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Five Temperaments Test

Dec 15, 2019
Five Temperaments Test
Your Result: Sanguine

You're Sanguine! You are a mischievous, bubbly, charming, happy, joyous, sunny, gregarious, enthusiastic, sociable extrovert who loves to be with people. Of all the temperaments, you're the easiest to be around socially. You're an outgoing, handshaking, touching person. You're the life of the party, bringing life and energy into a room by your very presence. Your cheerfulness and humor brighten everyone's life. You're an optimistic type of person who believes life is an exciting and fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest. Inactivity causes you stress since the pace at which you like to live your life is fast and furious. The most impulsive of all the temperaments, you excel in communication-oriented things, but you don't relate well to tasks. You're the least disciplined and organized of all the temperaments. While you're outgoing, enthusiastic, warm, compassionate, and seem to relate well to other people's feelings, you can be rude and uncaring. The reason for this is because you tend not to be a faithful nor loyal friend, since you don't want to be burdened down with commitments; you just want to have fun. You may live as if you have no past or future, rarely learning from your past mistakes. You may never recognize your failures, exaggerating yourself to appear more successful than you truly are. Your major weakness is that you may adopt severe and destructive behavior. You'll volunteer for tasks, completing a project so far as your ego is being fed.






New member
Sep 30, 2019
Perhaps because of the fact you're largely Choleric in the other areas, which is a very energetic temperament. You only have low energy in the area of Affection; which is about "how close and warm you are with others and to what extent you want others to show warmth and support to you", so you will spare your emotional energy by guarding it and responding less to affection by others.

Hey. Thanks for the response again. I see what you are saying. But what do Cholerics do instead with emotional energy in the area of Affection? I must be missing something here.

Taking the quote from you, "to what extent you want others to show warmth and support to you" I do want some of that from others, for sure and I'm able to respond to that. If that's not there, then I will not be doing much emotionally. I will be distant etc etc.

Well, your Choleric Compulsive in Control is always inside you. So as long as your power balance isn't disturbed, you will not leave the relationship.

I don't know how we would separate it from Choleric in Affection, essentially.


That's why it says that you have to learn to "show deep, tender feelings in ways others can understand" (it doesn't come naturally). I guess they may be talking about more open people who would want emotional support, etc.

It not only does not come naturally but I have an aversion and distaste for it. So this does not seem fitting advice for me. What is the essence of the advice for Choleric in Affection again? I must be missing something there as I am not seeing the essence of it, the main point of it and so on.

Those things probably have to do with your Choleric Phlegmatic in Inclusion (which is energetic) and Choleric Compulsive in Control (which is dominating).

Again same issue/question. Choleric in Affection does not do this? If it does, then how do you separate it from Choleric in Inclusion and in Control? If it does not, then what does it do instead?

Hope my questions are clear enough.


New member
Sep 30, 2019

Me again. Choleric in Affection:

Temperament: Choleric in Affection

"Has a hard time relating to the deep, tender feelings of others - views “hurt feelings” and tears as sentimental trivia that are not called for."

That's what I'm like with the deep feelz, yeah. Tho' this is true for both mine and other people's. I would not be as rude as to talk like that openly though. I used to be less careful a long time ago tho.

Edit: I mean as I got older (not very old mind you) I've tried to be more and more careful and respect them more both in myself and others but then I had enough of it not too long ago. I feel that was too much not myself anymore. So I decided to ignore them again and even be disdainful and angry about them and frankly I'm feeling much more comfortable that way. I feel more in control that way yeah well. If that's Choleric in Control ok, but what the hell is Choleric in Affection then. Do they just use charm to control and dominate the relationship and place conditions on the love and that's all there's to it? I.e. their affections are all fake, for the purpose of control in the relationship? The one way I'm able to control/dominate is not by using charm, it's done by anger. I cannot (and will not) do it by using charm.

"Places conditions on the love he/she gives and receives."

This makes a lot of sense too.

But I don't consciously "Uses charm (behaving warm and personably) to maintain control of deep, personal relationships". Yes I can be charming but it's usually not intentionally done. It just happens. And I don't think I believe I can maintain control of the relationship directly. I can directly control things related to the relationship, but not the relationship itself. When I tried to control the relationship itself (without trying to use warm personable charm tho', mind you), ... that doesn't work with everyone. It does seem to work with more Supine types I think. But is a disaster for others e.g. for Sanguine-ish people.

EDIT: reading all that again (from that archived website), I definitely relate to two temperaments in Affection and the rest I don't relate to or clearly relate less - Phlegmatic Choleric and Phlegmatic Melancholy (and a few traits of Choleric and Choleric Phlegmatic fit too). Not sure yet which would win out here

Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
WHAT? I've never gotten Choleric (first) before! I'm really wondering how I scored this way.

Choleric - 80%
Melancholy - 72%
Phlegmatic - 54%
Sanguine - 46%
Supine - 36%

You're Choleric! A critical director, your temperament is identified as the most powerful (and destructive) of the temperaments. You're extremely tough-willed, being dictatorial and domineering. When you've made up your mind, you rarely if ever change it, even if you're wrong. You may never listen to the advice of anyone else. You want to have total control and power over yourself and all others around you. The only temperament you can't control is the Phlegmatic, which can frustrate you. You're of the opinion that you know what is best for those around you, and what is acceptable behavior according to you. Being "the angry temperament", you can be irritable and hostile, quick to anger. Your expression tends to be a grumpy frown. You have a tendency to never express other emotions such as love, tenderness, warmth and compassion. This is often offset with a secondary temperament. When other people express these emotions, you may consider them as unnecessary and useless. You believe no one else can carry out a task as well as you. You may be prone to burnout, and you have a tendency to overwork yourself. When carrying out various tasks to accomplish goals you're capable of behaving any way necessary to get it done. Unlike the Melancholy, who's capable of seeing the pitfalls of a project before taking action, you refuse to see any pitfalls. You'll forge ahead regardless of the cost, since to you the end justifies the means. You believe your way is the only one that is correct.


New member
Jun 8, 2020
Your Result: Melancholy 81%

You're Melancholy! You are very much a grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded. You say you love someone by being dependable and responsible, often not in physical or verbal terms. You're intellectual and analytical, so you can see the end results of a project before moving forward. You're moody, enjoy being hurt, and you have a very sensitive emotional nature; feelings dominate your being. Sometimes moods will lift you to extreme highs; at other times you will be gloomy and prone to deep, black depressions and dark moods. You aren't a social person, meeting new people is extremely difficult and social activities can be draining. You're the most sad out of the temperaments, and you often have a woeful expression. Withdrawn and remote, you are critical and suspicious of others. At your best, you're capable of great and wonderful things. When you sink to your weaknesses you become destructive to yourself and others. You can be a loner, who's task-oriented instead of people-oriented. You tend to be a perfectionist and may set unreasonable standards and goals for yourself and the people around you. You're a very loyal person to both your family and friends. If you make a promise, you will keep it. You're self-centred, easily offended and insulted. You're very creative, but rigid and inflexible. You're rebellious, antagonistic, and vengeful. You're a very private, serious, and self-motivated person.

57% Supine

42% Phlegmatic

27% Sanguine

18% Choleric


New member
Jan 25, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Hey. Thanks for the response again. I see what you are saying. But what do Cholerics do instead with emotional energy in the area of Affection? I must be missing something here.

Taking the quote from you, "to what extent you want others to show warmth and support to you" I do want some of that from others, for sure and I'm able to respond to that. If that's not there, then I will not be doing much emotionally. I will be distant etc etc.

I don't know how we would separate it from Choleric in Affection, essentially.

Choleric in Affection expresses a lot of affection, but actually doesn't want deep personal relationships, despite manipulating others into giving them love and affection. So I don't think it fits you quite very well, which is why you got a higher percentage for Melancholy Phlegmatic in Affection.

Another very interesting thing is how the Five Temperaments merge tactics when blended with Phlegmatic :D: for example, a Supine manipulates others into taking care of them and making nearly all their decisions for them by being domineering, but instead, a Phlegmatic Supine would use their wry sense of humour in order to manipulate others into taking care of them.

It not only does not come naturally but I have an aversion and distaste for it. So this does not seem fitting advice for me. What is the essence of the advice for Choleric in Affection again? I must be missing something there as I am not seeing the essence of it, the main point of it and so on.

The Melancholy Phlegmatic expresses like a Melancholy, but responds like a Phlegmatic. Melancholy Phlegmatic in Affection means you appear to be a Melancholy in Affection on the outside (giving little love and affection to others), but on the inside, you really want the same as a Phlegmatic in Affection (a moderate amount of love and affection on both sides of the relationship). So they do have an aversion to showing their real feelings; they are very emotionally guarded, in fact, the Phlegmatic reinforces this. On the other hand, a Choleric in Affection is actually open and affectionate.

Again same issue/question. Choleric in Affection does not do this? If it does, then how do you separate it from Choleric in Inclusion and in Control? If it does not, then what does it do instead?

Hope my questions are clear enough.

Choleric in Inclusion has high expressed Inclusion (eI) and low wanted Inclusion (wI) (approaches many people, but wishes to associate with only a few people: a fast-paced and tough-minded selective extrovert), Choleric in Control has high expressed Control (eC), low wanted Control (wC) (wants a lot of control over others, but will tolerate little control over their life: an angry and critical independent dominator), Choleric in Affection has high expressed Affection (eA), low wanted Affection (wA) (they give a lot of affection to others, but reject love from others: an affectionate and self-centered indirect manipulator).

Melancholy Phlegmatic in Affection has low expressed Affection (eA), moderate wanted Affection (wA) (they express little affection to others, but want a moderate amount from others: a faithful and loyal selective observer).

Melancholy Phlegmatic in Affection is faithful and loyal, but only if treated properly :). If not treated properly, they will become antagonistic and take their revenge.


Me again. Choleric in Affection:

Temperament: Choleric in Affection

"Has a hard time relating to the deep, tender feelings of others - views “hurt feelings” and tears as sentimental trivia that are not called for."

That's what I'm like with the deep feelz, yeah. Tho' this is true for both mine and other people's. I would not be as rude as to talk like that openly though. I used to be less careful a long time ago tho.

Edit: I mean as I got older (not very old mind you) I've tried to be more and more careful and respect them more both in myself and others but then I had enough of it not too long ago. I feel that was too much not myself anymore. So I decided to ignore them again and even be disdainful and angry about them and frankly I'm feeling much more comfortable that way. I feel more in control that way yeah well. If that's Choleric in Control ok, but what the hell is Choleric in Affection then. Do they just use charm to control and dominate the relationship and place conditions on the love and that's all there's to it? I.e. their affections are all fake, for the purpose of control in the relationship? The one way I'm able to control/dominate is not by using charm, it's done by anger. I cannot (and will not) do it by using charm.

Then you must be Choleric Compulsive in Control and not Choleric in Affection, because a Choleric in Affection manipulates others into giving them love and affection, and yet rejects the genuine love and affection of others; all while using charm and behaving warmly and personably in order to maintain control of the relationship. Choleric Compulsive in Control simply uses intimidation and yelling in order to control others.

"Places conditions on the love he/she gives and receives."

This makes a lot of sense too.

But I don't consciously "Uses charm (behaving warm and personably) to maintain control of deep, personal relationships". Yes I can be charming but it's usually not intentionally done. It just happens. And I don't think I believe I can maintain control of the relationship directly. I can directly control things related to the relationship, but not the relationship itself. When I tried to control the relationship itself (without trying to use warm personable charm tho', mind you), ... that doesn't work with everyone. It does seem to work with more Supine types I think. But is a disaster for others e.g. for Sanguine-ish people.

Melancholy Phlegmatic in Affection sets criteria for deep relationships, too. Supine in Control is very indirect in many ways: they are dependent on others and weak-willed (which may be why your grip of control worked), yet they manipulate others using guilt. Sanguine in Control is very independent (even though they swing into dependency mode sometimes), which is why that may not've worked.

EDIT: reading all that again (from that archived website), I definitely relate to two temperaments in Affection and the rest I don't relate to or clearly relate less - Phlegmatic Choleric and Phlegmatic Melancholy (and a few traits of Choleric and Choleric Phlegmatic fit too). Not sure yet which would win out here

I don't know if any of those (except Choleric Phlegmatic, but even they are affectionate to others too, so probably not) would work or be accurate because all of them (except Choleric Phlegmatic) want little to no love or affection from the other person in their relationship, but you seem to want some love and affection (as you said, "I think I want some, not like "very little"). A true Choleric in Affection would give a lot of love and affection, but reject love and affection from other people (as you said, "it is hard for me to reject emotional expressions of these"). On the contrary, a Melancholy Phlegmatic expresses little love and affection, yet wants a moderate amount from both ends of the relationship.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Five Temperaments Test
Supine 86%

Supine 76%
Melancholy 58%
Phlegmatic 50%
Sanguine 42%
Choleric 7%


May 24, 2020
68% Melancholy
52% Choleric
52% Phlegmatic
30% Supine
28% Sanguine

Whomever made this test are more negative than I am.

Burning Paradigm

Vibe Curator & Night Owl
May 16, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Your Result: Sanguine 86%

You're Sanguine! You are a mischievous, bubbly, charming, happy, joyous, sunny, gregarious, vivacious, enthusiastic, sociable extrovert who loves to be with people. Of all the temperaments, you're the easiest to be around socially. You're an outgoing, handshaking, touching person. You're the life of the party, bringing life and energy into a room by your very presence. Your cheerfulness and humor brighten everyone's life. You're an optimistic person who believes life is an exciting and fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest. Inactivity causes you stress since the pace at which you like to live your life is fast and furious. Your expression is often a sly smile. The most impulsive of all the temperaments, you excel in communication, but you don't relate well to tasks. You're the least disciplined and organized of all the temperaments. While you're outgoing, warm, compassionate, and relate well to other people's feelings, you can be rude and uncaring. The reason for this is because you tend not to be a faithful nor loyal friend, since you don't want to be burdened down with commitments; you just want to have fun. You may live as if you have no past or future, rarely learning from your past mistakes. You may never recognize your failures, exaggerating yourself to appear more successful than you truly are. Your major weakness is that you may adopt severe and destructive behavior. You'll volunteer for tasks, completing a project so far as your ego is being fed.

80% Phlegmatic

60% Supine

34% Choleric

14% Melancholy
Jun 17, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Melancholy 66%

You're Melancholy! You are very much a grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded. You say you love someone by being dependable and responsible, often not in physical or verbal terms. You're intellectual and analytical, so you can see the end results of a project before moving forward. You're moody, enjoy being hurt, and you also have a very sensitive emotional nature; feelings dominate your being. Sometimes moods will lift you to extreme highs; at other times you will be gloomy and prone to deep, black depressions and dark moods. You aren't a social person, meeting new people is extremely difficult and social activities can be draining. You're the most sad out of the temperaments, and you often have a woeful pout. Withdrawn and remote, you are critical and suspicious of others. At your best, you're capable of great and wonderful things. When you sink to your weaknesses you become destructive to yourself and others, being rebellious, antagonistic, and vengeful. You can be a loner, who's task-oriented instead of people-oriented. You tend to be a perfectionist and may set unreasonable standards and goals for yourself and the people around you. You're a very loyal person to both your family and friends. If you make a promise, you will keep it. You're self-centred, easily offended and insulted. You're very creative, but rigid and inflexible. You're a very private, serious, and self-motivated person.

Phlegmatic 64%
Choleric 46%
Supine 44%
Sanguine 30%


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Your Result: Melancholy (86%)

You're Melancholy! You are very much a grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded. You say you love someone by being dependable and responsible, often not in physical or verbal terms. You're intellectual and analytical, so you can see the end results of a project before moving forward. You're moody, enjoy being hurt, and you also have a very sensitive emotional nature; feelings dominate your being. Sometimes moods will lift you to extreme highs; at other times you will be gloomy and prone to deep, black depressions and dark moods. You aren't a social person, meeting new people is extremely difficult and social activities can be draining. You're the most sad out of the temperaments, and you often have a woeful pout. Withdrawn and remote, you are critical and suspicious of others. At your best, you're capable of great and wonderful things. When you sink to your weaknesses you become destructive to yourself and others, being rebellious, antagonistic, and vengeful. You can be a loner, who's task-oriented instead of people-oriented. You tend to be a perfectionist and may set unreasonable standards and goals for yourself and the people around you. You're a very loyal person to both your family and friends. If you make a promise, you will keep it. You're self-centred, easily offended and insulted. You're very creative, but rigid and inflexible. You're a very private, serious, and self-motivated person.

64% Supine

60% Choleric

50% Phlegmatic

16% Sanguine

That was expected.


New member
Apr 20, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Your Result: Choleric 72%
Supine 62%
Melancholy 60%
Sanguine 58%
Phlegmatic 52%

Opal Star

Aug 4, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Your result is... Choleric!
I would be Choleric-Melancholic according to this quiz.

Pessimistic Hippie

New member
Jul 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Melancholic - 86%
Sanguine - 60%
Phlegmatic - 53%
Supine - 53%
Choleric - 26%

I generally know Melancholic is somewhere in my blend. But it always alternates between being the first or last of the blend..and the other half is typically Phlegmatic so I was slightly confused by my results here. Wish I finally had a definitive answer lol.
Jul 23, 2016
Lol. I'm Phlegmatic for the most part, until I'm in a mood. But I think I'm more Supine-Phlegmatic than I am Phlegmatic-Supine.

82% Phlegmatic
80% Supine

58% Melancholy
30% Choleric
28% Sanguine

You're Phlegmatic! You are a calm, easygoing, diplomatic mediator who is cool, composed, and collected, not plagued with the emotional outbursts, exaggerated feelings, anger, bitterness, or unforgiveness typical of all other temperaments. You're a good listener, peaceful, agreeable, well balanced, stoic, level-headed, happily reconciled to life, steady, patient, and realistic with love and affection. You're easy to get along with, pleasant, and enjoyable. You're an indifferent observer who's unflappable, with no fear of rejection, so you can handle unaffectionate and hostile people. You're the only temperament the Choleric can't control, and you can function quite well in hostile social settings, as nothing ruffles your feathers. You're very competent, practical, and peace-loving, you're a good peacemaker and arbitrator. You're known for your poker face and dry humour, accompanied by your deadpan delivery, being sarcastic and teasing. Your uninvolvement makes you a natural negotiator and diplomat, with great administrative ability, and you're good under pressure. You often have a blank expression with half-closed eyes and speak in a flat monotone voice. You're often neutral, moderate, apathetic, complacent, noncommittal, and emotionless, giving only a blank stare. Your low energy drive doesn't move you either way, so you're stubborn, lazy, and careless, needing sleep to regenerate. You have a great capacity for work requiring precision, accuracy, and expending minimal energy.


Aug 18, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Sanguine: 74%
Phlegmatic: 46%
Supine: 43%
Melancholy: 34%
Choleric: 8%
I am sanguine-phlegmatic, so I guess this is pretty accurate.


May 19, 2017
Sanguine! You are a mischievous, bubbly, charming, happy, joyous, sunny, gregarious, vivacious, enthusiastic, sociable extrovert who loves to be with people. Of all the temperaments, you're the easiest to be around socially. You're an outgoing, handshaking, touching person. You're the life of the party, bringing life and energy into a room by your very presence. Your cheerfulness and humor brighten everyone's life. You're an optimistic person who believes life is an exciting and fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest. Inactivity causes you stress since the pace at which you like to live your life is fast and furious. Your expression is often a sly smile. The most impulsive of all the temperaments, you excel in communication, but you don't relate well to tasks. You're the least disciplined and organized of all the temperaments. While you're outgoing, warm, compassionate, and relate well to other people's feelings, you can be rude and uncaring. The reason for this is because you tend not to be a faithful nor loyal friend, since you don't want to be burdened down with commitments; you just want to have fun. You may live as if you have no past or future, rarely learning from your past mistakes. You may never recognize your failures, exaggerating yourself to appear more successful than you truly are. Your major weakness is that you may adopt severe and destructive behavior. You'll volunteer for tasks, completing a project so far as your ego is being fed.






Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant

i would need to read up on the theory and blend types to order this, but i do recall thinking i was a blend of three (and that choleric bullshit is super annoying)...