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[MBTI General] Interest in the MBTI is a Sign of Alienation or Self-Estrangement

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Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Self-Alienation and the Way Back to the Real Self
Only as you discover your own unreality — wrong conclusions, pseudo-solutions, evasions — will you reach the core of your being. Slowly but surely you will begin to act and react from your core, rather than from the erroneous and distorted superimpositions. Only when you act and react from the core of your very individuality will you reach and affect the core of others, regardless of whether or not they themselves work on such a path. This follows the law of affinity — the attraction of similar and repulsion of dissimilar substances.​

The MBTI is a pseudo-solution to the Socratic command to "know thyself." It is to know yourself (and others) in the abstract, as a thing to be categorized in terms of a concept. The concept, illustrated in terms of four letters, says that you are basically the same as all the other people who are in the same 4-letter category, and the same as all the people who share even one letter out of four.

As a concept it is intellectual, thus unemotional. It is a means of emotionally distancing the self from the self and from others. You become a spectator in life and no longer a participant. Even if the result is that you see people as works of art, it is still only abstract and conceptual, therefore alienating.

MBTI concepts give you the illusion that you are emotionally self-sufficient, when nothing could be farther from the truth. Your depth of interest in the subject points to the depth of your emotional dependency. And the compulsive way you go about it only goes to show how hypersensitive you are to the stark reality beyond your conceptual wall. It is likely that your only emotional bridge to others is merely sexual.

Your interest in the MBTI makes you feel superior, while conversely demonstrating how inferior you really are.

And yet in your tendency to suppress feelings, and not show yourself and others who you truly are, you have become like an unpublished novel, or better, a masterpiece that is kept locked away in a closet. It takes practice to open the closet, and there will be many mistakes made along the way. The self that is kept locked up doesn't know how to interact properly with the world because it has let the false front do all the work for so many years. So consider your hidden self to be like a sad child who is starving for attention and affection. That's who you are, right now. But that sad child shouldn't be kept locked up. You know it's true.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
No offence, but if the MBTI bothers you this much.. :thinking: then why do you stick around here?
I'm honestly curious, hope this question isn't rude to ask, I'm genuinely wondering.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
No offence, but if the MBTI bothers you this much.. :thinking: then why do you stick around here?
I'm honestly curious, hope this question isn't rude to ask, I'm genuinely wondering.

Ah. You won't get an answer. Not one that makes sense. You will get accused of all sorts of self-delusion or something. You won't hear anything about the OP's actual thoughts, just what he/she thinks of you.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=5223]MDP2525[/MENTION] But I am very curious on his thoughts. I've seen his type before, in other forums that I've frequented over the years: that one poster who has nothing to say but negative things about the forum's objectives at hand. For example, a forum for a popular boy band.. there's always that one poster who strongly dislikes them and I just wonder, why are you here if you don't like it?

It's not an invitation for him to get kicked out of the forum, but more like, what's going on beneath the surface. I am just so confused, lol.


Mar 20, 2008
No offence, but if the MBTI bothers you this much.. :thinking: then why do you stick around here?
I'm honestly curious, hope this question isn't rude to ask, I'm genuinely wondering.

This is a critique of mbti. And the appropriate response to a critique is another critique.

If we are incapable of a responsible critique, we try and get rid of the critic.

It's blaming the messenger, by someone who can't deliver a message.

To try to get rid of the critic is a sign of impotence.


Mar 20, 2008
[MENTION=5223]MDP2525[/MENTION] But I am very curious on his thoughts. I've seen his type before, in other forums that I've frequented over the years: that one poster who has nothing to say but negative things about the forum's objectives at hand. For example, a forum for a popular boy band.. there's always that one poster who strongly dislikes them and I just wonder, why are you here if you don't like it?

It's not an invitation for him to get kicked out of the forum, but more like, what's going on beneath the surface. I am just so confused, lol.

We know you are not the slightest bit interested in what is going on beneath the surface, rather you are uncomfortable with critique and try to get rid of the critic.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
This is a critique of mbti. And the appropriate response to a critique is another critique.

If we are incapable of a responsible critique, we try and get rid of the critic.

It's blaming the messenger, by someone who can't deliver a message.

To try to get rid of the critic is a sign of impotence.

Me asking him why he sticks around =/= getting rid of said critic.

We know you are not the slightest bit interested in what is going on beneath the surface, rather you are uncomfortable with critique and try to get rid of the critic.

You can read minds? :eek:


Mar 20, 2008
Ah. You won't get an answer. Not one that makes sense. You will get accused of all sorts of self-delusion or something. You won't hear anything about the OP's actual thoughts, just what he/she thinks of you.

How refreshing it would be if you would come out in favour of free speech, rather than making personal attacks on a principled critic.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=3325]Mole[/MENTION], if you're going to rep me with that kind of comment, at least post it here so that other people can also look into my mind.
Lmao, I'm not getting rid of the OP or want him gone, I am legitimately wondering why someone would attach themselves to a cause that they don't even believe in. It's obvious the MBTI isn't yours or his cup of tea.


Mar 20, 2008
The bullying attempt to silence the critic is to protect the power of a clique who identify uncritically with mbti.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
The bullying attempt to silence the critic is to protect the power of a clique who identify uncritically with mbti.

So asking a simple question is now bullying?


Talk to me.
May 14, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Well geez, I honestly was agreeing with you but then you just started insulting people and I don't think that tidbit at the end is an appropriate metaphor.

I think an intense interest in MBTI is in someway a form of self-estrangement and/or self-alienation. Though, I fail to see how that is automatically negative. The source you provide imply that even if people choose alternative paths to finding true self, we all face the same struggle. Why is studying an organized system for finding yourself more or less respectable than willful ignorance? MBTI isn't a way to become a spectator in life as opposed to a participant, it's more like trying to understand your type of game piece and what play-styles are best suited for you. So even if we are internally like a small child, how is the attention starved child any more or less obnoxious than the child with hands over their ears going "la la la la, I can't hear you,"? If MBTI is a pseudo-solution and pseudo-solutions are 'bad', is ignoring the problem not in itself a pseudo-solution?

Going further into the source and its credibility, I find the nature of the article you presented very cult-ish. If humans are in a in-between state of awareness and unawareness, how on earth would the author be able to inform me? Have they been enlightened? And if they have been, why am I encouraged to spend $20 to get on the 'right track' instead of joining them charge free? How can they fail to see time as a recognizable concept, but push currency as something with value? Was Buddha like "I'll teach you all that you don't need everything if you give me stuff,"? Completely contradictory and totally suspect, my dude.

Is a constant search for self and understanding a complex? Yes.
Are there other ways to go about it? Of course.
Is this complex exploitable for profit? Absolutely.

Come talk to me about psychological connotations for soul searching through scientific means when you ditch the kool-aid lady and her 1962 teachings. I'm genuinely curious about exploring this line of thought (minus the close-mindedness).


Talk to me.
May 14, 2016
Instinctual Variant
The bullying attempt to silence the critic is to protect the power of a clique who identify uncritically with mbti.


And the award for REACH OF THE FUCKING CENTURY goes to...


Mar 20, 2008
[MENTION=3325]Mole[/MENTION], if you're going to rep me with that kind of comment, at least post it here so that other people can also look into my mind.
Lmao, I'm not getting rid of the OP or want him gone, I am legitimately wondering why someone would attach themselves to a cause that they don't even believe in. It's obvious the MBTI isn't yours or his cup of tea.

Mbti is about 80 years old and is part of the New Age religion. It is spread throughout the world. It is another American cult. And it is a money making cult. It preys on the vulnerability of young people discovering their identity, and it preys on those who are part of the decline of religion in the West, and who are looking for a substitute. For instance, mbti is popular with nuns who are losing their faith.

Mbti is part of a much larger world. I am very interested in the much larger world and the place of mbti in it.

And believe me, I did not attach myself to mbti, rather I was invited in writing to join Typology Central by the moderator, Geoff, because he thought I had something to offer. And I do.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
How refreshing it would be if you would come out in favour of free speech, rather than making personal attacks on a principled critic.

You don't even know what a personal attack is. What it isn't: someone not sharing your enlightened opinion.

However, you proved my point. The question wasn't even directed at you. But you had to answer her by accusing her and deflecting a direct inquiry.

Thank you.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Mbti is about 80 years old and is part of the New Age religion. It is spread throughout the world. It is another American cult. And it is a money making cult. It preys on the vulnerability of young people discovering their identity, and it preys on those who are part of the decline of religion in the West, and who are looking for a substitute. For instance, mbti is popular with nuns who are losing their faith.

Mbti is part of a much larger world. I am very interested in the much larger world and the place of mbti in it.

And believe me, I did not attach myself to mbti, rather I was invited in writing to join Typology Central by the moderator, Geoff, because he thought I had something to offer. And I do.

You repped me again. Honestly? Stop.

I paid exactly $0 during my journey with the MBTI since the age of 18. It is mostly a fun passing time for me, as well as for other people. Sometimes, it can offer some good advice, in terms of career options, relationship matching, and so on.. but I'll agree that it shouldn't be taken on as a replacement for religion. That's taking it too far. Still doesn't mean it won't have some nuggets of truth within the theory that can be of aid for some people. What's wrong with that?

I don't mind differing opinions. What I do mind is when people outright attack me and think things of me that aren't true.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Mbti is about 80 years old and is part of the New Age religion. It is spread throughout the world. It is another American cult. And it is a money making cult. It preys on the vulnerability of young people discovering their identity, and it preys on those who are part of the decline of religion in the West, and who are looking for a substitute. For instance, mbti is popular with nuns who are losing their faith.

Mbti is part of a much larger world. I am very interested in the much larger world and the place of mbti in it.

And believe me, I did not attach myself to mbti, rather I was invited in writing to join Typology Central by the moderator, Geoff, because he thought I had something to offer. And I do.

I do not share Geoff's sensibilities. :coffee:

But nice of you to finally provide an answer.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You repped me again. Honestly? Stop.

I paid exactly $0 during my journey with the MBTI since the age of 18. It is mostly a fun passing time for me, as well as for other people. Sometimes, it can offer some good advice, in terms of career options, relationship matching, and so on.. but I'll agree that it shouldn't be taken on as a replacement for religion. That's taking it too far. Still doesn't mean it won't have some nuggets of truth within the theory that can be of aid for some people. What's wrong with that?

I don't mind differing opinions. What I do mind is when people outright attack me and think things of me that aren't true.

Yes. That is his deal. He reps, rather than responds openly. So brave. So enlightened. I feel safer knowing he is battling the illuminati so that I don't have to. I have laundry to do.