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[Fi] Fi & Marriage - Cemented Fi & needs changed


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I think it's important to remember that you're not losing a piece of yourself. You're completing the circle. You're not "the girl who doesnt have sex".. you're the girl who has waited for the right moment.

I'd also suggest doing some counseling.. It is very likely that you won't cope with the idea of not being a virgin anymore well. I'm not saying you won't.. it could be that you go, "Finally, I did this.. and its awesome. and now the rest of my life can be spent happily with this man." But there is a chance that it is going to give you some anguish. It is a huge change--going from openly being a virgin to even secretly knowing you're not one anymore.

But. You're not breaking your rules or your personal values by having sex on the right night for you. Being innocent as a kid is awesome--and I loved those times of my life so much.. but I'm not innocent anymore. I had to step forward past it--so it's a fond memory for me, being oblivious to the darker aspects of the world. There was a real, and very viable normal place for you as a virgin in your life.. but to keep yourself from walking forward would be to change your values. You'd no longer be waiting for your wedding night--you'd simply not want sex.. and that opens up a whole other world of questions.

I'm happy you've found someone to share such a special moment with, and I wish you two the best. If you find yourself struggling with it still though, I'd highly suggest just talking a few times with a sex counselor.. So that when the night comes it's carefree and special..



New member
Jul 23, 2008
To first address the middle statement, I have never seen this in an ENFP and I know A LOT of them! I would very seriously do some research into INFPs, I'm not saying you are one as you know you better than I do but looking into it may help you understand yourself better if you decide it is a fit. I know A LOT of INFP virgins (and vegetarians), it's fairly common for them and fairly rare for ENFPs so I would give that some thought.

I've taken the test many times and I always score very high on the ENFP scale. I used to be way more Extraverted (use to test 90+) but now I am testing around 70% now. I don't think I could be one if I am so much more extraverted. Also, I have met one other INFP, and man alive, he is INTENSE. I've seen Te-Bitchslaps that I have never even came close to passing out. I just don't see similarities with him. What do you see about this situation that could make me INFP? Just the fact that I'm a virgin or something more?

The first and last statement are pretty redundant, this is part of choosing a fear based faith, Christianity has totally warped our sense of sex in a very unhealthy way in the US, it's a sad truth but there is so much quilt and fear and so on around something so wonderful that God (if that's your belief) has given us. To the point that we have 20 something virgins fearing having sex.

This is what I feared when I wrote this topic. I want to make this VERY clear....
The church has done NOTHING to brainwash my decision, I do not fear that I would burn eternally in Hell for having sex, I am not TRICKED into choosing this lifestyle because people "tell" me to. I do it because I truly believe it is God intended. It is how a relationship can bloom properly without clouding it;s growth with surface level distractions. Please, do not think that this is a brainwashed ideal that was stuck in my mind. It is My Choice. and I find it to be the best decision of my life and I wouldn't go any other way. I know sex is great, it's just the ideal that I am losing, I do not fear sex or think it's scary or dirty. I want to make that clear.

All change, even for the better comes with fear and adjustment. Not having sex is as simple as being stubborn, I was a virgin till I was 21 (due to faith) at which point I decided it no longer made any sense to stay one and I didn't want any part of a faith that created so many issues around such a potentially wonderful thing. That of course was my choice but even with those strong convictions it was hard to adjust and I didn't feel right about it.

PS I'd bet $4,500 and my iPad you're an INFP.
Wwwhhyyy? :)


New member
Jul 23, 2008
^ i don't think it's only a christian thing, honestly, or necessarily an INFP thing. i think that there is also a certain pocketed societal ideal that is at least somewhat widespread in our specific generation - many of my friends have not had sex or have only very recently started to. for the people i know, it is generally upper-middle-class academic-focused young adults who have learned the majority of their sexual knowledge on the internet.

[MENTION=4653]2XtremeENFP[/MENTION] i know what you mean... i was a virgin until very recently (did not wait until marriage, but waited until i was really in love) - and i have had that "purity" as a significant part of my identity for a long, long time. i'd sort of idealized myself as a virgin in some ways. i guess this is sort of stupid, but to ease my own transition, i made my own little "archetype" image-ideals of the virgin Princess and the sexual Queen. (i doll'd them, below :D) it helped me lose the "dirty" feeling i had associated with the idea of myself being someone who has sex, and not "pure" like i was - but i think you still can be pure, it's just a different type of purity. since it's going to be with someone you love and will be formally, spiritually committed to - there is a certain element of purity that is retained in that, i think. you've never done it with anyone but him before and will never do it with anyone else in the future - it's sacred between the two of you.



and i know birth control can feel a little banal... but honestly now i find it kind of entertaining, and am a little proud, whenever i take it. there's someone i love who has sex with me! it's kind of great.

also, for the record, sex is awesome, and the good feelings you get from it when you finally have it will definitely help ease that transition! :)

though at least for me, because i had built the whole thing up in my head too, it wasn't right, the first time. it was too staged. i just want to tell you this ahead of time because i'm guessing you may possibly feel pressure on your wedding night itself (not necessarily pressure from anyone, just self-imposed), and that can sabotage it by accident. i'm not sure what to say that can help with that, besides the more natural, the better. you will feel it when it's right... even if it's not right away, even if it's not that night or even the next day.

as for last name - some people just take on all 4 names... you could do that...?

congratulations on getting married :hug:


I truly appreciate all of this, thank you


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I do agree that it is Fi values at play and identification of oneself with the values, thus throw some Si in for permenancy. Maybe the tinest bit of Te-ie the sticking firm to a moral commitment made and a wee bit of pride at that accomplishment.

Think of having sex as giving a sacred gift to the person who you love. Thus you can take a part of yourself that you consider sacred, beautiful and cherished and become one with another who gives the same gift to you. The physical is somewhat representative of the spiritual? Thus losing your virginity does not cause a loss of your value or identity-but instead gives that same exact value greater depth and more definition as it is symbolic of the commitment you are making for the rest of your life. The commitment thus far-becomes a more expansive, complex commitment to the man you love. Sex is pleasurable and fun, and is a way to show the person you love, the depth of your feelings for him..

I very much like skylights archtype approach involving the princess and the mother. You are making a transition, but not a change of one's core. The feminine archetypes are helpful as they highlight the roles we play as we transition through being a child, a women. a mother and even the amazing beauty we possess in old age, even as we cast off some of our superficial attributes from previous parts of our lives.

I also went through the name issue-it annoyed me a great deal as well..but is it more a need to maintain your own identity or an annoyance at someone else telling you that you should be required to change your name, just beacsue other people do? ie a control issue. For me it was the later.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I do agree that it is Fi values at play and identification of oneself with the values, thus throw some Si in for permenancy. Maybe the tinest bit of Te-ie the sticking firm to a moral commitment made and a wee bit of pride at that accomplishment.

Think of having sex as giving a sacred gift to the person who you love. Thus you can take a part of yourself that you consider sacred, beautiful and cherished and become one with another who gives the same gift to you. The physical is somewhat representative of the spiritual? Thus losing your virginity does not cause a loss of your value or identity-but instead gives that same exact value greater depth and more definition as it is symbolic of the commitment you are making for the rest of your life. The commitment thus far-becomes a more expansive, complex commitment to the man you love. Sex is pleasurable and fun, and is a way to show the person you love, the depth of your feelings for him..

I very much like skylights archtype approach involving the princess and the mother. You are making a transition, but not a change of one's core. The feminine archetypes are helpful as they highlight the roles we play as we transition through being a child, a women. a mother and even the amazing beauty we possess in old age, even as we cast off some of our superficial attributes from previous parts of our lives.

I also went through the name issue-it annoyed me a great deal as well..but is it more a need to maintain your own identity or an annoyance at someone else telling you that you should be required to change your name, just beacsue other people do? ie a control issue. For me it was the later.

Thank you for your insight, this makes a lot of sense.
And for me, it's more of the former :\ I know that no matter what i'd feel weird about losing my "identity" but now it's magnified for a last lame that is hideous hahah. He isnt really saying YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY NAME OR I WONT MARRY YOU. I understand where he is coming from. I want to want his last name but it's so terrible and so different than my beautiful italian last name lol


New member
Jul 8, 2011
with the name issue have you considered just adding his last name onto yours but without hyphenating it? like hillary rodham clinton. you could even put his name in the middle and leave yours last so people wouldn't just default to calling you by his last name out of convenience. i'm a bit older than you and am not going to change my name when i get married. i also have an ethnic last name and the guy i know i'm going to end up with has a lame name too so it is partly for aesthetic reasons. lol. i'll either add his on as another name or just not take it and let any kids have his name.

regarding sex i think it may be beneficial if you can shift your focus more onto the meaning of sex now. i think it's great you have been faithful altho i don't think our identity needs to be tied into this. your identity is as a child of God. your purity definitely does not end when you get married since your purity would continue as you are faithful to your husband. sex is beautiful and maybe focusing more on it and it's meaning in marriage as some others here have so eloquently described will help you make this transition. i have heard some people say that waiting really enhances their sex life when married because you then are doing it like rabbits. ;)
Last edited:


Jan 7, 2009
I am well into my 20s and still a virgin & am waiting until my wedding night.

My advice: try not to put that much pressure on your wedding night. It may be quite late into the night when you are alone together, and you may both be rightly exhausted after the day's festivities. It may not be the best time to "break the ice." After 8 years, at least one of you has very high expectations.

Give yourselves the gift of time to explore the sex equation. If it feels like you are doing it that night because you are "supposed to" perhaps reconsider until you are better-rested. Sex takes practice to get "good" at. So if the first time is ... not memorable, realize it may improve with time and patience with each other.


We both are virgins and our Fi is so proud of our choice.

I just am wondering if others have had to shift their lives and lose some Fi qualities and how they've adjusted...

You're placing the value emphasis in the wrong area. It's not about BEING a virgin, it's about having enough self-discipline to REMAIN one until married and live true to the value.

To hold onto your virginity like some sort of "moral on a pedestal" - this is value simplification. It truly doesn't make you a better person to have remained a virgin all of this time. You are a better person to have lived true to a moral value though. Can you appreciate the difference?

Consider too ... is your pride itself a moral error? Just something to think about.

Anyway, congratulations on the upcoming nuptials ... I hope your wedding is full of joy and you have a wonderful life together, full of steamy, happy raunchy sex.


Filthy Apes!
Dec 3, 2008
Believe me, this isn't anything having to deal with me questioning my love for him or my wanting to get married. We've been dating FOREVER and I know he's the one, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, that's the thing, isn't it. You're not just busting a hymen, you're tossing a whole relationship: this brother-boyfriend you've known for so long is going to be the same but now you have to be his WIFE?! Can't we just be brother and sister a little while longer?

Si is the part of you that prompts "OMG, I wont be doing THAT, what were you thinking?!" It preserves an integrity and serves as a warning.

But a warning of what? We don't know. You probably need a hen's night before you get married. Be sure to include older "hens" who have boyfriends or husbands and let them tell you exactly how disgusting sex is. You need to hear not how sex is awesome, but how it's genuinely unpleasant sometimes. People fart, fall asleep, squirt unexpectedly, dry up. Occasionally, totally without warrant, you end up headbutted in the face. People fall out of bed even and break things. It's a nightmare.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
This thread is alarming and interesting.

It is alarming. Perhaps it is the overtone of laughter or almost poking fun at it/not taking it seriously. The sex stance is always perplexing to me. The whole - I've known him forever so I know he's the one but I won't have sex with him until we're married. I'm sure the idea of marrying someone they'd never met is unthinkable but marrying someone they've never had sex with is entirely different. Except it isn't. The whole resisting change issue is a gigantic red flag. If that is so uncomfortable, why do any of this at all and make someone else just as miserable as the OP is going to be?


Jan 7, 2009
I'm sure the idea of marrying someone they'd never met is unthinkable but marrying someone they've never had sex with is entirely different.

Yes, it is concerning to me that there's no way of knowing the sexual compatibility in the match. It's something I would want to know ahead of time myself.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Yes, it is concerning to me that there's no way of knowing the sexual compatibility in the match. It's something I would want to know ahead of time myself.

I mean it's not like we don't have sexual chemistry lol we just aren't putting the P in the Va-G. Or other places like that


lab rat extraordinaire
Oct 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Wow, eight years? I lasted two weeks, when I had my first boy friend.
Look, congratulations. Don't be disappointed the first time though, because it is kinda lame at first. You and your man have a pretty established foundation though, so it will get better.
Eight years!


Buddhist Misanthrope
Dec 11, 2007
I've taken the test many times and I always score very high on the ENFP scale. I used to be way more Extraverted (use to test 90+) but now I am testing around 70% now. I don't think I could be one if I am so much more extraverted. Also, I have met one other INFP, and man alive, he is INTENSE. I've seen Te-Bitchslaps that I have never even came close to passing out. I just don't see similarities with him. What do you see about this situation that could make me INFP? Just the fact that I'm a virgin or something more?

There is no thing in my book as testing 70% of this or that nor is there a "used to be". MBTI is a function stack, so you are either Ne dom or Fi dom, in other words, you could say "hey, I'm an ENFP" or "hey, I'm Ne/Fi" and somebody that has way too much time on their hands would know what both meant. I think you're Fi because your entire post and choices screams Fi dom to me. MBTI is all about lowest energy use, you can learn to be this or that, in fact it's the whole point of living. However, there is always a default, the easiest or function of least resistance. For this reason, there are almost as many people online thinking they are a type they aren't as there were thinking voting for Obama was a wise decision.

I do agree that it is Fi values at play and identification of oneself with the values, thus throw some Si in for permenancy. Maybe the tinest bit of Te-ie the sticking firm to a moral commitment made and a wee bit of pride at that accomplishment.

THis was my thinking.

I mean it's not like we don't have sexual chemistry lol we just aren't putting the P in the Va-G. Or other places like that

It is how a relationship can bloom properly without clouding it;s growth with surface level distractions. Please, do not think that this is a brainwashed ideal that was stuck in my mind. It is My Choice. and I find it to be the best decision of my life and I wouldn't go any other way. I know sex is great, it's just the ideal that I am losing, I do not fear sex or think it's scary or dirty. I want to make that clear.

Again, those statements scream Fi to me, if you have chemistry, aren't siting faith as your only motivation for not having sex and you're not freakin the funk outta each other in every room, car, dark ally and park bench you can, I'm thinking you're not an Ne dom. That isn't saying Ne doms are morally bankrupt deviant freaks (guilty as charged) but by default we tend to do things for the experience and I can't see any Ne dom passing this one up because they want their relationship to "bloom properly". Sex is like any other part of a relationship, it's an expression of something. You have attached so much to this expression that it has seemingly become a burden.

Now listen, to be super clear, I fully support your choices, you need to do what feels right to you and nobody else. I am not attacking you or the choices you've made in anyway, I'm simply offering a perspective that is what I have learned. My main reason for posting was to simply suggest exploring INFP as an option.

Take this test:


Cut and paste the results with all of the percentages (if you're okay with sharing that).


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I think you're Fi because your entire post and choices screams Fi dom to me.

I think what is difficult is I am speaking about a topic that is of value to me. So of course I am going to be speaking from my heart which would be showing Fi. If we were talking about interesting ideas, or you asking for advice, or watching me interact with my friends, you should see more Ne in me. How I am on this forum is different than IRL because I tend to come here on my bad days, on the days where I am in deep thought trying to figure things out. I hardly come and post and do the "fun stuff" on the forum hahah search my posts, it's almost always about Fi stuff because I am like in the zone when I come here.

I've always kind of felt that my Fi is check and balance. It's the emotional part of me. It is me, that's whats so demanding of Fi, is that I feel like I have to be 100% in everything I do, if there is something that I'm like holy crap, I don't know how I feel about this, I will have to dwell and dwell and see if it fits. Just like if you are Ne/Ti, you're going to be going off the wall with Ne and the MINUTE something strikes you as illogical or irrational or not fitting, you have to call it out, or fix it, or bring it to someones attention. I've always kinda felt that a persons first two functions cannot be lived separately. (unless of course all of the shadow stuff starts to happen.)

Now listen, to be super clear, I fully support your choices, you need to do what feels right to you and nobody else. I am not attacking you or the choices you've made in anyway, I'm simply offering a perspective that is what I have learned. My main reason for posting was to simply suggest exploring INFP as an option.

Take this test:


Cut and paste the results with all of the percentages (if you're okay with sharing that).

No worries, I don't take offense. I just wanted to make sure what I was saying was clear. There have been times where I thought I was ENFP, INFP, ENTP and ENFJ so I love hearing any insight. I did take the test, and here are the results.

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(Did that show up?)


New member
Jan 28, 2009
[MENTION=1769]Samvega[/MENTION]-I didnt mean she was an INFP, more that this thread is a very core Fi issue for her. Contrary to popular belief enfps are only a bunch o' whores part of the time, when we choose to be, not all of the time. ;) We can abstain from many temptations if there is a good reason in our own minds to do so. For her, this was a good reason. Hehe, 2extreme is incredibly enfp to me based on how she phrases and uses her words.

It is alarming. Perhaps it is the overtone of laughter or almost poking fun at it/not taking it seriously. The sex stance is always perplexing to me. The whole - I've known him forever so I know he's the one but I won't have sex with him until we're married. I'm sure the idea of marrying someone they'd never met is unthinkable but marrying someone they've never had sex with is entirely different. Except it isn't. The whole resisting change issue is a gigantic red flag. If that is so uncomfortable, why do any of this at all and make someone else just as miserable as the OP is going to be?

hmm, I dunno, I mean it would not be my choice to skip on the pre-nupt sex, but people did do this for thousands of years and many still had happy marriages. Granted, it isnt the dark ages...hmmmm, it be interesting to see how sexual compatibility between abstinance only couples plays out over the course of the relationship in terms of sexual happiness, based on a larger population... I'd also suggest an ENFP, due to distance from Se, could pull this trick off better than most. It just takes a bit of time to realign the Si based on some new experiences-aka sex.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
You're placing the value emphasis in the wrong area. It's not about BEING a virgin, it's about having enough self-discipline to REMAIN one until married and live true to the value.

To hold onto your virginity like some sort of "moral on a pedestal" - this is value simplification. It truly doesn't make you a better person to have remained a virgin all of this time. You are a better person to have lived true to a moral value though. Can you appreciate the difference?

Consider too ... is your pride itself a moral error? Just something to think about.

The clarification regarding value emphasis was very enlightening-thank you!

Can you elaborate on the pride being a moral error? Given the dark paths Ne can lead us towards, it seems we should be proud of our self discipline to stick with our internal compass? Or are you using pride as a reference to the physical state of virginity?


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Believe me, this isn't anything having to deal with me questioning my love for him or my wanting to get married. We've been dating FOREVER and I know he's the one, I wouldn't have it any other way. And believe me, I want to have sex haha but it's just weird to think that this thing i've valued will now go bye bye.
It doesn't really go away, it just becomes part of your past, like your high school diploma, or a semester abroad. The Bible also mentions "putting away childish things". For a girl to make the journey through womanhood, she must leave behind the Virgin to become the Mother. This does not mean she must bear children, marry, or even have sex, but rather that she creates and nurtures, produces and takes on responsibility, in whatever way is fulfilling and suitable. Easing and celebrating these transitions in all their depth and scope is the job of rites of passage, something modern Americans do quite poorly at as a rule.

As for the name change, this is a serious issue that you should discuss thoroughly with your fiance, to ensure each of you understands the other's motivations, values, and reasoning. The two of you should then come up with the solution that is best for you, without regard to custom, or others' opinions.


Buddhist Misanthrope
Dec 11, 2007
How I am on this forum is different than IRL because I tend to come here on my bad days, on the days where I am in deep thought trying to figure things out. I hardly come and post and do the "fun stuff" on the forum hahah search my posts, it's almost always about Fi stuff because I am like in the zone when I come here.

I've always kinda felt that a persons first two functions cannot be lived separately. (unless of course all of the shadow stuff starts to happen.)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I have to say I have a lot of respect for you, thank you for sharing this post with us as it has given me insight as I hope it has you. I do agree, I get myself in the Ne-Ti loop and when I do I feel stuck, when that happens I turn to TypeC so I know the person most see on here is simply an interpretation of me and not the full picture, I am sorry for not being able to apply that to others/you.

Agreed, the first two functions are like Siamese twins, they define each other and there is no one without the other.

You don't have a strong Te or Si to put the Fi and Ne into perspective and of courses the results of an online test aren't the deciding factor anyway, I didn't know how well you knew MBTI but it sounds like you're well aware of your type so no more calling you INFP, promise :)

I wish you well, enjoy your man, enjoy your love and enjoy your bodies together, it's an amazing thing to share. The girl I was with for my first time had been my girlfriend for 6 years, I will never not love her. It really is a beautiful thing and you are lucky to both know nothing but each other.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
you're welcome :hug:

Hehe, 2extreme is incredibly enfp to me based on how she phrases and uses her words.


For a girl to make the journey through womanhood, she must leave behind the Virgin to become the Mother. This does not mean she must bear children, marry, or even have sex, but rather that she creates and nurtures, produces and takes on responsibility, in whatever way is fulfilling and suitable. Easing and celebrating these transitions in all their depth and scope is the job of rites of passage, something modern Americans do quite poorly at as a rule.

i like this, esp bold. :)