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[ENTJ] Why do ENTJ's bully


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
Visit any forum and the ENTJ section tends to have some of the most rude, condescending comments.

The big question is why do ENTJ's troll using psychological warfare?

The big answer of course is because they have so little control over their immediate environment that they need to go online and assert control by reducing another in that environment.

They commit acts of existential cannibalism because they do not admit that they are bullying but it is objectively clear. They will passive aggressively refer to you as a "retard," or a "moron," for not understanding that their "objectivity" is good for you.

In real life, the ENTJ will bully as well, but usually will run into some trouble by 20 and will have to soften and adjust. If the ENTJ still believes they are always objective even though humans are fallible and creatures of subjectivity then the ENTJ has an inflated and weak ego which may imply you are dealing with a legitimate narcissist.

This is a thread for asking an ENTJ why ENTJ's bully. You probably will not find another thread like this. You'll notice that if you go to another site such as reddit and ask this question in the ENTJ section you will be immediately flamed and told that the person in question is not a bully. False. Everyone has bullied at one point in their life. There are degrees of bullying of course and ENTJ's have a particular style of afflicting others when they are in their inferior mode of operation...that is when they think they are so objective they become tyrants and cruelly subjective and harm in their environment with false pretenses of "helping you."


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
Annotation #1 : The splitting of FI.

The first reason why the ENTJ will appear to be bullying may simply be because they are unconcious of it. Inferior FI often times leads to a split in the psyche of the ENTJ whereby they attach or idetnify with one values which contradicts another.

For instance, the ENTJ see's things in black and white which is a symptom of this split, rather than in gray. As a result the ENTJ may actually believe screaming at you and telling you that objectivity will make you better at the expense of your inner subjective state is good for you because they cannot see the harm it does to themselves.

You will often hear an ENTJ say, "I'm good with books and not people." Well this is because the ENTJ refuses to be wrong, refuses to admit subjectivity. We all know Jung's theory of opposites which states too much of one thing ushers in the negative of the opposite and so it is with objectivity whereby the person comes to unconsciously believe they are infallible.

Back to the FI split: So the eNTJ values, fi, objectivity, te, but the ENTJ also may value some things which he is unconscious of and which only manifest when he or she is annoyed with others who demonstrate that value. "Oh I don't like formalities, they are inefficient and a waste of time," but when everyone makes fun of the ENTJ's funny way of dressing, after all they have SE as a third function which makes them somewhat ackward when it comes to fashion, they cry bloody murder and scream and yell in the name of objectivity.

Much of this is hypothetical but you would be hard pressed to find an ENTJ who can appreciate the subtle inner subjective life and its place in healing. Such an ENTJ would not visit a message board to troll, such an ENTJ would seldom go on a message board other than to educate and pass forward the good word, so to speak. This is the healthy ENTJ. The one who leads. The one who integrates FI and can tap into NI and SE to be a guiding and protective leader. He could learn something from his ESTJ cousin in this respect.

He might actually, or she might actually find that their other "objective" goals will be easier met then.
Feb 12, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Why do ENTJs bully?

Cuz they're dicks.

Actually it seems they're similar to ENTPs and like to throw their weight around, partially as a test. ENTJs are my nemesis (nemesii?)


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
Why do ENTJs bully?

Cuz they're dicks.

Actually it seems they're similar to ENTPs and like to throw their weight around, partially as a test. ENTJs are my nemesis (nemesii?)

Well I don't take any offense to your comment. Part of the issue is that I have asberger syndrome and I've been to several ENTJ hang spots and I get called a retard or see the use of the language thrown around callously. I also see a lot of ENTJ's team up and shark in on the users passive aggressively referring to them as weak-minded for suffering at the abuse of other people. I haven't seen that here and I'm thankful I can express myself without being harassed.

I also get told I'm not an ENTJ when an mbti professional assessed me as one.
I'm here to be as objective as possible, which is very hard to achieve, and simply discuss how the inner cognitive functions relate to behavior as a potential or hypothetical situation.

ENTJ's do like to throw their weight around. They like to be secure in their role as commander and any threat in the environment and they will split their FI. This means they will buck certain values such as mutual respect in order to achieve and withstand the value of empirical control or power.

ENTJ's won't simply bully someone for the sake of being entirely cruel unless they see cruelty destroys the other person's chance from ever potentially being greater in terms of leading the situation.

To summarize, throwing your weight around in order to maintain control is the m.o. of the possessed entj - possessed in the grip of FI.


bon vivant
Jan 25, 2014
I enjoy the company of ENTJs I know IRL however I find when they congregate on a certain sub-forum on a certain website, they're have an incessant need of putting on the male bravado act. The vibe is off-putting and desperate. I did befriend one ENTJ online, he was nice, approachable and honest though not necessarily forthcoming with his faults. What amused me was that he stated every fault in a very direct, dry manner completely devoid of feeling. It was hard to get him to expound on any issue (like "drawing blood from a rock"... well, not really), he assumed that everyone would/should understand and connect the dots themselves (iNtuitive problem). It reminded me of the ENTJs I knew IRL which are usually quite popular and natural leaders.

In regards to bluntness, I think it depends on the ENTJ in question and their age. Some are indiscriminate, others tend to be blunt only around their closest friends. I find they're more private than ESTJs despite being friendly with everyone. I've experienced their wrath and it's easy to deal with - just be blunt and calm, they want someone weaker than them to release their anger onto.

My issue is that Te-doms and I tend to talk past each other when problem-solving. It's hard to reach a conclusion because their perception of the issue is different to mine (Fi-dom). That and their stubbornness.

Oh, and it's always amusing when you compliment them. Responses range from "I know", "I told you", "I don't know how to respond to that" and "thanks" (dryly, like how I dare not notice earlier). Anima/Animas does come into play here, more than once I've had them comment that I was "very empathetic". I think that was meant to be a compliment but they stated it as a fact.

ENTJ's do like to throw their weight around. They like to be secure in their role as commander and any threat in the environment and they will split their FI. This means they will buck certain values such as mutual respect in order to achieve and withstand the value of empirical control or power.

Ends justify the means. I've seen ISFJs become deeply hurt by the actions of ENTJs however I've never taken personally because I notice that they forget everyone else in favour of their goals which are either selfish or generous though their actions make them appear selfish and arrogant.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
While I know ENTJ's (some very well), what you describe is the reason I would end up wanting to set many of them on fire if I had to spend a large amount of time with them. You're right that they eventually mellow on a lot of fronts. It's also helpful if they have Fe-dom around, they learn a bit faster.

Ends justify the means. I've seen ISFJs become deeply hurt by the actions of ENTJs however I've never taken personally because I notice that they forget everyone else in favour of their goals which are either selfish or generous though their actions make them appear selfish and arrogant.

This is very true. The goal is all the focus, if you get in the way well, you shouldn't have been standing there.


literally your mother
Oct 5, 2014
ENTJs never bully me, but then I am usually logical to a fault. I have problems with them because I have a developed Fe and am so with 9 2nd in my enneagram so I hate conflict, particularly the breed ENTJs bring to the table with their know-it-all condescending vibe (and I have seen them bully some of my xxFx friends which I HATE - particularly so if my friends are right), so if they say something I'm in disagreement with, I don't correct/argue with them unless I absolutely have to. I find ESTPs to be bullies though, far worse than ENTJs to be honest, or maybe I just have a little more respect for ENTJs (at least intellectually).
Why do ENTJs bully?

Cuz they're dicks.

Actually it seems they're similar to ENTPs and like to throw their weight around, partially as a test. ENTJs are my nemesis (nemesii?)
In my experience ENTPs have a lighter mood about them. Is there some kind of rivalry between ENTP and ENTJ? I thought it was more ENTP/INTJ.


Aug 6, 2010
If your definition of bullying equates to disagreement, then yes, ENTJs are baddie-bad-bads.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
ime with ENTJs isn't so much bullying but rather their baby Fi making mostly uninformed judgements about others and telling the other person exactly what is wrong with them.


Aug 6, 2010
How come ENTJs are so mean for telling other people what they think and yet, everyone loves to tell ENTJs their negative thoughts about them? This I find to be pretty funny, in an ironic way.


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
How come ENTJs are so mean for telling other people what they think and yet, everyone loves to tell ENTJs their negative thoughts about them? This I find to be pretty funny, in an ironic way.

You know you're kind of right in a certain way for the ENTJ that doesn't resort to bullying. I should clarify that these sentiments are mostly based on a certain type of ENTJ which trolls on the net or in real life.

I've met ENTJ's that are entirely neutral and kind of talk and act like spocl from star trek instead of the borgs - I like to think of myself in this light.

But hypothetically speaking, when an ENTJ does bully people they may say something to the effect which demoralizes the other in a psychologically harmful way.

As for people teaming up on ENTJ's sometimes, I've seen this too, and I've seen people really get under their skin as well, and they are certainly as susceptible to bullying as they are competent at bullying, as with any type right?

ENTJ's particularly are prone to blackmail as they forge blind loyalties - inferior FI.


New member
Jun 18, 2014
I've met plenty of non-ENTJ bullies. I don't think its type related just symptomatic of someone spinning out of control in life. I wouldn't use Reddit as a comparison as that site appears to be the domain of less sociable people anyway with rather strange and fixed ideas on life.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
How come ENTJs are so mean for telling other people what they think and yet, everyone loves to tell ENTJs their negative thoughts about them? This I find to be pretty funny, in an ironic way.

this thread is on the topic. so yeah not even the same as to what I'm referring to. which is and I have happened. is an ENTJ telling me what was wrong with me without me bringing it up. this thread is on ENTJ bullying. if it was about cuddeling it wouldn't have been brought up.


Aug 6, 2010
this thread is on the topic. so yeah not even the same as to what I'm referring to. which is and I have happened. is an ENTJ telling me what was wrong with me without me bringing it up. this thread is on ENTJ bullying. if it was about cuddeling it wouldn't have been brought up.
So if one person decides to start the 'honesty', it's perfectly acceptable for others to dog pile on? Funny, could have sworn that's a form of bullying too.

Frankly, you can say what you want and it won't bother me. But I had to point out the hypocrisy since it was too funny.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
So if one person decides to start the 'honesty', it's perfectly acceptable for others to dog pile on? Funny, could have sworn that's a form of bullying too.

Frankly, you can say what you want and it won't bother me. But I had to point out the hypocrisy since it was too funny.

you're accusing me of bullying? in a thread where the op asks why ENTJs bullying and i said I didn't have experience with them doing that, but more of what i said which could be mistook for bullying? I never said any of what you're accusing me of. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT THE FUCKING SUBJECT! I gave my pov, you twisting my words around to fit your fucking view of the world is fucked up.


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
this thread is on the topic. so yeah not even the same as to what I'm referring to. which is and I have happened. is an ENTJ telling me what was wrong with me without me bringing it up. this thread is on ENTJ bullying. if it was about cuddeling it wouldn't have been brought up.

With this in mind I would like to say that it's pretty much a common thread that many toxic ENTJ's leave others feeling off, disgusted, or something of that nature. It doesn't take much research to find this out. Go on youtube and type in ENTJ and you'll find a bunch of first impressions or general impressions of....

"Working with an ENTJ sucks,"

"Entj's leave me feeling shitty,"

"ENTJ's mean well but they come across as jack asses,"

"I guess they're kind of cool off of a work."

The problem is ENTJ's are not readily predisposed to individuation until mid life.

I'm speaking generally here. It's not just one site. Most ENTJ shark spots for lack of better words are considered toxic waste dumps.

That being said for as many Jerk ENTJ's I've found on the internet I've found as many peaceful and kind ones in real life and someitmes on the net again.

I believe though that most ENTJ's on the net troll because even going on a message board tends to be an unconcious drive for the ENTJ unless they are really interested in psychology, which I've discovered most ENTJ's on message boards are not. They are biased towards using the board for their own egotistical needs hence the names, "retard," ""moron" and the condescending attitude of, "me making you feel shitty is good for you," with no respect for the subjective state of the individual.

This again has been brought to my attention is a result of a profound lack of self perhaps even so much to imply narcissism - I'm very thankful that many of you have responded with such great input because I have actually been illuminated on many of my own shortcomings too.

My friends always parot, "the ends justify the means," when I'm telling them my ideas and I finally understand how even I, someone who portends to be brutally honest, comes off as a jerk.

This is good thought because I'm finally realizing what real ego inflation is.

EGO INFLATION is pretending to know what is good for someone else under the pretense of objectivity in almost every case no matter what. This is why even psychoanlysts get the patient to come to their own ideas and are simply there as guides, and even an ENTJ psychoanalyst will respect the subjective inner world of the person.

Most ENTJ's of this caliber, the egotistical one, act like their advice is needed that if you don't listen you'll drown or something. The truth is ENTJ's are no omniscient. Unless they are sinking on a submarine, as I have learned, they should bite their tongue and just chill.

There is another possiblity however. It could be that the narcissistic person is drawn to want to identify with ENTJ and therefore most ENTJ's on the net are not ENTJ's but people with npd feigning as ENTJ's. This would make more sense. An ENTJ would not go on a message board and muffle other people. They would want as much good and bad information as possible since both types of info are valuable for different reasons. But even this notion is presumptuous, I'll admit.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
With this in mind I would like to say that it's pretty much a common thread that many ENTJ's leave others feeling off, disgusted, or something of that nature. It doesn't take much research to find this out. Go on youtube and type in ENTJ and you'll find a bunch of first impressions or general impressions of....

"Working with an ENTJ sucks,"

"Entj's leave me feeling shitty,"

"ENTJ's mean well but they come across as jack asses,"

"I guess they're kind of cool off of a work."

The problem is ENTJ's are not readily predisposed to individuation until mid life.

I'm speaking generally here. It's not just one site. Most ENTJ shark spots for lack of better words are considered toxic waste dumps.

That being said for as many Jerk ENTJ's I've found on the internet I've found as many peaceful and kind ones in real life and someitmes on the net again.

I believe though that most ENTJ's on the net troll because even going on a message board tends to be an unconcious drive for the ENTJ unless they are really interested in psychology, which I've discovered most ENTJ's on message boards are not. They are biased towards using the board for their own egotistical needs hence the names, "retard," ""moron" and the condescending attitude of, "me making you feel shitty is good for you," with no respect for the subjective state of the individual.

This again has been brought to my attention is a result of a profound lack of self perhaps even so much to imply narcissism - I'm very thankful that many of you have responded with such great input because I have actually been illuminated on many of my own shortcomings too.

My friends always parot, "the ends justify the means," when I'm telling them my ideas and I finally understand how even I, someone who portends to be brutally honest, comes off as a jerk.

This is good thought because I'm finally realizing what real ego inflation is.

EGO INFLATION is pretending to know what is good for someone else under the pretense of objectivity in almost every case no matter what.

yeah the number of entj's I like or at least have no emotions towards far out number the ones i dislike.


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
Here's another thing I noticed about the cold Machiavellian style of ENTJ bullying which is prominent in a small minority of them. They are one of the only types who will go through every legitimate means to debase you, humiliate you, and render you unable to function if you prevent them or seem like an obstacle in their path towards victory.

Most other types will be content with telling a joke at your expense. It's only the ENTJ who has these outbursts of deep seeded revenge which pulsates like a binary star. It reminds me of the the entire play of MacBeth which is the proverbial tail of success at all costs.


The Green Jolly Robin H.
Oct 22, 2014
So if one person decides to start the 'honesty', it's perfectly acceptable for others to dog pile on? Funny, could have sworn that's a form of bullying too.

Frankly, you can say what you want and it won't bother me. But I had to point out the hypocrisy since it was too funny.

Everyone loves honesty but when honesty becomes a jihad or a crusade to get one's subjective way it's scary and off putting and leaves people somewhat feeling ill inside. I've experienced this first hand as a young teenager always putting objectivity before my personal bonds and I can attest that it is not a good way to live. We live as people not robots therefore we can never be entirely honest or objective.

You don't sound like the type who's a bully though. This is more about a small minority of eNTJ's who bully people online or in real life. We're just fleshing out the bullying style of an ENTJ vs. another mbti. All MBTI's have bullies you know.

Remember the truth is a sword to be used only with respect and a sense of sacredness...not as a way to inflict harm.

Cold objective facts can be used to hurt as well as heal. Yes I know this doesn't sound like something an ENTJ would say unless the entj had precognitive dreams and a nde which alter his views on what is empirical - and other intense experiences which many people have and can deepen the personality.


Jan 25, 2014
It's also helpful if they have Fe-dom around, they learn a bit faster.

Not always though. I can get along with ENTJ's really well. That said it can also result in a spectacular explosion if either party digs their heels and refuses to move.