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[INFJ] Dear INFJ Gentlemen, you are NOT ESTPs... So quit acting like it!


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
*flees rollercoaster like scared bunny who hatez rollercoasters*


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
*flees rollercoaster like scared bunny who hatez rollercoasters*
I am terrified of the 1st drop and usually dont want to do it, but once it happens Its kind of exciting and I want to do it again, if the line isnt too long.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I am terrified of the 1st drop and usually dont want to do it, but once it happens Its kind of exciting and I want to do it again, if the line isnt too long.

Truthfully, I'm the same way with many things :D Sometimes there's definitely an intimidation factor involved. Problem is, there's no "sampling" a rollercoaster!

I don't know how I can slalom around in a fast car, but go all black-out and gooey on a ride. lulz I'm such a lightweight. I used to like smaller coasters when I was a teenager, but some of these other ones?? No way!


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Well I would think its pretty obvious, I am tired of your following me around even a YEAR LATER telling me I am an INTJ, if I was an INTJ I would demonstrate considerably more Te then I do. I have a need for consistency because I am a Ni/Ti user Duh? You do not think I demonstrate Fe, you are wrong... you base it on my persona here on this forum, as I have told you a dozen times because I dont play the spring lamb here and cater to everyones fucking woe to me nonsense doesn't mean I am not A Fe user in the real world. You could say you note a demonstrable lack of Se here as well because I am not bouncing a basketball or skiing down a mountain slope, my E functions dont come across online my I ones DO. When I say something YOU consider rude here I dont have to feel the twinge of guilt because there is no face to look at and because most of the time people are full of shit here ANYWAY.

You base your Fi vs Fe thing on me based on basic stubborn BULLSHIT and a NEED to save face. Period. You are not objective in the least bit, you offer no evidence for you ideas and beliefs you just believe them because thats what you feel, its stupid, and you cant run around touting how great you are at cognitive function theory based on how you FEEL about things.

You have admitted now to being wrong and logically inconsistent about anything that would give you opinion any form of validation... and yet you STILL follow me and from what I see other people around post stalking them apparently well maybe not stalking, but begrudging them and incessantly mistyping them just because you want to fuck with them. No one asked you to come into a thread I participate in and tell me I am not an INFJ because you are not qualified to make that call, and yet you do it anyway, you relish it, you look for the chances to do it, its too clockwork with you its been going on for some time and I am wiling to wager I am not the only one you do it to, especially if the rep comments I have been getting are any indication. Why dont you do yourself a favor and just STFU then if you have nothing but your own stubbornness to base this shit on? Its getting tiresome.

I'm not following you around. There are several times recently where I agreed with you or was pleasant to you in other threads. I have no obvious intent to attack you. It's just when you were talking about your viciousness, something that has been duly noted repeatedly by many on the forum -particularly of the female persuasion, but also by males - it reminded me of how I think you lack Fe.

Your bolded statements also show a decided lack of Fe.

I don't know why you have to make up this story about "saving face." Is that your Ni? The truth is that I genuinely think you have Fi and I base this on relevent cognitive theories - Jung, Beebe, etc. - not on my feelings, and I'm not saying it just to piss you off.

You may now rub your palms together and masturbate to the thought that you got under my skin, you win the interwebs.

I don't really care either way. I'm just telling you I really do think you're an Fi type, and I recommend you do some reading on cognitive function theory if you'd like to know why, because you're going to take everything I say the wrong way.

I'm not going to follow you around saying "Fi Fi Fi!!!" because I'm not going to resort to Simulated World's methods (even though he was totally right, and continues to be right about many things, because he's actually read Jung and other theorists, unlike many of the people here.)


I am terrified of the 1st drop and usually dont want to do it, but once it happens Its kind of exciting and I want to do it again, if the line isnt too long.

Same here. It's similar whenever I do reenactments, and the thought of somebody pointing a real gun at you and pulling the trigger kinda gets you worried, but once the action actually begins.......


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
Truthfully, I'm the same way with many things :D Sometimes there's definitely an intimidation factor involved. Problem is, there's no "sampling" a rollercoaster!

I don't know how I can slalom around in a fast car, but go all black-out and gooey on a ride. lulz I'm such a lightweight. I used to like smaller coasters when I was a teenager, but some of these other ones?? No way!

I was terrified of the concept of rollercoasters forever, my mother instilled that fear in me as a kid because she was afraid of them. I tried my 1st one when I was 18 in highschool at 6 flags, it was INSANE! The superman ride of steel with this gigantic drop on it. I remember gripping the bars so tight and thinking OMG what if this thing breaks and opens and I go flying off to my doom... luckily it didn't, Ive been on it a few more times since then but I do tend to offer alternative suggestions when people want to go lol... Have you ever tried cliff jumping? Now THAT is scary... lol


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I was terrified of the concept of rollercoasters forever, my mother instilled that fear in me as a kid because she was afraid of them. I tried my 1st one when I was 18 in highschool at 6 flags, it was INSANE! The superman ride of steel with this gigantic drop on it. I remember gripping the bars so tight and thinking OMG what if this thing breaks and opens and I go flying off to my doom... luckily it didn't, Ive been on it a few more times since then but I do tend to offer alternative suggestions when people want to go lol... Have you ever tried cliff jumping? Now THAT is scary... lol

I would drop dead with fright. I *want* to try all manner of things like that, because just WOW, right? But my survival instinct is a BEAR! I used to consider myself quite the daredevil getting up on a giant horse and galloping around, yet I see that I need to up my game!

Where did you go cliffjumping?


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
I'm not following you around. There are several times recently where I agreed with you or was pleasant to you in other threads. I have no obvious intent to attack you. It's just when you were talking about your viciousness, something that has been duly noted repeatedly by many on the forum -particularly of the female persuasion, but also by males - it reminded me of how I think you lack Fe.

Your bolded statements also show a decided lack of Fe.

I don't know why you have to make up this story about "saving face." Is that your Ni? The truth is that I genuinely think you have Fi and I base this on relevent cognitive theories - Jung, Beebe, etc. - not on my feelings, and I'm not saying it just to piss you off.

I don't really care either way. I'm just telling you I really do think you're an Fi type, and I recommend you do some reading on cognitive function theory if you'd like to know why, because you're going to take everything I say the wrong way.

I'm not going to follow you around saying "Fi Fi Fi!!!" because I'm not going to resort to Simulated World's methods (even though he was totally right, and continues to be right about many things, because he's actually read Jung and other theorists, unlike many of the people here.)

I dont buy it, and what about the bolded statement PROVES a lack of Fe? You know Fe isn't always about feeling harmony right? Sometimes its about pushing ideals onto others as well. And when I see a person reveling in self caused pity, I feel bad for them, but not because of the reasons they state, but because they are setting themselves back and putting them self into a loop of negative thoughts, thats Ni, it sees through the act and sees the root problem (combined with Ti) my Fe then tells me, they dont need that behavior reinforced, they need someone to put it to them straight, because like it or not, thats how I learned to deal with my mopey disposition in life, having someone set me straight, and break those patterns out of me. That you Cant even see how Fe works in different ways is astounding to me, then again its really not... the same timeframe you were telling me you know the difference between Fi and Fe, you were waffling between being an INFJ and an INFP, hey, Fe vs Fi... so obviously you didn't then and I would say your learning is still incomplete.

The day you see me walk into a thread where someone says "my mother died this weekend I need help" you wont see me pull my "set them straight routine" why? Because thats not what they NEED, in fact you wont se anything because what I do is what MOST INFJs do, I send them a personal story privately which I feel will encourage them and offer an open ear to cry into, I dont need to make a to do out of it publicly because it doesn't feel genuine.

I dont even know why I am explaining ANY of this to you right now, it wont change your mind which is already set based on faulty assumptions.


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
I would drop dead with fright. I *want* to try all manner of things like that, because just WOW, right? But my survival instinct is a BEAR! I used to consider myself quite the daredevil getting up on a giant horse and galloping around, yet I see that I need to up my game!

Where did you go cliffjumping?

I almost did die of fright, I went cliff jumping at this place in CT called Brownstone Exploratory Park, basically its just an old brownstone quarry filled with water. You swim all around the thing, they have zip lines, cliff jumping etc.

I had never done cliff jumping before, but I got invited by my then girlfriend of 2 months with her sister and sisters BF, they had all done it before... Now I was dreading this thing the whole week before and kept coming up with reasons and excuses for why I shouldn't go, but I didn't want her to think I was afraid because I tend to put on a more ESTP face in person when I want to impress people especially with physical stuff like that, so I ended up going through with it. I took a jump off a 30 or 40 foot platform into the water, it was NUTS! after the initial jump I did it 4 more times which were subsequently easier each time. But I dunno, I havent been back and dont think I will again since then because its not my idea of a good time really, but I was really proud of myself that I was able to force myself into doing it, because jumping 30-40 feet DOES NOT COME NATURAL TO HUMAN BEINGS.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=8315]Billy[/MENTION] Look I already explained to you that when I first came to this site that I did not know the first thing about personality theory, and that it took me a while to learn function theory, and since the time I typed myself as INFJ I have read Keirsey, Jung, Beebe, and Lenore Thomson, as well as having dicussions with people more knowledgable than myself, AND learning from trial and error through making observations both on-line and IRL. I'm not going to repeat myself again on this matter; it's ludicrous for you to not accept that I have read and studied and learned considerably since that time.

I don't know why you're explaining to me either, but like I already said I don't know you, yet on the other hand I don't think you have Fe. If evidence ever comes to light that you actually do, I'll let you know. Until that time, I will refrain from speaking to you as this seems to upset you so much.

P.S. I never said "proves"...you said proves.


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
[MENTION=8315]Billy[/MENTION] Look I already explained to you that when I first came to this site that I did not know the first thing about personality theory, and that it took me a while to learn function theory, and since the time I typed myself as INFJ I have read Keirsey, Jung, Beebe, and Lenore Thomson, as well as having dicussions with people more knowledgable than myself, AND learning from trial and error through making observations both on-line and IRL. I'm not going to repeat myself again on this matter; it's ludicrous for you to not accept that I have read and studied and learned considerably since that time.

I don't know why you're explaining to me either, but like I already said I don't know you, yet on the other hand I don't think you have Fe. If evidence ever comes to light that you actually do, I'll let you know. Until that time, I will refrain from speaking to you as this seems to upset you so much.

P.S. I never said "proves"...you said proves.

Your learning is far from complete, perhaps you should spend more time speaking to Fe users (i would be happy to enlighten you) and how Fe can manifest in different ways, since you cannot tell the difference between Fi and Fe. Either you are completely wrong based on your learning and have much further to go, or you are blowing hot air because you cannot admit you were initially wrong.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
What theories have you studied Billy?


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
What theories have you studied Billy?

The same ones you have, as well as being a member of INFJ forums and having extensive discussions there, also I am a member on the INTJ forum as well, I get a variety of sources. Admittedly most of my study has centered around that of INFJ function and theory, I would say I am much better versed in that than any other type or types functions. As it has a practical purpose to me personally, since I am an INFJ.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The same ones you have, as well as being a member of INFJ forums and having extensive discussions there, also I am a member on the INTJ forum as well, I get a variety of sources. Admittedly most of my study has centered around that of INFJ function and theory, I would say I am much better versed in that than any other type or types functions. As it has a practical purpose to me personally, since I am an INFJ.

I just ask because I HAVE had extensive conversations with people who are actually INFJs, and my sister is ENFJ, and my bff from high school is ENFJ, and my ex is ESFJ, so I don't particularly lack for Fe users in my life, either IRL or on-line. I have a couple of female friends who are INFJs, and quite frankly you are nothing like any of the IxFJ males on this site. At all.

I suggest you study more about all of the functions that apply to all the types rather than just INFJ.

I'm not blowing hot air, and I already admitted that I don't know you that well, and of course in any such case that you really don't know a person, one could certainly be wrong.

I still think you have Fi. You defend yourself like an Fi user. But I said I'd stop talking about it because it upsets you so much. Honestly I don't wish to have any further conversations with you.


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
I just ask because I HAVE had extensive conversations with people who are actually INFJs, and my sister is ENFJ, and my bff from high school is ENFJ, and my ex is ESFJ, so I don't particularly lack for Fe users in my life, either IRL or on-line. I have a couple of female friends who are INFJs, and quite frankly you are nothing like any of the IxFJ males on this site. At all.

I suggest you study more about all of the functions that apply to all the types rather than just INFJ.

I'm not blowing hot air, and I already admitted that I don't know you that well, and of course in any such case that you really don't know a person, one could certainly be wrong.

I still think you have Fi. You defend yourself like an Fi user. But I said I'd stop talking about it because it upsets you so much. Honestly I don't wish to have any further conversations with you.

Any yet here you are conversing.

I doubt you know as many INFJs as you say you do, in fact I am sure most of the NFJs you know are actually SFJs which would explain the Ver Si based perspective version of Fe you seem to continually spout. My Brother is an INFJ, my mother an ESFJ my girlfriend an ENFJ, and just because I dont act like the meek ISFJ friends you've made doesn't mean really much of anything. Especially since as I said my Fe tends to be less about harmonizing the environment and more about fixing people in general. If you cant tell the difference between that I suggest you speak to some authentic INFJs and stop talking to SFJs and NFPs because they tend to be the environment harmonizers. Have you read anything from that lady Vicky Joe? she has a site dedicated to differentiating between INFPs and INFJs basically Fi vs Fe. You should check it out, also look into how N based Fe is different then S based Fe. Good luck in your endeavors of learning.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Have you read anything from that lady Vicky Joe? she has a site dedicated to differentiating between INFPs and INFJs basically Fi vs Fe. You should check it out...Good luck in your endeavors of learning.

This is the most hilarious thing I've read in days! VICKY JO? Hoo boy.

Yeah, I read Vicky Jo like two years ago.

You might want to expand outward a little.


Crazy Diamond
Oct 20, 2009
This is the most hilarious thing I've read in days! VICKY JO? Hoo boy.

Yeah, I read Vicky Jo like two years ago.

You might want to expand outward a little.

Let me guess, shes an INTJ too right?