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[MBTI General] TypoC fails.


cast shadows
Jun 16, 2009
I'm not big on math. In fact I despise it. But nonetheless, I cannot find a better way to describe what I'm about to explain to you so here goes.

Variable's we'll need to be familiar with:
M = Metaphours (me)
O = Object/thing
E = Emotion
T = Time

Okay now that that's done, let's begin the equation.

M + O = E
I, like every natural human being has an emotional reaction whenever they come across some sort of object that has an effect on them. It could be the slightest thing and you may not even notice it, but I have come to realize that this is the basis of emotions. You hear about a terrible air disaster on your local news and your heart drops and suddenly you feel sad. This emotional equation applies. You're favorite show has been renewed for a fifth season. GREAT! Emotional equation, right there. (I hate to be summing things up in such a linear way which I NEVER do, in fact it's killing me inside to do this, but it seems like the only way I can actually explain what I'm trying to explain.) Alright, next equation.

(M + O)/T = > E
Okay this is almost the same as the first equation, however we see that over time, my emotional response to the object decreases and I become bored and the object becomes another mundane aspect of my life.

Now this is what TypoC has become to me.

Basically, when I found TypoC, it was great because I could discuss things with fellow INFPs and other people who were familiar with and understood my situation and my personality traits. But over time, it's become little more than just a stop on my web browser "adventure" for me. And this is the sad, neverending basis of my life. Which I pointed out above. I find something, I love it for a while, and then after a while, I get bored and move on to "bigger and better things" like the parasite/nomad that I am. It's like a find a suitable, juicy-looking host, deprive it of all of it's supply of blood and nutrients and then move on to the next suitable host.

And it's not like I just noticed this right now, I noticed it a while ago, and I tried to stop this from happening by making my own "blog" and posting some of my "totally unique" poetry that went by completely unnoticed (not trying to sound like a stereotypical whiny NF btw, just stating the facts) which turned out terrible, frankly...

I don't know about this... This sad, everlasting trend seems to be the plot device in my sham of a life. And it's not just "things" like TypoC, it can be people, places, anything... And I'm sick of it. It depresses me to a level that's just irritating. And it's not you guys that makes me feel this way. There's always some sort of flaw that I somehow see in things no matter how good I feel about it, yet this flaw is my "little ginger bread man" if you will, because I can never seem to actually point out a single legitimate flaw in any of the things I end up abandoning. It makes me feel like a true coward.

I apologize if I'm being whiny and I apologize for being the kind of person who apologizes for being whiny, but this is just the way I feel. Despite the fact that I haven't been here that long and I don't really need a "ba feaux (spl?)" ending as I will no longer be posting on TypoC regularly, but more irregularly (hah, didn't see that comin' did ya?). Think of it as when Brian Wilson (albeit I have a significant less amount of influence) left the Beach Boys but still wrote music for them. Think of it as that. If you bother to read this. So I'll leave you as I came, silently, and suddenly like a thief in the night.
Later, gaiz.

".lol ,sruohpatem - .suoixonbo oot t'nsaw tsop siht epoh I .tuo m'I ,thgirlA .hhayehc ,dlo sraey 51 m'I dna )revetahw ahah ...reilrae taht denoitnem I kniht I( yug a m'I ).ahah ,gniddik ...srepeerc ,lol( :wonk ot detnaw ohw enoyna roF ,WTB .foereht noitanibmoc emos ro tsitra/naicisum/rotca/retirwneercs a rehtie emoceb ot ekil dluow I dna ,gnitirw yojne yllaer I .yug fo dnik ,enoyreve htiw gnol a steg ,ot klat ot ysae ,yttiw ,citegrene ,duol a sa em wonk srehto dnA .suoromuh ylthgils gnihtemos syas eh ,seod eh nehw dna semitemos sklat ohw ,yug taht sa em wonk srehtO .REVE ,gnihtyna syas reven ohw relykS devreser ,teiuq eht sa em wonk elpoep emoS .)enasni yllautca ton m'I taht tnemmoc evoba ees( redrosid ytilanosrep elpitlum evah I taht ekoj semitemos I dna ,em ot sedis ynam era erehT .yllis/citegrene dna ycnuob ylgnisaercni erom dna erom emoceb I neht dna ,em wonk ot teg yllaer uoy sselnu ,efil laer ni teiuq etiuq m'I ,haey tub ,)LOL( edud looc ytterp a m'I kniht ot ekil d'I .ahah ,ton m'i - enasni m'I kniht t'nod ).lol ,bewretni eht ,dnim ym .g.e( dlrow laer-non eht ni emit erom dneps ot ekil I tub ,dlrow laer eht ni ,relykS sa nwonK .sruohpatem m'I ,yeH .OYE"

A Schnitzel

WTF is this dude saying?
Jun 4, 2008
Don't apologize for your whininess. If you're going to whine, own it.

Scott N Denver

New member
Apr 25, 2009
Perhaps globalchatter, which is the INFP forum, would work better for you?


New member
Jul 15, 2007
I don't really see how your blog failed. It got the same amount of attention that they usually seem to get. And for a new blog it seemed to get a little more attention.

Yeah, you were only here like a month. I thought you were interesting at least.

Anyway....I guess you'll just have to learn that many things (especially when the involve people) are constantly in flux and changing. I don't really see quite how you can get bored with people that change. I mean, when you focus deeply on one individual or a group (like TypeC) there is always something new to discover. I'm constantly finding new things out about myself even.

I certainly understand the thrill of discovering new people (I'm quite addicted to seeking out and becoming attached to random people that I meet). Sometimes I realize that I'm starting to leave my old friends in the dust if I get too crazy doing this. Then I have to realize that, yeah, I may know them really well and they can become a little predictable....but because I know them so well, the little surprises that show up every now and then are so much more meaningful and thrilling. It's like finding a secret garden on property you thought you had all mapped out.

Good luck out there in the physical realms!


cast shadows
Jun 16, 2009
Then I have to realize that, yeah, I may know them really well and they can become a little predictable....

exactly. this whole thing has become so predictable and it's not effecting me the way it was before. i'm not getting bored per se, but it's just i don't feel the same way, you know?


New member
Jul 15, 2007
Well....regarding TypeC I don't really know exactly. I mean...there are always new people coming in here with their own personalities. The collective personality is constantly in flux. Also, the regular posters are only known by what they post. On an internet forum you only see what the posters let you see. It is fun to occasionally see sides to people and hear stories from them that you didn't know were hidden away inside them.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Getting bored with TV shows and online message boards is not a problem, IMO. At some point, I too may expect to get tired of discussing MBTI and move on. I have done that in the past with other message boards, where I took and gave all I could on a subject, and often times, the faces of the avatars had changed to ones I no longer recognized, so there was no reason to stick around. At approx 300 posts, you likely haven't been around long enough to care much about individuals here, and that's fine.

However, if this is an indication of your behavior in more significant areas of life (romance, friendships, jobs, etc), then maybe it is a problem.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hahaha I never get bored of this place. Probably for two reasons. Every few weeks I have to leave for a week or longer to catch up on my online classes because I am a huge procrastinator.

The other reason is, how much do I actually stay on topic of MBTI? I use it to make fun of things and the like, or to go on a random tangent.

I just amuse myself.


New member
Jul 15, 2007
Getting bored with TV shows and online message boards is not a problem, IMO. At some point, I too may expect to get tired of discussing MBTI and move on. I have done that in the past with other message boards, where I took and gave all I could on a subject, and often times, the faces of the avatars had changed to ones I no longer recognized, so there was no reason to stick around. At approx 300 posts, you likely haven't been around long enough to care much about individuals here, and that's fine.

However, if this is an indication of your behavior in more significant areas of life (romance, friendships, jobs, etc), then maybe it is a problem.

I agree with this totally. I just personally haven't gotten bored with this forum. And I'm not saying that you are awful for feeling bored with it. Do whateva ya want! :jew:


cast shadows
Jun 16, 2009
I guess sometimes why I feel like this about things is because it doesn't elicit the expected reaction after a certain amount of time. Like for example I see all you gaiz all together having a smashing time and then there's me in the corner posting my poetry up. It's almost like, what's the point? You know what I mean? After reading OrangeAppled post I've sort of reconsidered my decision but still, it's just... I don't see a real point in posting on TypoC much anymore unless theres a discussion that I find really interesting. But even then, I may put in an intelligent reply and it's just like afterwards I feel like: "It's just the internet, it would have made no difference if I had posted that there either way, so what was the point of doing so in the first place?" <--this is how i feel about a lot of things in life


New member
Jul 15, 2007
Like for example I see all you gaiz all together having a smashing time and then there's me in the corner posting my poetry up

You're making it seem like we're all great friends and totally leaving you out. This is totally not true. This is a random place where people and discussions haphazardly form and dissolve wherever, whenever. It's just a bunch of random people posting crazy shit on the internet, dude. That is the drawback and the appeal of places like this.

But even then, I may put in an intelligent reply and it's just like afterwards I feel like: "It's just the internet, it would have made no difference if I had posted that there either way, so what was the point of doing so in the first place?" <--this is how i feel about a lot of things in life

I feel this way sometimes. Like, "why the hell should I devote time to an internet forum? I've got stuff in the physical world to worry about...I should apply myself there." But then I just get sucked into all the interesting stuff going on. And I keep reminding myself that these are all real people. That makes it seem more worthwhile when I picture the actual humans behind the post.

And it seems dangerous to think of yourself as not mattering in life. True...if you didn't exist the world wouldn't know any better, but you do exist....so it does know better. You impact people in ways nobody will ever know, least of all you. I don't want to start sounding saccharine and cliche here, but everyone is important somehow, someway because they do influence the greater world.


it's a nuclear device
Apr 29, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I guess sometimes why I feel like this about things is because it doesn't elicit the expected reaction after a certain amount of time. Like for example I see all you gaiz all together having a smashing time and then there's me in the corner posting my poetry up. It's almost like, what's the point? You know what I mean? After reading OrangeAppled post I've sort of reconsidered my decision but still, it's just... I don't see a real point in posting on TypoC much anymore unless theres a discussion that I find really interesting. But even then, I may put in an intelligent reply and it's just like afterwards I feel like: "It's just the internet, it would have made no difference if I had posted that there either way, so what was the point of doing so in the first place?" <--this is how i feel about a lot of things in life

My first reaction to this was "Yes! That's exactly it!" But then, if you post 20 times, 16 are ignored, you get dumb replies for 3 of them, and 1 good thoughtful reply that makes you reflect ... that's pretty cool. I find the odds aren't much better with people irl, so what's the difference? Anyway, if I like what I write, I copy it. I'll use it later for myself. If YOU get to reflect, then that is also cool. (This is not to mention the coolness of finding interesting points people make in conversations I have nothing to do with, which really constitutes a good portion of the joy I get here, come to think of it.) So you have to make the most practical use of your energies.

What I find with forums also, is that a lot people read what you write. A lot of people think you have made good points. A lot of people have their own replies to make, and the place they are at in their life put your reply just enough out of sync with them that they don't reply to it directly. ... not that it wasn't considered or didn't have an effect on them.

And if you find yourself bored, well, I've found that I can't exceed a certain amount of time here or else I get bored too. Some don't. But that's not me. Come back in a few days and the landscape is a lot different and decidedly more fresh, AND, so are you.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I might know how to solve this problem! You joined this thread to learn more about MBTI, right? So, do you have more questions? If so, try to get them answered. Turn this into a quest for knowledge! You won't get bored if you're learning things that you actually WANT to learn.

The thing about this site is that you make of it what you choose. If you use it as a way to entertain you, I can see how it would get deathly boring after a while. But if you use it to LEARN, and if you try to constantly set goals for yourself (i.e. list out your reasons for being here as a to-do list), then you have nothing to worry about.


Jan 7, 2009
All very good points made in this thread so far.

I would add that in all things you must post here for your own pleasure, not to try to receive the praise and adulation of others. Sometimes I post some piece of profundity and expect the whole world to jump up and take notice, so I think I hear where you are coming from. But you need to do this for you, and perhaps to help others too, but not to get noticed, do you understand?

Personally I think it is very natural for interests to wax and wane over time. It's normal, that whole process of falling in love, in saturation and then eventually balance.

I have not read your poems but would like to. Please post the link to them.

Plus you likely did not notice my gem of literary genius on here either so it is not personal to not notice stuff. ;)

Bear in mind too at any given time I probably only see 5% of all threads and participate in 0.5%, and likely others participate the same way, sort of a shotgun approach to seeing what's going on rather than some threads being the Dairy Queen party cake and us being the forks.

Sending you a big :hug:.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I guess we shouldn't really expect anything, in general. I think it wiser to take what is given to you, or what you have the power of getting, and be happy with it. But that's kind of hypocritical of me, because I'm always wanting something bigger and better and more. But I hear it's better if we make the best with what we've got, or can get. The rest is out of your hands, whatever happens, happens.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Ironically, thinking you grasp everything about a system like typology is the surest sign that you probably don't.

Scott N Denver

New member
Apr 25, 2009
All very good points made in this thread so far.

I would add that in all things you must post here for your own pleasure, not to try to receive the praise and adulation of others. Sometimes I post some piece of profundity and expect the whole world to jump up and take notice, so I think I hear where you are coming from. But you need to do this for you, and perhaps to help others too, but not to get noticed, do you understand?

Personally I think it is very natural for interests to wax and wane over time. It's normal, that whole process of falling in love, in saturation and then eventually balance.

I have not read your poems but would like to. Please post the link to them.

Plus you likely did not notice my gem of literary genius on here either so it is not personal to not notice stuff. ;)

Bear in mind too at any given time I probably only see 5% of all threads and participate in 0.5%, and likely others participate the same way, sort of a shotgun approach to seeing what's going on rather than some threads being the Dairy Queen party cake and us being the forks.

Sending you a big :hug:.

Peacebaby, I have noticed several of your pieces of profundity. I think a lot of people here put down really informative and/or wise pieces of info. Personally, I was very surprised when someone who has never "talked" to me wrote how everything in one of my posts was very informative and well-done, or however they put it.

I think there is a tendency amongst some posters to put down something really thought out and meaningful and then to have no one respond to it, at all. I've heard that from at least one other person here.


cast shadows
Jun 16, 2009
the link to my poetry is here for those of you who were interested


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
here's my impression of this thread, wahhhh no one loves me boohoo. Guess what most people on here get ignore, and it just seems like some lame attempt to get attention, and for people to read your poetry.