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[Big Five] IPIP NEO Experimental 40 types


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
Have got this from:
IPIP NEO Descriptions

I had also put some observation about enneagram connections to this.
PS: High-High have a tendency to be quite optimistic descriptions, while Low-Low tends to be pessimistic descriptions.

Experimental Pattern Types

These "pattern types" are based on Hofstee, De Raade, and Goldberg's AB5C model of personality and were included in the original version of the narrative report generated. A person's two most extreme scores (high or low) determined their pattern. Currently these descriptions do not appear in the narrative report.

$pat11 = Pattern 1.1 PERSONABLE TYPE (High E, High A) [Enneagram 2]
Personable Types enjoy interacting with other people. Personable individuals frequently experience and express positive emotions and are therefore typically well-liked by others. They derive satisfaction from helping, and are well-suited for careers in the helping professions (counseling, teaching, nursing, human services). They are described by others as cheerful, confident, sociable, vigorous, enthusiastic, and friendly.

$pat12 = Pattern 1.2 DOMINEERING TYPE (High E, Low A) [Enneagram 8]
Domineering Types enjoy exerting power and influence over others and strive to control them without taking their feelings into account. They are seen by others as critical, self-centered, stubborn, and bossy.

$pat13 = Pattern 1.3 HUMBLE TYPE (Low E, High A)
Humble Types are peace-loving, somewhat timid, and seek social acceptance by going along with what others want. These individuals are described by others with terms such as calm, agreeable, cooperative, composed, warm, preserving, and submissive.

$pat14 = Pattern 1.4 DISTANT TYPE (Low E, Low A) [Enneagram 5]
Distant Types show an active disinterest in other people. They are detached, skeptical, cynical loners who find little joy in human relations. They are described by others as solitary, depressed, worried, introverted, and shy.

$pat21 = Pattern 2.1 ENTERPRISING TYPE (High E, High C) [Enneagram 3]
Enterprising Types strive for success as defined by conventional social standards. They are ambitious, competitive, achievement-oriented, purposeful, leaderlike, and willing to move into positions of authority. Their probability of success in leadership roles will increase with higher scores on Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, and Openness.

$pat22 = Pattern 2.2 IMPULSIVE TYPE (High E, Low C) [Enneagram 7]
Impulsive Types are exhibitionists who act outrageously in order to attract attention from others. Often rather unconventional, risk- taking, flamboyant, they also need and enjoy social stimulation. They are described by others as talkative, outgoing, changeable, blunt, and outspoken.

$pat23 = Pattern 2.3 INDUSTRIOUS TYPE (Low E, High C)
Industrious Types are businesslike, self-disciplined, orderly workers who prefer to achieve on their own effort than as part of a team. They have great respect for rules and social conventions, and can be counted on to work productively without close supervision. They are described by others with terms such as learned, conscientious, persevering, tactful, cooperative, conservative, reserved, and predictable.

$pat24 = Pattern 2.4 APATHETIC TYPE (Low E, Low C)
Apathetic Types lack energy and direction in life. They are described by others with terms such as passive, unenergetic, unambitious, sluggish, indecisive, aimless, and wishy-washy.

$pat31 = Pattern 3.1 SOCIALLY SELF-CONFIDENT TYPE (High E, High S)
Socially Self-Confident Types are extraverts with high levels of energy and self-confidence. Their personality traits make them well-suited for leadership and supervisory roles. They are seen by others as enterprising, vigorous, self-assured, sociable, and active.

$pat32 = Pattern 3.2 MOODY-MANIC TYPE (High E, Low S)
Moody-Manic Types are high-strung, emotional extraverts who have difficulty keeping their feelings in check. Their moods fluctuate up and down unpredictably. Others describe them with terms such as changeable, unorthodox, explosive, undependable, excitable, and volatile.

$pat33 = Pattern 3.3 SATISFIED TYPE (Low E, High S) [Enneagram 9]
Satisfied Types who feel they have risen above the problems of living and are content with things as they are. They see little point in getting involved in a rat-race to struggle to the top of the heap. They see stability and security as more important than getting ahead and are likely to be content with a respectable job in their home town, earning just enough money to make a living. They are described by others with terms such as sedate, tranquil, placid, ethical, responsible, unexcitable, and unassuming.

$pat34 = Pattern 3.4 DISCOURAGED TYPE (Low E, Low S) [Enneagram 6]
Discouraged Types are not happy with their present life situation but feel there is no way out because they lack the ability to improve their life circumstances. They are perceived by others as unambitious, unenergetic, shy, solitary, passive, introverted, cowardly, pessimistic, insecure, and fearful.

$pat41 = Pattern 4.1 DEBONAIR TYPE (High E, High O) [Enneagram 7]
Debonair Types are intelligent extraverts. In their worldliness they can be quite witty and charming. They have a flair for the dramatic, and can be histrionic and theatrical. People are naturally attracted to debonair types, but if a debonair type dislikes somebody, he or she can swiftly cut that person to the quick. Therefore, this type is generally described with positive terms such as enterprising, eloquent, forward-looking, confident, and sexy, but can also be described as critical, candid, and intense.

$pat42 = Pattern 4.2 INDISCRETE TYPE (High E, Low O)
Indiscreet Types are extraverts who impulsively talk and boast without knowing what they are talking about. They are pompous and full of bluster. Talkativeness and ignorance is an unfortunate combination not tolerated well by others. Indiscreet types are described as unlearned, unlettered, anxious, quitting, rule-avoiding, and self-centered.

$pat43 = Pattern 4.3 BOOKWORMISH TYPE (Low E, High O) [Enneagram 5]
Bookwormish Types are highly intellectual, introspective, self- examining loners. Although they keep to themselves, their level of intelligence and learning garners them respect for others. They are described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule- abiding, calm, and industrious.

$pat44 = Pattern 4.4 LETHARGIC TYPE (Low E, Low O)
Lethargic Types lack the energy to meet people or get involved in new things, and consequently tend to live in the past. They lack imagination and self-direction, preferring to go along with others or simply repeating their past patterns of behavior. Others describe them as agreeable, unambitious, reminiscent, and worried.

$pat51 = Pattern 5.1 COMPROMISING TYPE (High A, High C)
Compromising Types are oriented toward getting along with others. Valuing interpersonal harmony, they are more likely to compromise than confront in a difficult situation. They are described by other people as cooperative, persevering, composed, trustworthy, empathic, agreeable, traditional, simple, old-fashioned, predictable, down-to- earth, and preserving.

$pat52 = Pattern 5.2 OTHER-DIRECTED TYPE (High A, Low C)
Other-Directed Types are easy-going, somewhat lazy drifters who lack strong opinions and principles. They prefer simply to hang out with their social crowd. They are described by others as relaxed, outgoing, and unlettered.

$pat53 = Pattern 5.3 MORALISTIC TYPE (Low A, High C)
Moralistic Types are rule-oriented achievers who sometimes ignore the feelings of others in order to get the job done. Principles are more important than people to moralistic types, and they can be equally hard on themselves. This achievement-oriented, hard-driven type has great initiative and moves readily into positions of authority. They believe in working with and through the system and in advancing upward through hard work. They are unlikely to take risks, and their leadership style is likely to be seen as no-nonsense and instrumental. They are described by others as well-read, tense, and reserved.

$pat54 = Pattern 5.4 SELF-CENTERED TYPE (Low A, Low C)
Self-Centered Types are indifferent to both conventional rules and the feelings of others, acting instead on their own self-interest. Depending upon their degree of self-centeredness, they may be simply impolite or can be downright abusive. They are described by others with terms such as unorthodox, stubborn, moody, unreliable, inconsiderate, uncooperative, disrespectful, egotistical, and conceited.

$pat61 = Pattern 6.1 PLEASANT TYPE (High A, High S) [Enneagram 9]
Pleasant Types are full of positive emotions and free from negative emotions. They are almost universally liked. They are described by others as confident, cheerful, relaxed, tolerant, composed, calm, goodnatured, poised, persevering, vigorous, enterprising, extraverted, warm, trustworthy, empathic, conscientious, cooperative, simple, traditional, predictable, and down-to-earth.

$pat62 = Pattern 6.2 EMOTIONAL TYPE (High A, Low S)
Emotional Types--whether male or female--are stereotypically feminine. They are in touch with both positive and negative feelings. Others describe them with terms such as sentimental, affectionate, sensitive, soft, passionate, romantic, feminine, emotional, and gullible.

$pat63 = Pattern 6.3 UNEMOTIONAL TYPE (Low A, High S)
Unemotional Types--whether male or female--are stereotypically masculine. Regarding emotions as a sign of weakness, they see themselves as strong, stable, and unaffected by emotions. Others describe them with terms such as insensitive, unaffectionate, passionless, nonreligious, unemotional, and masculine.

$pat64 = Pattern 6.4 MOODY TYPE (Low A, Low S)
Moody Types tend to report experiencing many negative emotions and few positive emotions. They are described by others as complex, changeable, worried, depressed, tense, impatient, moody, anxious, irritable, nervous, quitting, unenergetic, unambitious, introverted, cold, unreliable, self-centered, negligent, and stubborn.

$pat71 = Pattern 7.1 TOLERANT TYPE (High A, High O)
Tolerant Types are open to, and accepting of, differences in other people. They care about the feelings of others and tend to take their opinions into account when making decisions. Their social skills are reasonably well-developed and they normally relate well to others in both co-worker and supervisory roles. They are described by others with such terms as good-natured, empathic, genial, tactful, diplomatic, calm, and poised.

$pat72 = Pattern 7.2 GULLIBLE TYPE (High A, Low O)
Gullible Types follow the crowd rather than thinking for themselves. They are described by others with such terms as simple, down-to-earth, dependent, easy-going, and servile.

$pat73 = Pattern 7.3 INDIVIDUALISTIC TYPE (Low A, High O) [Enneagram 5]
Individualistic types consider themselves to be unique and more intelligent than most people around them. In extreme cases they might be regarded as eccentric, but in most cases they are perceived by others as complex, well-read, imaginative, and industrious.

$pat74 = Pattern 7.4 NARROW-MINDED TYPE (Low A, Low O)
Narrow-minded Types are independent, self-contained, and openly willing to express annoyance with others. Others may find this difficult to deal with. They tend to be intolerant of persons who are different from them, and, in extreme cases, may be prejudiced or bigoted. They are describe by others with such terms as irritable, self-centered, anxious, callous, tactless, and curt. Their brusqueness may be relatively unimportant to persons employed in menial or technical work, but may tend to limit performance in supervisory roles and in relations with others.

$pat81 = Pattern 8.1 PERSISTENT TYPE (High C, High S) [Enneagram 1]
Persistent Types are hard-working, stable individuals who perform well in structured, rule-governed environments. They are described by others as rule-abiding, composed, persevering, conscientious, trustworthy, cooperative, traditional, predictable, simple, and down- to-earth.

$pat82 = Pattern 8.2 FUSSY TYPES (High C, Low S)
Fussy Types are perfectionists who crave structure and order but who never seem to be able to achieve the order and predictability they desire. Their own emotional instability fosters a self-defeating pattern. They are described by others with terms such as particular, well-read, shy, and introverted.

$pat83 = Pattern 8.3 CAREFREE TYPE (Low C, High S) [Enneagram 9]
Carefree Types are folksy, simple, happy-go-lucky persons. They are unconcerned about rules, schedules, and routines, but are not actively antisocial or hostile to authority. They are described by others with terms such as informal, self-assured, extraverted, and unlettered.

$pat84 = Pattern 8.4 SCATTERED TYPE (Low C, Low S)
Scattered Types show emotional instability that affects both their thinking and their social relationships. Internally they are inconsistent, erratic and forgetful; in groups they can be impulsive, nosy, gossipy, and self-indulgent. On the job, their unpredictability may annoy co-workers and supervisors. Others describe them as unorthodox, changeable, complex, imaginative, rule-avoiding, moody, quitting, negligent, unreliable, stubborn, self-centered, and unreflective.

$pat91 = Pattern 9.1 CULTURED TYPE (High C, High O)
Cultured Types are imaginative and resourceful in their thinking but conforming and traditional in their behavior. They use their intellectual skills to contribute to the common good. They may have a dignified, refined, and somewhat reserved air about them. Their perceptive and analytical abilities allow them to see through complex issues rapidly and accurately, allowing them to find quickly the most effective means of achieving desired ends. They are successful perfectionists, well suited for work that requires close concentration, self-control, and attention to detail. Others describe them as rule- abiding, persevering, learned, well-read, empathic, trustworthy, industrious, leaderlike, traditional, silent, and reserved.

$pat92 = Pattern 9.2 CONVENTIONAL TYPE (High C, Low O) [Enneagram 1]
Conventional types are tradition-oriented persons who always "go by the book" rather than improvising, innovating, or thinking for themselves. They are quite responsible and can be relied on to follow directions and get the job done. They are described by others as agreeable, simple, and down-to-earth.

$pat93 = Pattern 9.3 FANCIFUL/IMAGINATIVE TYPE (Low C, High O) [Enneagram 4]
Fanciful/Imaginative Types are unconventional nonconformists who pride themselves on being different from others. They are not so much openly antisocial and disruptive in their behavior as they are fanciful, impractical, and unconcerned about the general welfare of others. They are described by others as complex, imaginative, and critical.

$pat94 = Pattern 9.4 IMMATURE TYPE (Low C, Low O)
Immature Types have a history of problems with self-discipline and self-control. As young students they were likely to be restless and unable to concentrate in the classroom, and therefore performed poorly. As adults they are therefore regarded as rough and uncouth as well as impulsive. They like thrills, adventure and action and would find working behind a desk to be frustrating and boring. They are described by others as unorthodox, talkative, outgoing, rule-avoiding, quitting, unlearned, unlettered, self-centered, and unreliable.

$pat101 = Pattern 10.1 CLEAR-THINKING TYPE (High S, High O)
Clear-thinking types are well-adjusted, intelligent individuals. They approach problems in a nonplused, matter-of-fact way, and feel confident about their ability to solve problems. They are described by others with such terms as intelligent, poised, forward-looking, innovative, ingenious, persevering, and enterprising.

$pat102 = Pattern 10.2 DOWN-TO-EARTH TYPE (High S, Low O)
Down-To-Earth types avoid anxiety by not thinking and reflecting on things very often. They focus on what is happening in their own local area, and adhere to the values and ways of thinking that are typical for their locality. Their neighbors probably regard them as down-to-earth and full of common sense, but outside of their local area they may be regarded as unreflective, unsophisticated, imperceptive, and provincial.

$pat103 = Pattern 10.3 SENSITIVE TYPE (Low S, High O)
Sensitive types are very bright but emotionally sensitive. They pay attention to, and are strongly affected by, things that happen in the world around them. They open themselves to their environment; consequently they enjoy many positive sensory experiences, but on the other hand they are vulnerable to having their feelings hurt. They are described by others as complex and imaginative.

$pat104 = Pattern 10.4 MUDDLED TYPE (Low S, Low O) [Enneagram 6]
Muddled types tend to be anxious about things that lie beyond their limited scope of understanding. They protect themselves by living in the past and showing contempt for novel or foreign ideas They are described by others as irritable, anxious, nervous, reminiscent, apathetic, unambitious, self-centered, unreliable, and negligent.

Connections between Big 5 and Enneagram:

Connections between Big 5 and MBTI:

This was original only on my member blog, but [MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION] suggested the creation of the thread.

EDIT: Also
[MENTION=33903]Jazzy Orchid[/MENTION]


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant

Well, I think just taking two of the traits and coming up with a description is overly simplistic. I don't see myself in any of those descriptions - either the way I'm scored or the results resonating with how I am (Average Extraversion, Average Agreeableness, High Conscientiousness, Low Neuroticism and High Openness).


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017

Well, I think just taking two of the traits and coming up with a description is overly simplistic. I don't see myself in any of those descriptions - either the way I'm scored or the results resonating with how I am (Average Extraversion, Average Agreeableness, High Conscientiousness, Low Neuroticism and High Openness).

It isnt a big description but I guess that it was just something 'experimental' that had never seem to gain much traction, and by the way it is wrote, people are more like a mesh of types.

Its still interesting, though.
For example, yours, by the way you post here is High C, High S and High O, there is the High S, High O; High O, High C; High S and High C.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
So mine is
Tolerant Types are open to, and accepting of, differences in other people. They care about the feelings of others and tend to take their opinions into account when making decisions. Their social skills are reasonably well-developed and they normally relate well to others in both co-worker and supervisory roles. They are described by others with such terms as good-natured, empathic, genial, tactful, diplomatic, calm, and poised.

I think that fits me pretty well.

Though I could also verge on

Sensitive types are very bright but emotionally sensitive. They pay attention to, and are strongly affected by, things that happen in the world around them. They open themselves to their environment; consequently they enjoy many positive sensory experiences, but on the other hand they are vulnerable to having their feelings hurt. They are described by others as complex and imaginative.

Which also fits me well, as does the next one and some of the Humble

Emotional Types--whether male or female--are stereotypically feminine. They are in touch with both positive and negative feelings. Others describe them with terms such as sentimental, affectionate, sensitive, soft, passionate, romantic, feminine, emotional, and gullible.

Humble Types are peace-loving, somewhat timid, and seek social acceptance by going along with what others want. These individuals are described by others with terms such as calm, agreeable, cooperative, composed, warm, preserving, and submissive.

And depending on the E score:
DISCOURAGED TYPE (Low E, Low S) [Enneagram 6]
Discouraged Types are not happy with their present life situation but feel there is no way out because they lack the ability to improve their life circumstances. They are perceived by others as unambitious, unenergetic, shy, solitary, passive, introverted, cowardly, pessimistic, insecure, and fearful.

BOOKWORMISH TYPE (Low E, High O) [Enneagram 5]
Bookwormish Types are highly intellectual, introspective, self- examining loners. Although they keep to themselves, their level of intelligence and learning garners them respect for others. They are described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule- abiding, calm, and industrious.

I thought it would be interesting to see what types others have and whether they think they fit.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I dont have much clear preferences on Enneagram, except Openness to Experience.
I used to have a phase, by about two years ago, of Low Conscientiousness.
And I am also kind of Neurotic, but under control at least (60th-80th range, but kind of 50th-70th range correcting country and age). Neuroticism is something one expects to get rid one day - usually, or, rather, to get rid of what is causing it. For the last two year, I think these two describes me well, but they dont for long term in my life:

Sensitive types are very bright but emotionally sensitive. They pay attention to, and are strongly affected by, things that happen in the world around them. They open themselves to their environment; consequently they enjoy many positive sensory experiences, but on the other hand they are vulnerable to having their feelings hurt. They are described by others as complex and imaginative.

BOOKWORMISH TYPE (Low E, High O) [Enneagram 5]
Bookwormish Types are highly intellectual, introspective, self- examining loners. Although they keep to themselves, their level of intelligence and learning garners them respect for others. They are described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule- abiding, calm, and industrious.

I also relate a bit to this one, although I dont relate much to type 4 (but I score fairly on type 4 on enneagram tests, like its on the middle to up).

Fanciful/Imaginative Types are unconventional nonconformists who pride themselves on being different from others. They are not so much openly antisocial and disruptive in their behavior as they are fanciful, impractical, and unconcerned about the general welfare of others. They are described by others as complex, imaginative, and critical.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
$pat34 = Pattern 3.4 DISCOURAGED TYPE (Low E, Low S) [Enneagram 6]
Discouraged Types are not happy with their present life situation but feel there is no way out because they lack the ability to improve their life circumstances. They are perceived by others as unambitious, unenergetic, shy, solitary, passive, introverted, cowardly, pessimistic, insecure, and fearful.

I'm not really sure what my OCEAN type is besides very Low Extraversion and very high Neuroticism. You even agree that my Agreeableness is kind of confusing.

I'm guessing I'm the above type. It's not a perfect fit, but I very much identify with the first sentence.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
$pat34 = Pattern 3.4 DISCOURAGED TYPE (Low E, Low S) [Enneagram 6]
Discouraged Types are not happy with their present life situation but feel there is no way out because they lack the ability to improve their life circumstances. They are perceived by others as unambitious, unenergetic, shy, solitary, passive, introverted, cowardly, pessimistic, insecure, and fearful.

I'm not really sure what my OCEAN type is besides very Low Extraversion and very high Neuroticism. You even agree that my Agreeableness is kind of confusing.

I'm guessing I'm the above type. It's not a perfect fit, but I very much identify with the first sentence.

These types from here are far from being unchangable, though, specially ones that relates to High Neuroticism.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Distant Types show an active disinterest in other people. They are detached, skeptical, cynical loners who find little joy in human relations. They are described by others as solitary, depressed, worried, introverted, and shy.

Bookwormish Types are highly intellectual, introspective, self- examining loners. Although they keep to themselves, their level of intelligence and learning garners them respect for others. They are described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule- abiding, calm, and industrious.
Neither are perfect fits obviously, but I found mine to fit well now that I have a more rounded/updated view of my big 5.

DISCOURAGED TYPE (Low E, Low S) [Enneagram 6]
Discouraged Types are not happy with their present life situation but feel there is no way out because they lack the ability to improve their life circumstances. They are perceived by others as unambitious, unenergetic, shy, solitary, passive, introverted, cowardly, pessimistic, insecure, and fearful.
This also fits to some degree as well, even though now my stability scores are sort of mid level. My S scores, while fluctuating, tends closer to low than high anyways, which could be why

Opal Star

Aug 4, 2020
Instinctual Variant
I think that I am probably the moralistic type (low A, high C).

"$pat53 = Pattern 5.3 MORALISTIC TYPE (Low A, High C)
Moralistic Types are rule-oriented achievers who sometimes ignore the feelings of others in order to get the job done. Principles are more important than people to moralistic types, and they can be equally hard on themselves. This achievement-oriented, hard-driven type has great initiative and moves readily into positions of authority. They believe in working with and through the system and in advancing upward through hard work. They are unlikely to take risks, and their leadership style is likely to be seen as no-nonsense and instrumental. They are described by others as well-read, tense, and reserved."

LOL. That's me. :shock:


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I think that I am probably the moralistic type (low A, high C).

"$pat53 = Pattern 5.3 MORALISTIC TYPE (Low A, High C)
Moralistic Types are rule-oriented achievers who sometimes ignore the feelings of others in order to get the job done. Principles are more important than people to moralistic types, and they can be equally hard on themselves. This achievement-oriented, hard-driven type has great initiative and moves readily into positions of authority. They believe in working with and through the system and in advancing upward through hard work. They are unlikely to take risks, and their leadership style is likely to be seen as no-nonsense and instrumental. They are described by others as well-read, tense, and reserved."

LOL. That's me. :shock:

That is the most problematic description.
Morality is a facet of Agreeableness, it is exceptionally weird that a low A type gets "moralistic type". This doesnt have to do with you, but rather with the description.

Opal Star

Aug 4, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Makes sense. Although I do not have a high Agreeableness score on the Big Five, I do score high on morality. I'd say that this stereotypical description would correlate best with enneagram 1 with a 3-fix in tritype. 1s are very moralistic, but they might not always be agreeable.