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The AntiChrist


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant


Jan 21, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm pretty sure people were using this same prophecy to say Nostradamus predicted Obama's election. Also, wasn't Bush supposed to have been the antichrist as well? I have nothing against Nosty but I have no faith in people's abilities not to make random associations.


Dope& diamonds.
Sep 2, 2015

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
They said this about Obama and Nostradamus predicting him to be the antichrist as well.

But also a future female president predicted by a psychic... as of now it has not happened. And you can bet she's also been considered an antichrist candidate. Supposedly there was also proof that Prince William was the Antichrist and future king of the predicted one world government.

Which is it?

All this information and well-versed sources and none of them can agree? It almost seems like they twist it in order to fit what they perceive to be the antichrist. Trying to find ways to confirm it causing more inevitable confusion if you believe all this and come digging in the vast swamps of the internet to try and somehow get to the truth.


Nov 19, 2009
The antichrist is not a person, its a spirit.
And in various degrees and to various forms, it exists as part of the psyche that is commonly found in every individual, usually these unconscious forces are heavily filtered by the sub-conscious and super-ego, but sometimes you get political manifestations, which are pretty good at approximating this form of base inclination.

Trump is further away from being consistent with the anti-Christ than the regressive-left is, in my opinion. The SJW movements are heavily involved in pursuing the wrong side of the unconscious psychic-force, which they are aggressive advocates for.

2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2Ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

the SJW ideology is founded on interrupting any of its critics, while its proof is extracted from a chorus of delusional proclamations of an incoherent Utopia; which protects itself by never needing to render real evidence for it, and aggressively vilifying anything that doesn't acquiesce to its superior vision of [false and impossible] promises. The ideological construction of the world is so surreal and different to psychological reality, it can only exist in thought-controlled fish tank that they will impose upon all life...

Trump is certainly imperfect, but at least he could fail according to own rhetoric, SJW's cannot ever fail according to their ideology, the measure of any obstacle is just cause for more demands, that must be fed by an externalized guilt and shame upon the evil and privileged 'other', if anything, it is fueled by its own incapacity to deliver solutions, and will result in more hysterical demands that breed further instability, and further radicalized demands that generate even worse outcomes (because in essence, the SJW wants to 'move the goal posts' because of this incoherent adherence to essential difference, that must be 'treated equally', and so its only real solution is either Agent Smith assimilation of everything, where everyone is programmed sufficiently so that individuals can administer themselves in 'perfect harmony' with the other Agent Smith's, or surrealist propaganda combined with a coordinator class that cares for the infantilized masses (the care dispensed to the chosen children of the Fatherland, re-writing the past mistreatment— which as a narrative, can never be surrendered, or nothing will make sense (a continual and even perpetual reactionary situation that sustains identity after the new society generates its own imperfections: the scapegoating can never stop)).

One could be kinder to these SJW's are say, that they came from a 'good place', that they created their ideology because they wanted 'progress', without being able to win the argument, because Science doesn't produce clear ideological advocacy, but in that ideological adaptation, they have shut down the mechanism of any functional reasoning, and even shutdown curiosity and inquiry itself; and crafted a false religion based on 'feelings' of righteousness, and claims to radical political action to advance an ideology that has overstepped its own supposed purpose (unless one says, that its new purpose is the destruction of everything that's evil, and that resists them, (which by Jung's definition can never find a resolution: what you resist, persists);- the SJW demands a world that already conforms to the ideological derived sense of justice, and will not entertain or understand a challenge to that ideology; which secures an endless demand and extraction of justice, which also secures a perpetual ideological gripe that can never find satisfaction, as it can never describe its own success, only its complaint— and so as it can never claim victory, it will always claim more for the ideological fire, fueled by any quantitative measure of inequality, that is 'unfairly' (according to their ideology) caused by essential differences that people should not have to change about themselves, while demanding the same access to enjoyment as all those who are 'in a different position', that must have all benefits purged that lead to having a 'better situation'. This is a recipe, for burning everything into nothing, or forcing everyone to be ideological zealots of privilege checking and shaming until everyone 'gives up' the benefit of any talent or skill that's not representative of the most "oppressed", to which fate we must all share in, 'because muh ideology', because life is a zero-sum game according to this ideology: because humanity is a narrative of guilt, and creation that only comes from guilt and shame... that is why these SJWs are so vacuous in every respect, intellectually and especially pragmatically-speaking, they can't allow themselves to see the expectation of waste, to which they are the major contribution toward producing. If these people were to study finance with these 'good intentions', perhaps there would be more forthcoming solutions from different aspects of our society, instead of idle demands for something that they don't and can't even describe in real terms. ~the idea that if you burn and destroy everything, that then we'll be unleashed and totally free! -_-;; give me a break, I don't want to talk about these mouth breathers anymore.

It is interesting to note, that Trump used some similar tactics when campaigning, which I believe was only so successful because of the huge awareness of this type of energy produced through the SJWs movement. Everyone feels alienated and downtrodden in modern culture/society, and as a civilization we have been getting poorer collectively for a while now, this idea that the under-privileged, might have to extract more freedoms from the privileged 'CIS-whites', affords this labeled-group a motivation to safeguard their targeted-identities from encroachment, as the class-identity they have been told that they must be representative of. This explains the KKK endorsement of Trump, not because Trump is pro-white, but because SJW's appear to be anti-"white" in their convoluted rhetoric. Reassurance from a political proponent that policy is not going to be based on redistribution of freedom's, but on fundamentals that affect economic reality, is reassuring to a group that is villainized as the ideological enemy that is expected to buy its integrity back from under the shame of its many (ideologically construed) privileges, such "privileges" which even form the structure of a productive-society itself, and to dismantle those 'systems of privilege', might make us all equal according to some measure of ideology, but only by eliminating many indirect benefits that the exceptional offer to society in general, which could also be harnessed better through radically progressive policy on incentivizing wealth creation, which would probably be very unpopular to 'liberals': for who success must be answered with a kind of societal-revenge, and then we wonder why capital investment doesn't concentrate into the means of escaping petty scales of economy, that lock people into stagnant standards of living.

I would point out that Trump has fundamental errors in his thinking/rhetoric, China is actually very friendly with the US, China could easily and rightly claim that America is the original currency manipulator, which America is still doing this manipulation, and has been for over the past 40 years. Also the original conception of America as a democracy, and even the American Dream, is much more a mythology than reality, the American Dream is worth believing in however, but America was never designed to function as a real democracy, read the Federalist Papers, it was designed to be an oligarchy from day one. Madison >.>;; I don't complain about inconvenient facts though, they are just important to know, in order to pursuit and produce real success and transformation, ideological complaints generate no change, and often get in the way of designing and planning something real.


Nov 19, 2009
I think a lot of confusion has been caused by culture becoming more nebulous, when social rules and expectations were stricter, it was easier to break them with others, who would enter into pacts to do so...

Now in the medium of a lax culture, everything has to be negotiated and justified as its own project, and finding other people to subscribe to those projects, is only going to occur if they have a shared experience of repressed energy which wants to experience some release: which no longer comes from culture, so now it can only come from the internal cult of persona (or shared experience from personality style).

When people try to extract energy from their psychic environment now, it sticks out like a sore thumb, when they have less obvious societal drama to correlate with and disguise their personal trappings within.

In a culture where everyone feels aliened, some have been able to create an ideology and narrative of shared experience that can be exploited for furthering their personal inclination of extracting psychic energy from their environment... its like an ideological vehicle for sustaining the false ego, in a culture that has been progressing to the extent that threatens the reliance on societal drama— hiding the craft of the persona-complex: that requires a point of view about a "world-state", which then justifies a reactionary continuance (grounding the persona-complex). This is a big part of the reason why the Social-Justice-activism is such a successful phenomena, all under the banner of a shared experience of 'oppression by the system', is really just the sublimated yearning for a structure to guide expression of the vindictive nature of expectation, but because its not contained by the structure of a functioning mores, that precipitates an immediate sense of personalized-drama (since the social sphere has been so sanitized of personal-energies, and only 'the group' are recognized figures), in this grand ideological form of drama, there is no way to dissipate the enactment of this vindictive energy, even after some inning appropriate to Public Ceremony has played out, instead, in this pernicious form of operation, it's built an ideological-death machine that has no purpose, but to consume and convert all life into the anti-reasoning imagine of this ideological insanity.

Its funny to note: that if twitter is going to slowly collapse or diminish, it is probably from the purge of the opposition to the regressive left. The regressive left only exists as a force in the midst of war and opposition, and it its strength comes from claiming that the there is really no argument-obstacle that they need to overcome, and if anyone even threatens not to bestow them with the moral high ground, any form that opposition might take, is exactly what the problem is, and further grounds for how and why they must entrench their position, because only the "under-privileged" deserve to frame an unquestioned moral narrative. When they are left with no grounds for moral-pontification, then the SJW movement is left to ponder practical solutions, which the ideology was designed to be inept at registering, it only operates as knee-jerk violence, and maybe planning genocide and fires as the ultimate solution for discovery of Utopia hidden beneath the houses of their greedy enemies; the SJW movement, has no proactive vision or capability to solve its complaints, this is why all interaction with them leads to further demands and costs which fund further instabilities and degradation of resources, because they define strength as privilege, and dismantling privilege as progress, and count this process of degeneration as profitable, because we should re-define profit in line their ideological vision of progress, never mind the practical costs and loss of real capabilities. So a person from the regressive-left, is completely triggered by opposition, but if you guarantee them a safe-space, there is no opportunity to get triggered... So maybe someone on the alt right, will make some kind of "Real Free Speech" version to twitter, and the regressive left will have a new target they wish to ideologically colonize, but then how could they justify annexing this new ground, that others made for the express purpose of being separated from the confines of their hard-fought and campaigned for bastion of 'safe space' [original twitter]. Well, then they have no excuse, they just have open hostility against their ideological "enemies" which they require to be triggered from, so they can keep their focus on cultural manifestation of privilege, to avoid doing anything truly meaningful and possibly challenging, ie. not telling Western white people to feel guilt, but to advocate and move Islam towards developing some enlightenment values and gender-equality, or perhaps even a Reformation that embodies some of those values...

Today we have the most wonderful modern depictions of the poverty of philosophy, a group of people who essentially have no fundamental principles on any issue, just pretty labels and big speeches on Fairness, that are meant to symbolize respect and freedom for all, while posturing aggressively against those who stand in the way of furthering progress towards some version of 'perfect equality'. 'Perfectly equality', as the impossible delusion that it is, is then transformed into a game of hollow language-adaptions, and gross forms of bigotry and convoluted hate, stemming from belief and adherence to "essential-differences", that must conform to a single-standard of value, generalized into a culture of strict status policing where people are defined and deemed to be representatives of 'their group': these SJW are in essence, exactly what they profess to despise, obscuring this simple truth because they have crowned themselves with the sole right to dictate to others what language and culture should really mean, because at the core of their gripe with historical hegemony, this vindictive manifestation of preeminence, is claimed because now "'its our turn" to be on the wrong side of history', because dignity is a zero-sum game of sorrow-extraction to the SJW-societal-demon.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
all presidents are the anti-christ, there's not just one 100 years after trump dies all the presidents will come back and reek havoc on the world, duh :doh:


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Antichrist schmantichrist

Peter Pan

Nov 17, 2016
Hey like so did anyone notice that like all the major cities are blue and that like all the media that ever existed always shows the major cities getting donkey (haha) punched by the aliens and stuff cuz that kinda seems like an oh okay hey we know this is coming so we just gonna bend over and take it dry cuz welp you know we blue and totally knew we gonna get it stuff and yeah so um let's all move to the countryside that beautiful beautiful countryside lala la where the good times get got and we don't get butt caught by them nasty aliens lalala


Sep 29, 2016
Hey like so did anyone notice that like all the major cities are blue and that like all the media that ever existed always shows the major cities getting donkey (haha) punched by the aliens and stuff cuz that kinda seems like an oh okay hey we know this is coming so we just gonna bend over and take it dry cuz welp you know we blue and totally knew we gonna get it stuff and yeah so um let's all move to the countryside that beautiful beautiful countryside lala la where the good times get got and we don't get butt caught by them nasty aliens lalala

Today the Mayor of Seattle was calling the city a "Sanctuary for illegal immigrants. ( Which no shit. The only people who can afford to live here are H1-Bs.)His reasoning is "They do jobs no one else wants."

I'm so sick of this meme. It is why I hate the elite left-they don't actually consider anyone else but themselves. I would KILL for one of those jobs-which as I've said before I can't get because illegals get them first ( because why would any employer pay for one me with all of my limitations when he could spend the same on able-bodies immigrants). Second of all, if I or anyone else were turned off of those jobs it's because of the stigma that only illegal immigrants do those jobs. US citizens don't want to have learn Spanish for a job where they will be treated like shit because the illegals put up with it and if we do not there are plenty more illegals who will.
But people in the Silicon valley and your basic "progressive" from the upper class does not give a shit about the lower class.

When they say " No one wants those jobs" they mean I don't want those jobs, people within my contingency wont do those jobs. The fact that many others in the lowers class may in fact want those jobs does not occur to them because they don't actually think of us at all.
The real reason they are so in favor of illegal immigrants is because it makes them look progressive while giving up nothing. It does not effect them at all...except maybe in that they pay less their Starbucks since the cost is not passed on in proper wags or benefits for the employees.

Peter Pan

Nov 17, 2016
Today the Mayor of Seattle was calling the city a "Sanctuary for illegal immigrants. ( Which no shit. The only people who can afford to live here are H1-Bs.)His reasoning is "They do jobs no one else wants."

I'm so sick of this meme. It is why I hate the elite left-they don't actually consider anyone else but themselves. I would KILL for one of those jobs-which as I've said before I can't get because illegals get them first ( because why would any employer pay for one me with all of my limitations when he could spend the same on able-bodies immigrants). Second of all, if I or anyone else were turned off of those jobs it's because of the stigma that only illegal immigrants do those jobs. US citizens don't want to have learn Spanish for a job where they will be treated like shit because the illegals put up with it and if we do not there are plenty more illegals who will.
But people in the Silicon valley and your basic "progressive" from the upper class does not give a shit about the lower class.

When they say " No one wants those jobs" they mean I don't want those jobs, people within my contingency wont do those jobs. The fact that many others in the lowers class may in fact want those jobs does not occur to them because they don't actually think of us at all.
The real reason they are so in favor of illegal immigrants is because it makes them look progressive while giving up nothing. It does not effect them at all...except maybe in that they pay less their Starbucks since the cost is not passed on in proper wags or benefits for the employees.

Say what now hahaha I was talking bout the spaceship pew pew zap kinda alien hahaha

Oh but yeah that's like called invasive species or something with biology cept with economy cuz like if people don't wanna do jobs cuz people say that's supposedly so then I mean that means the conditions gotta be better and then like people want them so the whole standard of work goes up cuz like white guy that cut my grass likes to hydrate and stuff and not like die and then the guy that just nods and says si when he cuts my grass passed out in my yard this one time so for me it's like we'll how do you guys know if this is good if you guys don't try the other way cuz seems to me like if you know people don't like something like doing poopy work that sucks then you gotta make it better so they do but instead it still smells like poop and then this one guy said he likes following the law and that his company sucks cuz of people that don't follow the law and then it's like we'll hey that sucks cuz this dude trying to do the right thing and then he gets punished cuz other people wanna break the law and then it's like hey man that ain't cool cuz thats like cheating and then saying hey cheating is cool cuz I win cuz of cheating and that ain't cool man


Sep 29, 2016
Say what now hahaha I was talking bout the spaceship pew pew zap kinda alien hahaha

Oh but yeah that's like called invasive species or something with biology cept with economy cuz like if people don't wanna do jobs cuz people say that's supposedly so then I mean that means the conditions gotta be better and then like people want them so the whole standard of work goes up cuz like white guy that cut my grass likes to hydrate and stuff and not like die and then the guy that just nods and says si when he cuts my grass passed out in my yard this one time so for me it's like we'll how do you guys know if this is good if you guys don't try the other way cuz seems to me like if you know people don't like something like doing poopy work that sucks then you gotta make it better so they do but instead it still smells like poop and then this one guy said he likes following the law and that his company sucks cuz of people that don't follow the law and then it's like we'll hey that sucks cuz this dude trying to do the right thing and then he gets punished cuz other people wanna break the law and then it's like hey man that ain't cool cuz thats like cheating and then saying hey cheating is cool cuz I win cuz of cheating and that ain't cool man

I can't understand what you're talking about with your run on rambling. My grammar isn't perfect but basic punctuation makes a big difference.

And it is relevant because people like the mayor of Seattle, or other rich-silicon valley snobs are a great example of the Anti-Christ; convincing everyone that they care with nothing more than words while they continue to be part of the problem by pricing the lower class out of every decent area as they continue to rake in just obcene amounts of money and refuse to give back a time to help those they claim to care about.

Peter Pan

Nov 17, 2016
I can't understand what you're talking about with your run on rambling. My grammar isn't perfect but basic punctuation makes a big difference.

And it is relevant because people like the mayor of Seattle, or other rich-silicon valley snobs are a great example of the Anti-Christ; convincing everyone that they care with nothing more than words while they continue to be part of the problem by pricing the lower class out of every decent area as they continue to rake in just obcene amounts of money and refuse to give back a time to help those they claim to care about.

Oh hey yeah that sounds like your what people call middle class cept you got fucked and so now the money is like lower class's level but no Hm worries home skillet I bet you be back to middle class soon enough cuz thats how that stuff works cuz people trying to be butthole doesn't change who you are so chin up my man haha


Nov 19, 2009
Today the Mayor of Seattle was calling the city a "Sanctuary for illegal immigrants. ( Which no shit. The only people who can afford to live here are H1-Bs.)His reasoning is "They do jobs no one else wants."

I'm so sick of this meme. It is why I hate the elite left-they don't actually consider anyone else but themselves. I would KILL for one of those jobs-which as I've said before I can't get because illegals get them first ( because why would any employer pay for one me with all of my limitations when he could spend the same on able-bodies immigrants). Second of all, if I or anyone else were turned off of those jobs it's because of the stigma that only illegal immigrants do those jobs. US citizens don't want to have learn Spanish for a job where they will be treated like shit because the illegals put up with it and if we do not there are plenty more illegals who will.
But people in the Silicon valley and your basic "progressive" from the upper class does not give a shit about the lower class.

When they say " No one wants those jobs" they mean I don't want those jobs, people within my contingency wont do those jobs. The fact that many others in the lowers class may in fact want those jobs does not occur to them because they don't actually think of us at all.
The real reason they are so in favor of illegal immigrants is because it makes them look progressive while giving up nothing. It does not effect them at all...except maybe in that they pay less their Starbucks since the cost is not passed on in proper wags or benefits for the employees.

There are a few things that this brings up, that are worth mentioning... Illegal immigration drives down the cost, or drives down the wages of unskilled work-posts. Basically, this kind of lower wage cost, is beneficial to everyone who already has a job, and is very bad for people who would like to have a job as an unskilled laborer. There are a few ways at looking at this: technically I think the rewards and incentives in society are a bit messed up, the fact that we haven't organised a better system of accumulating capital investment into the real economy, under the hand of organised groups of quasi-political bodies of self-regulating systems of mini-economies, is a stupid reluctance not to tap into the self-perpetuating potency that lies dormant in the form of some version of Anarcho-syndicalism.

Personally though, the idea that the working class can expect society to already be conveniently organized and structured in the most intelligent way possible, so that it can pass all of the savings from greater efficacy and of sleeker efficiency onto the parts of its society that expects to be taken in and catered for by some overarching 'system', is like choosing to be pawn, and then expecting to be pandered to on the basis of your self-identification. I don't think we can demand of the aether, that the universe must remove all costs when people choose not to work toward taking destiny into their own hands (this is also the area where the short-cut of moving the goal posts turns very destructive: we can try to engineer a society where not coming from a stable home gets evened out by administering measures of soft-discrimination, or by taxing the stable-homed population to effectively pay for direct means of compensating and supporting all those without such stability— and thereby removing the incentive to develop any form of cultural vigilance or the need for stable gender-relations (in a sense, I'm depicting how Public Power structurally poisons and degrades the life of private citizenry). Just like direct support and pervasive guarantees to unskilled labourers would diminish the incentive to have the determination to resolve your own economic freedom (reducing the development and demand for access to the kind of competency required for economic independence; and the real development of those sorts of societal and cultural resources, is largely denied to people on the ideological grounds forwarded by the regressive-left, too busy preaching of the systematic-oppression to publicize practical empowerment that doesn't come in the form of their road map of short-cuts, and self-fulfilling engine of delinquency: expecting that people should be able to rely on a 'supportive and nurturing system', manufactures that people shouldn't ever be able to manage without exogenous assistance, and ends up treating and keeping people happy as one would care for a house-pet.) Atomized people all demanding fairness of a system, are secretly at war with their neighbors finances, too lazy to bridge the communication divide, unwilling to negotiate something better amongst their fellow atoms, with competing claims selfishly levied against the collective, threatening to shrink the collective pie even and short changing us all in some half-baked radical solution (not to mention the precarious ecological standing of the current pie we must work on fixing), while too unimaginative to create alternative ways to structure any new form of interface to economic-relations.

As far as I can see, only some form of organisation along on the lines of Anarcho Syndicalism could solve these challenges, and I think its important that we as atoms suffer for not devising and employing such forms of organisation on a private and quasi-cultural/political scale.
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Sep 29, 2016
There are a few things that this brings up, that are worth mentioning... Illegal immigration drives down the cost, or drives down the wages of unskilled work-posts. Basically, this kind of lower wage cost, is beneficial to everyone who already has a job, and is very bad for people who would like to have a job as an unskilled laborer. There are a few ways at looking at this: technically I think the rewards and incentives in society are a bit messed up, the fact that we haven't organised a better system of accumulating capital investment into the real economy, under the hand of organised groups of quasi-political bodies of self-regulating systems of mini-economies, is a stupid reluctance not to tap into the self-perpetuating potency that lies dormant in the form of some version of Anarcho-syndicalism.

Personally though, the idea that the working class can expect society to already be conveniently organized and structured in the most intelligent way possible, so that it can pass all of the savings from greater efficacy and of sleeker efficiency onto the parts of its society that expects to be taken in and catered for by some overarching 'system', is like choosing to be pawn, and then expecting to be pandered to on the basis of your self-identification. I don't think we can demand of the aether, that the universe must remove all costs when people choose not to work toward taking destiny into their own hands (this is also the area where the short-cut of moving the goal posts turns very destructive: we can try to engineer a society where not coming from a stable home gets evened out by administering measures of soft-discrimination, or by taxing the stable-homed population to effectively pay for direct means of compensating and supporting all those without such stability— and thereby removing the incentive to develop any form of cultural vigilance or need for stable gender-relations. Just like direct support to unskilled labourers would diminish the incentive to have the determination to resolve your own economic freedom (access to the kind of competency required; and the real development of those kinds of resources, is largely denied to people on the ideological grounds forwarded by the regressive left, too busy preaching of the systematic-oppression to publicize practical empowerment that doesn't come in the form of their road map of short-cuts, and self-fulfilling engine of delinquency: expecting that people should be able to rely to a 'supportive and nurturing system', manufactures that people shouldn't ever be able to manage without exogenous assistance.) Atomized people all demanding fairness of a system, are secretly at war with their neighbors finances, too lazy to bridge the communication divide, unwilling to negotiate something better amongst their fellow atoms, with competing claims selfishly levied against the collective that threaten shrinking the pie even further (not to mention the precarious ecological standing of the current pie), while too unimaginative to create alternative ways to structure any new form of interface to economic-relations.

As far as I can see, only some form of organisation allow on the lines of Anarcho Syndicalism could solve these challenges, and I think its important that we as atoms suffer for not devising and employing such forms of organisation on a private and quasi-cultural/political scale.

Are you employing the age-old trope that people who don't have jobs must be incompetent, lazy, and just demanding handouts or accommodation and refusing to try?

I'm actually asking because I'm not entirely sure.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
The regressive left only exists as a force in the midst of war and opposition, and it its strength comes from claiming that the there is really no argument-obstacle that they need to overcome, and if anyone even threatens not to bestow them with the moral high ground, any form that opposition might take, is exactly what the problem is, and further grounds for how and why they must entrench their position, because only the "under-privileged" deserve to frame an unquestioned moral narrative. When they are left with no grounds for moral-pontification, then the SJW movement is left to ponder practical solutions, which the ideology was designed to be inept at registering, it only operates as knee-jerk violence, and maybe planning genocide and fires as the ultimate solution for discovery of Utopia hidden beneath the houses of their greedy enemies; the SJW movement, has no proactive vision or capability to solve its complaints, this is why all interaction with them leads to further demands and costs which fund further instabilities and degradation of resources

I don't entirely agree with your spiel about all evil coming from left, but I did enjoy it. ^This is my fav part.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
all presidents are the anti-christ, there's not just one 100 years after trump dies all the presidents will come back and reek havoc on the world, duh :doh:

Obama's pretty young and he's not going away. He'll be inciting riots and all sorts of divisive stuff. [MENTION=20790]Zangetshumody[/MENTION] There's lots of antichrists, right? But just cause, for the sake of the thread, can we say that there's only one The Antichrist, and maybe it's Obama?


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Obama's pretty young and he's not going away. He'll be inciting riots and all sorts of divisive stuff. [MENTION=20790]Zangetshumody[/MENTION] There's lots of antichrists, right? But just cause, for the sake of the thread, can we say that there's only one The Antichrist, and maybe it's Obama?

if there is one it's probably not obama. i actually don't think its any of them, i think his/her mom's gonna be a whore because the christ was born from a virgin and since it's the opposite and opposite of virgin is a person who has a shit ton of sex. so which president(s) mom's slept with lots of men so we can start to narrow down the list or world leaders or powerful people even.
Mar 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
if there is one it's probably not obama. i actually don't think its any of them, i think his/her mom's gonna be a whore because the christ was born from a virgin and since it's the opposite and opposite of virgin is a person who has a shit ton of sex. so which president(s) mom's slept with lots of men so we can start to narrow down the list or world leaders or powerful people even.

What? Damnit, I wanted to be the whore and ride around on the beast. That would be epic! But I don't want to give birth to the antichrist. Shit, I thought I was doing that when I was taking a dump the other day. It BURNED. Damn hot sauce. Nah, I don't want that experience again. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe I could still be the whore without giving birth to the antichrist.