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Public Service Announcement to Paranoid Fi doms


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
No, but there is something wrong with the terrible reading comprehension you've shown here...

A) I never said non-Fi types couldn't be paranoid. I even stated repeatedly that most Fi doms are not paranoid. Learn to read.
B) I stated in thread that I find MBTI inadequate and a gross oversimplification of Jung's theories. Learn to read.
C) I never said there was anything wrong with questioning the system; I'm just irritated with some of the ludicrous conspiracy theories certain Fi doms have assigned to the concept of categorizing personality type. Learn to read.

I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

From a REAL Ti perspective you would initially go back and try to understand "why" they got this from what you said, then turn to the other person to help figure out why. You see Ti is about understanding.

You unload Fe and I will unload Fe:devil: You are being just as EMO as you claim Fis to be, you just have this urge to turn that EMO back on others with Fe.

I can unload at will, lets see how good you are at it:devil:


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

You unload Fe and I will unload Fe:devil: You are being just as EMO as the you claim Fis to be, you just have this urge to turn that EMO back on others with Fe.

ENTPs do abuse tertiary Fe frequently (on this forum they do, I know, and this definitely includes SW) and from what I understand, it's actually THAT which I have more of a problem with than their Ti.


New member
Apr 24, 2007
^5 to the above two posts

SW, your response left me with only one impression: "Learn to read!!!" Honestly, I paid no attention to your rebuttal because of your emotional style. The substantive part didn't even register mentally.

I've done the same thing tons, though. That is, ruin a message with Fe. :)


I think spiderman 3 ruined the series. does anyone agree?

Actually, I had a dream last night that I was watching the matinee for Spiderman 4 and it was atrocious. Half of it was filmed using the old cast, and the second half used CG'd versions. There were ancient Greek monolith creatures running rampant in a vast desert accompanied by a giant limestone angel holding scimitar. Peter Parker was dueling giant spiders in a green house labyrinth.

Thanks for reminding me. I nearly forgot to manuscript it.:D


I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

Simulatedworld is one of the most informative members on this forum; and unfortunately he has a tendency to distribute information in a distorted light. This is, no doubt, a manipulative measure on his part; and I pray that he grows out of this habit. I recall my first thread on this forum being compiled by his anti-Fi preaching... and he aggravated a similar number of members. Interesting specimen he is.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
poki said:
I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

From a REAL Ti perspective you would initially go back and try to understand "why" they got this from what you said, then turn to the other person to help figure out why. You see Ti is about understanding.

You unload Fe and I will unload Fe You are being just as EMO as you claim Fis to be, you just have this urge to turn that EMO back on others with Fe.

I can unload at will, lets see how good you are at it


I might have read too much into your posts, SW, but that's mainly because of their charming style. If one says things in the manner of "I said I don't hate you, so you can shut up and f*ck off already", how do you think the message comes across?:coffee: Do you think the receiver will focus on the first part, or the second part?

The thing is, you might have a point sometimes but you frequently kill it with your arrogant and hostile style. INFPs are very sensitive to this, so there's no wonder they get annoyed. And you seem to know that; you wrote yourself you like provoking them. So you provoke them, they react, and you victoriously reply you expected the reaction. Most sensitive people react negatively to deliberate hostility and arrogance, but you don't seem to take this into consideration.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

From a REAL Ti perspective you would initially go back and try to understand "why" they got this from what you said, then turn to the other person to help figure out why. You see Ti is about understanding.

You unload Fe and I will unload Fe:devil: You are being just as EMO as you claim Fis to be, you just have this urge to turn that EMO back on others with Fe.

I can unload at will, lets see how good you are at it:devil:

Is that really Fe? Or is it punk ass Ti combined with Ne? The cattiest ENTP stuff I have seen tends to be much more subtle. They insult you and you never even realized it. Or the entp revenge... you are screwed.

Perhaps more destructive is the entp Fe kindness honestly. Sometimes entps will refrain from being very direct as Fe seems to prompt them to not create discord. However then the conversation/discussion doesnt go anywhere. No biggie here, but in a project or work enviornment, to not speak up when there is an issue can be catastrophic.


I might have read too much into your posts, SW, but that's mainly because of their charming style. If one says things in the manner of "I said I don't hate you, so you can shut up and f*ck off already", how do you think the message comes across?:coffee: Do you think the receiver will focus on the first part, or the second part?

The thing is, you might have a point sometimes but you frequently kill it with your arrogant and hostile style. INFPs are very sensitive to this, so there's no wonder they get annoyed. And you seem to know that; you wrote yourself you like provoking them. So you provoke them, they react, and you victoriously reply you expected the reaction. Most sensitive people react negatively to deliberate hostility and arrogance, but you don't seem to take this into consideration.

I am going to have vote Ti for that one!

I actually like young punk ass ENTPs as long as I am not emo close to them. Their straightforward approach is very pointed and even seemingly arrogant, but it is fun to argue with.


Filthy Apes!
Dec 3, 2008
I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

An interesting question, this one. Tertiary functions are invigorating (and pain-in-the-ass "sensitive"). If one doesn't play with them, any project ends up being like stepping through the motions, don't ya think?

From a REAL Ti perspective you would initially go back and try to understand "why" they got this from what you said, then turn to the other person to help figure out why. You see Ti is about understanding.

*Devil's Advocate*

When you say "understanding", do you mean Ti or Ni? It sounds like "big picture", so Ni?

It's just interesting, is all. ENTPs and INFPs have the same F vs F arrangement that INTJs and ENFJs have, the F and the anti-F. They are each other's anti-F by virtue of having an F of opposite orientation in a suitably crucial role.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have highlighted abuse of Fe. Your point would have been just as "logically" correct, but you feel the need to attack AND twist the knife. Do you know how to argue or discuss without this twist? Maybe it is people like you who cause these Fi doms to create these conspiracy theories and to dislike categorization. Why do you FEEL the need to bring in loaded words? Can you not get your point across without them?

I could, but that wouldn't be as much fun.

I have two basic modes of interaction here:

1) Polite and informative--I use this when I think there's a reasonable chance someone will listen to me and respond with something meaningful.

2) Arrogant and abrasive--I use this when someone clearly isn't interested in learning or listening to any new information. In this case, lurker obviously didn't read the thread in the first place, or he wouldn't have filled his entire post with straw men that I've already addressed, which suggests to me that he's uninterested in listening to my point--so why should I be interested in listening to his?

From a REAL Ti perspective you would initially go back and try to understand "why" they got this from what you said, then turn to the other person to help figure out why. You see Ti is about understanding.

I already know why he got this--he didn't read the thread.

You unload Fe and I will unload Fe:devil: You are being just as EMO as you claim Fis to be, you just have this urge to turn that EMO back on others with Fe.

I can unload at will, lets see how good you are at it:devil:

Go for it. I have no interest in real communication with people who try to poke holes in my arguments without bothering to read them first.

If he'd read the thread, he'd already know that none of the concerns he brought up actually represent my views, but he didn't, so he got a flippant Fe response. It's quite simple, really.


I might have read too much into your posts, SW, but that's mainly because of their charming style. If one says things in the manner of "I said I don't hate you, so you can shut up and f*ck off already", how do you think the message comes across?:coffee: Do you think the receiver will focus on the first part, or the second part?

I make a conscious decision to use an abrasive style when it's apparent (as in this case) that the other poster hasn't made any effort to read my thoughts/consider what I'm saying before mouthing off. If I respond to you in this manner it's because I don't think you've bothered to listen/think about it and I have no interest in attempting useful discourse with you.

You can find other posts where I use a neutral or otherwise inoffensive tone, in cases where I think the other poster is listening and giving my point legitimate consideration. If you show up and immediately spout off three totally inaccurate descriptions of my position, it's evident that you didn't make any effort to understand me, so I'm not going to make any to understand you.

The thing is, you might have a point sometimes but you frequently kill it with your arrogant and hostile style. INFPs are very sensitive to this, so there's no wonder they get annoyed. And you seem to know that; you wrote yourself you like provoking them. So you provoke them, they react, and you victoriously reply you expected the reaction. Most sensitive people react negatively to deliberate hostility and arrogance, but you don't seem to take this into consideration.

It's extraordinary to me that people don't think I know that. You don't think I'm consciously using abrasive tone? It's my way of telling you that I don't care enough about your opinion to ask for clarification in a polite manner. This is what I do for people who are too lazy to bother informing themselves before mouthing off.

People who bother reading my posts before slamming them tend to get much friendlier responses.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Is that really Fe? Or is it punk ass Ti combined with Ne? The cattiest ENTP stuff I have seen tends to be much more subtle. They insult you and you never even realized it. Or the entp revenge... you are screwed.

Perhaps more destructive is the entp Fe kindness honestly. Sometimes entps will refrain from being very direct as Fe seems to prompt them to not create discord. However then the conversation/discussion doesnt go anywhere. No biggie here, but in a project or work enviornment, to not speak up when there is an issue can be catastrophic.

I am going to have vote Ti for that one!

I actually like young punk ass ENTPs as long as I am not emo close to them. Their straightforward approach is very pointed and even seemingly arrogant, but it is fun to argue with.

To me it seems Fe, but it also seems like my perception causes what I see to be like half a wavelength off from Ne. So I would buy that its possible that it is Ne. I tend to have my own internal theory that I go by and use what I see to modify it to fit and compare it to MBTI. My perception seems to be way different than what an NeSi sees. Its almost like you see the result where as I wish I could explain what I see. Everyone says Se is about senses, but part of my senses works on here also so its not just about vision. It plays into the way words are organized and the flow...I dont know, its confusing to try and explain. The fact that others get the same feeling as I read helps me backup whats real. I focus more on whats real, the result is more of a validation of what I see.

Hopefully someone else can explain, INTPs are usually good at this, filling in the blanks.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Loaded thread title is loaded intentionally because the OP is bored.

My favorite part is how he specifically allows any Fi-dom to dissociate themselves from the content of the post with the inclusion of the "paranoid" modifier...but they DON'T :rofl1:

Played 'em like a fiddle.

At least somebody can read. :rofl1:


Nerd King Usurper
Oct 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, we get it--you have paranoid delusions that any such categorization will turn everyone into robotic slaves to the evil Te agenda to squelch all forms of self-expression.

Whoa, whoa... keep that shit down, buddy. Don't be running your big, floppy ENTP lips and exposing our plans.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Whoa, whoa... keep that shit down, buddy. Don't be running your big, floppy ENTP lips and exposing our plans.

I was hoping Edgar would show up for comic relief at some point.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This is fun? lol

Gonna drink beer instead of read through this 'information'.

Was fun for me, I love to play with ENTPs when they start playing with Fi users:devil: eh, what comes around goes around ;)


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Was fun for me, I love to play with ENTPs when they start playing with Fi users:devil: eh, what comes around goes around ;)

Touche. I responded to your post, btw...any counter-move??

SW, your response left me with only one impression: "Learn to read!!!" Honestly, I paid no attention to your rebuttal because of your emotional style. The substantive part didn't even register mentally.

I've done the same thing tons, though. That is, ruin a message with Fe. :)

This is because I lost interest in hearing your opinion given your obvious lack of interest in getting my position straight before trying to debunk it.

If I cared about your response I'd have asked for it more nicely. I don't so I didn't.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I make a conscious decision to use an abrasive style when it's apparent (as in this case) that the other poster hasn't made any effort to read my thoughts/consider what I'm saying before mouthing off. If I respond to you in this manner it's because I don't think you've bothered to listen/think about it and I have no interest in attempting useful discourse with you.

You can find other posts where I use a neutral or otherwise inoffensive tone, in cases where I think the other poster is listening and giving my point legitimate consideration. If you show up and immediately spout off three totally inaccurate descriptions of my position, it's evident that you didn't make any effort to understand me, so I'm not going to make any to understand you.

Ok. Thanks for clarifying that. However, I have read the thread. Maybe that will reveal that I'm an ignorant idiot, but perhaps that also means that some people respond in a manner that seems like "they didn't make any effort to understand you", but in fact maybe they just found some of your stances unclear or contradictory. Then you reply to them in an abrasive manner (because you're always perfectly logical and consistent and brilliant and if they don't get you they're ignorants who don't deserve your time anyway, I assume), and the discussion gets nowhere.

The thing I found strange was that in your OP, you seemed to attack only two people from another thread, aka "only paranoid Fi-doms". However, in later posts you accused other INFPs of being paranoid in the sense they always react defensively even if no ill intent was implied. That was already quite a huge generalization, because it's probably not the opinions themselves that trigger the reaction but the aggressive style, which you didn't take into consideration back then. Also, later you admitted you find many Fi positions irritating and unreasonable and you like to provoke INFPs and see their reactions. From this, it wasn't entirely clear anymore if you mean only the paranoid INFPs in your OP or "all unreasonable INFPs". That made other INFPs wonder where you take the right to judge who is reasonable and who isn't.

I admit my response might have been a little off-topic, but it wasn't a result of not reading the thread. It was more of a result of my thoughts wandering off into realms I've been lately thinking about and found related at the moment. Call it NF diffused thinking if you want.;)

simulatedworld said:
It's extraordinary to me that people don't think I know that. You don't think I'm consciously using abrasive tone? It's my way of telling you that I don't care enough about your opinion to ask for clarification in a polite manner. This is what I do for people who are too lazy to bother informing themselves before mouthing off.

I think this is extremely arrogant on its own right. You don't care about my opinion, so you have to call me names and show me as clearly as possible what an idiot you think I am? There are sure other methods how to show your superiority to other people, more subtle and more effective. But maybe you just prefer to show off and make an impact to truly enlightening ignorant masses - in that case you've chosen the right method, true.