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Career/major choice and type


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
How similar are you job/work preferences to your MBTI type

I just took a strengths assessment while filling out a job application and realized "dang, my work preferences are ISTJ as hell"

- fairness and honesty oriented
- routine oriented
- need to to adjust to changes
- serious and businesslike
- work at work, play at play. I HATE mixing work and play
- I am a useless blob without a schedule, but can produce like a mad man with a schedule
- care about doing a good job, but definitely not an over achiever
- relatively formal and distant. I am not their to socialize
- I don't care much about "team spirit" it doesn't matter to me at all. whether my work atmosphere is like a family or people screaming and cursing across cubicals at each other
- I cannot multitask to save my life. my style of work ethic is about as EXXP as Ebeneezer Schrooge
- I am usually pretty introverted at work. nothing like my normal, polarizing, charismatic ENFP self :cool:
- I have a hard time functioning productively when my routine is thrown off

how about you? are your work preferences similar to your type


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Well, I work as an assistant office clerk at a real estate agency.
-I have to pick up the phone while my boss talking an earful to me sometimes. (I hate talking on the phone and do not know sometimes what the people want on the job when they call because. I have a short term memory when one person is asking for another.)
-I work on the computer typing in data for new homes
-I go on a homesource website and will make an ad for the real estate channel ads on TV. (I guess it's pretty N of me. Funny thing the lady training me mentioned it's pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it.)
-I kinda do a graphic design work when the real estate agents need flyers for open house. (I wanted to get a graphic design masters degree to be an illustrator of some sort, I guess that's kind of what I'm doing)
-Filing homes in status (I'm okay with that. I'll organize people's stuff but my home is sometimes a mess)
-It's a pretty chill environment. I work along someone who is an IXFX office clerk and she likes to talk on the phone. She's like a grandmother to me. She's sweet.
-Funny thing is my boss sings my praises because she hardly can work a computer as well as some of the others. I think she's either an ENFJ or an ESFJ. I'm leaning a little to the N.
-I get along with the agents. I live in the South and we are very nice, hospitable people even in a cut throat, pushy job like that, which I understand because their survival is up to them selling homes.
-It's part-time, which I like.
-My boss loves art and she did photography courses. So, we have something in common to get along (even if she's pushy and a little neat). I went to her home and I was dumbfounded to find an authentic Clementine Hunter painting hanging on her wall among other paintings of artists I'm not familiar with. (I don't like folk art, but that just threw me for a loop to see that)
-Flexible hours. XD
-I can dress casually everyday except on business meetings.
-Business is pretty slow at the moment, so it's quiet.
-What I'm dumbfounded about is when I was beating myself up about learning information, the people around me training me didn't yell at me, which is very odd.
If I had to give a grade on my job about if it fits my personality, I would say, by one point off, a B-.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I have a definate T bias when I'm at work. Beyond that I'm not sure if my preferences would point to a specific type or not.

I've tried letting my NF side show a few times at previous jobs, but I generaly get very strange looks when I do and that makes me uncomfortable (bringin up topics like compassion and empathy when people see you as cold and detached tends to confuse a lot of people)

In a work environment, I'm very serious.

I don't mind a bit of socializing, but it really bothers me when someone wants to interupt my work to do it - it always makes the work environment a lot more pleasant if there are other geeks to chat with on lunch break.

I just want to know what is expected of me and have the freedom to do it however I see fit. I'm very much results oriented when working - it really bothers me to be told "this is how it has to be done", but if you tell me "this is what I want accomplished" then I can usually find a way to make it so.

I do find having a routine to be agood thing, but I'm still on the lookout for ways it can be tweaked and improved.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
If I had my way I'd be a performer of some sort, which is kind of the opposite of INTP. I'm actively pursuing this; I am halfway through an aerial silks class, and have other skills.

But I'm also a philosopher, focusing on taking everything apart and organizing underlying principles into systems, and improving/reinventing/refining systems which already exist. Very INTP imo.

Right now I'm working as a server and it's really not natural. Being a hostess was easy, but somehow this is a lot harder. In some ways I have really good Se, Fe, and Te- and in other ways I really suck at them.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I am surprised this thread has not generated more replies. I would be curious to hear especially from people working in careers that are uncommon for their type. I am an experimental physicist, so the fit is generally good, though I have plenty of STJ and SFJ management/"support" people to deal with, which can be trying at times. I like that I can work for hours on my own, but still am part of a team that is very good about helping each other out and mentoring the new people.


Travelling mind
Jan 15, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hmmm... political scientist, sociologist, anthropologist, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, neuropsychologist. I work well as a mental analyst. Seems I branched into a field not as cut out for me as imagined but of course, tis only a test.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Well id love to tell you...IF I HAD A FUCKING JOB AND A FUTURE! Ahem...anyhow so far ive done a series of mind eating jobs involving physical activity and often a lot of bullshit red tape.

I can safely say that this is not for me and never will be. Unfortunately given my age and lack of experience I am now past the point in time where I can afford to probe jobs to see what IS most suited for me. Instead I find myself in the enjoyable position of having to go for anything because it is better than nothing, but then checking my own preferences and deciding that anything is not what I want.

So I create a nice circle for myself to run in.

But yeah if I go by my last jobs, they definitely werent for me, although im not sure if you can work out an MBTI type based on what a person does not do well at or feel energised by. Most likely though the job im suited for by skills and the job market.....will be something like a cleaner at Mcdonalds.

I find that my few consistant traits are:

*An obsessive need to do a good job. Sometimes to the point that I take on way too much work because im trying to prove I can do a good job, either to others or, (usually), to myself.

*An also obsessive need to GET.....STUFF....DONE.....RIGHT....NOW. I hate leaving shit unfinished. Im sterotypically a hardcore J in that sense. I get incredibly frustrated when im unable to complete my workload.

But this might have something to do with the fact that all the jobs ive done are the kind where, if you dont finish that day's load, tommorrow's is going to be twice as hard and then it results in a knock-on effect which ends up with the entire thing crashing down on my head.


Take this for what it is.

The way I work is this... I like having autonomy and freedom to do what I want to do--which involves keeping my own schedule, counsel, and projects. Pretty much everything else follows from that:
  • I'd be hypocritical if I also didn't accept the responsibility that comes with the freedom. So, I do that.
  • That freedom/responsibility involves somewhat 'entrepreneurial' work--not necessarily in starting up businesses, though, since people can absolutely trap themselves in those.
  • I'll develop the tools to do whatever it is that I need to do--I'll keep a calendar, schedule, "to-do" list, etc.
  • "Doing what I want" isn't necessarily selfish. I like helping other people along the way, especially those who were where I was years ago and are driven/capable.
  • 8-5 is a prison. When people ask me what 'shift' I work, I reply with a bemused stare.
  • I mix work and play all the time, unless something's absolutely urgent. I try to do things effectively enough--or far enough in advance--that I don't have a bunch of fires to put out at any given moment.
  • If I do One Big Thing a day, I feel accomplished enough.
Yeah, that's all ideal. Sometimes, I'm there; sometimes, I'm not. Over time, I've been there more and more.

The domain that I work in (and am most interested in) is human cognition/behavior, decision science, interpersonal dynamics, etc. Working with people inside and out is pretty cool.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't think my job is what's typically listed out for INFJ people, but I think it's a job that actually does utilize a lot of my strengths, even if there are many elements of it that aren't 'ideal' for me and that require me to play more of an extroverted role than I'd naturally prefer. Also, I'm not passionate about the industry I am in.

I'm a Business Analyst, writing systems requirements in the financial industry.

So, I spend my days in meetings, working with many personality types and stakeholders. Running meetings (the 'blech' part), and trying to nail down requirements.

I find that I am able to work with people such that people actually don't mind working with me... i.e. I can work with many types and I am not 'offended' by the variety of communication-modes and reactions/behaviors people have in meetings. I can also work well with people that other people tend to have issues with (I know that this is going to go against what's 'supposed' to be the case according to mbti theory and what's said on this forum, but two of the people I work with who most people bump heads with in a major way, and get on the wrong foot with and can't ever get back on the right track, are two higher-positioned TJ women.. and I've managed to work well with them)

The other aspects of my job that fall into my strength set are the analytical component, and being able to tie together more complex processes, and then finally just my being able to naturally stay on top of things and account for everything that's on my plate...I'm very results oriented and want to get stuff done!! Finally, being able to write decently and comprehend what IT is saying. ;)


New member
Jun 21, 2008
You wouldn't readily associate the titles I hold with an INTP, but there are unspoken aspects of the job that mesh very nicely with my lazybutt lifestyle.

Like sitting for hours behind a desk without doing anything.

Actually, it's miserable, but the point is I'm more okay with being alone and having nothing to do than most people. Also, I am exceptionally patient, so I can hold down my sanity longer than others could in the same situation. Or maybe I'm more insane, so it doesn't bother me as much. I don't know.

The archetypically non-INTP stuff I do is sit behind a counter, smile, occasionally unlock doors, and tell people where the admissions office is. A baboon could do it, but I hold pride in my job, and it pisses me off when people try and dig at it's credibility.

A job's a job, god damnit. I'm happy/lucky to even have one. >=(


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Dropout, thief, lazy hermit, athlete, technician, musician...

Everything seems to be in order.

Only thing missing is fighter pilot.. I wish.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
My work preferences are both similar and dissimilar to my type.

My job is a librarian at a public library. I specialize in reference questions. It matches with my preferences in some ways and not so well in others.

The obvious match is in the intellectual stimulation. I learn a ton of new things each day and I like using my intellectual ability to do something useful. Reference questions are a type of problem solving. Sometimes you have to read between the lines- the person isn't always able to express well what it really is they're looking for. There are alot of new technologies to learn. Most of my colleagues don't like having to learn all that stuff but I find it exciting.

Like other INTPs, I'm not the most sociable person although I'm basically easy to work and get along with. I prefer to work quietly, mostly alone and don't have much need to socialize. I haven't really gotten to know my colleagues on a personal level and I don't really care to even though most of them are basically nice people. I'm there to do my job not to socialize. In my job, I don't have to socialize that much with colleagues but I do have to be nice and friendly to the customers I serve. Most of the time this is no problem. I enjoy helping other people- I think its one way to improve my Fe skills but I can never quite accept the "customer is always right." We have the occasional person who is just plain rude and unreasonable. Those people are always stressful to deal with and it's very difficult to bite my tongue and resist lashing back at them. Trying to reason with such people fails.

Also, I need harmony to work most effectively, which is typically more associated with F types. A very rude customer can put me in a foul mood for hours afterwards and although I can do my work afterwards, I find that my ruminating over some past interaction affects the interaction with my current customer.

I think I might be little more SJ like at work than at home but that could be said for many people. I need to clearly know what's expected of me and how I'll be evaluated. I hate having unpleasant surprises sprung at me during performance evaluation time. I need to know the overall purpose and big picture, which is more N but I also tend to press for alot of specifics, like when something will be due and when you say that we need to cut spending, by what percentage do you have in mind?

I don't need specifics in everything though. If anything, I can't stand to be micromanaged and the worst is when a supervisor constantly breathes down your shoulder. Basically, I want clear-cut goals but I want to be flexible about the way in which I go about accomplishing it.


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
Take this for what it is.

The way I work is this... I like having autonomy and freedom to do what I want to do--which involves keeping my own schedule, counsel, and projects. Pretty much everything else follows from that:
  • I'd be hypocritical if I also didn't accept the responsibility that comes with the freedom. So, I do that.
  • That freedom/responsibility involves somewhat 'entrepreneurial' work--not necessarily in starting up businesses, though, since people can absolutely trap themselves in those.
  • I'll develop the tools to do whatever it is that I need to do--I'll keep a calendar, schedule, "to-do" list, etc.
  • "Doing what I want" isn't necessarily selfish. I like helping other people along the way, especially those who were where I was years ago and are driven/capable.
  • 8-5 is a prison. When people ask me what 'shift' I work, I reply with a bemused stare.
  • I mix work and play all the time, unless something's absolutely urgent. I try to do things effectively enough--or far enough in advance--that I don't have a bunch of fires to put out at any given moment.
  • If I do One Big Thing a day, I feel accomplished enough.
Yeah, that's all ideal. Sometimes, I'm there; sometimes, I'm not. Over time, I've been there more and more.

Good list, I'm mostly like that aswell (except the calendar - todo list, that's boring)


I'm recent to my new job,

I'm ENTP, and I am my own boss.

The two are relevant, I'd guess.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I am quite TJ at work. Managing, as of the moment. It suits my preferences surprisingly well.


Active member
May 23, 2009
INFP: Children's books/toys.

This works pretty well with my type, except the kids get pretty rambunctious, and I have difficulty keeping things clean and organized even in the best situations, let alone in a toddler hurricane. But I read a lot, make pretty displays, and get to help people :)


Aug 29, 2012
Mine were pretty reflective.

I worked as an adjunct instructor at the university for a human anatomy course. It allowed me to have flexibility and not be on a really tight schedule. I loathe working 8 hour days straight and this was perfect for me. I got to utilize my Fe in the classroom by encouraging students to participate more in class, not to be afraid of asking questions, always being open to unclear teaching (damn Ni), always held extra office hours and even went outside of school to tutor at a starbucks. Anatomy at the university was a 68% fail rate and it was nice to see that number of students failing dropped in the three semesters I taught there by over 20% without compromising the difficulty of the material. My Fe was satisfied mainly because I placed my personal success in the academic success of the students.

In the time I was not at the university, I was working at a nursing home in the physical therapy department. Some of the most rewarding times in the health care field is watching a patient come in completely distraught and depressed about their acute accidental condition (IE: an elderly person with complete mobility falling and breaking their hip), work in therapy for 8 weeks and leave walking out the door happier than ever with a great appreciate for freedom from a wheelchair. Being a part of that process of encouraging them on a daily basis, engaging them and hearing their life stories made all of my time there worth it.

All in all, my jobs correlate to my MBTI type.


New member
Jul 13, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I dunno, but I've always been told that I'd be a good lawyer or that I have a lawyer personality.



I dont know but here are my work preferences

Fairness in the workplace is a must. People must be held to account for what they do and what they produce in the workplace.
Routines I do well with as long as I can organise my work within the schedule to my liking.
I hate last minute change but I'm briliant at dealing with it.
I love to work with sytems that have defined outcomes, deadlines and measurable results. I hate working in systems which are all about nebulous feel-good outcomes where everyone gets a gold star for participating.
I am pretty social in my work and do like socialising on the job as long as the results if real work don't suffer.
If there are rules just goddamn follow them. No need to set up a committee to discuss the rules and whether or not they are supportive of us as individuals blah, blah, blah...
Consistencyis what I value. Who gives a shit if someone performed outstandingly for 5 secs once per year. Give the fucking awards to those who consistently produce work of a certain standard.
Lets get it done, and sooner rather than later. In fact look, I've already done it.
I'm an awesome multitasker.

I've got my dream job at the moment because it allows me to reserve my creativity for personal purposes. It's piss easy to do and having set defined outcomes everyday which I can trounce all over in my sleep is nice. In short, it requires very little of me and I get paid lots.


right now, the only corrolation is that i am an ENTP and am giving myself a shot as an independent contractor.

when i end my studies, i will hopefully also be an ENTP at one of the strongest fastest growing new frontiers of computer science applications to mold and shape our lives, in an industry focused on high risks and multiply small investments, demanding ingenuity and market intuition with a constantly revolving door of small scale projects - mobile app development, its for the ENTP inside all of us.

seriously someone add that to the career recommendations...