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Living with Bipolar


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
So. Im just curious here and if anyone wants to share I will be pretty appreciative.

What is it like living with bipolar disorder?

Whats your experience been? Have you come across many stigmas and misconceptions/judgement?

My therapist suggested that I might be bipolar. Actually two therapists have suggested it so... But nothing is confirmed.

And I was just wondering... What is it like- what has living with it meant for you?

And anything else you want to talk about.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Mm anyone?

Or is this not a sensitive enough place to share?


New member
Dec 11, 2015
I went to PsychCentral.com when I was diagnosed with bipolar. (My diagnosis is different now.) They have a really active forum with a lot of bipolar people if you are looking for support or feedback.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I had one psychiatrist tried to pin me with the bipolar label and prescribed me lithium. I felt she was kind of a crook in a weird way, so I took my business elsewhere. I do, however, have clinical depression, and even though I don't qualify in answering your questions, perhaps they may still be appropriate for you.

What is it like living with bipolar disorder?

Living with depression is hell on earth. Nobody could ever hate me or even want to murder me as much as I do against myself. My own thoughts had used to always make me want to push myself into doing something that I will later regret. I am getting better, and it helps to do the little things, like eating healthier, exercise, socialize with people who care for me, etc, but it still difficult to live with and I do understand where you are coming from.

Whats your experience been? Have you come across many stigmas and misconceptions/judgement?
I've had the most judgments from my parents, especially my mother. She doesn't understand that someone can live a seemingly normal life and still be plagued with depression. Hopefully one day she will understand it more, and it is getting better the more we talk about this. My husband doesn't like to think that I have a mental illness, so I don't bother him much about it. Its my own inner demons, and I have to fight them both by myself as well as with trained professionals.

And I was just wondering... What is it like- what has living with it meant for you?
It means fighting with the biggest enemy you know and that's also the one thing that will always be with you until the day you die-your own thoughts. Having to change my thought patterns was the hardest, and still is, battle I could ever be in, but it is worth it because my life is worth saving. OP, if this bipolar thread is about yourself, then I can only tell you that you have a chance at surviving and that there are so many ways to treat bipolar disorder that is worth looking into.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Ok I should have definitely asked before mentioning people here. I apologize to anyone who felt violated or anything in any way.

Probably the best to just delete that post.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
What is it like living with bipolar disorder?
Hm, this is a very broad question. The disorder is a part of me, it is in me. So I suppose the question might be, what is it like to live? I don't know. My moods tend to fluctuate seasonally (depressed in winter, hypo/manic in spring) so as the weather shifts, I have to pay attention to myself. I'm pretty well managed now, but I still experience minor shifts. They don't impair my functioning anymore because I'm successfully medicated, but they're still there. I'll always be a little more sluggish and gloomy in the winter, always a little more bright and confident in the spring.

About two years ago I had my first significant mania. It was the euphoric kind. Then a few months after that I had yet another mania that I consider to be more severe, but it was dysphoric. Basically, I had the energy and racing/erratic behavior of mania but the mood and outlook of depression--plus I was extremely irritable. Here's a basic description:

Whats your experience been? Have you come across many stigmas and misconceptions/judgement?
I think the world is starting to understand mental illnesses a little better. Still, I came across people who judged me for depression, saying that it was my fault/choice. It was really frustrating. And one time a guy said, "How are you bipolar? You've never killed anyone." I hear people throwing the word bipolar around and they don't really understand what it means. But generally I don't really feel that judged for it. I've even met other people who live with it.

What is it like- what has living with it meant for you?
I think I understand a lot more about other people and the world because of my experiences. It's made me a more self-aware and empathetic person. No, I'm not saying I'm happy I have it, but I guess it has taught me some valuable lessons.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I will reply a bit later- just my thoughts.

Apparently if I AM bipolar Im probably bipolar 1.

But nothing is confirmed. And I mean, I kind of just... Want an explanation for why... My moods are so fucking... Shifty. Makes me feel like a total asshole and I mean, maybe having an answer will help me answer some questions and work out solutions so life is just less... Fucking difficult- both for me and those who have to deal with me.


Jan 25, 2014
Hopefully this will be useful for people to get an inside view on bipolar disorder. For clarity purposes, I have Bipolar II, and am currently medicated with Lamictal (Lamotrigine) and Latuda (Lurasidone), to assist it, along with seeing a psychologist.

What is it like living with bipolar disorder?


It wasn't until I was properly medicated did I realize how sick I was in hindsight, and how draining it was every day. It's kind of shocking. I didn't really have a genuine grasp on what it was like to be calm. It was very strange to me at first to sort of feel emotionally blank. A month or two ago when I stabalized I remember one day walking to lab and thinking to myself "...wow is this what calm feel like? This is WEIRD." I wasn't sure if I liked it because it was so new and oddly quiet. There was nothing in the back of my mind overlaying what I was experiencing, and I could just be calm, present, and feel what came up organically as I interacted with the world in an non overwhelming way.

Looking back, I have had this since I was a little kid, though it didn't get dangerously severe until I got to grad school. When I was little I was diagnosed with Aspergers, it was floated that I had a litany of other disorders that were never formally diagnosed: oppositional defiant disorder, obessive compulsive tendancies are the two I remember. I was extremely moody, I would turn on a dime if something went wrong, and my emotional reactions (positive or negative) were immensely strong. I was either the brightest light of the room, or the darkest corner. All of those diagnoses were wrong. I don't have aspergers after all. Children who are Bipolar often clearly have some sort of mental disorder, but it can never be labeled (I was explained this by my therapist). I had a brief quieting of it from the ages of 13-15, but it started to come back when I was 16. I spent nearly 80 to 90% of my waking time stressed in some manner, and for the last several years it was near 100%. At least once a year I'd have a period where seemingly out of nowhere I would bottom out and think to myself "something is really wrong". People would notice too. There was this constant oppressive force bearing down on me, and would at times become incapacitating. Even when I was happy there was something in the back of my mind making me feel either scared, stressed, worried, or generally preoccupied and removed from the present. It would sometimes be physically painful in a way I can't explain. I had periods where everything would be great, but it was largely a slave to my environment. Things had to be going perfectly for me to feel that way, and even that wasn't a garuntee of feeling good. It would last no longer than a few months, more commonly only a few weeks. I always expected that I'd eventually have a day where it'd fall apart and I'd randomly feel stressed about something.

In the past several years, it was to the point where I would have days where I could barely work or do anything. I'd be sitting at my computer almost hyperventilating. I was so keyed up, I felt like had all this energy I HAD to get out of me, but had no idea how. It was paradoxically paralyzing. I would spend hours almost motionless cycling between the same websites over and over and over hoping something around me would take me out of it. Even things I liked (video games, movies) couldn't scratch the itch and make me feel at ease. It was sheer dumb luck if it worked, and even then it was a cover. If I had to do something stressful, it was a disaster. I could barely do it. I'd be sitting there in physical pain trying to will myself to do something I couldn't do, and have to wait for random windows where I could somehow autopilot through it.

I'd pay for it though. I was constantly drained and tired. I could never get enough sleep. I'd sleep for 9-10 hours a night, sometimes upwards of 12, and I'd wake up exausted. I could never go to bed or wake up consistently at the same time. If I set an alarm and tried to pin it down, I'd become a zombie after a few days. It was often a dreamless sleep where I'd wake up and feel just as I did before I went to bed. I'd have to wait a solid 3-4 hours after waking to feel up and alert. Getting out of bed was a laborious task. If I didn't have something that required me to get up, it'd take hours, and even then it'd be a massive struggle. Forcing past it I'd pay for it throughout the day. At the same time, I never wanted to sleep. I wanted to just stay up all through the night. I would be constantly worn out searching and begging for something to relax with unable to find it, and didn't want to rest until I could. That's not to say I couldn't find it, sometimes I did, but it never lasted long enough.

Even the positive states could be bad. I've never mentioned it before, but I'll mention it now (partly because there'd be a cross reference). During the meetup last summer where I met @EJCC, Showbread, and BadOctopus, I was hypomanic (though I did not realize it at the time). Things were great, I felt more of my natural self which I hadn't felt in a very long time. Even then, during the entire trip I felt really keyed up and stressed. Pressured. My mind was racing with "what do they think of me? Am I doing this right? Oh do they think this is ok? Ok now I need to do this, no we need to do that, we must keep doing things!" I couldn't quite shake the oppressive feeling bearing down on me either, but I tried and would manage to push it out for periods here and there, but it'd always snap back. It felt like this weight in my chest that if I kept moving I could excape it. I felt sort of "forced" to be excessively on the entire time, and that pressure was really tiring. Those nights when I went to bed I was really worried over what happened which was completely unjustifed and unfounded, but also worried about abstract things that to this day I could not articulate. I did not sleep well at all, but woke up ready to take things on. It was a great time, but even though it was great it felt unhealthy on the inside. That meetup, and the month or so following that was one of the most "up" I ever had, but even then it felt overlayed with a lot of stress that I could somehow bounce out of. I was massively productive and positive. I had a day where I worked in lab for a solid 24.5 hours with no break because I got angry at one of my reactions for not working. Stayed up for 37 hours and thought it was the best thing ever. It lead to a pretty bad crash in the fall that eventually TOTALLY bottomed out this winter.

The lows were the problem, and were WAY more common. This past winter I had severe issues. When I went home for christmas my entire family noticed something was off with me, and were gossiping with each other going "what on earth is wrong with Hard?". Of course, none of them said anything to me directly, and I only found out about this after the fact. I eventually bottomed out so much that I was going to bed at night for several weeks with a razor blade in my hand fighting with myself not to cut myself. I felt I had to justify and prove that I had a problem, but if I went to justify it, it meant I didn't have a problem, which meant I had to prove it and do it meaning I did have a problem. I looped on those thoughts for hours upon hours. I couldn't work. The only reprieve I had was smoking weed in the evening where I'd have a few hours of feeling "normal". Yet it made me feel even more insane, and in a strange way I liked it. It felt like my entire life was falling apart. I had semi-delusional thoughts that all of my friends were against me, and wanted to get rid of it (I say semi, because it turned out they WERE trying to get rid of me, but I blew it out of preportion and it felt like I was dying). I was lurching from feeling furious, snapping at anything that had a pulse, and was so resolute in being "right" that I would not yield one inch to pushback I disagreed with. It made me nearly impossible to be around. My problems even spilled over onto the forums. Not to mention when I was still I felt so horrible that I wanted to writhe around on the floor and scream or cry, yet all my emotions felt locked in place tearing me apart from the inside out. I would wind up hyperventilating but struggling to hide it, which made me feel even worse.

I could go into much more detail but it really was a tortured existence. I still can't believe I had gone so long feeling like that and having no clue that it was legtimately abnormal to the degree that it was. I really thought everyone felt like that, and I was just really shitty at managing it. Since I started taking my meds, things have been worlds better. I still get hiccups in the evening occasionally but I am "reset" each night. My sleep has stabalized significantly, which is what made me realize I had a gazillion sleep problems to begin with all connected to this.

Whats your experience been? Have you come across many stigmas and misconceptions/judgement?

If people give me shit about having Bipolar disorder? Oh ho, they are going to be on the receiving end of none so pleasent things :D. I haven't encountered any. However, I am aware there are stigmas so I am mindful of who I speak about it though. Truth be told though, I really don't care what people think about it, because I wouldn't care what a person things about me at all if they judged me for something like that.

I have noticed though, that few people know what entails Bipolar II. When people think of bipolar disorder, they think of type I because of the mania. Bipolar II doesn't get mania, but has a much more chronic course and the depression tends to be very low and much more persistent. With me it was near constant and good periods would simply layer on top of it.

What is it like- what has living with it meant for you?

I haven't really thought about this. It sort of is what it is? I honestly have to strangely credit it with some of my success, because it has forced me to learn how to manage a lot of internal things that people don't often learn. I feel like I had to learn how to be self aware very early in life in order to manage the things my brain through at me, and this internal processing has lead to me meeting a lot of friends and making connections with others.

It means I have been given the short end of the stick in this area of life, and I have to spend more time fixing something that others don't have to. It's fixable and managable though, and pretty much everyone has a problem they have to mitigate. This is simply the one I have to deal with.


I wasn't going to reply even after being tagged. However, now that Fetus replied, I feel I should as well in respect for her not being the only one. Since I have though, I am going to speak my mind: Frosty, IMO you do not have bipolar disorder, and you spending time focused on it isn't going to help you. You do not show signs of it, and your experiences do not line up with it. I am not a doctor, but my suggestion would be to discuss borderline personality disorder (which does look similar to bipolar on the surface) with your doctor, as that is much more likely towards you feeling better, and to stop relying on the forum for affirmation, attention, and escapism because it clearly is not helping.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I just want to say thank you to all the replies...

And I promise I will try to make my own tomorrow.

But I am too tired right now- my medication for my possible bipolar is starting to kick in.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm inclined to agree with Hard's last paragraph

however, you must be diagnosed by an actual medical professional, which this site is not... nor are we a free form of therapy


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Why do you guys keep saying that? I have NEVER asked anyone on this site to be my therapist... The allegation is just really offensive. I asked for support when I was going through a hard time. Other people do the same thing- but for some reason there is the undertone of- frosty is somehow manipulating the forum to do her and her alones bidding.

I mean. There is a thread on borderline personality disorder. If I had wanted to ask about that I would have went there... And funny thing is... The person who started that thread... Did it turn on them the same way this one is on me?

For asking A QUESTION?

I even state- and have stated... Many many times that I KNOW people here are not doctors. Nor do I expect them to be.

Can people please... I mean... God Im not intentionally trying to be an ass here. Im not just fucking with people to fuck with people or anything of the sort.

I am not a fucking villain.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Best for me probably to just walk away.

Because I cant fight this. Nothing good will come from it and Ill just be more hurt by the end of it.

So yeah, Ill be a coward and leave. Shut me up a bit I guess.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
But I am too tired right now- my medication for my possible bipolar is starting to kick in.

^ this is the line that prompted me to comment in a thread I was staying out of... you can't assume things like that, you just can't... self diagnosis and assumptions of the sort just discount the people who actually HAVE been diagnosed and why on earth would you want to do that? :shrug:

you want to make it all about you there with your response? fine... whatever... that's not what it was though


Jan 25, 2014
[MENTION=24643]Frosty[/MENTION], you are massively over-reacting here. What's the difference between what whatever said and what I said? Both of us pointed out that we can't diagnose you, and even if that's not what you're seeking you are constantly (seemingly every day) asking for some sort of advice on a veritable litany of topics. It really does come across as someone using this (and us) as de-facto non stop therapy and a surrogate as diagnoses. This is why people are bringing this up.

Also what medication(s) are you currently taking?


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
^ this is the line that prompted me to comment in a thread I was staying out of... you can't assume things like that, you just can't... self diagnosis and assumptions of the sort just discount the people who actually HAVE been diagnosed and why on earth would you want to do that? :shrug:

you want to make it all about you there with your response? fine... whatever... that's not what it was though

Its why I said possible. And no, I didnt try to make it all about me- but I mean- how am I to keep myself out of it if I DO possibly relate/am affected- by this topic.

I just dont understand I guess.

Im not really sure what else to say. I mean, this thread has existed for a while and the only reason I bumped it is because Zeno was asking questions and was sharing stuff on vent and thought that- hey heres a good place if we/he wanted to continue.

But I... Well. I work really really hard to get better- and the 'using the forum as like an 'escape for hard work', or somwthing like that'- It IS offensive. It just is. I mean, this is the first time Im experiencing some of this stuff... So yeah, I might not be handling it perfectly as I really... Had/have no experience- but Im trying, and its just- comments like, well, that- they hurt. Because Im really really not trying to be bad or use people or anything like that.

Anyways. Yeah.

Now Im really not sure what to say anymore. Anything, it all sounds like whining even in my ears... And I mean, I just dont see the point. Its really- just going to make me sad.

So I guess Ill just head out of this thread.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Its why I said possible. And no, I didnt try to make it all about me- but I mean- how am I to keep myself out of it if I DO possibly relate/am affected- by this topic.

I just dont understand I guess.

Im not really sure what else to say. I mean, this thread has existed for a while and the only reason I bumped it is because Zeno was asking questions and was sharing stuff on vent and thought that- hey heres a good place if we/he wanted to continue.

But I... Well. I work really really hard to get better- and the 'using the forum as like an 'escape for hard work', or somwthing like that'- It IS offensive. It just is. I mean, this is the first time Im experiencing some of this stuff... So yeah, I might not be handling it perfectly as I really... Had/have no experience- but Im trying, and its just- comments like, well, that- they hurt. Because Im really really not trying to be bad or use people or anything like that.

Anyways. Yeah.

Now Im really not sure what to say anymore. Anything, it all sounds like whining even in my ears... And I mean, I just dont see the point. Its really- just going to make me sad.

So I guess Ill just head out of this thread.

I'm sorry, but your "possibles" and things of that sort that you've been throwing around on the forum lately make it sound like you've already decided what you have going on :shrug:

and of course it's going to come across as using the forum for therapy with the number of threads that you have started on the same few topics over the past couple of months... things that it's a lot better to address in real life than to post on the forum about... that's not proper usage for the forum or its members... this is a community, not a support group. Why do I not talk much about things along the lines of my own mental health on the forum? because it's not anyone here's fault and I don't want to use them that way because that's not why they're here

I'm going to take this down in about 10 minutes, so if you quote it, I'm going to delete it from your quote as well... so please don't quote it



Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=24643]Frosty[/MENTION] you did not answer my question. What medications are you taking?

Adderall, prozac, seroquel. I love the seroquel-its helped me loads. Might just be for the-well as an adjunct to the prozac for stubborn depression but yeah- whatever 'I have' its responded well to the seroquel- therapist even said it doesnt particularly 'matter' what my actual diagnosis is right now- as I am responding well to a generalized treatment.

Anyways. I really really didnt mean to turn this thread all about me- but since you asked theres my answer.


Aug 5, 2010
Frosty relax. They're trying their best to help you without getting too involved. The last thing they want is to give you advice and have it be wrong.

and that made me want to point out another thing. Whatever told me about a possible thing you could have, and that I could be wrong. She has a good point and I don't stand as strongly behind what I told you prior.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Frosty relax. They're trying their best to help you without getting too involved. The last thing they want is to give you advice and have it be wrong.

and that made me want to point out another thing. Whatever told me about a possible thing you could have, and that I could be wrong. She has a good point and I don't stand as strongly behind what I told you prior.

Hm. Well what was it?

And yes, Im potentially overreacting. And I dont wish to do that... But- I dont know, I feel like I am just being accused of all these things... And just treated like... I dunno. I feel like hard is trying to help, but personally I dont feel that from whatever. I feel like whatever is trying to 'win' or 'make a point' or something.

And just- nothing I ever say or do will... Well again, might be me being dramatic.

Anyways. Yeah.