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[INFJ] You know you're an INFJ when...


the Dark Prophet of Kualu
Mar 24, 2009
The feminist movement appeals to you.

And so does the masculism movement.

Equal discrimination would be preferred.

You know you are an INFJ when:
The venus project sounds way too good to be true but still look upon it with realization as a goal and would cry tears of happiness if such a change would take place.


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
When you think the INTJ sock puppet idea is adorable. :tongue:


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I haven't visited this thread in a long time and it's nice to come back.

You know you're an INFJ when the people who love you say repeatedly "You're so weird" in an affectionate way -- even your own mother.

When you have been sitting quietly because you've been searching for the connection among several threads in your mind and when it suddenly pops into your head, you shout "OH!" and startle everybody in the room, and then can't put into words what the excitement was all about.

When current events bore you stiff, but history and philosophy fascinate you and you can think about them endlessly without ever being bored.

When people who have known you for years still don't know a thing about you despite your efforts to communicate who you are. You, on the other hand, can tell at a glance what they are thinking and what they are about to do about it. You might actually feel comforted if someone else could do that for you, whereas they generally feel annoyed.


Jul 3, 2008
I haven't visited this thread in a long time and it's nice to come back.

I don't usually have computer access, so I think its kinda the same for me. :hi:

You know you're an INFJ when the people who love you say repeatedly "You're so weird" in an affectionate way -- even your own mother.

I have yet to get he affectionate 'Youre weird' :D

When you have been sitting quietly because you've been searching for the connection among several threads in your mind and when it suddenly pops into your head, you shout "OH!" and startle everybody in the room, and then can't put into words what the excitement was all about.

For me, its when I suddenly think of something 'witty' and say it. The group suddenly gets quiet while they try and figure out what the hell I just said.

When current events bore you stiff, but history and philosophy fascinate you and you can think about them endlessly without ever being bored.

Depends on the subject and how it is being taught. I really like learning history through the History Channel because it is very visual. Philosophy is more of a natural thing for me, the study of it adds unnecessary blah when I can just go out and meet people to find out their philosophy.

And calling my Russian friend a 'bloody Communist' doesn't count :D

When people who have known you for years still don't know a thing about you despite your efforts to communicate who you are. You, on the other hand, can tell at a glance what they are thinking and what they are about to do about it. You might actually feel comforted if someone else could do that for you, whereas they generally feel annoyed.

I'm too wrapped up (And sometimes drowning) in my own mind to read people so easily. Lucky you :D


You know youre an INFJ when you need to be doing something, at least a little bit of anything, each day or your mood tumbles.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
You know you're an INFJ when the people who love you say repeatedly "You're so weird" in an affectionate way -- even your own mother.

Totally! I just spent Christmas with my best friend and she said repeatedly that I am "wonderfully weird". Not even sure what it was that I said to her that led to this response. :smile:


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an INFJ when:

Despite your tertiary Te, where you prefer to think things out logically and do things in a rational matter, in a stressful situation logic is shot out the window in a flash.

Something goes wrong and even though it isn't your fault, you still feel responsible for it.


Earth Exalted
Mar 14, 2008
Instinctual Variant
You watched Avatar and felt homesick


New member
May 28, 2009
you critique the hell out of television commercials

That's an odd one. I tend to pay no mind to commercials, and all forms of advertising. I forget about them the moment after seeing them (if I even notice it at all), so I most definitely will not waste my time critiquing them when there are - in my opinion - much more significant, interesting things to think about.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
That's an odd one. I tend to pay no mind to commercials, and all forms of advertising. I forget about them the moment after seeing them (if I even notice it at all), so I most definitely will not waste my time critiquing them when there are - in my opinion - much more significant, interesting things to think about.

I despise commercials (and now, I am responsible for running them at a TV station.) It's all people trying to convince other people top buy meaningless products, using every sad and manipulative tactic in the book to do so. Commercials cater to the least common denominator and I find myself always watching and saying, "WTF?"

It just bothers me that we are so stupid and senseless as to stand up in front of one another and say, "look, here, flashing lights, trade your hard work for this."

Let me add this epilogue...I am a rampant conservative and capitalist...I have no problem with people going into business, making and selling a product...I just hate to see some levels that people stoop to in order to sell.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
You know you're an INFJ when you know you're an INFJ. Not every type researches their own personality. But INFJ's... they tend to gravitate toward MBTI.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
You know you're an INFJ when you fall in love with a concept or fairy tale, and you are absolutely devastated that it cannot exist in our world. Only here: -points at head (or heart... both)-
Thus, you become weary of stories in a way. Why can't it just be? Yet, you continue to ingest them like your life's sustenance.

You are more formal in writing than you are in casual talk.

You may or may not have existed as words in a past life. (Idk that was something that happened to me and I found it funny.)

People pester me for not doing things that I find unnecessary. This can range from "Why aren't you wearing makeup?" to "Why haven't you put up your Christmas tree yet?" I tend to shrug off a lot of customs or traditions and habits that people have. Maybe that's just me.

My way of thinking, I am still delving into. But in my art class the teacher will ask us why we chose a piece during critique or why we did anything in our own work and I often think, "I picked it because it appealed to me. I created it because that's what I do. I breathe physical life into an idea; I express myself. Must there be any other reason?"

When people tell me that their relative is dying, I can only think, "Huh. Well that sucks." And I have nothing to offer them because I can't feel it. I have other friends like, "zomg I wish there was something I could do!1!" and it is honestly not my first priority. That's what happens. People die.
I haven't cried at a funeral since my mother died. That's not because I'm trying not to or that I'm a heartless monster or anything. If anything, I'm angry. I'm angry at the way things are performed, I'm angry that I can feel the crushing weight of the emotions around me, and mostly, I'm angry that I am expected to cry. I do cry, but it is only the purging of their emotions. I never knew the person I am supposed to be crying for, not truly. I only observe.
Sometimes I think I ran out of tears a long time ago, because there are times I want to cry and I can't. I feel everything so intensely in here, but I can't show it to you. And maybe that is because I have spent my whole life hiding myself.

I test my friends all the time. Sometimes I think I am subtly punishing everybody I know for not paying me the attention I seek. I punish myself, even. I will not allow myself to talk to people sometimes, either because I think they don't really want to talk to me, or I don't think I deserve their company. Sometimes, I don't think they deserve mine.
We were watching The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter during an academic session after school and one of my friends commented on the fact that Singer was a "very compassionate individual" and she appreciated that. But I saw a lot of myself in him, and I wondered why she did not appreciate me.
Perhaps it is too much to share, but I tend to tell people my most personal feelings and thoughts and experiences. I reached down inside myself before this and I presented her with a need that had pushed itself to the front of my mind. I told her I felt I was being neglected, and I cried because I had showed her such a vulnerable side of me. And she told me her share, and that I shouldn't feel guilty and I just needed a friend. I accepted her words at the time, but part of me wanted to shout "But you're not there! You aren't there! I want to have a friend, but you aren't there." And still, she deprives me of her attention. I still follow her like a masochistic dog.

Again, I get the "you're weird" from my dad. He'll give me this look sometimes like, "WTF?" and I don't understand why I am an oddity in the first place.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an INFJ when you are writing at strange hours but most of it ends up on your face because you fell asleep on your paper.

Yes this did happen to me the other day. Woke up with an imprint of my story on my left cheek. Sexay...


Instigator, First Class
Dec 24, 2009
You know you’re an INFJ when...

... you decide to read an INFJ thread of 2000+ posts by starting at post 1501 (page 150 under default display preferences) and working your way to the present...

... and becoming so absorbed in the content and so filled with affirmation that once you’ve reached the end you go back to post #1 and read through to post 1500...

... but then continue rereading posts 1501 to the current day because you’ve learned so much about each of the individual contributors that you know you’ll have a new appreciation of the posts based on who was writing them...

... and finally finishing the 1 1/4 laps over a 10-day period. (Yeah... I know I’m a lot slower than some of the other recent arrivals... I needed to savor and process, though. It was like reading a good book.)

Thank you all for your contributions! As you can imagine I’ve had many thoughts of things to add – but I didn’t keep track of those ideas as I (rightfully) figured someone would mention them along the way. I hate being redundant, so I’ll stay quiet for now. I will say that if there were time-lapse photography here alongside my nodding in agreement, I could make a bobblehead video. (^_^)

Unquestionably, you are my tribe.


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an INFJ when:

You were a kid and played make believe during recess and your classmates thought you were weird.

You are cynical about the rest of the world not because you think humanity sucks, but because they won't live up to your standards.

Once bitten, twice shy.

The more sad and romantic the storyline is, the more it appeals to you.

You're moody and intense, but people don't know it cos you seem so calm and collected.

You get very vivid imagery from listening to music, it's like you have Fantasia in your head.


Jul 3, 2008
You know you're an INFJ when you fall in love with a concept or fairy tale, and you are absolutely devastated that it cannot exist in our world. Only here: -points at head (or heart... both)-
Thus, you become weary of stories in a way. Why can't it just be? Yet, you continue to ingest them like your life's sustenance.

I never worried about if it could be or not. Read the book 'This Present Darkness,' that is the world I imagine I live in, so really, I am in a truly living fiction of Christianity.

You are more formal in writing than you are in casual talk.

Maybe because in speech I cant collect my thoughts and rely on colliquial speech to speak fast enough to get the ideas out before I lose them, and people understand slang easier than 'smart guy talk.'

When I write, I know my audience is likely more astute in writing ability and can collect my thoughts to use more precise words.

You may or may not have existed as words in a past life. (Idk that was something that happened to me and I found it funny.)

If I existed as words in a past life... it would be a poem written by a drunk Englishman. Maybe the first draft of the 'The Monkey and the Weasel?' children's wong (Which I still think is subtly pornographic by the way.)

People pester me for not doing things that I find unnecessary. This can range from "Why aren't you wearing makeup?" to "Why haven't you put up your Christmas tree yet?" I tend to shrug off a lot of customs or traditions and habits that people have. Maybe that's just me.

I tend to forget them since I don't think about them :D

My way of thinking, I am still delving into. But in my art class the teacher will ask us why we chose a piece during critique or why we did anything in our own work and I often think, "I picked it because it appealed to me. I created it because that's what I do. I breathe physical life into an idea; I express myself. Must there be any other reason?"

Art is Ideas + Skill + The Will to Express. The only people that need more reasons are cynical NTs and Finns (Well not really Finns, but as a crazy American it feels that way sometimes :D).

I find my art is better if I ride on a stream of consciousness while focusing on the quality of the thing presented. I enjoy Salvador Dali's work.

When people tell me that their relative is dying, I can only think, "Huh. Well that sucks." And I have nothing to offer them because I can't feel it. I have other friends like, "zomg I wish there was something I could do!1!" and it is honestly not my first priority. That's what happens. People die.
I haven't cried at a funeral since my mother died. That's not because I'm trying not to or that I'm a heartless monster or anything. If anything, I'm angry. I'm angry at the way things are performed, I'm angry that I can feel the crushing weight of the emotions around me, and mostly, I'm angry that I am expected to cry. I do cry, but it is only the purging of their emotions. I never knew the person I am supposed to be crying for, not truly. I only observe.

You know you're an INFJ when:

You were a kid and played make believe during recess and your classmates thought you were weird.

Me and my INTP friend both! :laugh: We STILL play make believe! (we can spend hours making up goofy shit in some RPG world I'm the DM or GM or Storyteller of, and I trust him to not spill the secrets to the other players)

You are cynical about the rest of the world not because you think humanity sucks, but because they won't live up to your standards.

I don't think the rest of the world sucks, I just think the WORLD sucks! So I live in my small one of family, friends, and local surroundings. I would follow politics only to know when to get ready for anarchy and holocaust. In my area, and since I'm in Finland and nothing happens here... I don't follow the news.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Only if I don't know why I was bitten. IF I know why, I adjust my tactics accordingly; sometimes that includes shyness.

The more sad and romantic the storyline is, the more it appeals to you.

Only if it isn't sappy and the reasons for the sadness and romanticalness don't bug me. I thoroughly enjoyed FFXII: Crisis Core's plot and hope to play the rest of the FFXII games to get more of it.

You're moody and intense, but people don't know it cos you seem so calm and collected.

Most of the time :D

You get very vivid imagery from listening to music, it's like you have Fantasia in your head.

Maybe if you're lucky and have a vivid imagination. Me? Naw, I just get swirls different flavored vibes which is good for me. I also like to sing along... but maybe not so much since now I know what my voice sounds like.... (I got a camcorder recently... I'm a little bit shyer now that I know I don't sound as good as what -I- hear, even if everyone else only knows the voice I rarely hear :cheese:)

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I despise commercials (and now, I am responsible for running them at a TV station.) It's all people trying to convince other people top buy meaningless products, using every sad and manipulative tactic in the book to do so. Commercials cater to the least common denominator and I find myself always watching and saying, "WTF?"

It just bothers me that we are so stupid and senseless as to stand up in front of one another and say, "look, here, flashing lights, trade your hard work for this."

+1 :yes: I have a seething disdain for commercials. I netflix practically all the TV I watch because commercials make me so curmudgeony. It astounds me that more people aren't as routinely offended- by the manipulative and condescending language- as I am.