJs might understand the feeling I'm talking about.

Pandorous pelican

New member
Oct 26, 2010

In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?

Passively listening and taking the information in if I feel I don't know enough about the topic, actively sharing my thoughts if I think I have something to offer.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?

Small talk... argh, not a fan. Unless it leads to deep conversation - although I am up for with pretty much anyone, not neccessarily people I know well... though better if it is someone I respect. Finding out interesting stuff about people is a favourite past time!

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?

I prioritise functional solutions over my ego and rules- I have consistently found that getting other people's input leads to better outcomes... although that said, if I think the proposed ammendments don't add anything I'll certainly argue against them. I tend to try to get input from people who have proven insightful in the past.

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?

I like my thoughts and am generally pretty content in my own head... but I do get to saturation point and need to connect with people after awhile. I seem to go through cycles.

Back to the original question, my sister is an ENTJ and we're really VERY similar, my guess is that her answers to the above questions would be similar to mine, although she would contribute more readily than me.

The key differences I notice between us:
- she is less precise with her communication and can reveal things inadvertantly to someone who is paying attention
- she is more willing and able to ask questions and get information from people
- she shares what I would consider 'private' information more readily
- she is better at getting practical things accomplished
- she is not as easily tired from interacting with people, especially strangers
- she talks LOUDLY and gives her opinion more freely

Hope that helps - I figure we're a good case study as the sibling thing eliminates some variables - although we are close to 10 years apart.

P.S. apologies if the formatting is an epic fail, still getting the hang of this.


Apr 18, 2008
In a conference/meeting with many people - would you be the person actively participating and sharing your thoughts, or passively listening and taking in all the information?
Both? I take in information, but if I have new thoughts on the subject at hand that I think could be helpful in the discussion, I put them forward.

Are you more comfortable with small-talk? Or getting into a deep conversation with one person you really know?
I prefer deeper conversation with someone I really know, but I am able to engage in small-talk comfortably (though I'm pretty sure that came from years of being a receptionist and not a personality type).

When working with other people - do you stick firmly with your principles, or become flexible and reasonable to accommodate others suggestions?
I flex all over the place. If an idea or suggestion is better than what I started with, I'll readily adopt it.

When you spend a lot of time alone or in your head - are you perfectly OKAY with that? Or are you craving and itching to find someone to share your thoughts with?
I can do either. It depends on what I'm thinking about.

For the record, I like looking people in the eyes when they're talking to me, but I'm aware that it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, so I don't do it if they're obviously put off by it.