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[ISFP] ISFP may not be a real personality type?


New member
Dec 6, 2016
Okay so after doing some long searching trying to figure people out why that person is the way they are and came to a conclusion that the ISFP is not really a personality. I think the whole Introvert type are people who were not taught how to speak up or pushed to talk to others, or were kids who were criticized at a young age. I can say that sensor type is an advantage though, as some people's senses are not very strong. The feeling thing is a down play in this ISFP, we easily take criticism too heart even if it wasn't meant to be mean. We live life according to how we feel making us selfish in our own way, we come off really nice to others because we really don't have the courage too call someone out publicly or face to face bc we get too scared we will start a fight we can not win. It takes a lot for us to actually say what's on our mind so its just easier not to say anything at all. I'm sure I have good skills but indeed uneducated which make's me act before I think going entirely off our emotions. We act like toddlers when we don't get our way bc no one ever taught us how to be content with the answer no. The ISFP is lazy, not all of them but more prone to laziness then any other type because of the whole "living in the moment" thing and what the ISFP feels is more comfortable.

I think the ISFP developed this so called personality bc they had parents who cuddled them while tiny children (4 and younger) and then got no attention as they got older. Like a puppy who everyone loved then it grew up and wasn't cute anymore. That loss of attention can make an introvert who they are today. We still wanted to be loved but no body was there too love us back, that is why actions speak louder then words. It may have been easier for the parent or guardian too say I love you but didn't have the time to show it, as for others they had parents who never said anything encouraging period, so words are not only hard to speak but when we get hurt we say nothing and that hurt eventually turns into anger causing childish behavior. Behavior that only our closest friends and family see.

We have a short attention span, so if we are not entertained we lose focus, that is why we see things like a shadow that comes and goes. We want to be productive people we really do, but if we lose focus on the purpose we back out. We can be considered quitters, when the going gets tough its just easier to stop because of that fi in us. Its not fun anymore and if we do succeed its bc we had a great support system pushing us every step of the way.

I was reading a bunch of the ISFP personalities on the web trying to find my talent. Did you know that an ISFP maybe known as an artist or musician but doesn't mean all of them are considered to be artist and not all of them know how to actually play music or sing. We show or emotions through our work, but if you cant create art or music then they just have to go about us on what our body language says or what we are listening too at that moment. Since we are quiet people who don't talk about what we really want in life we easily can get pushed around. Shoot!!! I don't even think the ISFP knows what they want in life themselves half the time. If you look at a 2 or 3yr old they go off entirely how they feel and what they want at that very moment, very much what an ISFP is like.

So if an ISFP is a personality who doesn't know art or music then what exactly is our talents? Yes, we are nice people but only bc we treat others how we want to be treated. We are careful as far as who we trust bc the smallest things hurt our feelings yet we're so gullible we believe so easily what others say. Twisted right?? I mean I see this personality in other types listed in the introvert category especially the INFP. So I'm just asking is this a real type of personality? Or is this just a selfish and somewhat lazy person who's too scared to speak out and uses very little of their brain too actually find their real personality? I fail too believe this is my personality type with very little talent and poor people skills who acts like a child half the time... I'm having a hard time excepting this as me :rly???: I think if I had parents who pushed me too be better in life and cheering me on I would be a better personality type, not just some dumb girl who likes makeup, hair and clothes with no true talent for the better good of this world..


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
The ISFP has been questioned as a type for a long time. Even I started a thread on that somewhere here. The stuff you've read about ISFP being artists is just stereotyping (as you probably know). The MBTI suffers from a lot of it. But there at least will be (I assert) an ISFP interest in colorful things, romance, the culinary arts either by practice or admiration for others who are into it, fast vehicles, and fine artisanship or craftmanship. Like any Fi dominant type they are thin-skinned, but versus the INFP the ISFPs will shield themselves with a thick-skinned persona. However, it usually doesn't last very long. Unlike the INFP, the emotions of the ISFP are more fleeting. I wouldn't say they are superficial, they just don't last long as if there is a fear of commitment to any particular emotion no matter how strong it is. The emotions of the ISFJ, on the other hand, last much longer, are more committed to, and the ISFJ more easily lets go of the past than the ISFP because the Si dominant has more control over memory. The Fi dominant, on the other hand, becomes plagued with memories if they are bad ones.


New member
Dec 6, 2016
Sounds like bipolar disorder if you ask me, changes as fast as the weather!!! I read all the personality types and in my personal opinion think I sound more like an INFP. I downloaded the app on my laptop of 38 questions and got ISFP with the Si being at 52% so was a very close call. So I downloaded another app on my iPhone of 76 questions this time and same thing, I waited it out took the test again and still ISFP. Took the test on the Myers-Briggs site same thing again. Took a test that was linked somewhere on here an got a INFJ which was way off!!! I don't think that test was accurate. Eventually I had to except the ISFP are my results, but I'm not happy with it. I just don't see how that is even considered a personality. I like pretty things that smell good :shrug:
Apr 24, 2016
The typical ISFP description isn't a great representation of ISFPs, imo. I thought I was an INFP for a time because of the more idealistic, imaginative qualities that are associated with NF types and also because I normally test as one.

What it comes down to is if you use Se-Ni or Ne-Si. I realized I use tert-Ni because I tend to 'intuit' when I am alone. I'm also one of the more stereotypical ISFPs that draws/paints, loves singing (when I'm by myself), and played an instrument as a child, so I guess I can't help you there. But I think my sister sounds sort of like you, although she's a more ambiverted ISFP, I think. We are both really different. She's not artistic at all, but is studying to become a counselor and is more level-headed than I am. (I am more in the clouds than she is.) I think other ISFPs could be good at jobs like nursing, counseling, anything that provides care to others. She never knew what to do with her life and never tried in school because she found it too mundane. However, in college currently she has straight A's, but only because she had found something that gives her a purpose. ISFPs need something to strive for, otherwise they may end up giving up. I am sort of this way too. If something isn't important to me, then I feel like lost soul without any direction. I need something that gives me a will to live to keep me going, otherwise I lose interest.

You say you have very little talent, but talent takes practice. Maybe you can use your interests to improve and make a career out of it? Like a makeup artist, hair stylist, textiles designer, or a clothing retail store owner? Everyone has a talent for something, you just have to discover it and then find ways to make it become something you can use in everyday life.

Boogie man

Da Voodoo
Mar 19, 2014
I'm married to one. They do exist.

Oh, and introversion is a thing, just as extraversion is. Not speaking up =/= introversion.


New member
Dec 6, 2016
Thank you, yes me and your sister do sound a lot a like. I know as far as the test result goes that percentage goes a very long way. The percentage of the scores will better understand where that person fits in, they can score a 50 percentage of introvert and in the 40 percent of the extrovert, when peoples scores are that close of a call its harder to tell if they are introverted or extraverted face to face. I'm the same way I'm very out spoken and I talk a lot and can wear out an extreme introverted person even though I'm an introvert myself. I think inside my head more then I actually talk out loud but know one would ever know the difference. If I'm in line at a grocery store an a stranger came up behind me I would mind my own business rather then start a conversation, but if a stranger started talking to me while I was in line "OH BOY" they better watch out bc I might not stop talking.:laugh:.

As well as my intuition side its as close as my senses. I'm literally in between the lines and I will observe people gathering info on a person so I can go and greet myself to them. I'm far from uncomfortable with talking with strangers and find this whole personality type stuff very interesting to me and has helped me better understand others so I can reach out to them.

I've noticed though that there are quit a few personality types that are natural artist and musicians with kind hearts, that is why I am finding it hard to believe that this is a personality in itself. Many other types have the same talent as the ISFP and see the ISFP personality a picture of what we struggle with on a daily basis humanly. There really is no reason as why we should act out as a child towards the ones we love but if we don't want too except it, then we can make up a personality in this world to excuse it and help pat ourselves on the back and say "that just my personality" but in reality the person just needs too grow up. Which is hard for that person bc they may have been raised the wrong way and tore down as a child by the ones they love.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Sounds like bipolar disorder if you ask me, changes as fast as the weather!!! I read all the personality types and in my personal opinion think I sound more like an INFP. I downloaded the app on my laptop of 38 questions and got ISFP with the Si being at 52% so was a very close call. So I downloaded another app on my iPhone of 76 questions this time and same thing, I waited it out took the test again and still ISFP. Took the test on the Myers-Briggs site same thing again. Took a test that was linked somewhere on here an got a INFJ which was way off!!! I don't think that test was accurate. Eventually I had to except the ISFP are my results, but I'm not happy with it. I just don't see how that is even considered a personality. I like pretty things that smell good :shrug:

I personally like the HumanMetrics test.
Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology


New member
Dec 6, 2016
I just took this test, still an ISFP. Took a free test on 16personalitys.com an got an esfp, which I think I can be one at times. When I was a child I was an all time classic nerd who love to pretend I was an animal 😳. I watched animorphes and xfiles then I got in middle school an transformed into the cooler kids. Leaving all my nerd friends behind. I no longer even wanted to be seen with them bc they were so weird but I was nice. When in high school I was the center of attention but found it very hard to do speeches, I would get in front of the classroom and start laughing uncontrollably bc I was so nervous. Everyone was laughing at me but I couldn't stop laughing an the teacher got mad an said "go sit down" all mad and stuff.. I think I have 3 personalities basically bc my introvert won by 4% and my sensual won by 3%.

I see my domanat side an ISFP next personality which seems to describe me more is an INFP and lastly bc of me being able to entertain a group of people would be a ESFP.

I think almost all ISFP struggle finding themselves bc they are in different groups of personalities depending what they feel like that day or time of event..


New member
Jun 11, 2016
Hi [MENTION=31265]Icefire[/MENTION]. I'm pretty new to MBTI myself and am no where near an expert, but I wanted to post this to maybe clear some things up for you because I know I'd have liked for someone to do this when I was new haha. Here's my take on things.

The ISFP is a personality type, at least according to this theory of MBTI/Jungian Functions. All it basically means is, your function stack is Fi, Se, Ni, Te, so no matter what type of person you are, if this is your function stack (and therefore way you process information/make decisions), you are an ISFP. Websites often have type 'profiles' which are supposed to be a kind of 'general' description for what a person might look like if using this order of preference in functions, but sometimes people won't fit into them and that's okay, because if they identify with the functions then they're still classed as ISFP. That's my understanding of it, anyway. Two ISFP could be very different people, and manifest completely different behaviours, but the thought process behind their decisions is the same 'type' of thought process - they gather information in the same sort of way, and make decisions based on the same sort of criteria (but not necessarily the same criteria itself). Of course there will be similarities between people of the same type because their thought process is similar and so it's likely they'll be similar in a general sort of way, but not always.

So you could still change your personality and still be an ISFP - you'd still have the same cognitive function stack, you'd just use them differently to be a different person. It's like having a set of tools to utilise - imagine if everyone is born with four different tools, out of sixteen. You have an axe, a sword, a spanner and a chainsaw. Some others also have this same combination. And people labelled it the 'ISFP' type. Everyone in this group has the same tools, but they may use them differently depending on their individual experiences/quirks. You might use the axe to chop down trees. Someone else might use it to make music by hitting things. Someone else might use it for murder. Okay, this metaphor isn't great, and I'm not trying to say that ISFP can be murderers or anything (though anyone can be I suppose) haha, just that sharing the same functions doesn't mean you'll be the same 'personality' or use those functions in the exact same way. So wobbly/bad metaphor aside, your personality 'type' isn't a definition of who you are, it's the ways in which your mind generally works, or naturally prefers to work. That's what I understand it as anyway, and of course all this personality business is only a theory (albeit an arguably observable one) too, from what I understand.

Of course you could believe personality isn't something you're born with and is dependant on your childhood environment and that early experiences shape the order/preference of functions, though.

Anyway, to answer your question with my opinion, yes ISFP is a personality type, but ISFP doesn't equate to a "selfish and somewhat lazy person who's too scared to speak out and uses very little of their brain too actually find their real personality", this isn't what ISFP is, ISFP is just Fi, Se, Ni, Te, which can manifest in being selfish/lazy or can manifest in being the opposite, just like any type. When you say you think you could have been a better 'personality type', I think a more accurate way of phrasing it (if I'm understanding your feelings correctly) would be to say you think you could have been a different person if your parents pushed you - a different 'version' of an ISFP I suppose. You could have been more outspoken and not as sensitive - that may be true, but if your functions are still Fi, Se, Ni, Te, then you'd still be an ISFP - just a more outspoken and tough-skinned one. So you might think you identify with the ISFP functions but not the stereotypes/general descriptions, which would mean you should probably still identify as ISFP, and not be reluctant to accept your ISFP-ness based on general qualities you might read about, in my opinion.

If you have qualities that you dislike about yourself and want to change them, I think you definitely can do that, and that doesn't mean being a different personality type from ISFP. But since you're an ISFP, some qualities will probably never go (such as needing alone time to recharge or finding it more natural/easier to sense rather than intuit). But I definitely think you can become more outspoken or focused if you work at it. So if you're worried because you seem to be ISFP yet you don't want to be stuck the way you are now due to it being your 'personality type', don't worry, you can change a lot about yourself, despite your type being what it is - you will just probably always have certain preferences that come with ISFP as a rule of the theory. But an ISFP isn't stuck to being a certain way/type of person, and doesn't start off as the same type of person either.

But this is all just my view of things, and I'm pretty new to this theory myself so I apologize if any of this is wrong (someone please correct me).

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your post though, and I hope I helped your understanding in some way. Good luck with choosing your type, and remember it's not a restriction, and you can use it to change if you use it wisely!


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Oh, it's real enough (I mean, in the sense that ANY of the types are 'real', haha), it's just that some of the descriptions you come across, just like any of the types, may be more behavioral in nature vs cognitive, so it may not be great. There are a lot of terrible descriptions online.

fwiw I relate to many of the descriptions, and I do happen to fit the artistic aspects, but there's a lot more to me than just the description, and like anyone, I don't fit everything that's said, nor am I bad at everything I'm 'supposed' to be bad at. Mbti is simply about preferences and is a big picture 'summary', if you will; and there's tons of variability within a specific type, when you get into the details.

Also dominant feeling means there can be tons of variation within a type, due to each person having a personal set of what the deem valuable/meaningful.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
All personality types have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the idea of personality types as a whole can be questioned.

Still though, there are physical (including neuroscientific) correlations with personality. An ISFP will have strong use of regions for feeling, especially concerning the act of deep listening, and will be a versatile who can react swiftly to incoming data from the environment, and quietly/humbly navigate the social arena in an adept way.

The weaknesses will come in the areas of intellectual and logical thinking. Some may be weak socially, but I think that is more typical of the IN types.


May 17, 2014
This thread is the most ridicilous thing I've ever read in my entire life.

ISFP's aren't a real personality type?

How about I tell everyone in the world that women aren't real, or that animals can talk?


Vagrant Terranaut
Dec 9, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I do not understand why you don't believe ISFP is not a real type.
You can probably link all the types to a mental disorder.
I don't see anything wrong with never growing up, in fact sometimes I think we lose a vital part of ourselves when we do.
This could have more to do with me being a 9 but when I was younger I feared losing my innocence as I grew up.
I am a very spiritual person so this is important to me..

but anyway, cognition is not a mental disorder unless the way one acts causes significant distress to themselves or those around them.
and believe it or not there are people who love ISFPs as friends, and others who even want to take care of us for nothing in return.

I have this friend who is constantly saying how all he ever wanted was a wife he could take care of and support through school.
he is genuine but twice my age lol

What I mean is that not everyone sees the ISFP as selfish or untalented.
you may see it as someone acting out for love and attention, you might even be right, but every parent makes mistakes.
kids find a way to cope.

...sorry, I'm about to start rambling hippie stuff about how everything will be ok because it's imperfectly perfect and don't worry be happy, lol.
so i'll just end my post here and maybe edit it later.
May 1, 2013
Isfp is just the merging of deep feelings with self expression. It is the artist archetype. I think people have to actually do some art to qualify, like drawing, painting, sculpture, design, dancing, etc. Many are quiet people that don't get noticed.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
ESFJ is the only real type. You're all just in denial.


New member
Oct 7, 2016
Instinctual Variant
ISFPs may not exist, but ESI's and SEI's sure do.
Sep 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
This is why typing should be based on function stack and function stack alone.