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[Other] Sun/Moon combo profiles


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
i find that my natal chart (when viewed as a composite) tends to align with my life well, but i don't place much stock in astrology...



Jun 28, 2013
Instinctual Variant
i find that my natal chart (when viewed as a composite) tends to align with my life well, but i don't place much stock in astrology...

Likewise, I am also skeptical of astrology, yet my chart is seemingly about 80% accurate. That said, most astrologers use something called the Barnum effect. The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect, is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them but that are, in fact, vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.

Regardless, here is my result:



Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Likewise, I am also skeptical of astrology, yet my chart is seemingly about 80% accurate. That said, most astrologers use something called the Barnum effect. The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect, is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them but that are, in fact, vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.

Regardless, here is my result:

i am familiar with the barnum effect... there are some interesting studies on that... i was (at one time) very well versed in astrology (and other occult topics)... i drew out my own chart and had a half dozen reference books on the subject (excluding those that were less specialized)... so while i understand your point, i feel pretty confident in my initial position...

post script:

oddly enough, i thought it was all bullshit then also...


Jun 28, 2013
Instinctual Variant
i am familiar with the barnum effect... there are some interesting studies on that... i was (at one time) very well versed in astrology (and other occult topics)... i drew out my own chart and had a half dozen reference books on the subject (excluding those that were less specialized)... so while i understand your point, i feel pretty confident in my initial position...

post script:

oddly enough, i thought it was all bullshit then also...

My chart is freaking depressing—It says childhood would be the happiest time of my life (I had an unhappy abusive childhood) and that I will die in a way related to water (I am drawn to water).


until you're fully grown
Oct 5, 2013
sun | second decan of scorpio
moon | third decan of pisces

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a person with terrific intuition and sense that ordinary people simply don't have. You are overly dramatic and frequently exaggerate problems. You are, likewise, able to capture the drama of your surroundings as well as the imagination of the public. Yours is an emotional profundity that lends a great deal of inspiration to your personality. You attack any problem with unswerving enthusiasm and devotion, always giving more that just a part of yourself to your causes or ideals. Here there is a blend of the emotional force, determination and will power of Scorpio with the sensitivity, impressionability and intuitive insight of Pisces. This produces a strongly emotional and somewhat psychic or receptive and impressionable nature. A studious and intellectual bend permits you to succeed, especially in literary or artistic endeavors. You are very creative, but your success may be more from a willingness to apply yourself than from pure talent. On the down side, you are anxious and worry too much. Positive thinking is essential for you to attain personal balance and peace of mind. There are unexpected depths in your nature and you succeed by concentrating your energies on definite objectives, avoiding the tendency to dispense emotional energies and intellectual power in overemphasis on romance, daydreaming or negative apprehensions or worries.



New member
Sep 4, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Gemini
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very mentally ambitious personality. You are likely to be very studious and interested in developing your talent for self-expression in respect to writing or public speaking. A lot of mental curiosity keeps you alert to new ideas and simulates your interest in learning. The Gemini Moon makes you flexible, versatile, and adaptable. This shows up mostly in your mental quickness; you are such a fast learner, swiftly assimilating impressions and ideas and making quick decisions. Your variable nature is also shown by the number of times you change your mind, your opinions, and your ideas. You are always so clever, never at a loss for words and this is the talent you can really build a reputation on. A good planner and organizer, you have much personal ingenuity and inventiveness producing a constant stream of new ideas and methods. Your talent in all forms of self-expression may guide you to some type of work that involves writing, or in the field of advertising. With you outwardly glib, witty and clever personality, it's surprising that you are really rather serious, practical and ambitious. In fact, at times, you worry a bit too much and allow anxieties to assume an undue proportion. Then you can be volatile and buoyant and act as though you didn't have a care in the world. Emotionally, you are a puzzle to yourself and certainly to those around you; inwardly sound, reliable, and practical, outwardly, changeable and contradictory.

Uh... I guess about 50%? Some was fairly true, some was mostly false:


Mentally ambitious.
Good at self-expression.
Interest in learning.
Flexible, versatile, adaptible.
Fast learner.
Change mind frequently.
Worry too much.


Good organizer and planner.
Outwardly glib and witty.
Emotionally a puzzle to myself.
Outwardly changeable and contradictory.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Sidereal Astrology:

Sun in Pisces, Moon in Pisces

The combination of your Pisces Sun and Moon signs produces a dualistic personality and one that is quite difficult for the world to easily understand. You are highly introspective, almost to the extent that the outer world around you seems odd and full of what you perceive as weird notions. A tendency to withdraw, makes you strangely inaccessible at times. Yet you have a very warm and likable quality when you allow yourself to open up to others and let these traits show. You have an enormous faith in your intuition and your self-sufficiency, but at the same time, you value close relationships and social activity. For the most part the double Pisces is amenable, acutely interested in others, and a trustworthy friend.

In handling your work, you are by nature very painstaking and accurate in detail. You are loyal to your duties and fulfilling obligations. Mentally you are quick, perceptive, intuitive, with an almost mystic belief in your hunches. Insight and creativity is your great strength. You have an uncanny way of seeing the core and substance of things, making you both motivational and a universal-thinker. Artisitic performance is often your forte.


Dec 5, 2016
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini
Your Sun and Moon combined produces, quite surprisingly, a romantic personality. Idealism is strong, mixed with some critical tendencies. A romantic, but definitely living more by your mind that by your senses. You dramatize life and yourself, often expanding and enhancing the facts of a matter, idealizing love affairs and life in general. You rarely exclude much of the fat from your stories. The Aquarius/Gemini mix yields a very harmonious and versatile combination, blending the independence and originality of the Aquarius, with the wit, versatility, and intellectuality of Gemini. Intellectually you are quick, apt, and intuitive, but with a tendency to skim only the surface of most subjects you encounter. In the real world business, this can be a handicap. Your attention span is rather short. It's hard to pin you down to reality, and you can easily find yourself drifting in life. If this is not so in business, then it probably is in your personal life. Having and holding a fixed purpose can be a problem. Actually, however, your nature is truly much more fixed than it appears. Success depends on emphasizing the decisive potential in your nature, and becoming involved in some form of creative activity that allows you to express yourself mentally. You put facts and ideas together so quickly that you are a natural for advertising, writing, public speaking, or in just about any kind of job that allows you to live by your wit. You tire easily of routine and detail. There is a duality in your nature that shows rapid changes in moods and attitudes. You change your mind often and abruptly. Companionship is extremely important to you. You need someone to talk to constantly, and that someone must be mentally compatible and stimulating to your intellectual growth and cultural achievement.

(Sorry I'm so late to this!) It's maybe halfway accurate, which is pretty normal with me in astrological readings. There's always something that's not completely right.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant

Sun in Aries, Moon in Aquarius

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign indicates a nature that, while being somewhat discriminating, is very sociable and magnetic. People respond to your likable personality with few reservations. You have a good sense about want is modern and progressive, and you're always eager to play an important role in any kind of progress. But in fact, you are not an especially tolerant person. Holding to the establishment more as a reactionary than a liberal is more than likely your style. While you work well with the public, there is a tendency within you to feel that everyone should fend for themselves. You are not one to be particularly charitable to those less fortunate than yourself. This factor notwithstanding, you have innate social skills allowing you to make each person you meet feel that they are uniquely important to you. You have a noble air about you that is impressive and seems to signal that you have a good deal of self-esteem. A certain aristocracy of breeding is denoted by this position. This impresses those with whom you come in contact and they respect you for this. You are quick to judge people and situations, as your whole life seems to moves at a pretty rapid pace. You are romantic and highly idealistic. This is a good placement for material success and well-being, and for some degree of public recognition.