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How do you relate to each instinct?




-I'm aware of how everything I do reflects on me.
-I'm aware of what 'people' are doing and compare myself against that.
-I'm aware of the general consensus on practically everything. If I'm just getting into a new genre of music or film, I follow the online 'recommended' lists religiously and feel weird picking out artists/films for myself from the get-go.
-I want to be seen as "the guy who __________". There's something strangely satisfying about being known as a 'writer' or a 'photographer', or simply having a 'thing'.
-I acknowledge acquaintances that I've barely talked to when I see them.
-When I'm in a group of 'friends' and someone I'm romantically interested in, I usually give everyone equal attention before focusing on her. If it's a third-wheel situation with an actual friend, I'll probably acknowledge the other person consistently as long as they're still around. If the third person's just a tag-along, or if I'm in a group of more than 3 people, I'll probably tune them out completely.
-I don't have public outbursts. I might withdraw from a situation or social 'obligation' if I'm upset, but I won't make an obvious scene out of it.


-When I enter a new social environment, I don't really strike up conversation with anyone unless I find them sexually attractive. I'm not even sure how I make friends. Most people don't interest me at first-glance.
-I need to feel passionate about whatever I'm doing.
-I desire a deep, valuable connection with others.
-I find networking, the party atmosphere, and social media exhausting and unfulfilling.
-I'm obsessive with all of my interests.
-I'd rather have an SO than friends.


-I get weekly haircuts (I'm black) and I'm pretty much always cleanly shaven.
-I work out sometimes.
-I brush my teeth and shower twice a day.
-I never forget to eat something.
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Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm very safety and security oriented.
I think a lot about my own mortality and how to increase my life span.
I have a strong need to feel physically comfortable.
I care about my health and take measures to assure that.
I'm protective of my personal space.
I'm protective of my things but if you ask to borrow something and I trust you, I'm quite generous.

I care what people think of me, even random strangers sometimes.
I know what's currently popular most of the time even though I often choose not to follow the crowd.
I want to do something meaningful with my life on a more global scale. I ask myself all the time, when I die will people remember the great contributions I made? Otherwise, I feel like my life is pointless if no one is going to remember me.
I am always comparing myself to other people on things like personality traits, intelligence, looks, skills and talents, etc.
I care about status to some degree. Depends on what it is. I don't have to be the top in a big corporation nor do I want to be. But I hate being at the bottom, especially when I know that my hard work and skills would be suited to a better position. I get envious and can't stand it when someone less deserving moves up just because they suck up to the boss better.

Hmmm, now I'm wondering if I'm SO first again.

I prefer one-on-one conversations to group conversations
I can be really obsessed with certain ideas and pursue them with great intensity
I'm not overly obsessed about my looks- I don't have to be drop-dead gorgeous or a "10" but at the same time, I'm not going to be ugly!
I love having deep conversations with other people.

This is my last instinct so not much to say here.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm just gonna copy and paste what others wrote here and comment on whether I relate to them...


I'm aware of how everything I do reflects on me.

Yes, I am very aware of my reputation with others and I don't want to fuck that up, because it could cost me career opportunities.

-I'm aware of the general consensus on practically everything. If I'm just getting into a new genre of music or film, I follow the online 'recommended' lists religiously and feel weird picking out artists/films for myself from the get-go.

I'm very aware of what others are doing to, but I don't "sip the Kool Aid" so to say. I do my own thing.

-When I'm in a group of 'friends' and someone I'm romantically interested in, I usually give everyone equal attention before focusing on her. If it's a third-wheel situation with an actual friend, I'll probably acknowledge the other person consistently as long as they're still around. If the third person's just a tag-along, or if I'm in a group of more than 3 people, I'll probably tune them out completely.

This is not me. When I am in a group of friends a potential lover comes by, I acknowledge the potential lover over my friends every time.

-I don't have public outbursts. I might withdraw from a situation or social 'obligation' if I'm upset, but I won't make an obvious scene out of it.

I make social scenes all the time. I don't give a shit.

-I desire a deep, valuable connection with others.

So do I.

Self Pres

I relate to all of the following...

I'm very safety and security oriented.
I think a lot about my own mortality and how to increase my life span.
I have a strong need to feel physically comfortable.
I care about my health and take measures to assure that.
I'm protective of my personal space.
I'm protective of my things but if you ask to borrow something and I trust you, I'm quite generous.

Also in terms of Sx this is how I am...

-I have a very addictive personality.
-I fall in love very quickly and become obsessed with someone easily. I can fall in love with someone so deeply that I am almost suicidal when they leave me.
-I have crazy impulses all the time, and it seems to be related to CP sexual energy.
-I am a highly sexual person.
-I am very aware of how sexually attractive that I am to others and am obsessed with looking good.
-I tend to either love or hate people.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
It would probably be better to ask me how I DON'T relate, but I'll chip in. Your posts are just so much fun, [MENTION=18664]Stansmith[/MENTION].

- I understand the whole "chemistry" thing, and people have thought I am weird for noticing it
- I get like...overly excited talking to people I have a connection with (I start shivering in a good way and get pent up and can't get to sleep till 3 am and stuff)
- I get obsessed with certain topics for days at a time, which suddenly burns out as another one forms. I can't think of a time in my life when my mind hasn't intensely revolved around me obsessing over something
- I have ENORMOUS hangups about my desirability; people telling me I was ugly and disgusting as a kid...did more damage than you'd expect
- I deathly fear getting old and ugly; turning 30 has been hard for me
- I wish I had a soulmate, someone who'd follow me anywhere on any great adventure I might participate in, rather than tell me to be more realistic (which I already am, I just have my priorities)


- Most of my sx-interests revolve around people and society, first and foremost
- I'm like, sooper interested in world affairs and the human dynamic. I have a soft spot in my heart for diplomacy
- Most of my artwork and ideas revolve around the international sphere
- I feel really upset if I'm "the last to know" about major events
- I feel slighted if I get left out of a group or cause in which I had vested interests
- I'm willing to sacrifice my reputation sometimes, as long as it's not related to being known as the person who talks straight, has sense, and sees what's really going on
- I'm aware of family politics and quick to catch on to "cultural differences" (between families, countries, or regions)
- I believe in social benefits, human rights, that sort of thing--I can see the greater good and am willing to take part in it

- I am sort of a hypochondriac (perhaps related to low Si)
- I get really annoyed when people do inconsiderate things like cough all over me, or send their kids to school sick
- I'm a cheapskate and am very responsible with my money (will fight others over finances)
- I worry about food safety
- I'm good at foresight and seeing what will go wrong
- I need my own space; I'm introverted
- I like to form cozy nests in the winter
- I remember to brush my teeth twice a day and usually to feed myself
- I'm very practical for a 4

There you go!


[MENTION=18576]Sanjuro[/MENTION] Not a bad idea. How I don't relate:


-I don't normally pay attention to international affairs or politics, although I find other cultures interesting.
-I'm not a good networker.
-I'm not a fan of large get-togethers, and I don't really mix up people from different 'circles'.
-I'm oblivious to most current trends in music, film, fashion, etc. and don't really mind.


-I never go after what I want directly.
-I'm not hot-and-cold.
-Serious, intensive discussions about relationships and what constitutes a "good partner" (like those on this forum) are foreign to me.


-I'm not good with money.
-I don't think about my future stability as much as others. I care more about is enjoying myself and pursuing my interests. I'm busy trying to fill the top of the happiness pyramid, rather than starting with the bottom.
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i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Soc ~ I am hyperaware of others and their responses to me. I put a lot of energy into how I am perceived by others. I tend to compare myself to others. I try to optimize solutions for what works for everyone. I am protective of my family. I hate leaving anyone out. I tend to look at things on a large scale. I tend to see interconnection. My energy is "soft".

Sx ~ I really seek atmospheres that engage me. I dive very deeply into whatever I am doing. I am quick to feel connection with people.

Sp ~ I shame myself into regular hygiene, sleeping, and eating. :laugh:

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012

Well it all depends on if I know the people or not. For instance, I don't want to make a scene at like my University or my job or whatever, because everyone knows me and I don't want them to get the wrong idea about me. However, if I go to a place where no one really knows me, then I really don't give a shit if I make a scene.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
How I DON'T relate to each instinct:

I have erratic sleeping habits. That's about all I can think of.

I've never had a large circle of friends I hang out with
I'm oblivious to a lot of the political issues going on in society
I often don't care what's going on in other places in the world. As long as my life is satisfying that's enough.
I'm unaware of many of the social conventions others take for granted

I don't need to be in an intimate relationship to be happy
I think sex is overrated. It's pleasure-able, yes, but I could live a happy life without it.
Too much intensity overwhelms me.