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Shadow Type


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Love my friend's INTJ core when it is in the jolly mode though...when he trusts me enough to reveal it...

Now I am confused... is house an INTJ or ENTP?

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Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
NOooooo, take it back, TAKE IT BACK! WARNING, SHITSTORM INCOMING! :laugh:


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
:D Clearly, you have not seen the several archived What type is House threads :smile:

Well given how he acts when Wilson complains to him in the car that he is dying and this time it's not about him (house), House is surely an INTJ at the core (inner self, shadow, anti-hero, opposing personality, whatever)...which implies that House's MBTI type is ENTP...i.e. his outside layer is ENTP but on the inside he's an INTJ...

And MBTI tests type the outside (conscious) layer I believe...


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Again you re going to deep, relying too much on mbri not enough on metacontextual data.
Its a tv show.
House is an intj played by an entp. Or vice versa. Hence the fact that ppl keep fighting about wether he s entp or intj

Infjs and their tiny Ti :laugh: sho cute

Its a two level/two part problem. You re trying to find a unified solution but made the assumption most people make (im not sure why frankly) that a tv show/movie is a closed system while its not. Its real people in the real world playing fake people in an imaginary universe and influenced by multiple factors such as the character
Constraints(what the writer wants, what the actor creates/adds/their skillset, what the public wants to see as per ratings etc)


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Same thinking can be applied to mbti as a whole.
Think of how it was created, what inspired it (jungian functions), how its tested (self assessment), what it tests (preferences..)
Mbti in itself does not need deep knowledge of functions to be a useful tool, and as its not a hard science and just like most theories it breaks down when looking at the limits of the system (fine minutiae for example).
Same applied to einsteinian relativity or quantum physics etc. Theories are tools, not truths. Its about usefulness rather than deep unified meaning


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Same thinking can be applied to mbti as a whole.
Think of how it was created, what inspired it (jungian functions), how its tested (self assessment), what it tests (preferences..)
Mbti in itself does not need deep knowledge of functions to be a useful tool, and as its not a hard science and just like most theories it breaks down when looking at the limits of the system (fine minutiae for example).
Same applied to einsteinian relativity or quantum physics etc. Theories are tools, not truths. Its about usefulness rather than deep unified meaning

To Ti perhaps...?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I think our inner self becomes exposed to reality when we are able to make ourselves vulnerable...among trusted friends...and the inner self can come out and take a breather...that's why it feels so blissful and good...

And perhaps the more it can come out to feel and experience the world, the stronger it can get...Hence the path to a more developed\rounded personality...less fear of vulnerability...So the way to develop the shadow functions is to make oneself more vulnerable in safe environments...Perhaps relationships enable this...

The inferior function would still need to be strengthened though...and it doesn't have too much room for development apperantly, unlike the shadow functions... Perhaps that's what Jung meant with the shadow being the apprentice work whereas the anima being the masterpiece...?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
How does all these sound\look from a Ti-dom or Ti-aux perspective... It makes sense to Ni...then again Ni's tools are crude\global... So Ni tries to propose conclusions that hold true for the global domain, which may fail to hold true in specific local regions of the domain...?

Hence, they are not particularly useful from a Ti-dom\aux perspective...? The thing is they are invaluable to a Ni-dom however crude they may be... They provide footholds to jump to other possible levels of global understanding and conclusions...


New member
Dec 3, 2013
^ Makes sense to Fi due to the rapidity of connection-making you have been doing, also illustrating Ne.

Look at your post style over the past few pages.


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
I think our inner self becomes exposed to reality when we are able to make ourselves vulnerable...among trusted friends...and the inner self can come out and take a breather...that's why it feels so blissful and good...

And perhaps the more it can come out to feel and experience the world, the stronger it can get...Hence the path to a more developed\rounded personality...less fear of vulnerability...So the way to develop the shadow functions is to make oneself more vulnerable in safe environments...Perhaps relationships enable this...

The inferior function would still need to be strengthened though...and it doesn't have too much room for development apperantly, unlike the shadow functions... Perhaps that's what Jung meant with the shadow being the apprentice work whereas the anima being the masterpiece...?

How does all these sound\look from a Ti-dom or Ti-aux perspective... It makes sense to Ni...then again Ni's tools are crude\global... So Ni tries to propose conclusions that hold true for the global domain, which may fail to hold true in specific local regions of the domain...?

Hence, they are not particularly useful from a Ti-dom\aux perspective...? The thing is they are invaluable to a Ni-dom however crude they may be... They provide footholds to jump to other possible levels of global understanding and conclusions...


This feels like watching Frankenstein's monster being put together...

I look on in fascination, but am also tempted to vomit at times.

Also, how did I *know* House was gunna get dragged into this?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Again you re going to deep, relying too much on mbri not enough on metacontextual data.
Its a tv show.
House is an intj played by an entp. Or vice versa. Hence the fact that ppl keep fighting about wether he s entp or intj

Infjs and their tiny Ti :laugh: sho cute

Its a two level/two part problem. You re trying to find a unified solution but made the assumption most people make (im not sure why frankly) that a tv show/movie is a closed system while its not. Its real people in the real world playing fake people in an imaginary universe and influenced by multiple factors such as the character
Constraints(what the writer wants, what the actor creates/adds/their skillset, what the public wants to see as per ratings etc)

Leaving Hugh Laurie aside, the character House appears to act like an ENTP even to strangers and clinic patients (his energy is directed outwards to external objects)... So his default (non-stressed, conscious) mode of interaction is ENTP...whereas under stress (like anger etc.) and when intimate (with Wilson or Cuddy or other members of the team) he becomes cold (unexpressive) in demeanor and uses Ni-gazing...like an INTJ...So his core self is IMO INTJ...

So my take is the character he portrays is an ENTP in MBTI sense...An INTJ would fit into the system like a gear and improve his function in the system whereas an ENTP would try to make the system (at least locally) fit him (or his preferences)...And House fits the latter...

Just my take...


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013

This feels like watching Frankenstein's monster being put together...

I look on in fascination, but am also tempted to vomit at times.

Also, how did I *know* House was gunna get dragged into this?

Everybody knows that Hitler is the falsifier for INFJs and House for ENTPs... :D


New member
Dec 3, 2013
I'm just going to put this here.
Typology - A hypothesis on why so many INFPs type as INFJs.

If we take a look at the functional stack of the INFP vs the INFJ, we see that one is an intuitive dominant and the other is a feeling dominant:

INFP: Fi - Ne - Si - Te

INFJ: Ni - Fe - Ti - Se

This also means that there is an inferiority complex surrounding the Thinking function for the INFP, and there is an inferiority complex surrounding the Sensory Function for the INFJ. Let's look at the particularities of these inferior functions.

Te - Objective decision making and gathering of factual evidence and empirical data, organization of the environment in a logically correct manner.

Se - Objective observation of present data, the reliance on concrete data to support the decision-making function.

If we take a look at the INFP's dominant function, Fi, we see that it is centralized on individualism, emotionalism, and uniqueness, meaning that the INFP's focus is to essentially be a unique individual that stands out from the crowd. This, of course, draws them to the esoteric and mysterious so that they can self-actualize and be unique, and what better way to ensure uniqueness than to be among the few? This of course can lead to the infamous INFP -> INFJ mistype, but how can we tell the two apart, especially if the mistypee is adamant in his or her mistyping? The inferior function.

INxJs' already established inferior function is Se, meaning that they are less likely to face the reality of a situation or the present circumstances, allowing them to cling to the dominant perspective of introverted intuition and focus a majority of their time on the past and future.

IxFPs' already established inferior function is Te, however, meaning that they are less likely to face objective facts and empirical data that is put in front of them, instead clinging to their Ji dominant perspective and focusing on their uniqueness and individualism (an exemption to objective data almost?).

When the inferior function is expressed negatively, it is avoided and ignored; therefore, we can conclude:

The average INFJ doesn't want to be forced to face the present and reality of a situation, and thus avoids it all costs, clinging to the dominant function (of idiosyncratic possibility convergence).


The average INFP doesn't want to be forced to face the facts and objective data concerning a situation, and thus avoids them at all costs, clinging to the dominant function (of individualism and emotionalism).


The INFJ avoids reality, and the INFP avoids facts.

I'm sure you can guess what this leads to without further discourse.


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
Leaving Hugh Laurie aside, the character House appears to act like an ENTP even to strangers and clinic patients (his energy is directed outwards to external objects)... So his default (non-stressed, conscious) mode of interaction is ENTP...whereas under stress (like anger etc.) and when intimate (with Wilson or Cuddy or other members of the team) he becomes cold (unexpressive) in demeanor and uses Ni-gazing...like an INTJ...So his core self is IMO INTJ...

I'm just gunna say this bluntly: I think your little pet theory is utter garbage, and you will eventually look back at it as such.

You are way too stuck in your head, divorced from reality, and are reshaping reality to fit this pet interpretation of yours.

It all seems overly based on your own INFJ-ENFP issue; not on reality for everyone else.

You're trying to make the theory conform to your own personal issue.

That's not the best way to go about theorizing.

It's too subjective.

yeghor said:
So my take is the character he portrays is an ENTP in MBTI sense...An INTJ would fit into the system like a gear and improve his function in the system whereas an ENTP would try to make the system (at least locally) fit him (or his preferences)...And House fits the latter... Just my take...

That is a very flawed view of INTJs vs ENTPs.

Nothing about that description need to apply to INTJs, nor ENTPs.

Do you understand that you regularly make all kinds of flawed/false connections/associations?


New member
Dec 3, 2013
That is a very flawed very of INTJs vs ENTPs.

Nothing about that description need to apply to INTJs, nor ENTPs.

Do you understand that you regularly make all kinds of flawed/false connections/associations?

IxFPs' already established inferior function is Te, however, meaning that they are less likely to face objective facts and empirical data that is put in front of them, instead clinging to their Ji dominant perspective and focusing on their uniqueness and individualism (an exemption to objective data almost?).

Agreed that OP is INFP or at least xNFP?


Let Go Of Your Team
Oct 31, 2009
Agreed that OP is INFP or at least xNFP?


This is the first time I have talked to him.

I am wary to type people I don't know all that well (unless it is blatantly obvious to me).

I don't really see the value in that INFJ vs INFP technique, anyway: I mean, why can't it just be said that he's ignoring reality?

Distinguishing between "ignoring reality" and "ignoring the facts and evidence" is a very confusing distinction, imo.