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New member
Sep 10, 2007

Do you have bruxism? You should check and see if you have marks that indicate you are grinding your teeth at night.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
Have you tried becoming bi-phasic (a long nap plus a shorted deep sleep split into different times)?

You could shift you nap-time, and you sleep time both (esp. if you split 5-slppe, 3-Nap), then flip which one is you nap, and which on is your sleep when you are about shift so that normal working day is gone.

It's good in theory, I think.

Really good in theory :)
The thing is, I cannot sleep at all during the day. Whenever I try, I just stay on the bed without sleeping and thus becoming more and more nervous.


New member
Aug 19, 2007
I am seeking a cure that doesn't require a trip to the doctor.

Incidentally, small people shouldn't take Milk of Magnesia in its largest dose in the hope of "speeding things up." I'm presently making my usual kitchen-bathroom-computer circuit frequently enough to qualify as circuit training. But at least I'm getting some exercise.

Don't drink caffine at all. Many soda's etc contain caffine esp Coke! (Its way more powerful than about 5 coffees).

Make sure you deal with all your issues (bills etc) in the morning so you don't think about everything when you are going to sleep.

Exercise lots, that gets you tired.

Keep regular sleep time patterns then your body will get into sync.

Don't oversleep. Only go to bed when you actually feel tired.

Thats all I can think about at the moment.... my issue is more about not getting enough sleep!


New member
Aug 24, 2007
Don't drink caffine at all. Many soda's etc contain caffine esp Coke! (Its way more powerful than about 5 coffees).

Make sure you deal with all your issues (bills etc) in the morning so you don't think about everything when you are going to sleep.

Exercise lots, that gets you tired.

Keep regular sleep time patterns then your body will get into sync.

Don't oversleep. Only go to bed when you actually feel tired.

Thats all I can think about at the moment.... my issue is more about not getting enough sleep!

not to be quarrelsome, but you really do just say things without knowing, don't you?


Senior Membrane
Jul 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't think I've ever been caffeine-high off soda before... OTOH 1 coffee has me wired neurotic, with indigestion to boot!


New member
Aug 19, 2007
not to be quarrelsome, but you really do just say things without knowing, don't you?

Hmm... You seem to have the usual negative answer to everything.

If you know the scientific basis then state it. That’s the problem, ready to argue against but ready to provide nothing.

Using a rough popular science approach, I get kept awake by one can of diet coke consumed after 7pm yet three cups of coffee has no effect on my sleep patterns.

Looking at the evidence (As you didn't provide any) it seems that on a volume basis coffee and coke are about the same caffeine wise.

Just maybe then, it’s not the Caffeine.. Maybe it’s the E150d, E211, Phenylalanine or more probably the sweeteners as I don't take sugar with coffee/tea. Hence, I'll change my assertion; don't drink soda, its full of "E numbers and sweeteners that will keep you awake"

I guess you're about to tell the world how your drink is the fountain of all youth and will save the world? Incidentally, there's a growing movement to regulate these so called (usually energy) drinks as they are having a provable hyperactivity effect on children.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
...If you know the scientific basis then state it. That’s the problem, ready to argue against but ready to provide nothing...

By: National Soft Drink Association, US Food and Drug Administration, Bunker and McWilliams, Pepsi, Slim-Fast

How Much Caffeine in Drinks -- Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks -- Caffeine Content

But actually I agree with you. The preservatives (the Es) and the sugars added in coca cola, etc., increase the metabolism quickly and they add to the insomnia


New member
Aug 19, 2007
not to be quarrelsome, but you really do just say things without knowing, don't you?

Actually, looking at your avatar...

Your product states that it is a "fat incinerator"

Just under what scientific basis has this been proved?

REALLY, you do just advertise things without knowing them, don't you.

As lastrailway (correctly) pointed out, E numbers increase the metabolism so you probably will say this is the so called "fat incinerator".. however, under that basis perhaps Smoking should be advertised as a weight loss product as well.


New member
Aug 24, 2007
Actually, looking at your avatar...

Your product states that it is a "fat incinerator"

Just under what scientific basis has this been proved?

REALLY, you do just advertise things without knowing them, don't you.

As lastrailway (correctly) pointed out, E numbers increase the metabolism so you probably will say this is the so called "fat incinerator".. however, under that basis perhaps Smoking should be advertised as a weight loss product as well.

I don't give a fuck about my avatar

redline is just something i drink for a cheap high

you actually typed something glaringly inaccurate

EDIT: you must drink dark roast coffee, because most of the caffeine gets cooked out

besides, you didn't say anything about findings in that post, just claimed that coca cola contains five times as many mg caffeine as coffee

completely untrue
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
By: National Soft Drink Association, US Food and Drug Administration, Bunker and McWilliams, Pepsi, Slim-Fast

How Much Caffeine in Drinks -- Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks -- Caffeine Content

But actually I agree with you. The preservatives (the Es) and the sugars added in coca cola, etc., increase the metabolism quickly and they add to the insomnia

Perhaps so, but the effect is fundamentally different and lasts a long time (roughly 5 hours after ingestion for normal people, up to 15 hours depending on other factors).

Pop has roughly half the amount of caffeine than coffee and is not really comparable. The only case that I know of where sugar would have an equivalent effect is in fluctuating blood sugar levels.

Not that I advise having tons of sugar before going to bed but the link between "hyper" and sugar doesn't exist the way we think it does, if at all.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
Perhaps so, but the effect is fundamentally different and lasts a long time (roughly 5 hours after ingestion for normal people, up to 15 hours depending on other factors).

Pop has roughly half the amount of caffeine than coffee and is not really comparable. The only case that I know of where sugar would have an equivalent effect is in fluctuating blood sugar levels.

Not that I advise having tons of sugar before going to bed but the link between "hyper" and sugar doesn't exist the way we think it does, if at all.

Ah, no, I didn't want to imply that the effects of caffeine and sugar are comparable. The metabolic action is totally different (normal, for two totally different molecules) and, of course, sugar is not likely to cause insomnia to an average person. What I meant is that if somebody does have sleeping disorders, a drink with caffeine and sugar is more likely to add to the insomnia.

Ah, and a detail, probably without any importance: caffeine effects do not last 5 hours. Actually the half-life of caffeine in the organism in about 3 hours, that is the amount of caffeine (and its effects, obviously) is constantly decreased and in roughly 3 hours the amound (and the effect) is half of the inicial. This, plus that the digestive system needs about 0,5 hours to completely digest caffeine would give an effect half an hour after ingestion and for 3 hours more


New member
Jul 14, 2007
On the whole coke vs coffee thing, I can actually drink a coffee and fall asleep, but coke keeps me awake, infact I never drink coke because I dislike the taste but when I have I have found it kept me awake.

Coffee is seriously my last drink of the day, and I am flat out not long after.

When I had insomnia nothing worked putting me to sleep, my bedroom is a haven of serenity yet I couldn't sleep in it. Too much was going on in my head to slow down long enough to sleep and I didn't like the sleeping tablets as I have kids and think it would be dangerous to be that out of it.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
On the whole coke vs coffee thing, I can actually drink a coffee and fall asleep, but coke keeps me awake, infact I never drink coke because I dislike the taste but when I have I have found it kept me awake.

Coffee is seriously my last drink of the day, and I am flat out not long after.

When I had insomnia nothing worked putting me to sleep, my bedroom is a haven of serenity yet I couldn't sleep in it. Too much was going on in my head to slow down long enough to sleep and I didn't like the sleeping tablets as I have kids and think it would be dangerous to be that out of it.

Sleeping pills is the only thing that can make me sleep in a reasonable hour, but I hardly ever take any.
On the coffee thing: what caffeine really does is increasing the levels of dopanime and possibly epinephrine. Both effects are acute. That is, in a long term, consuption of caffeine has rather chronical effects - the organism slightly increases the usual dopamine levels to be able to moderate caffeine effects.
And, having said that, I 'd like to add that I am a perfect example of a coffee-maniac. Coffee is the only liquid think besides water that ever crosses my mouth and I'd be more confortable if I were told to give up water than coffee


New member
Jul 14, 2007
And, having said that, I 'd like to add that I am a perfect example of a coffee-maniac. Coffee is the only liquid think besides water that ever crosses my mouth and I'd be more confortable if I were told to give up water than coffee

Except I add tea to that list, what with being British and all. ;)


New member
Aug 11, 2007
Except I add tea to that list, what with being British and all. ;)

Sure, the five'o'clock thing :)
I drink tea if I am forced to. I have to add like 5 or 6 spoonfulls of sugar to distract me for the taste, especially if it has herbs in it (menthol and such should be banned of this planet)
In my coffee, I cannot stand even the idea of having sugar


New member
Jul 14, 2007
Sure, the five'o'clock thing :)
I drink tea if I am forced to. I have to add like 5 or 6 spoonfulls of sugar to distract me for the taste, especially if it has herbs in it (menthol and such should be banned of this planet)
In my coffee, I cannot stand even the idea of having sugar

I thought I took alot of sugar but yikes that is alot.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
I thought I took alot of sugar but yikes that is alot.

I was about to answer about my sugar preferences, but I think I have this very bad habit to totally derail every possible thread, so I thought I 'd better no :D
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New member
Apr 24, 2007
It really comes down to why you can't sleep. If it is just behavioural, you can train yourself out of it really quickly. However, if it's a mix, or just biological, nothing you do will matter at all. You will literally take things that should knock you out... but they'll just make you drowsy - ie: drugged. If that's the case, you'll be stuck getting some very powerful things that practically induce sleep... and you have a very high chance getting addicted to them.

In any case, the three things I can suggest;

1) Use your bed for sleep. Nothing else but sleeping. When you go to bed, if you can't fall asleep within x time (normally from 10-30min), you get up and do something tedious. You don't read or anything similar. Nothing that engages your mind. And to emphasise this one more time - do not do anything else in bed - no reading, no napping, no watching TV... maybe sex, but that's about it.

2) Excersize, but give time before you go to bed - more than 2 hours. This works because stress and an active mind are bad news for sleeping, but the excersize does cause your body to wind down - after the high. It shouldn't be intensive, a good 30 minute walk or anything similar can be enough.

3) Create a routine for going to bed. This works well with #1, so it should start with or after you have made your bed your sleep area. Always do the same things in the same order for 10-15 minutes before going to sleep. Try very very hard not to interrupt this.

There was other stuff that the sleep clinic suggested, but I remember these as the core ones.

I like what PtGatsby suggests..

You can also try:

1. count backwards from 100, taking a full, deep breath (in and out) between each number. It actually works...this is supposed to occupy your conscious mind- and perhaps bore you to sleep.

2. For times when you've gotten up when you can't sleep- I do really easy crossword puzzles that are no fun, and are quite dull. I have no idea why this works. At any rate, don't do anything fun or interesting.

3. Take a hot bath and then go to bed in a room that's completely dark and a little cool- it's best if you don't wear pajamas, so your body really cools off.

4. Listen to classical music set on a loop- I like Eine Kleine Nachtmusic. It really works for me.

Ms. M

New member
Sep 15, 2007
I usually use OTC sleep aids when I can't sleep. Generally, there's something else in addition to not being able to sleep, so I'll take something like Excedrin PM. The problem I generally have when I take them though is that while I fall asleep pretty well after taking them, I tend to wake up too early.