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[Type 1] Enneagram Type 1 Profile


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Posted with permission from Ocean Moonshine

Enneatype One
Type Description

People of Enneatype One are idealists. They are idealists in the sense that they bring to all of their experience an implicit sense of “how things should be.” This sense of an unmet ideal permeates the One’s experience of the world. It is as though they were simultaneously aware of how things are and of how they should be. Since reality as the One perceives it, and the ideal as the One conceives it, very infrequently coincide, Ones experience reality as being essentially flawed and approach it from a standpoint of frustration.

Ones are people of action and therefore tend to deal with their belief in the world’s inherent imperfection with the deep seated conviction that something ought to be done. The flaws should be fixed; the system reformed; the sin expurgated. Some Ones, like Martin Luther or Mahatma Gandhi, are leaders and reformers in the classic sense, but virtually all Ones have a pronounced streak of perfectionism, a perfectionism which is active; it seeks not just to judge but to fix. To be sure, other types can have perfectionistic streaks, but the One’s perfectionism is more than a quirk; it is a central compulsion, and while it may not extend to all areas of the One’s life, it will be very much front and center in those areas upon which the One has chosen to focus. And Ones are people who have a highly developed capacity to focus; they are disciplined people who can attend to their jobs while steadfastly refusing to be drawn into distractions. Ones generally have a fine eye for detail and are typically quite skilled in at least a few key areas. They are people who can commit, who will “follow through;” they are people who will do what they see as their duty. Ones are dedicated, competent and conscientious and they know how to persevere. They are people of principle who can be counted on to do what they say they will do.

Ones are not only aware of the flaws they see embedded in the very structure of reality, but also, by extension, of the flaws they see in others, and more importantly of those they find in themselves. This is naturally not an easy dynamic for the type One individual, or for the intimates in a One’s life, especially as Ones tend to focus their reform efforts on those they love. Ones tend to worry about those they love, and they feel it is their duty to help others achieve the excellence that the One believes them capable of achieving. These reform efforts are a sign of the One’s love, but can, paradoxically, cause others to feel unloved, as though they were simply never quite good enough for the One. For obvious reasons, this can be a particularly difficult dynamic for the children of type One individuals. On the positive side though, Ones are loyal and dedicated. They will sacrifice for those that they love. They will not abandon those who have been placed in their charge.

Of course, as mentioned, Ones are quite hard on themselves also. They tend to feel guilty for not quite measuring up to their own impossible standards, and are frequently somewhat impatient with the many little flaws that are inherent in being human. On the high side, Ones can approach this with a kind of self-deprecatory humor, which gives them perspective and which breaks the tension. Ones know they are sticklers and can sometimes see the humor in it all. On the low side, the One’s frustration at a world which is imperfect, and with themselves for not measuring up, can lead to a stance of anger and resentment against a world so poorly made. For this reason, in the traditional enneagram, anger is considered to be the distinctive passion or “vice” of type One. Oscar Ichazo succinctly defined this anger as a “standing against reality.” When the type One personality is sufficiently unbalanced, it approaches each situation and each individual as being “not good enough.” When the unhealthy One brings a reforming energy to this sentiment, the punitiveness of their superego is turned outward. They can become frankly aggressive, even in extreme cases violent, and they can then readily justify their excess as being necessary, as being “for a good cause.”

The One’s anger usually exists in a quiescent state, but serves as the backdrop to all other emotional states and makes for a generally tense character. Ones tend to feel guilty about their anger. Anger is a “bad emotion” and Ones strive sincerely and wholeheartedly to be “good.” As the One’s superego is already over burdened, awareness of anger is usually vigorously repressed from consciousness. Others may be very much aware of the One’s anger, even as the One vehemently denies its existence through clenched teeth. (Introspection, especially in this regard, does not tend to be the One’s strongest suit.) In order to appease their punitive superegos, Ones generally maintain tight control of their tempers, and usually only allow anger to manifest in one of its less obvious permutations – impatience, frustration, annoyance and judgmental criticality. When anger does break through into an overt expression, others can be impressed by the depth of the One’s self-righteous fury.

Ones are generally serious people who find it difficult to relax and who often needlessly deny themselves many of the harmless pleasures of life. They are generally somewhat emotionally repressed, and, especially if male in our society, tend to see the active expression of emotion as a sign of weakness and a lack of self-control. They are sometimes uncomfortable with their sensuous side. As they generally have strong instincts, Ones don’t always find sexuality to be an area of life that flows smoothly. This is undoubtedly exacerbated by a society that has sent conflicted messages to the One’s superego about sexuality, messages which imply that sex is “dirty.” Ones are susceptible to these sorts of messages and to all messages sent to them about how things “ought to be.” Ones tend to have been good boys and girls: “young adults,” eagle scouts and straight A students.

Ones are “doers.” They are sometimes workaholics, but whether they are career oriented or not, are generally getting things done, whether this involves one of their hobbies or one of their causes. They are usually talented and have multiple interests, but often simply feel that relaxation is a manifestation of idleness and hence an indulgence which shouldn’t be allowed.

Ones are sincere. They seldom consciously adopt a social role and are uncomfortable with posturing or self-promotion. Although they are generally practical people involved in the world, they often have an endearing naivete when it comes to those who are less principled and more duplicitous than themselves. They tend to be authentic. What you see is what you get, which does not imply at all that the One is superficial, but rather that the One is honest and not skilled in the arts of deception. Ones often command respect from others, even if it is only grudging. Ones may be exacting, but they don’t ask from others what they would be unwilling to do themselves, and others generally recognize this and respond favorably.

Integrity is a rare quality, but Ones more than all other Enneatypes strive to embody it, and often enough manage to achieve it, even if it is in their own flawed way. “Integrity” in its root meaning refers to a type of internal unity. (The word “integer” – the word which denotes a “unit” reflects this ancient meaning.)Ones, unless they are quite unhealthy, are not hypocrites; they do not wish to be at war with their own sense of what is right and wrong. They will act on what they see to be correct; when they integrate the emotional energy that they so often repress, their intellectual vision is tempered with compassion and they cease to judge. Appropriate compassion clarifies their vision; when they feel with sensitivity, they see with precision.

When healthy, Ones are the most noble of all Enneatypes. Their perfectionism becomes coupled with kindness and a gentleness of spirit. Their judgment is tempered by mercy. There is even a regal quality to the healthy One.

Ones with a Two wing tend to be warmer and more emotionally expressive than those with a Nine wing. They are more extroverted and somewhat less self-restrained. They can frequently be found in the helping professions. A dominant Nine wing often manifests in the need to withdraw under stress and as an ability to merge with chosen activities. Ones with the Nine wing frequently love nature, as they find there the perfection they so deeply admire. It is not without reason that Henry David Thoreau is frequently typed as a One with Nine.

Type Exemplars

It is not uncommon for Ones to be intellectual. Biographies of the great German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, indicate that he was very likely an Enneatype One. Plato, and the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, likewise seem to have been Ones; certainly their philosophies manifest type One concerns.

Not all type One philosophers were careful thinkers however: consider Ayn Rand.

As indicated earlier, many reformers are Ones. In addition to those already cited, Joan of Arc comes to mind, and on the scene more recently, Ralph Nader who organized a team of young idealists who were appropriately termed “Crusaders.” While some reformers buck the system, many, such as John Paul II, are conservative. Some are even reactionary; Osama bin Laden is a chilling such example. Or consider, for that matter, St. Paul, whom Nietzsche accused of harboring ressentiment.

Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author of Civil Disobedience which would later influence Gandhi, was a One, as was Gandhi himself.

Authors include Flannery O’Connor, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Johnson and Noam Chomsky.

It is not uncommon for Ones to be drawn to politics – Al Gore, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis and Hillary Clinton are obvious examples, but not all Ones are so wooden. Rudi Giuliani is a good example of a more passionate type One politician.

Some actors are Ones: Henry Fonda, Emma Thompson, Diane Lane are Ones, as was Gregory Peck and Peck’s fictional Atticus Finch fromTo Kill a Mockingbird. And musicians as diverse as J.S. Bach and George Harrison.

The famous journalist, Edward R. Murrow was a One. There is still a small plaque in the lobby of CBS headquarters in New York City which contains the image of Murrow and the inscription: “He set standards of excellence that remain unsurpassed.” Also consider the recently deceased William F. Buckley Jr.

On the broadcasting scene more recently, the very opinionated Keith Olbermann. Also, the thoughtful Fareed Zakaria.

Also, the attorney for the prosecution: Patrick Fitzgerald, a clear type One.

Other fictional examples of type One include Mr. Spock, who is sometimes mistaken for a Five, Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor, Aragorn, from the Tolkien trilogy, and King Peter from the Narnia chronicles, whose creator, C.S. Lewis was also a One. And, Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy describes his character in these terms:”I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding, certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of other so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself. My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them. My temper would perhaps be called resentful. My good opinion once lost, is lost forever…There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome.”

And as we are on the discussion of fictional examples, a good case could also be made for typing “God the Father” as a One.

Some Ones make good caricatures of themselves. Martha Stewart comes to mind, as does “Miss Manners” and the “Church Lady.”

Possible Mistypes

Ones can mistake themselves for Twos, especially when female, and when the wing is strong, but Ones are much more concerned with abstract principles than Twos, who are more feeling oriented, emotionally expressive and concerned with people than are Ones.

It is not likely for a One to mistype as a Three although the converse does occur. Both types attempt to embody an ideal and Threes can sometimes seem “perfect,” according to the prevailing value system. But, unlike Threes, Ones are frequently unaware of their image; it is often one of their blind spots.

The relentless pursuit of perfection can take its toll and lead to depression. At such times a One can mistype as a Four. But Fours have a tendency towards self-indulgence when unhappy, whereas Ones are self-denying. Fours are comfortable feeling deep emotions; Ones are decidedly not. Too messy.

Ones are often intelligent, independent and emotionally detached and can easily mistype themselves, or be mistyped by others, as examples of Enneatype Five, but however intelligent they are, Ones are primarily people of action, not thought, and they are far more comfortable adopting a leadership role than is the more withdrawn and reclusive Five. Even the most intellectual of type Ones – consider Plato in this regard – want to leave a tangible mark. Plato created the academy which survived for the better part of a millennium.

Ones tend to worry and can sometimes mistype as Sixes, although the converse is probably more common. But Ones are far less self-doubting than Sixes; unlike Sixes, they are quite sure that they are right. This certainty makes Ones decisive, whereas Sixes are generally ambivalent. In addition, Ones are less affiliative than most Sixes and their decisions are not likely to be reached by seeking group consensus.

Ones do not mistake themselves for Sevens, although Sevens might well find that they themselves have a perfectionistic streak. Sevens tend to have problems with immaturity however, and Ones are very much the adult. Ones are frugal, sometimes to a fault; Sevens tend to be spendthrifts. Ones have a hard time having fun; Sevens usually find a way to enjoy themselves, even in the midst of hardship.

Ones can be quite dominating, like enneatype Eight, but Ones dominate in service to an ideal and lack the Eight’s expansiveness. Eights are more visceral than Ones; Ones generally have a more cerebral orientation than do Eights. Ones tend to consider themselves to be morally superior to their opponents; Eights to consider themselves to be more powerful. Ones are more prissy that Eights; Eights more tactless and crude than Ones.

Finally, if the wing is especially strong, Ones and Nines might crosstype, but Ones are far more judgmental and have a much harder time relaxing than Enneatype Nines, who are generally far more “laid back.” Ones seldom have a hard time expressing their opinions or making their requirements known, whereas Nines frequently struggle with self-assertion.
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Jan 25, 2014
Aside from a few things that don't fit (which is totally normal) this is spot on. One of the best descriptions of a type 1 I have read, actually. This is excellent.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I can identify with a lot of that general description, especially of internalizing frustration & being overly self critical.
I agree this is an excellent description of type-1.


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
Very nice description. Reminds me of an ISxJ friend I've had since childhood, in the past I used to consider him a bit too stuck-up, but now I appreciate that he's always upheld his promises and he's someone you can always count on.

Indigo Rodent

Active member
Apr 4, 2019
I can identify with some of the stuff, especially "People of Enneatype One are idealists. They are idealists in the sense that they bring to all of their experience an implicit sense of “how things should be.” This sense of an unmet ideal permeates the One’s experience of the world. It is as though they were simultaneously aware of how things are and of how they should be. Since reality as the One perceives it, and the ideal as the One conceives it, very infrequently coincide, Ones experience reality as being essentially flawed and approach it from a standpoint of frustration."

But lots of stuff seems to be focused on judging thinkers:
"Ones are people of action and therefore tend to deal with their belief in the world’s inherent imperfection with the deep seated conviction that something ought to be done. The flaws should be fixed; the system reformed; the sin expurgated. Some Ones, like Martin Luther or Mahatma Gandhi, are leaders and reformers in the classic sense, but virtually all Ones have a pronounced streak of perfectionism, a perfectionism which is active; it seeks not just to judge but to fix. To be sure, other types can have perfectionistic streaks, but the One’s perfectionism is more than a quirk; it is a central compulsion, and while it may not extend to all areas of the One’s life, it will be very much front and center in those areas upon which the One has chosen to focus. And Ones are people who have a highly developed capacity to focus; they are disciplined people who can attend to their jobs while steadfastly refusing to be drawn into distractions. Ones generally have a fine eye for detail and are typically quite skilled in at least a few key areas. They are people who can commit, who will “follow through;” they are people who will do what they see as their duty. Ones are dedicated, competent and conscientious and they know how to persevere. They are people of principle who can be counted on to do what they say they will do."


May 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm perfectionistic and I do have anger streaks, and totaly relate to the enneagram 4 disintegration, but I dont relate to workaholism and stuff, I thought it was mostly an enneagram 3 and 6 trait.


Apr 14, 2020
Instinctual Variant
i think one is one of the types i least relate to


Dec 9, 2008
I was listening to a podcast where the guest said 1s “have a constant little voice in their heads that critiques and/or second guesses everything they do” and that stayed with me. I thought everyone had that.

I’ve always tested as a 5 but the 1 profile has become more relatable.