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[Jungian Cognitive Functions] The World I Came From


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Edgar Cayce once said that the purpose of artists in this world was to be a window, showing others a glimpse of true reality, of the spirit world.

Since childhood, I have had the overwhelming sensation that the physical world is not the real world, but more like a stop at a tourist center along the journey to someplace far more wonderful. I used to sit in my swing as a little girl and look up into the clouds. I had never been to church at the time, nor had I received any spiritual teaching, per se. Yet, I knew, was convinced at my very core, that there was more to life than I could see or hear. It was like I had amnesia and had forgotten something important that I once knew. I tried to draw this other place, but I could never quite get it right. Once as a child I did a painting a cemetery with spiritual [they looked kind of like angels] beings above a cloud barrier. I was trying to show that other place which haunted me in my dreams, that stayed in my mind. My mother told me that my painting was morbid, yet that picture comforted me.

As an adult I came to the conclusion that I had been right all along. I became convinced that we are truly spiritual beings, but are momentarily in a physical vehicle that allows us to travel about while we are on visitation to this physical realm. I think of an old gospel song I heard as a teenager, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.” So, true. That is exactly how I feel, how I have felt my entire life. I am a foreigner in this temporal reality. I’m from some place else. One of these days I will go home again, but in the meantime, I’m on a mission here. I have to leave my drop in the ocean, follow my bliss, be true to my calling. Define it with whatever terms you like, but I know that my life has a purpose and I must be true to that purpose and part of that purpose is to encourage others to be still, hear their hearts, seek God and live according to their purpose.

Everything in nature has a purpose and teaches us that all things have a purpose, so why not us? So, today I encourage you, if there is music in your heart, set it free. If there is a dance in your soul, give it legs. If there are words in you spirit, write them down. If you long to heal, set out on a course to become a doctor or a nurse. If you have the gift to lead and inspire, consider teaching. There is a purpose for your natural bent. Your desire may be the confirmation of the destination. Do not compare yourself to those the world declares successful. I do not have a best seller, but I am a successful writer, because I write what is in my heart and I give the money from my work to the causes I believe in. Success does not always equal fame and fortune. In the world where I’m from success means you have followed your heart and heard from spirit.

Anyway, just thought I'd share a bit about what goes on inside my head.


New member
Aug 23, 2011
Really cool insight, thank you. I do have a question however: does everything in nature have a purpose or have we just found a purpose for it? I also agree about there being more to what you see and hear but that is because what can be empirically perceived by the human mind is very limited due to our upbringing in an environment which did not require us to perceive sound and light at ultra-high frequencies and wavelengths nor the layout of reality at the atomic or quantum level. I believe that everything can be quantified if you have the tools to quantify it; tools beyond that which humanity found the need to evolve themselves. It depends how you define reality but I believe reality no matter how far flung from the base perception of the human mind and no matter how unknowable it can seem everything can eventually in the right circumstances be understood. Our reality could extend to every conceivable point, to what could be considered "the spiritual realm" by conventional understanding.

There was more but my mind is mush right now.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Thank you. I am glad you found some merit in my ramblings. I believe everything has an original purpose. However, often times we just fail to understand the purpose for as you so beautifully said, “very limited due to our upbringing in an environment which did not require us to perceive sound and light at ultra-high frequencies and wavelengths nor the layout of reality at the atomic or quantum level.” I have often thought that just because we can’t measure or quantify a thing with our temporal abilities, does not make the thing less real, only less concrete. I do not believe we have the tools to quantify many things, but in time we may, and maybe as Shakespeare once said there are more things in heaven and earth than our minds can comprehend, at least while wea are bound in a temporal state of existence. “It depends how you define reality but I believe reality no matter how far flung from the base perception of the human mind and no matter how unknowable it can seem everything can eventually in the right circumstances be understood.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. “Our reality could extend to every conceivable point, to what could be considered "the spiritual realm[/I]" by conventional understanding.” Again, I totally agree. I understand about mush mind, too. I’ve been surrounding by first graders hyped up on sugar and Christmas all day. My head just...hurts.


Apr 24, 2007
Interesting thoughts! Do you ever struggle with the reality of temporal and physical existence versus the idealistic and temporally unrestricted spiritual existence? There is a tension there which is painful to reconcile. Beauty seen in circumstances, nature, and manifested in people exists beyond the temporal surface, yet to us, like an old photograph, it is subject to the fading effect of time. Our memory taunts us with its illusions of permanence. Or, is our memory not just memory, but an actual sense just like vision which allows us to glimpse outside of our temporal box?

This song communicates this idea in a Ne-Fi way.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Javo, that's an awesome post and yes, I think your descriptions of the "knowing" are quite accurate. I especially love this: is our memory not just memory, but an actual sense just like vision which allows us to glimpse outside of our temporal box? My answer to that would be ...yes. The veil between the two worlds isn't so think that we can't see through it.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Also I like song!


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I believe the physical world to be the lowest level of existence, as within this plane, we see suffering and strife beyond measure. Though death would come as a release from the pain, we nonetheless strive to live as long as possible, as it is within this life that we grow stronger through trials, and become more powerful in tribulations. When we have maximized our achievements at this level of existence, we will be all the more prepared for whatever higher levels of being there may be, as we emerge all the more triumphantly from the struggle, the meaningful journey of cosmology.

It follows that true enlightenment will not be found in the physical world, but rather in the world of the mind and its inestimable transcendant power.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I've always felt exactly the same. :)


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
I believe the physical world to be the lowest level of existence, as within this plane, we see suffering and strife beyond measure. Though death would come as a release from the pain, we nonetheless strive to live as long as possible, as it is within this life that we grow stronger through trials, and become more powerful in tribulations. When we have maximized our achievements at this level of existence, we will be all the more prepared for whatever higher levels of being there may be, as we emerge all the more triumphantly from the struggle, the meaningful journey of cosmology.

It follows that true enlightenment will not be found in the physical world, but rather in the world of the mind and its inestimable transcendant power.

Raptor, wonderfully stated. And I'd like to add that I think the more we set our focus and affection on the lower things of this world, the further we are from achieving transcendence, because the more tied to it we become. I wonder if that's why folks like Mother Teresa, Ghandi, St. Francis and Buddha seemed to be freer, because they didn't hang on to this world so tightly? I think this transcendant power is the stuff we are made of, but the more attached we are to the systems and ways of this temporal world's operational systems, the harder it is for us to remember. The harder we try to gain control and power in this life, the more enslaved we become to it, the less we know of ourselves and more disconnected we are from our spiritual origines. Just some thoughts to think [eek...I suddenly feel like a character in a Dr. Suess book!] I think it gives us some kind of spiritual amnesia.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Instinctual Variant
the truth is that life is a collection of experiences whose ties to one another are tenuous and can be interpreted in multiple ways. this allows for multiple ways of perception and the feeling that we are not of this world. however, we can never know fully and to deny the proposition that we are outright seems unwise. perhaps the truth is simply that what we perceive as present becomes to us what exists


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Unique Mixture,

Thank you for your insight.

perhaps the truth is simply that what we perceive as present becomes to us what exists

I think for some that is so and perhaps that is why these people fear the "unknown" and the "supernatural" because they remind us of the world that can't be touched, tasted and measured with the finite instruments of this temporal realm.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I like this. Sometimes I feel similarly, though it's rarer now than it used to be. Makes me think I have lost a part of me on my way through life. Like,
had forgotten something important that I once knew.

Your post made me remember a dream I had once. It's hard to describe what it was about, it was mystical. I remember that at the end I felt very happy (in a peaceful, tranquil way) and complete. When I woke up, I almost cried. I wasn't sad - it was rather that I couldn't contain the feelings - they didn't compare to anything coming from this world, and the memory of the dream was so strong. I imagine that having just been born has to be a lot like this.

I feel I can never be an artist though. Almost everything that comes out of my mind goes through the rationality filter, and it seems I can't turn it off. Good thing that there are people who have a better connection with their inner chaos.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
When I was younger I used to write off most anything "spiritual" or "transcendental" as hippy BS. But around age 16 or 17 completely 180'd on the issue and became very interested in the concepts y'all have been talking about. It gave me some peace of mind during a very stressful time in my life. After I got things back under control I've found that I've really deemphasized the idea, but not abandoned it.
I don't really think any of us are qualified to say what is the lower or higher form of existence/consciousness, but I personally choose to focus on the one at hand. Like was said before I think that we are here for a reason and that action in this life the key to salvation in the next. While what we experience may only be a small piece of the larger picture I think it is the one that we belong in and are meant to work on. I don't mean that as a criticism wanting to focus on the bigger picture but I think we have enough to deal with in the present and that there will be time for the rest later.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Rad3k and Jyrn,

I apologize for not responding to your posts sooner. I was away from TC for a while as I lead a very busy life and I get here in sporadic spurts, but I do want to thank you both for your posts and tell you that I truly enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic. Rad3K, I especially appreciated your dream, because I so identified with it.



Feb 1, 2013
Edgar Cayce once said that the purpose of artists in this world was to be a window, showing others a glimpse of true reality, of the spirit world.

Since childhood, I have had the overwhelming sensation that the physical world is not the real world, but more like a stop at a tourist center along the journey to someplace far more wonderful. I used to sit in my swing as a little girl and look up into the clouds. I had never been to church at the time, nor had I received any spiritual teaching, per se. Yet, I knew, was convinced at my very core, that there was more to life than I could see or hear. It was like I had amnesia and had forgotten something important that I once knew. I tried to draw this other place, but I could never quite get it right. Once as a child I did a painting a cemetery with spiritual [they looked kind of like angels] beings above a cloud barrier. I was trying to show that other place which haunted me in my dreams, that stayed in my mind. My mother told me that my painting was morbid, yet that picture comforted me.

As an adult I came to the conclusion that I had been right all along. I became convinced that we are truly spiritual beings, but are momentarily in a physical vehicle that allows us to travel about while we are on visitation to this physical realm. I think of an old gospel song I heard as a teenager, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.” So, true. That is exactly how I feel, how I have felt my entire life. I am a foreigner in this temporal reality. I’m from some place else. One of these days I will go home again, but in the meantime, I’m on a mission here. I have to leave my drop in the ocean, follow my bliss, be true to my calling. Define it with whatever terms you like, but I know that my life has a purpose and I must be true to that purpose and part of that purpose is to encourage others to be still, hear their hearts, seek God and live according to their purpose.

Everything in nature has a purpose and teaches us that all things have a purpose, so why not us? So, today I encourage you, if there is music in your heart, set it free. If there is a dance in your soul, give it legs. If there are words in you spirit, write them down. If you long to heal, set out on a course to become a doctor or a nurse. If you have the gift to lead and inspire, consider teaching. There is a purpose for your natural bent. Your desire may be the confirmation of the destination. Do not compare yourself to those the world declares successful. I do not have a best seller, but I am a successful writer, because I write what is in my heart and I give the money from my work to the causes I believe in. Success does not always equal fame and fortune. In the world where I’m from success means you have followed your heart and heard from spirit.

Anyway, just thought I'd share a bit about what goes on inside my head.

I love this thread! And thank you for sharing a little of what goes on inside your head. You've expressed it so beautifully that I'm a little jealous. I've always felt detached--usually just very slightly, not mental illness detached--like part of me is bound to another world.
The thing you said about forgetting something you once knew--it's like that for me too. Only I'm not sure if it's more like a forgotten memory or a vision of the future or even something that is existing at the same time--it's just out of my ability to grasp or see. It feels like getting a small glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye, but when I try to look at it openly and with both "eyes" it won't let me see it.

The detached feeling is almost always there, even when there are many people around. It's like I'm participating and sharing in the current activity or conversation, but part of me is looking on and watching it all. I've wondered if everyone is feeling the same way. I have a difficult time being in the moment and the only thing that puts me there is emotion.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
QUOTE=hazelsees;2036481]I love this thread! And thank you for sharing a little of what goes on inside your head. You've expressed it so beautifully that I'm a little jealous. I've always felt detached--usually just very slightly, not mental illness detached--like part of me is bound to another world.

Thank you, Hazel. It is GOOD to know that others experience this same thing! It somehow connects us. What I really mean is that it does me good to know that others experience it, too. It reminds me that I'm not the only alien on this planet [I mean that metaphorically, of course.]

The thing you said about forgetting something you once knew--it's like that for me too. Only I'm not sure if it's more like a forgotten memory or a vision of the future or even something that is existing at the same time--it's just out of my ability to grasp or see. It feels like getting a small glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye, but when I try to look at it openly and with both "eyes" it won't let me see it.

I love how you compare it to a vision of the future, as well. Yes....that is a a very good description for sometimes, I, too, feel it is a vision of the future.

The detached feeling is almost always there, even when there are many people around. It's like I'm participating and sharing in the current activity or conversation, but part of me is looking on and watching it all. I've wondered if everyone is feeling the same way. I have a difficult time being in the moment and the only thing that puts me there is emotion.

This is exactly how it is for me sometimes, too.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Yes, it really is.