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[MBTI General] Interest in the MBTI is a Sign of Alienation or Self-Estrangement

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Mar 20, 2008
Yes. That is his deal. He reps, rather than responds openly. So brave. So enlightened. I feel safer knowing he is battling the illuminati so that I don't have to. I have laundry to do.

I confess I don't do laundry, rather I attend the Opportunity Shop of a local church in a very wealthy area, and the clothes they give to the shop are new, expensive, and plentiful, and they charge just a dollar or two for each item.

I attend there every Saturday morning and when a piece of clothing becomes soiled, I don't wash it, I throw it out, and buy a new piece at the Opportunity Shop.

This accords beautifully with my understanding of Economics where it is plain that the first problem of Capitalism is over production. And I have been able to access this over production to my delight and satisfaction. And no washing.

I grew up buying my clothes from expensive stores and of course washing it as it became soiled, and I had a whole system of values based on scarcity, so, like you, I washed my expensive clothes rather than throwing them out when they became soiled.

So when I realised our society is based on plenty rather than scarcity, I changed my values, and started to enjoy the cornucopia.


Apr 13, 2009
You don't even know what a personal attack is. What it isn't: someone not sharing your enlightened opinion.

However, you proved my point. The question wasn't even directed at you. But you had to answer her by accusing her and deflecting a direct inquiry.

Thank you.

Have you seen the show Lie to Me? I fucking LOVE when they call out that shitt and explain it


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I confess I don't do laundry, rather I attend the Opportunity Shop of a local church in a very wealthy area, and the clothes they give to the shop are new, expensive, and plentiful, and they charge just a dollar or two for each item.

I attend there every Saturday morning and when a piece of clothing becomes soiled, I don't wash it, I throw it out, and buy a new piece at the Opportunity Shop.

This accords beautifully with my understanding of Economics where it is plain that the first problem of Capitalism is over production. And I have been able to access this over production to my delight and satisfaction. And no washing.

I grew up buying my clothes from expensive stores and of course washing it as it became soiled, and I had a whole system of values based on scarcity, so, like you, I washed my expensive clothes rather than throwing them out when they became soiled.

So when I realised our society is based on plenty rather than scarcity, I changed my values, and started to enjoy the cornucopia.

Good for you. Seems that is the way you want to live and it gives you peace of mind. I'm all for that.

But if you talk from a pedestal, I'm going to shake it.

I don't need to put you on ignore. I don't put anyone on ignore. I've got your number and I'm okay with it.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
No offence, but if the MBTI bothers you this much.. :thinking: then why do you stick around here?
I'm honestly curious, hope this question isn't rude to ask, I'm genuinely wondering.

You don't understand why I posted that, or you do but you want to turn it back around on the OP.

I'm sorry, but it wasn't intended for me, it was intended for you (all).


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You don't understand why I posted that, or you do but you want to turn it back around on the OP.

I'm sorry, but it wasn't intended for me, it was intended for you (all).

What I don't understand are your numerous threads trying to debunk the MBTI.
Truth of the matter is, a lot of the members here will still dabble in the MBTI for fun, so really, what is your intention with all of this?

Again, I'm not looking for a fight, just curious.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
What I don't understand are your numerous threads trying to debunk the MBTI.
Truth of the matter is, a lot of the members here will still dabble in the MBTI for fun, so really, what is your intention with all of this?

Again, I'm not looking for a fight, just curious.

This forum is for laughs, and occasionally getting up on my soap box.


Mar 20, 2008
Good for you. Seems that is the way you want to live and it gives you peace of mind. I'm all for that.

But if you talk from a pedestal, I'm going to shake it.

I don't need to put you on ignore. I don't put anyone on ignore. I've got your number and I'm okay with it.

You have certainly got my type. We started typing people in the 30s and we typed them into somatic types as Aryan, Asian, Negro, and Jew. Carl Jung completed these somatic types by adding psychological types.

And so typing people is profoundly pernicious.


Mar 20, 2008
What I don't understand are your numerous threads trying to debunk the MBTI.
Truth of the matter is, a lot of the members here will still dabble in the MBTI for fun, so really, what is your intention with all of this?

Again, I'm not looking for a fight, just curious.

Sometimes someone will tell a racist joke and then say it really is just for fun. Or someone will tell a sexist joke and then say it really is just for fun. Or someone will bully and say it is just for fun.

But we know just for fun is a cover for a malign intention.

And I am surprised I need to say this, but members are quite entitled to debunk mbti, even if this does offend the sensibilities of some other members.


cute lil war dog
Nov 18, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Sure, if it's the only tool/perspective you use for self-discovery. But I seriously doubt that most people are that naive.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Sure, if it's the only tool/perspective you use for self-discovery. But I seriously doubt that most people are that naive.

Truth is, MBTI dangerous 1/2 of all school shootings happen because of alienation due to being mistyped. I'm winging that stat, btw and if it wasn't for the select brave souls here, ringing the alarm bell for all of (us), bravely standing up against 16,000 members who are entranced in it's pagan roots, well, I don't know what I would do.

Mainly because I am a lost soul. Who does laundry. I'm not a good enough person to not need to do laundry yet. I do have sackcloth and ashes in my closet but it's been a while since I wore that, and I'm not sure it would fit me anymore. Basically, I'm 1/4 Nazi because of this.


Apr 13, 2009
Truth is, MBTI dangerous 1/2 of all school shootings happen because of alienation due to being mistyped. I'm winging that stat, btw and if it wasn't for the select brave souls here, ringing the alarm bell for all of (us), bravely standing up against 16,000 members who are entranced in it's pagan roots, well, I don't know what I would do.

Mainly because I am a lost soul. Who does laundry. I'm not a good enough person to not need to do laundry yet. I do have sackcloth and ashes in my closet but it's been a while since I wore that, and I'm not sure it would fit me anymore. Basically, I'm 1/4 Nazi because of this.

do you pro bono?


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Truth is, MBTI dangerous 1/2 of all school shootings happen because of alienation due to being mistyped. I'm winging that stat, btw and if it wasn't for the select brave souls here, ringing the alarm bell for all of (us), bravely standing up against 16,000 members who are entranced in it's pagan roots, well, I don't know what I would do.

Mainly because I am a lost soul. Who does laundry. I'm not a good enough person to not need to do laundry yet. I do have sackcloth and ashes in my closet but it's been a while since I wore that, and I'm not sure it would fit me anymore. Basically, I'm 1/4 Nazi because of this.

Ask [MENTION=3325]Mole[/MENTION] about the Nazi side of this.


Senior(ita) Member
Jan 26, 2016
Truth is, MBTI dangerous 1/2 of all school shootings happen because of alienation due to being mistyped. I'm winging that stat, btw and if it wasn't for the select brave souls here, ringing the alarm bell for all of (us), bravely standing up against 16,000 members who are entranced in it's pagan roots, well, I don't know what I would do.

Mainly because I am a lost soul. Who does laundry. I'm not a good enough person to not need to do laundry yet. I do have sackcloth and ashes in my closet but it's been a while since I wore that, and I'm not sure it would fit me anymore. Basically, I'm 1/4 Nazi because of this.


Can we award MDP the Super Potato "Masher" award?



All this laundry talk reminded me of...



The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant

Can we award MDP the Super Potato "Masher" award?



All this laundry talk reminded me of...


[MENTION=5223]MDP2525[/MENTION] SAVE POTATOES :cry: :uwin:



The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
The bullying attempt to silence the critic is to protect the power of a clique who identify uncritically with mbti.

Question question question.. Triggered triggered triggered :bored:


Mar 20, 2008
What is interesting is that while mbti is a sign of alienation and self estrangement, this is met by forced humour and trivialisation.

We have met this response of forced humour and trivialisation in the response to feminism.

It is plain that the thought of our own alienation and self estrangement and is too much for us to bear, so instead of responding rationally, we respond viscerally with a sad forced humour and a vicious trivialisation.

But tragically, the forced humour is at our expense, and we are trivialising our own pain and suffering.


Mar 20, 2008
What is truly interesting is that we are unable to talk about our pain and suffering caused by our alienation and self estrangement.

Pain and suffering are just not on our agenda. It's as though pain and suffering are not part of the human condition. This is part of the American conceit.

The American conceit is ideological and teaches that the human condition is getting better and better. And like all ideologies the American conceit is beset by heresies, such as, the American conceit is based on alienation and self estrangement.

But nevertheless alienation and self estrangement resonate in the very words of this thread.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
What is interesting is that while mbti is a sign of alienation and self estrangement, this is met by forced humour and trivialisation.

We have met this response of forced humour and trivialisation in the response to feminism.

It is plain that the thought of our own alienation and self estrangement and is too much for us to bear, so instead of responding rationally, we respond viscerally with a sad forced humour and a vicious trivialisation.

But tragically, the forced humour is at our expense, and we are trivialising our own pain and suffering.

You know Mole, you're really one of the most enlightened people here, but the vast majority aren't ever going to listen except for those who have some glimmer of what you're talking about already.

Also, I'm not sure MBTI is the problem, per se, but American Internet culture, which can probably be traced back to 4Chan or Reddit. There's a huge collection of misogynistic, extreme right wing, so called libertarian, mostly pseudo intellectual people populating these sorts of forums. Unfortunately, this echo chamber, likely birthed when these emotionally crippled men were twelve year olds, who felt socially rejected, so turned to the then predominantly male early Internet culture.

When others began to catch on, they brought a polemic response of completely natural anger at these myopic views, which eventually became problematic in and of itself, because the other pole of radical feminists and mainstream liberals created too strong of an oppositional view to the emotional retardation they found on the world wide web...this reinforced the self absorbed opinions of the original crew, so that no one listened to anyone any more.

Furthermore, this is a reflection of American sensationalist journalism, and polemic politics, which bombards people in an already "hypnotized" passive state while watching television.

I mean, trust me, anyone who thinks that climate science is a matter of public opinion didn't get that stupid from MBTI alone.

I read somewhere that it was acknowledged, even in the beginning, that MBTI and Kersey met the needs of fractured Western people who thought in black and white stereotypes and caricatures - Jungs neurotics - instead of whole, centered human beings. ..which is why Jungian function theory is really the only theory which actually attempts to unite people to whole selves instead of fractured paper cut outs.

I think MBTI can be a stepping stone to self realization, but for others, it's yet another echo chamber of defensive, self congratulatatory narcissism, from which they derive false self worth from being a "superior" or "smarter" type, and those are often the same people who speak of feminism in completely contemptuous tones.

Donald Trump should be a glaring sign to you that this is an American cultural disease, and not just a personality theory issue, per se.


Mar 20, 2008
You know Mole, you're really one of the most enlightened people here, but the vast majority aren't ever going to listen except for those who have some glimmer of what you're talking about already.

Also, I'm not sure MBTI is the problem, per se, but American Internet culture, which can probably be traced back to 4Chan or Reddit. There's a huge collection of misogynistic, extreme right wing, so called libertarian, mostly pseudo intellectual people populating these sorts of forums. Unfortunately, this echo chamber, likely birthed when these emotionally crippled men were twelve year olds, who felt socially rejected, so turned to the then predominantly male early Internet culture.

When others began to catch on, they brought a polemic response of completely natural anger at these myopic views, which eventually became problematic in and of itself, because the other pole of radical feminists and mainstream liberals created too strong of an oppositional view to the emotional retardation they found on the world wide web...this reinforced the self absorbed opinions of the original crew, so that no one listened to anyone any more.

Furthermore, this is a reflection of American sensationalist journalism, and polemic politics, which bombards people in an already "hypnotized" passive state while watching television.

I mean, trust me, anyone who thinks that climate science is a matter of public opinion didn't get that stupid from MBTI alone.

I read somewhere that it was acknowledged, even in the beginning, that MBTI and Kersey met the needs of fractured Western people who thought in black and white stereotypes and caricatures - Jungs neurotics - instead of whole, centered human beings. ..which is why Jungian function theory is really the only theory which actually attempts to unite people to whole selves instead of fractured paper cut outs.

I think MBTI can be a stepping stone to self realization, but for others, it's yet another echo chamber of defensive, self congratulatatory narcissism, from which they derive false self worth from being a "superior" or "smarter" type, and those are often the same people who speak of feminism in completely contemptuous tones.

Donald Trump should be a glaring sign to you that this is an American cultural disease, and not just a personality theory issue, per se.

Thank you for your thoughtful contribution.

And your thoughtful contribution does open the door to leaving alienation and self estrangement behind and becoming at home in our own skin.