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Wheres the use of astrology?


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Explain me, why do people still use astrology? It's unscietifical, It doesent affect you any way and It's just words...

Like, I gonna laugh at those articles that going to explain your luck based on this year or if you going to have success or overall not.
Also It's laughable how people claim that planets and other celestial objects affect your personality, like lol...

But really what Irretates me that makes me want to rant about astrology is the unfair/uneven zodiac sign characteristics.

I mean look...

Leo - Proud, leader, loyal, ambitious, fearless, always confident.
Negatives: Bossy, vain, arrogant, quick-tempered...

Aries - Adventorious, optimistic, energetic...
Negatives: Quick-tempered, impatient, childish.

Saggitarious - Energetic, charismatic, likeable, adventorious, extraverted.
Negatives: Careless, irresponsible... And now to mention 2 more negative traits which I think are actualy positive in my opinion: Restless, blindly optimistic.

Aquarius - Intellectuall and maybe know it all sign, independent, friendly, creative, generous...
Negatives: Malajusted, stubborn, rebellious.

What do my zodiac sign pisces have?

Artistic, imaginative, compassionate... And now the "Positive" traits which I think are just pure negative in my opinion: Introverted, emotional, sensitive.
Actual Negatives: Lazy, Escapist a.k.a "SMOKE WEED EVERE DAY MADAFAKERS!!!11!", vulnerable and gulible/spiritual a.k.a "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!" or "I'm such a boring person, so I'm just going to read bible all of the whole day cause I'm useless."

Seriously... Quick-tempered, arrogant, impatient, childish... I would preffer to have those negative traits over those that pisces have, Pisces is way too much negative, boring and weak. The "Artistic, Imaginative" traits is not enough counter the horrid negative signs that pisces have like lazy and spiritual. (And it have alot of them).

Not only pisces being the useless sign, look also at Scorpio, not to offend, from what I know scorpio is the most hated sign, since It's very jealous, stalker, cheater, etc... Cancer and taurus also falls on the category of useless zodiac signs.

Thats my opinion why people should stop using zodiac signs and forget about it completely, and perhaps stop showing it up your face.

If you think that astrology is so "Accurate", then why the hell my sun sign is pisces then?
I'm spiritual? No.
I'm escapist? No.
I'm wild? No.
I'm lazy? No, I'm adventorious and playfull person and I'm just getting bored very easly, so that does not count as being lazy.
I'm compassionate? Not really, I'm not a person that is willing to help so much, I will help only if they ask (Not always though), but other than that, I'm not interested in helping others.
I'm Introverted? No, I'm ambivert with a little of Extraverted traits. Sometimes you want to be alone, but I like to be sometimes alone only at home so I can enjoy play video games in my PC, Multiplayer or singleplayer games, does not matter for me, as long as I have fun and don't get bored, although it would be more enjoyable to play video games with a friend. but It gets very boring if you sit alone home all day without going outside to random places with friends or with your family members, but since I don't have friends (Shy to talk with strangers) and I live only with my dad but all he does is go to shops and is just usualy always sitting home and watching political news, so thats why I end up sitting home all day with one big BOREDOM. Also, If I want to go to adventure, explore, travel and to outside, I prefer to do it with friends, family members or with school where you travel with many people.

I remember my traveling in the Yehuda desert with my school, class mates and many more people from the school, after I finished the traveling in the Yehuda desert, I was sweaty amd because of that very dirty, but I still felt very satysfied since most of the day I spend traveling, with my class mates, with my school, asking the instructor random questions about the Yehuda deserted... It's very enjoyable.

My overall personality is: I'm short-tempered, enthusiastic, kind of bold.. don't really know, easly to anger, Adventorious, playfull, easly bored, Impatient, I like to share my experiences with people that I'm close to, trust and like. And I can pretty much say that I'm childish sometimes. And also I'm realistic person that is trying to be optimistic.

If most of my personality traits are closer to aries, then what the actual hell I'm doing at pisces then, why the hell is pisces my sun sign when my personality is not close to pisces?

So why people still use that system?

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
The fact that you're assigned to Pisces by birth and you don't identify with it at all should tell you that the system is bs. Once you come to that conclusion, I don't know how you can still be fixated with the zodiac. Perhaps you should let it go.


clever fool
Feb 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
It's more lucrative than astronomy.


Active member
May 5, 2007
My overall personality is: I'm short-tempered, enthusiastic, kind of bold.. don't really know, easly to anger, Adventorious, playfull, easly bored, Impatient, I like to share my experiences with people that I'm close to, trust and like. And I can pretty much say that I'm childish sometimes. And also I'm realistic person that is trying to be optimistic.

I picked up on that, already.


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I picked up on that, already.

Guys, If you're here just to troll on the purpose to Irretate the other person and to ruin his mood then please, leave this thread. I'm asking you kindly.

thread was created for discussion, not to attract trolls for no reasons.


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
How old are you?
What's your moon sign?

I'm 18 years old, and I'm happy with that age, I wish I could go back to my 12 - 16 ages.

My moon sign is Leo.


Jan 25, 2014
Astrology is a great exersize in the Forer effect.

That said my natal chart fits me like a glove. I have never been able to reason that. I grew up around astrology and know it like the back of my hand so I have looked at this from as many angles as I could have. Ultimately, I treat astrology like I treat typology; a fun toy to mess around with. I don't think about it much at all once I get up from my computer.


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
Astrology is a great exersize in the Forer effect.

In one sense, yes.

In another sense, who knows?

That said my natal chart fits me like a glove.

Same here.

And I have seen this all too often.

I have never been able to reason that.

Maybe you should stop trying to, and just accept it.

My take on astrology is that you can't try to look at it from the current dominant worldview, the modern scientific paradigm.

That is a masculine paradigm, and starts with the assumption that astrology can't be true, that we live in a meaningless cosmos with no higher metaphysical order - that the universe is dead, inert, not conscious, and couldn't care one bit about us, or anything in it, as no such superconsciousness that could potentially care even exists.

This is antithetical to the very essence of astrology, which presupposes the exact opposite: that the cosmos is most certainly alive, and conscious, that it is like a giant clock, and everything has its purpose, and its place, and everything is related to everything else in a meaningful, extremely complex, beautiful, order.

The former is a masculine mindset: the latter a feminine one.

And the former is so dominant nowadays, it simply cannot accept that astrology could possibly be true.

But like every other dominant cosmological paradigm throughout humanity's history (and there have been many), it has blindspots, imperfections, flaws, that it is not aware of.

And the blindspot of this excessively masculine worldview, is the feminine worldview.

I grew up around astrology and know it like the back of my hand so I have looked at this from as many angles as I could have. Ultimately, I treat astrology like I treat typology; a fun toy to mess around with. I don't think about it much at all once I get up from my computer.

I agree that it should all be taken with a grain of salt

But it's still worth trying the meal


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
That being said, to the OP ([MENTION=33777]Comrade Maxim[/MENTION]): you also presumably have 3 other planets in Aries (Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn), and another on the cusp of Aries (Mercury).

This configuration is the predominant configuration in your chart, and makes Aries the predominant sign in your chart.

You also have Mars, which is the ruler of Scorpio and Aries, in Scorpio, and it's aspecting your Sun (via a trine), which adds further Mars/Aries flavor to your chart.

Depending on your birth time and location, you might also have a rising sign that would make more sense of your chart.

So, in other words, astrology is a lot more than just a sun sign...

And Aries (which, frankly, I felt right off the bat from you), is actually the predominant sign in your chart.


Jan 25, 2014
In one sense, yes.

In another sense, who knows?

Same here.

And I have seen this all too often.

Maybe you should stop trying to, and just accept it.

My take on astrology is that you can't try to look at it from the current dominant worldview, the modern scientific paradigm.

That is a masculine paradigm, and starts with the assumption that astrology can't be true, that we live in a meaningless cosmos with no higher metaphysical order - that the universe is dead, inert, not conscious, and couldn't care one bit about us, or anything in it, as no such superconsciousness that could potentially care even exists.

This is antithetical to the very essence of astrology, which presupposes the exact opposite: that the cosmos is most certainly alive, and conscious, that it is like a giant clock, and everything has its purpose, and its place, and everything is related to everything else in a meaningful, extremely complex, beautiful, order.

The former is a masculine mindset: the latter a feminine one.

And the former is so dominant nowadays, it simply cannot accept that astrology could possibly be true.

But like every other dominant cosmological paradigm throughout humanity's history (and there have been many), it has blindspots, imperfections, flaws, that it is not aware of.

And the blindspot of this excessively masculine worldview, is the feminine worldview.

I agree that it should all be taken with a grain of salt

But it's still worth trying the meal

I can't in good conscious just accept something that has no factual basis. That's why I will always look at astrology with a critical eye. It is so complex that I think it's too difficult to completely tease out any sort of psychological trickery. Logically, it's there. I have come across people before who do not fit their natal charts well, so I have observed inconsistency. The strongest evidence I had was 5 years ago when I purchased a computer generated astrological reading of my natal chart off astro.com, for the purposes of testing how accurate it could be. I was actually very surprised at how accurate and detailed a computer could be on something with countless variable factors. I gave it to my (at the time) therapist as well as a few people who knew me well, and all agreed that I wasn't reading into it- it described me.

The thing is though, that's just an anecdote. That's not rigorus and I can't take it for what it is.

I do see the universe as a cold unfeeling place with no inherent meaning or purpose. Things simply are. All life is is one of the last emergent properties of the universe. It began with the standard model. From that emerges hadrons and atoms, from that molecules, from that protiens and dna, from that cells, from that life, and from that consciousnesses. It just happened. Of course there remain unanswered questions. Why did the universe even begin? Well, we can't say right now. There is (to my knowledge) no working theories or anything to say. We do have a good grasp on what the universe will end up as- nothing. In 10^99+ years everything will have ceased to exist as it hits infinite uniform entropy. I find it almost hauntingly depressing at all the things we'll never experience. We'll never leave the local group of galaxy because of dark energy expansion, which makes up an infitessimally small portion of the known universe. At best, we'll make it to another star system, but none of us will be alive for it. It's staggering to how much we'll never know and see. We'd have to find a way to transfer out own consciousnesses into a computer of sorts, which is likely lifetimes away. Even if we could transfer consciousness, we won't be able to experience it. Our copy would. Life itself is cruel, there is nothing inherent special about humans, or about anyone. Life is a lot of luck, and all driven by the same thing, to continue and be as comfortable as possible.

Just because I see things this way though, doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I really, really don't want existence to be as it is. I miss the world I saw when I was growing up. I was raised around astrology, tarot, prayer, reiki, and other countless new age practices. It was warm, comforting, and gave meaning to many things, and there was the knowledge that we would continue on after we die and the suffering would end. I miss seeing a deeper meaning beyond reality in things. I realized though in my early 20's that just isn't true or real, I only wanted it to be. It doesn't stand up to the rigor of science and logic. Those are the tools we know and use to understand the world, and unless something has a basis, I can't regard it, no matter how much I would like it.

Is it painful to exist this way? Yep, quite a bit. Do I want it to be this way? Nope, not at all. Wanting though doesn't change anything. The best I can do is try and be as happy as I can with the resources I have and make the best of it. No straightforward task for anyone really, but it's all anyone can do. Despite there being no meaning to anything though, living exactly that way defeats the point of anything. The best thing to do is find a way to create meaning, and keep prospective: None of us asked to be alive. If we're all here we might as well try and make our time alive as joyful and comfortable as possible for everyone. That's all anyone wants, so we should seek to give it. Just because everything has no meaning doesn't mean we have to live that way.

To put it into your masculine/feminine prospective. Yes, I see the world as the masculine way. It's how stuff is. However, we don't need to live in that way, as that just leads to misery for everyone. The feminine side matters significantly. Ultimately though, it's an individuals choice for how they derive it.


May 29, 2017
Instinctual Variant
It's fun, it's complicated, and hard to understand. Especially when you get deep into reading moons.


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
I can't in good conscious just accept something that has no factual basis. That's why I will always look at astrology with a critical eye. It is so complex that I think it's too difficult to completely tease out any sort of psychological trickery. Logically, it's there. I have come across people before who do not fit their natal charts well, so I have observed inconsistency. The strongest evidence I had was 5 years ago when I purchased a computer generated astrological reading of my natal chart off astro.com, for the purposes of testing how accurate it could be. I was actually very surprised at how accurate and detailed a computer could be on something with countless variable factors. I gave it to my (at the time) therapist as well as a few people who knew me well, and all agreed that I wasn't reading into it- it described me.

The thing is though, that's just an anecdote. That's not rigorus and I can't take it for what it is.

I do see the universe as a cold unfeeling place with no inherent meaning or purpose. Things simply are. All life is is one of the last emergent properties of the universe. It began with the standard model. From that emerges hadrons and atoms, from that molecules, from that protiens and dna, from that cells, from that life, and from that consciousnesses. It just happened. Of course there remain unanswered questions. Why did the universe even begin? Well, we can't say right now. There is (to my knowledge) no working theories or anything to say. We do have a good grasp on what the universe will end up as- nothing. In 10^99+ years everything will have ceased to exist as it hits infinite uniform entropy. I find it almost hauntingly depressing at all the things we'll never experience. We'll never leave the local group of galaxy because of dark energy expansion, which makes up an infitessimally small portion of the known universe. At best, we'll make it to another star system, but none of us will be alive for it. It's staggering to how much we'll never know and see. We'd have to find a way to transfer out own consciousnesses into a computer of sorts, which is likely lifetimes away. Even if we could transfer consciousness, we won't be able to experience it. Our copy would. Life itself is cruel, there is nothing inherent special about humans, or about anyone. Life is a lot of luck, and all driven by the same thing, to continue and be as comfortable as possible.

Just because I see things this way though, doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I really, really don't want existence to be as it is. I miss the world I saw when I was growing up. I was raised around astrology, tarot, prayer, reiki, and other countless new age practices. It was warm, comforting, and gave meaning to many things, and there was the knowledge that we would continue on after we die and the suffering would end. I miss seeing a deeper meaning beyond reality in things. I realized though in my early 20's that just isn't true or real, I only wanted it to be. It doesn't stand up to the rigor of science and logic. Those are the tools we know and use to understand the world, and unless something has a basis, I can't regard it, no matter how much I would like it.

Is it painful to exist this way? Yep, quite a bit. Do I want it to be this way? Nope, not at all. Wanting though doesn't change anything. The best I can do is try and be as happy as I can with the resources I have and make the best of it. No straightforward task for anyone really, but it's all anyone can do. Despite there being no meaning to anything though, living exactly that way defeats the point of anything. The best thing to do is find a way to create meaning, and keep prospective: None of us asked to be alive. If we're all here we might as well try and make our time alive as joyful and comfortable as possible for everyone. That's all anyone wants, so we should seek to give it. Just because everything has no meaning doesn't mean we have to live that way.

To put it into your masculine/feminine prospective. Yes, I see the world as the masculine way. It's how stuff is. However, we don't need to live in that way, as that just leads to misery for everyone. The feminine side matters significantly. Ultimately though, it's an individuals choice for how they derive it.

Just so you know, you regularly make epistemological claims you have no place making.

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Guys, If you're here just to troll on the purpose to Irretate the other person and to ruin his mood then please, leave this thread. I'm asking you kindly.

thread was created for discussion, not to attract trolls for no reasons.

You didn't specify this in the OP. It just comes off as a rant.

In one sense, yes.

In another sense, who knows?

Same here.

And I have seen this all too often.

Maybe you should stop trying to, and just accept it.

My take on astrology is that you can't try to look at it from the current dominant worldview, the modern scientific paradigm.

That is a masculine paradigm, and starts with the assumption that astrology can't be true, that we live in a meaningless cosmos with no higher metaphysical order - that the universe is dead, inert, not conscious, and couldn't care one bit about us, or anything in it, as no such superconsciousness that could potentially care even exists.

This is antithetical to the very essence of astrology, which presupposes the exact opposite: that the cosmos is most certainly alive, and conscious, that it is like a giant clock, and everything has its purpose, and its place, and everything is related to everything else in a meaningful, extremely complex, beautiful, order.

The former is a masculine mindset: the latter a feminine one.

And the former is so dominant nowadays, it simply cannot accept that astrology could possibly be true.

But like every other dominant cosmological paradigm throughout humanity's history (and there have been many), it has blindspots, imperfections, flaws, that it is not aware of.

And the blindspot of this excessively masculine worldview, is the feminine worldview.

I agree that it should all be taken with a grain of salt

But it's still worth trying the meal

This is a good explanation. Can you post some links for a complete n00b like me? It looks interesting.

Red Ribbon

New member
May 14, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I can't in good conscious just accept something that has no factual basis. That's why I will always look at astrology with a critical eye. It is so complex that I think it's too difficult to completely tease out any sort of psychological trickery. Logically, it's there. I have come across people before who do not fit their natal charts well, so I have observed inconsistency. The strongest evidence I had was 5 years ago when I purchased a computer generated astrological reading of my natal chart off astro.com, for the purposes of testing how accurate it could be. I was actually very surprised at how accurate and detailed a computer could be on something with countless variable factors. I gave it to my (at the time) therapist as well as a few people who knew me well, and all agreed that I wasn't reading into it- it describe it.

The thing is though, that's just an anecdote. That's not rigorus and I can't take it for what it is.

I do see the universe as a cold unfeeling place with no inherent meaning or purpose. Things simply are. All life is is one of the last emergent properties of the universe. It began with the standard model. From that emerges hadrons and atoms, from that molecules, from that protiens and dna, from that cells, from that life, and from that consciousnesses. It just happened. Of course there remain unanswered questions. Why did the universe even begin? Well, we can't say right now. There is (to my knowledge) no working theories or anything to say. We do have a good grasp on what the universe will end up as- nothing. In 10^99+ years everything will have ceased to exist as it hits infinite uniform entropy. I find it almost hauntingly depressing at all the things we'll never experience. We'll never leave the local group of galaxy because of dark energy expansion, which makes up an infitessimally small portion of the known universe. At best, we'll make it to another star system, but none of us will be alive for it. It's staggering to how much we'll never know and see. We'd have to find a way to transfer out own consciousnesses into a computer of sorts, which is likely lifetimes away. Even if we could transfer consciousness, we won't be able to experience it. Our copy would. Life itself is cruel, there is nothing inherent special about humans, or about anyone. Life is a lot of luck, and all driven by the same thing, to continue and be as comfortable as possible.

Just because I see things this way though, doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I really, really don't want existence to be as it is. I miss the world I saw when I was growing up. I was raised around astrology, tarot, prayer, reiki, and other countless new age practices. It was warm, comforting, and gave meaning to many things, and there was the knowledge that we would continue on after we die and the suffering would end. I miss seeing a deeper meaning beyond reality in things. I realized though in my early 20's that just isn't true or real, I only wanted it to be. It doesn't stand up to the rigor of science and logic. Those are the tools we know and use to understand the world, and unless something has a basis, I can't regard it, no matter how much I would like it.

Is it painful to exist this way? Yep, quite a bit. Do I want it to be this way? Nope, not at all. Wanting though doesn't change anything. The best I can do is try and be as happy as I can with the resources I have and make the best of it. No straightforward task for anyone really, but it's all anyone can do. Despite there being no meaning to anything though, living exactly that way defeats the point of anything. The best thing to do is find a way to create meaning, and keep prospective: None of us asked to be alive. If we're all here we might as well try and make our time alive as joyful and comfortable as possible for everyone. That's all anyone wants, so we should seek to give it. Just because everything has no meaning doesn't mean we have to live that way.

To put it into your masculine/feminine prospective. Yes, I see the world as the masculine way. It's how stuff is. However, we don't need to live in that way, as that just leads to misery for everyone. The feminine side matters significantly. Ultimately though, it's an individuals choice for how they derive it.

I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. It just comes off as vague and incoherent.


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My sun sign is Pisces too but that is all I have from them in my natal chart. My dominate sings are: Capricorn,Aquarius and Aries. :)
Pisces are lazy? No. They are just selective and also Pisces are idealistic, can be incredible smart ,empaths and have very strong intution - "You can't lie a Pisces. They watch your soul!" , the Eldars of Zodiac. Pisces by default are INFP or INFJ. :)


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Explain me, why do people still use astrology? It's unscietifical, It doesent affect you any way and It's just words...

Like, I gonna laugh at those articles that going to explain your luck based on this year or if you going to have success or overall not.
Also It's laughable how people claim that planets and other celestial objects affect your personality, like lol...

But really what Irretates me that makes me want to rant about astrology is the unfair/uneven zodiac sign characteristics.

I mean look...

Leo - Proud, leader, loyal, ambitious, fearless, always confident.
Negatives: Bossy, vain, arrogant, quick-tempered...

Aries - Adventorious, optimistic, energetic...
Negatives: Quick-tempered, impatient, childish.

Saggitarious - Energetic, charismatic, likeable, adventorious, extraverted.
Negatives: Careless, irresponsible... And now to mention 2 more negative traits which I think are actualy positive in my opinion: Restless, blindly optimistic.

Aquarius - Intellectuall and maybe know it all sign, independent, friendly, creative, generous...
Negatives: Malajusted, stubborn, rebellious.

What do my zodiac sign pisces have?

Artistic, imaginative, compassionate... And now the "Positive" traits which I think are just pure negative in my opinion: Introverted, emotional, sensitive.
Actual Negatives: Lazy, Escapist a.k.a "SMOKE WEED EVERE DAY MADAFAKERS!!!11!", vulnerable and gulible/spiritual a.k.a "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!" or "I'm such a boring person, so I'm just going to read bible all of the whole day cause I'm useless."

Seriously... Quick-tempered, arrogant, impatient, childish... I would preffer to have those negative traits over those that pisces have, Pisces is way too much negative, boring and weak. The "Artistic, Imaginative" traits is not enough counter the horrid negative signs that pisces have like lazy and spiritual. (And it have alot of them).

Not only pisces being the useless sign, look also at Scorpio, not to offend, from what I know scorpio is the most hated sign, since It's very jealous, stalker, cheater, etc... Cancer and taurus also falls on the category of useless zodiac signs.

Thats my opinion why people should stop using zodiac signs and forget about it completely, and perhaps stop showing it up your face.

If you think that astrology is so "Accurate", then why the hell my sun sign is pisces then?
I'm spiritual? No.
I'm escapist? No.
I'm wild? No.
I'm lazy? No, I'm adventorious and playfull person and I'm just getting bored very easly, so that does not count as being lazy.
I'm compassionate? Not really, I'm not a person that is willing to help so much, I will help only if they ask (Not always though), but other than that, I'm not interested in helping others.
I'm Introverted? No, I'm ambivert with a little of Extraverted traits. Sometimes you want to be alone, but I like to be sometimes alone only at home so I can enjoy play video games in my PC, Multiplayer or singleplayer games, does not matter for me, as long as I have fun and don't get bored, although it would be more enjoyable to play video games with a friend. but It gets very boring if you sit alone home all day without going outside to random places with friends or with your family members, but since I don't have friends (Shy to talk with strangers) and I live only with my dad but all he does is go to shops and is just usualy always sitting home and watching political news, so thats why I end up sitting home all day with one big BOREDOM. Also, If I want to go to adventure, explore, travel and to outside, I prefer to do it with friends, family members or with school where you travel with many people.

I remember my traveling in the Yehuda desert with my school, class mates and many more people from the school, after I finished the traveling in the Yehuda desert, I was sweaty amd because of that very dirty, but I still felt very satysfied since most of the day I spend traveling, with my class mates, with my school, asking the instructor random questions about the Yehuda deserted... It's very enjoyable.

My overall personality is: I'm short-tempered, enthusiastic, kind of bold.. don't really know, easly to anger, Adventorious, playfull, easly bored, Impatient, I like to share my experiences with people that I'm close to, trust and like. And I can pretty much say that I'm childish sometimes. And also I'm realistic person that is trying to be optimistic.

If most of my personality traits are closer to aries, then what the actual hell I'm doing at pisces then, why the hell is pisces my sun sign when my personality is not close to pisces?

So why people still use that system?

When I first read this I was more interested in the parts which describe your personality.