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Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Chronicles of Darkness, Other TTRPGs

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Me yelling at the video:
"So fucking what?"
As a DM STFU about guidance being over powered. This is fifth god damned edition. The whole game is a player hand hold. Quit your bitching and play an older edition.
This video is just shilling for one D&D
so take it with a huge grain of salt.



Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Guidance? Lol, wtf. I mean, it offers on average a +2/3 to a skill roll -- but it's also a concentration cantrip (how many of those are there?)

And you have to give up some other cantrips to take it.
They almost have more role-playing flavored feel to them, although there are some uses for them.

It sure isn't going to be game breaking. Like, whatever man.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Guidance? Lol, wtf. I mean, it offers on average a +2/3 to a skill roll -- but it's also a concentration cantrip (how many of those are there?)

And you have to give up some other cantrips to take it.
They almost have more role-playing flavored feel to them, although there are some uses for them.

It sure isn't going to be game breaking. Like, whatever man.
seriously. I get so sick of these fucking poor me dms who seem to feel like its their job to clip their players wings instead of facilitating their spreading them to soar to new heights of adventure. I fucking get it scary being behind the screen but grab your dice, roll a random encounter and let whatever happens happen. If the party kills your monster, great reward them, if the monster tpks the party have everyone wake up in the radio shack and have to explore their way back to life. Its not rocket science. But whatever you do, quit bitching about party buffs. We're never going to get them to split up and make bad decisions if the players are worried about how the dm is going to try to foil them. This kind of video is why its so damned difficult to get players to make wishes on all those monkey paws and trying out all those mysterious puzzle boxes I keep laying in their path. Its maddening.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
seriously. I get so sick of these fucking poor me dms who seem to feel like its their job to clip their players wings instead of facilitating their spreading them to soar to new heights of adventure.
Yeah, it's not DM vs players, it's the DM facilitating the story telling and working with the players to create a really enjoyable and meaningful story that everyone is part of.

Sure, fairness and balance is involved, and you don't want to confuse the players by changing the rules constantly; but yeah, adjust to what the players are doing. It's okay if the players win a fight. if you wipe the party and you don't think you were being fair, work in an outcome that gives them another shot. If someone does die fairly, it's okay. You just want people to feel they had a fair chance and not that all their investment was shat on.

And yeah, encourage them to sandbox.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm very excited. My paladin just charged a not-so-sturdy wooden gate with archer gnolls and giant hyenas behind it, and using her Inheritor's Smite spell with her falchion did 70 pts of damage + a successful bull rush that shattered the gate to pieces, as she charged into the middle of the courtyard.

"Knock, knock."

That will teach them to shish-ka-bob our poor little bard with arrows from 40 yards away.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Wellp the dm just gave my blind marine monk based off Blind Fury their eyes back unexpectedly and the being that did it said "You are whole again" To which my character picked back up their blindfold fastened it back around their head and said: "I never wasnt whole, thanks for the massage." And I got out of the bath, grabbed my stuff and went back to my gear box with my Tressym. We ended the session with the rest of the party wondering what happened, and my character kneeling in front of their foot locker with their Tanto out, decidning whether or not they were going to gouge out their eyes again.

Backstory. My character was a marine whose unit commander fucked up so bad it was probably on purpose and Geb was the only survivor, but he was nearly killed and left blind. He was the only one of his unit to return to the Moonshae Isles for debrifing. They gave him an honorable discharge and a pension, but they didnt have use for a blind ranger. So he spent some time in the fey wild with the monk order of the Broken ones, and learned to become a great swordsman and martial artist. He found a way to range again as a fey wanderer. He lost all his friends including his sister in arms and best friend. The last thing he saw was her face her eyes looking into his Someone was screaming to just hang on. Just hang on. Then he woke up in the dark.

It's not something you just take away from a man on a whim and expect him to be ok.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Did the DM discuss this with you ahead of time or just foist it on you? It sounds like a real failure of character arc development, unless it is part of exploring how firmly committed your character is to being blind and why the last thing he ever wanted to remember was his sister's face.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Did the DM discuss this with you ahead of time or just foist it on you? It sounds like a real failure of character arc development, unless it is part of exploring how firmly committed your character is to being blind and why the last thing he ever wanted to remember was his sister's face.
I think its the latter. There's horror mystery and comedic elements in the adventure. I dont think it was malicious. TBH it wasnt something I realized the character felt so strongly about till it just got willy nilly cured like nbd. It was some sort of fey entity in game so it very much could just be: "I found this broken toy and I fixed it. Arent I great?" And like that's on par with my sense of cosmic horror. the dm has no way of knowing how close this cuts to my quick, but i get to play so infrequently as a player a lot of my characters are used to deal with aspects of my irl issues so its my own fault if theres blame to be had. the game is a lot of fun and so it the dm, though his sense of comedy is more lighter side of mel brooks while mine is more like tales from the crypt presents Demon Knight or Herbert West Reanimator. I think he was just doing another mysterious aspect of the mystery of the mysterious health spa. This is my third character in as many sessions, my characters tend to just keep abandoning the party for one reason or another. (My rogue/bard was given an opportunity to be party of a polyamrous quadrouple with sexy dryad and he was only varient human who could speak sylvan. What could I do? The other character was a swarm keeper with a bunch of crows and a persona as a scarecrow that fights crime. That character left when the party wanted to kill a bunch of chickens just because they were from outside space. This character was supposed to stick around for awhile like the blind wandering veteran who teams up with a party of whipper snappers with a lot to prove while I spout zen wisdom to topiaries and statues that I mistake for people. (My guy likes to play up like he's not as capable as he is(but hes got blind sight for ten feet so he knows what he's doing. You've played this jrpg before lol.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
As long as you are both on the same page and the DM isn't trying to cattle chute you. Sometimes we don't know stuff (like IRL as well) until we're put into a situation, so you might have learned something important about your character.

I can't do quick-use characters, unless the adventurer is a one-shot up front. I spent a lot of time thinking about what I want to play and figure out a lot about the character ahead of time, although as noted you learn more about your character as they are put in different situations. I typically only replace a character if she dies, and so far I don't think I have lost any characters. (Came DAMN close on occasion, but it made the survival/victory even more sweet.) They are more than just builds to me, I usually find something in each that is also part of me or that I can understand, and it builds a deep connection.

We played around with Fabula Ultima for 5-6 sessions, it's a nice short-session game format. I played a pugilist modeled after Yang from RWBY in terms of ability, but someone who grew up on the street, with green hair and a bushy fox tail.


So after we took out all the gnolls in the courtyard, my fire cleric Aleksion summoned a Greater Earth Elemental to smash the inner gate, at which point we could see the entire gnoll community swarming inside towards our position along with two big hyenas and a third as huge as the earth elemental. Damn. Aleksion's next move is to blade barrier half the courtyard to separate their forces from hitting us all at once while sending in the earth elemental to draw their fire as we take them out bit by bit.

We are each playing a main character, but since it's a pretty crazy module and there are only four players, three of us also steer an NPC who we happened to rescue at some point in the past, to fill out the party roles. Our four mains are a dwarf monk (flurry master), an aasimar pally (crit monster), an aasimar investigator (skill wonk), and a somewhat amoral gnome bard. So with the NPCs, we also get an aasimar battle priest, a gnome illusionist, and my human fire cleric. (The GM also has a fatalistic pally with us, who seems to have a dark cloud hanging over his head often.) We are in Tsar, which is a city dedicated to Orcus, and we are already finding some crazy shit that challenges our level 14 characters intensely, and I fear we are going to need to go the Abyss by the endgame... which based on our weekly game schedule might not happen for another 12-18 months.

This is the longest campaign I have been in, and I think we started as level 2 characters? I am so proud of Suun. Her very first real fight, we were attacked by someone who turned out to be a fallen paladin of Freya because he was under a curse, and she realized he was cursed by the bracers he was wearing -- so she charged in and sundered the bracers (with a really great roll) as her first and almost only attack because he clocked her back with a 2H greatsword that took 3/4 of her health in one blow. It could have cost her her life. But the bracers were shattered and he broke free of the mental domination of the bracers and was so grateful that he joined us for the next 3-4 levels until he atoned for the curse and got his pally powers back. I have always tried to play her fearlessly and trusting that her gods would keep her safe, despite me personally being risk-aversive, and now she is routinely taking attacks, casting Paladin Sacrifice to take damage from her teammates, and saving them as much as she can, and just being devastating against undead, dragons, and evil outsiders.
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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I'm sure it just wants to cuddle.


The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
that picture gives me an idea of a dungeon trap in Chult.

As you make your way through the tight labrynthian maze... The high walls that press tight against your gear, you notice the long thick roots from the tangled jungle growth over head hanging down and seeking purchase in the loamy soil below your feet. They block what scant light managed to trickle through the jungle canopy plunging the party into a unnatural darkness. Roll a (dc15) perception check.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
"I back out slowly and go back to town to start drinking heavily."

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
"I back out slowly and go back to town to start drinking heavily."
You play like I do. Ive realized I dont so much want to "save the world" as play Forgotten Realms Animal Crossing maybe a bit of Shaun of the Dead.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
holy heck on a hot dog they healed my eyes so my character would be susceptible to being turned to stone by the cosmic gaze of the chickens. They don't think my guy will cut his own eyes out....

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Ok so personally I do my own version of a session 0.
For myself as a dm who does more character driven plots... They are nessesary.
But it bugs me that session 0's get pushed as SOOOOO necessary.
I don't do X cards either.
I dont really ask my players what sorts of things they don't want in the game. (I encourage yes and, not no but) If something is a BIIIG Fing space deal to someone, I leave my dms open during downtime. ((This is not to say I force my players to deal with things they cant bear to deal with, but I strickly do this one on one with individual players, Ive been in too many games(as a player) that session 0 just turns into a bunch of soft people telling what they dont want to encounters ime/o it puts the wrong focus at the table.
If you're grown up enough to play at my table.(which is 18+)
You're grown up enough to deal with horror elements.
You don't have to like them.
You do have to act like an adult and bite the bullet when the bad guy does bad guy shit.
If you want to be coddled...
Play Adventure League.
As usual I tend to agree with Brenan Lee Mulligan about dming things.
Matt Mercer Im a little less prone to agree with because Matt has a forever group that he's trained up to play in a complementary way to his dm style.
Matt Colville is the basis for my God of the Knowledge and Lawful War Domain. (So i tend to follow his advice a lot also)
Aabria Iyengar I take some of her things she does(telling the players what their character doesnt see, making tourist traps in world etc) but she's a bit soft and not quite on my plane of humor for my taste as a player.
How I do session 0:
Once I have enough players together for a game run I..
*Let the players know they're playing a role play heavy homebrew lore setting . IE The Races are different than the D&D lore.
I have little blurbs, just a few points that players need to know about their player races. EG (Elves are weird and wild not tree vulcans) My cat people live longer Tabaxi(felis) and Leonin(Panthera) Dwarves in my lore are also farmers rather than exclusively miners that kind of thing.
*I use the charts in Xanathars. To roll up a bit of backstory with my player characters. (I let them know their backstory is where a lot of the things that will happen in the game come from)
*With these two steps: By the time session 0 comes around The players know on a basic level who their characters are, and thus can discuss amongst themselves on session 0 why their character takes the first job and joins the party.
The players have already built their characters, and now they can make last minute changes based on how the players interact in this session 0.
*We go over the content warnings. My table is 18+ the world I tell them is a crazy chaotic place where law and chaos are at odds and good people do bad things and bad people do good things. People Fuck(I fade to black for the most part, but I fade to black later than pg13 would. I fade to black around the same times Deadpool or Constantine would.
*I warn them I don't balance my encounters for player level. If running away feels like the right thing to do. You better damn sure do it. I tell them to make sure to have their backup character ready because death is not the end, but the cheap ways to ressurect are essentially the scene in Conan the Barbarian where they raise Conan from the dead with a combat encounter.
*In the event of a TPK: Don't panic. Death doesnt let the party off the hook(there is no hook)
*We go over leveling. I do a hybrid xp/milestone system. If you want your character to level up quick. Put in the work. We plateu at level 6 for a time, and then at ten for a time. I reward not only with xp but proficiencies as well.
*I explain that adventuring is just one way to make a living. Big Damn heroes is not how most people are gonna view them. Adventurers are rat catchers and outsiders, and not all of them are good to people. (I run evil one shots and mini campaigns sometimes concurrently and I tend to draw my BBEG from evil pcs in these little adventures.
*I let them know I'm rooting for their characters to succeed. I'm not an antagonistic DM, that being said I will give you what you wish for and I WILL let you bradbury yourself and your party.
*I tell them my rules for PCVPC. Its in character only. IF YOU WANT TO PCVPC you have to communicate with the DM before hand, and with the player you're intending on PCVPC with. As soon as the issue leaves the characters and becomes issues between players. The PCVPC stops for the rest of that session and beyond until we square it away outside of game.
*DOWNTIME is a thing. Its when your shopping(Haggling) happens. If we come to a store in game time. DO NOT think we're going to have a critical role shopping episode where you can nit nat and haggle jack. it aint going down like that.
*If NPC's join the party and the party wants them to fight. A player takes responsibility for rolling for them. I have enough to worry about without having to worry my players are worried about a dmpc. Otherwise the NPC is looking out for themselves by fleeing combat.
*We discuss the magic legalities of the world.
*I explain about the "Porters" and "hired crew" mechanic I use. Nothing shows a dangerous situation quite as effectively as having a warm body yanked bodily up and decimated before the party's very eyes. The player characters dont have to hire anyone of course. but in my experience everyone is always glad with Poor forgettable Ted get's picked up by a giant man eating plant rather than a pc.
30 minutes for questions.
30 minutes to talk amongst yourselves to cement your in party ties.
15 minutes to account for shock and disbelief when I tell them to PLEASE split the party. It really kills the sense of reality for me when everyone sticks together ALL THE TIME. Im not going to punish you for splitting the party. You take your chances just like everyone else, but I discourage for the most part clumping together because "Thats what adventure league does"
*EXPLORATION is a big part of my games. There's no railroad tracks where you're going and if you're hoping for a guided tour or an escape room, my table is probably not going to give you the fuzzies.
*celestials, fiends, monstosities, and fey, are just as individualized as any player character and wont react like robots. They will offer you deal. Many of them are even good deals.
*The decks(plural) of many things are full decks and should be drawn from.
*You can play an evil character it just requires a little more discussion during downtime.
*Murder hoboes exist, and yall can even choose to be some, but they wont be viewed as heroes. Your alignment will change based off what you choose to do.
*The Zhentarum has all its teeth and claws back in, and I would very much like you to work for them sometimes.
*Todays patron could be tomorrows threshold guardian.
*If you're looking for a BBEG look in the mirror. (More on that later) ((This begins a conversation that happens everytime out of character discussion about who the BBEG could be.))
*Finally because this tends to only take an hour and 20 minutes if that. We get a little play session in. Our Tavern meeting so to speak.

Session 0 ends right at the place where session 1 picks up. And to date this has worked VERY well for me and my players. Everyone knows what to expect( Rarely other dms who get to play in my games tend to not believe me when I tell them not to worry about what they want to do, that I have world built a multiverse that the player chacters can stumble into if theyre not careful, but only at first.)

*I also leave my players an Appendix N so they can if they choose to get some lists of other things that contain examples of the aesthetics of the world and so on.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Uh... Summon Moist VI?

Melf's Moist Arrow
Aboleth's Moist Lung
Animate Moist
Aspect of the Moist Bear
Moist Decapitate
Circle of Moist Death
Detect Moist
Moist Dimension Door
Moist Confusion
Cure Moist Wounds
Moist Earth Glide
Find the Moist Path
Finger of Moist Death
Moist Goodberry
Moist Imprisonment
Moist Mage Armor
Moist Message
Power Word Moist
Protection from Moist
Moist Rebuke
Wall of Moist

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The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Uh... Summon Moist Monster VI?

Melf's Moist Acid Arrow
Aboleth's Moist Lung
Animate Moist Dead
Aspect of the Moist Bear
Moist Decapitate
Circle of Moist Death
Detect Moist
Moist Dimension Door
Moist Confusion
Cure Moist Wounds
Moist Earth Glide
Find the Moist Path
Finger of Moist Death
Moist Goodberry
Moist Imprisonment
Moist Mage Armor
Moist Message
Power Word Moist
Protection from Moist
Moist Rebuke
Wall of Moist

View attachment 30087
I typoed Moist instead of Most and I'm never looking back. Aboleth Moist Lung is officially a chronic condition in my game world.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
The fact that I know what all these moist spells would actually feel like makes it all the more hilariously awful to my brain.
Some of us sweat from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Some of us our bodies are betraying us constantly. Would I have chosen this paper white fur covered constantly sweating body?
No I wouldn't have.
Does it require constant water?(I dehydrate from sweating like a Lovecraft protagonist) Yes.​