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What is *really* my type ? :/

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hi-ya guys !!! :D

I am pretty unsure what is my type : I narrowed it down to four types I usually get in the MBTI tests I take on the internet and these are ENFP, ESFP, ENTP and ESTP.

I am like a 100% sure I am an Extrovert. Being around people energizes me. I used to be kinda shy back in high school but I guess it was mostly due to teenage angst and stuff. I totally live to be in the spotlight. I also like to have an hour alone to listen to music once in a while but whenever I am more than two hours alone, I get bored and sad and lonely. I love to talk, sometimes even more than I listen. And I absolutely LOVE to make others people laugh :)

I am quite unsure wherever I am more Intuitive or Sensing on the other hand. I have a VERY bad impulse control (I am not sure if that makes me an intuitive however). I love to improvise. And I am quite happy to follow my gut instinct instead of making long plans. But I also like to make plans, to think my college essay for example quite thoroughly and I can also be reasonable if I need to be. So I have no idea what that makes me LOL.

If I am a Thinker or a Feeler is also hard for me to decide. I love to be loved so I am really nice and helpful with people, I try to make them happy but a part of me knows I am doing that so they will help me in the future or so they will care for me and not stop loving me so I guess this is pretty despicable. BUT I also am extremely emotionnal and romantic and extreme, I can cry easily because of movies and TV Shows and if someone hurts my feelings I get easily pretty distressed. But I also hate to admit my feelings, I absolutely loathe looking weak or appearing vulnerable even in front of my friends or family members that I have known for years and who knows me inside out. I can be pretty logical when the situation is needed and make extremely rationnals emotions but on the other hand, I can also easily be blinded by my emotions and make rash judgements or decisions that puts me into trouble. So yeah, this is a hard one for me. I also love my loved ones and I would take with no hesitation a bullet for them to keep them safe. I also want them to be happy even if it makes me unhappy in the end. And people usually say I have a good heart. So, no idea about this one. Oh and yes, I can sometimes make pretty insensitive or hurtful jokes but I end up feeling miserably guilty after if it hurts my friends/family. I also make a LOT of lies, sometimes not to hurt the others so I guess this does not make me too disagreeable but I kind of have trouble admitting if I did wrong things.

I think I am a Perceiver. I am quite disorganized, I am always late and I love adventure. I don't like to make decisions. I want to be able to change my mind. I love to take risks. I don't mind if a friend changes our plans at the last minute.

So...what do you think ? Since I am always very enthusiastic and communicative about my feelings and I still care a lot about my friends I would tend to say more ENFP and ESFP but when I read the ENTP or ESTP page, it makes rather good sense for me if I was one of these types as, even if I act caring, I sometimes feel devoid of any empathy :/

Thanks for your help :D :D :D


Cyber Strider
Jan 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
First of all, welcome to the forums! Secondly, I recommend filling out one of the questionnaires here: http://www.typologycentral.com/forums/what-s-my-type-/72050-questionnaire-compilation-thread.html. You'll get more responses using them.

We generally don't type people using the dichotomies, as they don't always accurately reflect a person's inner psyche. They also tend to be misconstrued rather easily, and therefore unreliable. For example, impulse control and preferring one's gut instict to long term plans are not really related to intuition or sensing.

Along with that, it's a common misconception that the feeling/thinking dichotomy determines whether you're a hopeless romantic or an emotionless robot - every person has feelings, and everybody regulates them somewhat.

Instead, we use a system that breaks up our cognition into multiple, interconnected components (AKA cognitive functions, which you'll hear a lot about during your stay here). We find this provides a more holistic view of people's personalities, and cuts down on misunderstandings.

For example, you appear to demonstrate Fe in your description of yourself, or extraverted feeling. This 'cognitive function' is focused on promoting harmony. Quote: "I also want them to be happy even if it makes me unhappy in the end.", demonstrative of the collective wellbeing characteristic to Fe.

From the four types you narrowed things down to, this would suggest ESTP or ENTP (conversely, ENFPs and ESFPs have introverted feeling, but that's another story). There are other types which have this function as well, at a higher priority, such as ESFJ and ENFJ.

If you'd like to learn more about this way of typing, I recommend reading up about the 16 types through the lens of their four cognitive functions, starting at our very own wiki over here: Typology Central Wiki Main Page - Typology Wiki. Who knows? You might discover something new.

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
First of all, welcome to the forums! Secondly, I recommend filling out one of the questionnaires here: Questionnaire Compilation Thread. You'll get more responses using them.

We generally don't type people using the dichotomies, as they don't always accurately reflect a person's inner psyche. They also tend to be misconstrued rather easily, and therefore unreliable. For example, impulse control and preferring one's gut instict to long term plans are not really related to intuition or sensing.

Along with that, it's a common misconception that the feeling/thinking dichotomy determines whether you're a hopeless romantic or an emotionless robot - every person has feelings, and everybody regulates them somewhat.

Instead, we use a system that breaks up our cognition into multiple, interconnected components (AKA cognitive functions, which you'll hear a lot about during your stay here). We find this provides a more holistic view of people's personalities, and cuts down on misunderstandings.

For example, you appear to demonstrate Fe in your description of yourself, or extraverted feeling (Fe). This 'cognitive function' is focused on promoting harmony. Quote: "I also want them to be happy even if it makes me unhappy in the end.", demonstrative of the collective wellbeing characteristic to Fe.

From the four types you narrowed things down to, this would suggest ESTP or ENTP (conversely, ENFPs and ESFPs have introverted feeling, but that's another story). There are other types which have this function as well, at a higher priority, such as ESFJ and ENFJ.

If you'd like to learn more about this way of typing, I recommend reading up about the 16 types through the lens of their four cognitive functions, starting at our very own wiki over here: Typology Central Wiki Main Page - Typology Wiki. Who knows? You might discover something new.

Thanks, I was just thinking about writing a message to introduce myself in the forums, I'm sure I'll have fun here :)

Also, thanks a lot for your answer, it really helps me as I am not sure what I am and, yeah, I guess I tend to think with stereotypes (at first, being an ESTP or an ENTP even disappointed me as I was like I am not that insensitive ahah). I am going to fill out the questionnaire you have given me :D

And I'll look at the Wiki too, maybe it will help me, it is true that I kinda recognized myself in the ESTP description but then again I was not too sure^^


Talk to me.
May 14, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Don't type yourself based on descriptions. MBTI isn't a combination of letters, it's a combination of functions. Learn more about your functions and what you prefer before anything else. Answering a questionnaire on the thread Korv recommended would be good too! After all, we can't type you based on behavior alone.

Oh and welcome to the forum!

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Oh thanks A LOT for your answer and the welcome Merced !!! :D Yeah, I guess I might have based myself top much on the MBTI letters Characteristics and now I was getting a bit lost among them ahah:blush: I am actually starting to fill out one of the questionnaire, if you agree to, I think I might post it here after so you could give me some piece of advice ! ;)

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hey guys !!! :) I have tried to do one of the questionnaire Korvinagor recommanded and I have started another one, maybe I will post it too after this one. Hope it will help :D

What is your MBTI and Enneagram Type?

I am not sure as I explained it I think I am either an ENFP, an ESFP, an ESTP or an ENTP. For my Enneagram Type, I did the test a few times and I either got the Type 3, the Type 6 and the Type 9.

What got you interested in Personality Type?

I was doing rather "simpler" tests on Buzzfeed and Playbuzz and there was suggested a Myers-Briggs test and I got interested in it.

What kind of work do you do for a living?

I am a student right now so I am not really working.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Wow, this is hard as I haven't done many great things yet, I think maybe saving my dog's life a few years ago ? I am sure ten years from now I will say finding the love of myself, having a great job or my kids. But I am not exactly there yet.

What would constitute a perfect day for you?

First, having a great sunny but not too hot weather. Then, go to a museum, eat lunch at one of my favorite places or in a park then go buy clothes and eat in a beautiful restaurant or to a rooftop party or go home and watch a movie or a TV Show.

What are you most grateful for in your life?

For having a great family who always helped and loved me even if I did not often deserved it and for having the luck to study the major that I loved instead of having to work right after high school or study a major that would have been more serious but that I would not have liked and I am also quite thankful for having a 20/20 vision and good health.

Is there something that you've dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

Yes, I want to go to an acting school/casting and get my driver license. I haven't done the first as I did not had much time or I got discouraged with the schools or casting I had found. I haven't done the second as I missed the money.

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

Be able to have a more active social life (homeschooled kid, here !)

Share an embarrassing moment in your life.

I cheated for a test in college back in freshman year and the teacher noticed it and threw me out of the class.

Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?

No, I don't think so, I usually am pretty sure of myself.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

Wow, if this would be a magic ability, it would be flying or read minds but if it is a more rationnal ability I guess it would be the ability to learn languages fluently more easily.

What do you value most in a friendship?

Loyalty, trust and having a lot of fun together.

What is your most treasured memory?

I have many but I have a fond memory for the day I celebrated my high school graduation.

What roles do love and affection play in your life?

I suppose both play a big role as I really need to feel loved and I also need to make my loved ones feel loved and secure.

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

I guess my loved ones and my pets would be what would matter the most and the rest does not seem this important in comparison but if I could save one thing I guess *maybe* it would be my khaki bomber jacket I bought when I was 17 which is my very favorite piece of clothes as I went through a lot with it. Or my iPad because I have got my whole life on it lol.

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

My family, my BFF, Robert Downey Jr. (he seems like a lot of fun) and all the cast from White Collar. I know, that is a lot. But I get easily bored if I don't have a crowd around me ahah :party2:

If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?

Get in a car and drive all the way to New York while listening to Billy Joel's "New York State Of Mind" or go to a rooftop party in Rome and take a glass of Bellini while watching the sunset over Saint Peter's.

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

I would go to fancy places, drink champagne and get myself (I would say buy but if money is no object) master paintings and expensive clothes. Just that, I've got simple tastes.

Who is your favorite author?

William Faulkner

What is your favorite book?

As I Lay Dying, I guess, because I find it *very* challenging but really powerful.

What has been your biggest challenge?

I have to say three of them (I don't you know if you already noticed it but I am very indecisive), I would say keeping a smile during hard times, staying within the rules and not following my impulse.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

I used to say I would go back to 1889 to stop Van Gogh from commiting suicide :D But I guess I would otherwise choose the 1950's or the 1960's or maybe the 1980's. Or maybe my recent past so I could change things I have done I am not proud of like hurting close friends.

What does your life say about you?

I'm easygoing, nice, I love taking risks, I love buying gifts and I am bright but I am not very serious.

How would your friends describe you?

Fun, clever, confident but always polite and making sure no one's get upset


Cyber Strider
Jan 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Firstly, thanks for submitting a questionnaire! I'm sure it'll make things much easier in future.

Hrm. Looking at this, I'm leaning towards ESFP. You seem very experential in your answers, such as your description of the perfect day. This suggests dominant extraverted sensing (Se), characteristic of both ESFPs and ESTPs. There seems to be more Fi in your answers than Ti? It's sort of hard to describe.

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Firstly, thanks for submitting a questionnaire! I'm sure it'll make things much easier in future.

Hrm. Looking at this, I'm leaning towards ESFP. You seem very experential in your answers, such as your description of the perfect day. This suggests dominant extraverted sensing (Se), characteristic of both ESFPs and ESTPs. There seems to be more Fi in your answers than Ti? It's sort of hard to describe.

You're welcome, I actually started doing another questionnaire - maybe if I finish it, I will post it too :) Thank YOU a lot for helping :hi: That sounds cool, I read somewhere both ESFP and ESTP had an artistic vibe so it suits me pretty well :D Ahah I know, sometimes I am like "I am much too emotionnal to be a Ti" but then at other moments, I can really hide my feelings and act more logically^^


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
ENTP with strong Fe.

Korvianagor said:
Secondly, I recommend filling out one of the questionnaires here:

Go away, Korv! I find it much easier to type by free response descriptions like the OP, than questionnaire's, which involves the participant stopping and starting, thus fracturing their response.

But that's just me.

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
ENTP with strong Fe.

Go away, Korv! I find it much easier to type by free response descriptions like the OP, than questionnaire's, which involves the participant stopping and starting, thus fracturing their response.

But that's just me.

Thanks a lot for your help, Legion :)

Being an ENTP actually suits me well too ahah (plus, it's Tony Stark's type LOL) :D

For the questionnaire, I dunno, I guess it depends - some people might find it more easier to type a person with it and others not ;)


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Thanks a lot for your help, Legion :)

Being an ENTP actually suits me well too ahah (plus, it's Tony Stark's type LOL) :D

For the questionnaire, I dunno, I guess it depends - some people might find it more easier to type a person with it and others not ;)

Yeah I know some do, hence why it is the typical format around here. I have my own methods, though.

I read the questionnaire you made, and there was strong Si as well as Fe. So your confusion over the middle letters may be that you make decent use of the weaker functions.

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Yeah I know some do, hence why it is the typical format around here. I have my own methods, though.

I read the questionnaire you made, and there was strong Si as well as Fe. So your confusion over the middle letters may be that you make decent use of the weaker functions.

Yeah, personally I am really impressed with you guys because I tried to type persons on the forums (with or without questionnaire) and I find it really difficult ! And yes, that is totally possible, it's funny how I am like 100% sure I am an Extrovert and a Perceiver but yeah, the middle letters are really hard to define :rly???: I could actually totally see that I am an ENTP with a good emotionnal response and also a Sensor side ;) Or an ESFP who can be more cold-headed and logical if needed and intuitive at moments :D


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Yeah, personally I am really impressed with you guys because I tried to type persons on the forums (with or without questionnaire) and I find it really difficult ! And yes, that is totally possible, it's funny how I am like 100% sure I am an Extrovert and a Perceiver but yeah, the middle letters are really hard to define :rly???: I could actually totally see that I am an ENTP with a good emotionnal response and also a Sensor side ;) Or an ESFP who can be more cold-headed and logical if needed and intuitive at moments :D

I only got good at it recently because I stumbled upon a very effective method. Basically, what I do is try and identify function order - i.e. I try to map the starting section of a post to a particular function, and then what happens is the next section will represent a function which could be the auxiliary for the previous function, and so on.

Hi-ya guys !!! :D

I am pretty unsure what is my type : I narrowed it down to four types I usually get in the MBTI tests I take on the internet and these are ENFP, ESFP, ENTP and ESTP.

I am like a 100% sure I am an Extrovert. Being around people energizes me. I used to be kinda shy back in high school but I guess it was mostly due to teenage angst and stuff. I totally live to be in the spotlight. I also like to have an hour alone to listen to music once in a while but whenever I am more than two hours alone, I get bored and sad and lonely. I love to talk, sometimes even more than I listen. And I absolutely LOVE to make others people laugh :)

Here you're speaking in a descriptive manner, typical of perception functions, and you consider multiple types, suggestive of brainstorm-ish processes.

I am quite unsure wherever I am more Intuitive or Sensing on the other hand. I have a VERY bad impulse control (I am not sure if that makes me an intuitive however). I love to improvise. And I am quite happy to follow my gut instinct instead of making long plans. But I also like to make plans, to think my college essay for example quite thoroughly and I can also be reasonable if I need to be. So I have no idea what that makes me LOL.

These seem to be logical judgements, so Ti. (see summaries of Dario Nardi's results, and that Ti uses four logical regions, such as classifying. Although looking at it again, you are speaking of what you love and are happy doing, which would suggest Fi, there was something about how you wrote it that resulted in me ignoring that and seeing it as Ti)

If I am a Thinker or a Feeler is also hard for me to decide. I love to be loved so I am really nice and helpful with people, I try to make them happy but a part of me knows I am doing that so they will help me in the future or so they will care for me and not stop loving me so I guess this is pretty despicable. BUT I also am extremely emotionnal and romantic and extreme, I can cry easily because of movies and TV Shows and if someone hurts my feelings I get easily pretty distressed. But I also hate to admit my feelings, I absolutely loathe looking weak or appearing vulnerable even in front of my friends or family members that I have known for years and who knows me inside out. I can be pretty logical when the situation is needed and make extremely rationnals emotions but on the other hand, I can also easily be blinded by my emotions and make rash judgements or decisions that puts me into trouble. So yeah, this is a hard one for me. I also love my loved ones and I would take with no hesitation a bullet for them to keep them safe. I also want them to be happy even if it makes me unhappy in the end. And people usually say I have a good heart. So, no idea about this one. Oh and yes, I can sometimes make pretty insensitive or hurtful jokes but I end up feeling miserably guilty after if it hurts my friends/family. I also make a LOT of lies, sometimes not to hurt the others so I guess this does not make me too disagreeable but I kind of have trouble admitting if I did wrong things.

Many of the things you mention here, such as being helpful, strike me as Fe. The length of this section is what led me to believe that you have extra-strong Fe relative to your type.

I think I am a Perceiver. I am quite disorganized, I am always late and I love adventure. I don't like to make decisions. I want to be able to change my mind. I love to take risks. I don't mind if a friend changes our plans at the last minute.

So...what do you think ? Since I am always very enthusiastic and communicative about my feelings and I still care a lot about my friends I would tend to say more ENFP and ESFP but when I read the ENTP or ESTP page, it makes rather good sense for me if I was one of these types as, even if I act caring, I sometimes feel devoid of any empathy :/

Thanks for your help :D :D :D

Ends by speaking of habits, not really abstract sorta stuff like Ni would use, so I would guess Si.

So by function analysis, going by best fit overall, ENTP seems to fit. Sometimes a post is super-indicative of a particular function order, sometimes it's harder to discern. This one was more in between. However I was getting quite a strong read with the Fe.

Neal Caffreynated

Mar 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I only got good at it recently because I stumbled upon a very effective method. Basically, what I do is try and identify function order - i.e. I try to map the starting section of a post to a particular function, and then what happens is the next section will represent a function which could be the auxiliary for the previous function, and so on.

Here you're speaking in a descriptive manner, typical of perception functions, and you consider multiple types, suggestive of brainstorm-ish processes.

These seem to be logical judgements, so Ti. (see summaries of Dario Nardi's results, and that Ti uses four logical regions, such as classifying. Although looking at it again, you are speaking of what you love and are happy doing, which would suggest Fi, there was something about how you wrote it that resulted in me ignoring that and seeing it as Ti)

Many of the things you mention here, such as being helpful, strike me as Fe. The length of this section is what led me to believe that you have extra-strong Fe relative to your type.

Ends by speaking of habits, not really abstract sorta stuff like Ni would use, so I would guess Si.

So by function analysis, going by best fit overall, ENTP seems to fit. Sometimes a post is super-indicative of a particular function order, sometimes it's harder to discern. This one was more in between. However I was getting quite a strong read with the Fe.

Thanks for the tip and this in-depth analysis Legion this is really helpful :yay: I read a definition of the ENTP as a Swashbuckler and I guess it kind of fits me LOL, especially if it means anyway that I can have a more emotionnal/sensing side :D I'm going to go and try if I can type someone now ahah ;)