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A few thoughts about past and present experiences from MBTI forums


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I've never been anything other than an INFJ. I'm fairly comfortable with that stereotype most of the time, except when people decide to view the NF temperament as a whole and end up accusing me of things I don't do just because INFPs, ENFJs, or ENFPs do them. :doh:

I'd never really be willing to change my type. The closest I ever got was removing it from my profile. I've invested quite a bit of thought, argument, and several ideas about myself into this type. At this point, if I somehow become 100% convinced I wasn't an INFJ, I'd probably find it easier to leave the forum than admit to everyone that I'd been building on the wrong idea of myself for the past 3 years. :blushing: I mean, I've literally developed and defended prejudices about other types relative to my perception of my own, made friends and enemies of people based on their type, pushed people out of and into my own type because of traits they possessed that I related to or didn't relate to, so... let's just say it would be a little messy for me.

Luckily, I have thousands of excellent, eloquently worded rationalizations at my disposal to defend against any possible argument someone might make against my type, due to the theoretical, subjective, and rule-based nature of this system, so that's not likely to happen anytime soon! ;)


New member
Nov 22, 2008
That's one of the downsides of MBTI. As helpful tool as it is and as much utility as it has, people like clarity and organising/scheming things, no matter how hard you'll try keep the bias from your consciousness it's actually one of the things we're good at. It's an interesting phenomena psychologically, mind readily shifts focus when you can associate those four letters and understand the object within that context. You'll reinforce yourself of their behaviour and search for cues and patterns that reinforce it some more. The fact the person remains the same is irrelevant - the perception is everything. Even if I wasn't an INFJ, I'd still be the same person fundamentally. And someone might've thought, pfft, then I surely as hell wouldn't want to talk to her anymore, just because the context in which to view me in has changed.

There may be a number of mistyped people out there, and those are the scenarios where this might stand out the most. We may not give them the benefit of doubt - we automically categorize.

EDIT: And may it have also effect on the individual's level on how they behave in order to reinforce their own sense of their type? (+stereotypes) / associate themselves to their own type and adjust more to fit their "roles" as whatever / ideasation of the positive traits / etc. /


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
There may be a number of mistyped people out there, and those are the scenarios where this might stand out the most. We may not give them the benefit of doubt - we automically categorize.

Not only that.
The types are way too narrow and assume way too much.
For example: the Extroversion and Introversion options are way tight. There should be at least 3-4 letters on that one alone!

90-100% I? Can't be healthy, can it?
-11 to 89% I? Introversion
-10 to +10%? Ambiversion
+11 to 89% E? Extroversion
90-100% E? Unhealthy/annoying extroversion that makes you want to stick a bloody towel in their mouth. Gotta be some sort of disorder. :D

This would probably not be applicable to the N/S and T/F scales.

Another thing that has been bothering me is that you must have a certain order preference on your various cognitive functions and so on. That's ridiculous! I for one is an Ni dominant by a long shot(skyrocketing), followed by Ne... Then there's a huge gap. Si sucks for me. It's hardly developed. The rest of the functions are fairly even, differing almost nothing in the upper to medium range of "Good use".
But that is just the tests making me decide where it isn't really possible. My Fe and Te are even, but they are way better developed than "Good use".

But then again, my brain isn't really normal. I don't know if I have any other anomalies, but I have synesthesia. It's basically a neurological condition that makes me see and feel colors when I hear something. Until a couple of months ago, I thought everyone did this. It's the result of my auditory center and visual center are linked somehow. So, my brain is strangely wired. Doesn't bring any disadvantages, and isn't classified as some kind of mental illness or handicap. Quite the other way around, I have an excellent auditory memory because I associate what I hear with colors, instead of "just" hearing the tune. Oh, that was a tiny little derail right there...

In any case... Someone should seriously look over the "types" and make them into even more subgroups.

Me and Kangirl actually discussed something on ventrilo a while ago...
I had a few thoughts on ENTJs, and I guess this is true for most types.

I think that there are basically four types of ENTJs, or rather "delivery styles" that ENTJs tend to use.

- The ESTJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: FDG?
Probably type 8 enneagram, driven, energetic, scientific. Probably going to be hugely successful.

- The ESTP-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Babylon Candle?
The show host. Wins everyone with charm, or pisses people off.

- The ENFJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Me? Rangler?
The ENTJs who try to use Fe wherever possible. Looks less extroverted and less T-like than other ENTJs.

- The ENTP-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Bougal? Kangirl?
These ones are argumentative, for sure. Beware! :D

Note that none of these classifications are meant as "YOU ARE NOT AN NT!!!!" or something like that. This is no insult, just an observation on how they/we react and act with people. Since there aren't many ENTJs on here, you do probably understand that my material for my unconscious study is pretty limited. I have included some IRL ENTJs in my pondering, though... Even if they are like three, they make a difference. One is definitely ENTP-delivery and the other two are ESTJ-delivery. Not that it's important, now i'm just rambling.

This ended abruptly... I have nothing more to say! :D


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
In any case... Someone should seriously look over the "types" and make them into even more subgroups.

Me and Kangirl actually discussed something on ventrilo a while ago...
I had a few thoughts on ENTJs, and I guess this is true for most types.

I think that there are basically four types of ENTJs, or rather "delivery styles" that ENTJs tend to use.

- The ESTJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: FDG?
Probably type 8 enneagram, driven, energetic, scientific. Probably going to be hugely successful.

- The ESTP-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Babylon Candle?
The show host. Wins everyone with charm, or pisses people off.

- The ENFJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Me? Rangler?
The ENTJs who try to use Fe wherever possible. Looks less extroverted and less T-like than other ENTJs.

- The ENTP-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Bougal? Kangirl?
These ones are argumentative, for sure. Beware! :D

Reminds me of this. ;)

This kind of categorization is a nice way to explain one odd thing about me that doesn't fit the normal pattern... my occasional nerd rages against people who can't spell, make unqualified assertions, and are flippant/arrogant. I try to be nice instead of unleashing on them, but... I fail sometimes. :(


New member
Nov 22, 2008
This kind of categorization is a nice way to explain one odd thing about me that doesn't fit the normal pattern... my occasional nerd rages against people who can't spell, make unqualified assertions, and are flippant/arrogant. I try to be nice instead of unleashing on them, but... I fail sometimes. :(

I think your diagnosis would be : You're Human


Alexander the Terrible
Aug 3, 2008
I think that there are basically four types of ENTJs, or rather "delivery styles" that ENTJs tend to use.

- The ESTJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: FDG?
Probably type 8 enneagram, driven, energetic, scientific. Probably going to be hugely successful.

- The ESTPINTJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Babylon Candle?
The show host. Wins everyone with charm, or pisses people off.

- The ENFJ-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Me? Rangler?
The ENTJs who try to use Fe wherever possible. Looks less extroverted and less T-like than other ENTJs.

- The ENTP-like ENTJ... Prime suspect: Bougal? Kangirl?
These ones are argumentative, for sure. Beware!

Fixed. your type has nothing to do with estps.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I think your diagnosis would be : You're Human

Oh, human, not NT? Good, that's what I wanted to hear. :) Everytime I slip into that kind of frustrated, analytical behavior and look back at it, I cringe and worry someone's going to accuse me of being an NT again. But thankfully, I think everyone who had an interest in doing that has given up by now.


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Fixed. your type has nothing to do with estps.

Well, I disagree strongly with this. Just look at Jim Carey(famous ENTJ) for example. I, personally, also has a tendency when among friends to exhibit my own caricature of ESTP-being-funny-behavior, but this is not how I normally function. There are those ENTJs who walk around getting shit done, becoming famous or, whatever it is they are doing, by being funny, action-oriented etc.
These ENTJs also tend to have a thin veil of laid back about them.

I might add that dispite ENTJs and INTJs are close, letter-wise, they are not very much alike at all. If it is something that the ENTJs are famous/infamous for, it is that we are utilitarian. Why on earth would an ENTJ adopt an introverted way of coping socially, when there are more effective ways of cruising the social waters? INTJs aren't exactly famous for their way with people, stereotypically, whereas the type tendencies described are.


Lex Parsimoniae
Apr 24, 2007
YLJ - ENFP fer sure..


Actually as an odd side point and a funny one to my own twisted perspective.
Dom to my father via me "I don't think I am an ENFP. I'm too broad a person, too complex to be described in such an off handed way. I don't know what I'm thinking half the time so how dare they say that they do?" (that's my recollection not verbatim)
My father's response (again via me) "That's exactly what I'd expect an ENFP to say.
Dom - Screams.


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Did you notice any changes in your posting habits when you took on these different types?

I make it a point of always being who I am once I have a "face" in a certain crowd. Sure, I have changed over time since 2005 when I seriously began abusing MBTI. But I do believe that my style of posting has been fairly consistent for a while now.

YLJ - ENFP fer sure..


Actually as an odd side point and a funny one to my own twisted perspective.
Dom to my father via me "I don't think I am an ENFP. I'm too broad a person, too complex to be described in such an off handed way. I don't know what I'm thinking half the time so how dare they say that they do?" (that's my recollection not verbatim)
My father's response (again via me) "That's exactly what I'd expect an ENFP to say.
Dom - Screams.

Well, you never know, do ya? :D If I believed in it, I would call myself ENFP.
But... I happen not to. I could approve of being called ENFJ, though.
But even then it would take some serious convincing by about twenty members at the same time. I'm happy with my own "ANXX" assessment.

EDIT: Convincing would be more effective if said members were all beautiful women. ;)


Look at me. I AM AN AMBIVERT.



Alexander the Terrible
Aug 3, 2008
Well, I disagree strongly with this. Just look at Jim Carey(famous ENTJ) for example. I, personally, also has a tendency when among friends to exhibit my own caricature of ESTP-being-funny-behavior, but this is not how I normally function. There are those ENTJs who walk around getting shit done, becoming famous or, whatever it is they are doing, by being funny, action-oriented etc.
These ENTJs also tend to have a thin veil of laid back about them.

I might add that dispite ENTJs and INTJs are close, letter-wise, they are not very much alike at all. If it is something that the ENTJs are famous/infamous for, it is that we are utilitarian. Why on earth would an ENTJ adopt an introverted way of coping socially, when there are more effective ways of cruising the social waters? INTJs aren't exactly famous for their way with people, stereotypically, whereas the type tendencies described are.

Well no, if an ENTJ could use Se, then an ESTJ could use Ne.
you can argue ENTJ is the most SP of all types, and I can say that ESTJ is the most NP of all types

So no personally, your claim is BS.


Phoenix Incarnate
Apr 23, 2009
this thread just serves as further justification for voting for you as a new moderator.

i agree very much. people should learn to take things with a grain of salt. most of us are capable of thinking, i don't see why we shouldn't exercise it.

EDIT: i take that back. a few of us are capable of thinking, the rest should just be silenced.


I make it a point of always being who I am once I have a "face" in a certain crowd. Sure, I have changed over time since 2005 when I seriously began abusing MBTI. But I do believe that my style of posting has been fairly consistent for a while now.

Haha, sounds a lot like me.