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Type me

Mar 27, 2011
It’s been a while since I have been typed, and I feel that I have evolved significantly and potentially changed in some ways since then. I am currently conflicted between INFP and ISFP however and thought answering these questions would help clarify things for me. I am curious as to what you all think.

1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?
I am currently a 26 year old woman of Puerto Rican and Cuban descent who currently lives in Texas and was raised in a household with strong Hispanic values. I am equally proficient in both English and Spanish and feel that I have perhaps adopted certain aspects of American culture as well due to the media I am often exposed to and the people I interact with. I am currently an agnostic and do not have any strong religious ties, despite my previous efforts of attending church more often, although I do believe in God and have considered the possibility of a higher power. I have also been diagnosed with anxiety, OCD, and ADHD, each of which affect me in various aspects of my life, although I have since attempted to manage my symptoms.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?
As mentioned previously, I am currently caught between INFP and ISFP, but lean slightly more towards INFP due to my strong sense of nostalgia and tendency to focus too much on the past, which I associate with Si. I also tend to overthink too much and become too fixated on possibilities, constantly analyzing and reflecting on the what ifs and what could bes, which can sometimes affect me negatively.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

As a child, I dreamt of using my creativity to possibly write a children’s book based on my experiences to educate others and potentially leave a meaningful impact in the world. I wanted to write something that would inspire and touch others and found enjoyment in the possibility of creating a rich world full of characters others would relate to. As I’ve matured however, I have realized that my true calling in life is to help others and use my past experiences to guide and offer comfort to those who struggle. I’ve already pursued my bachelor’s in psychology and admit that it has been a struggle to find my true calling without further education, although I hope to perhaps go into counseling or help others who are hurting in some way in order to make them feel understood and less alone. If it ever happens, I would also like to have a child one day whom I can instill positive values in and provide with the unconditional love I never received, so that I can then add a little bit of kindness to the world in raising a human who can feel empathy for others and has a deep capacity for caring.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
By far, my biggest vice is envy. I have unfortunately struggled with constantly comparing myself to others and tend to fantasize about the grass being greener on the other side, as the saying indicates. I feel a part of me has never quite felt whole or complete, and for as long as I can remember have felt defective or as if I am inherently flawed. I can’t quite explain why, although this can perhaps be due to the fact that I had an absent father and was raised in a dysfunctional household that didn’t teach me the concept of unconditional love. It could also be due to negative childhood experiences overall in which I constantly struggled to belong and feel understood, which I admit affected me quite negatively throughout my adolescence and young adult life and kept me from living the life I wanted. It is just something I need to change about myself, but as anything in life, it will take some time and effort.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to
I am drawn to those are compassionate and sensitive, as well as people who are mindful and can contribute a unique perspective to the world. I love when people have a rich inner world and aren’t afraid to delve deeply into the aspects of themselves most people ignore, and I like having meaningful discussions that allow me to reflect on things and hear a different point of view. I also love a goofy sense of humor, or when a person has an almost childlike quality to them that makes them unafraid to laugh of themselves and show an enthusiasm for life. While I think intelligence is important, it is not nearly as significant to me as simply being a kind person who can still find pleasure in the simple things, as well as subtle ways to make you smile.

b) The type of people who are drawn to you
I seem to attract misfits and those who don’t quite fit in, or at least it seemed that way when I was younger. I also seem to attract nerdy types of people who are highly intelligent, particularly when it comes to men, or perhaps people who are a bit quirky and aren’t quite like the rest. I have sadly also attracted people who have been quite toxic for me in other occasions who bring unnecessary emotional baggage to my life and take advantage of my kindness. I have also encountered many people who are rude, manipulative, and simply unkind who have attempted to use my insecurities against me and deflate my self-esteem, although life has made me a bit wiser since then.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by
I simply will not tolerate any kind of bigotry or arrogance. I have no sympathy for those who think too highly of themselves and try to put others down to elevate their sense of worth, and I also dislike narcissists and people who lack empathy for others overall. I also do not appreciate those who are shallow or judgmental in any way, or “pseudointellectual” types who try to make themselves appear smarter than they are in reality.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
I admire those who are confident and assertive, as well as those who have a strong sense of self. I think one of the most beautiful qualities a person can have is self-love, and it is inspiring to see someone who will still stand firmly by their values regardless of what the rest of the world says and refuses to conform to what society expects. I also appreciate those who are positive and see the good in others, as well as those who are driven by their goals and never allow people to influence their decisions in life.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger
I have unfortunately struggled with a lot of anger in the past, which can lead me to misuse hard logic when I am upset. I tend to be blinded by rage when I am truly angered and sometimes fail to control what comes out my mouth, which can lead me say hurtful things I truly don’t mean. It is something I am learning to manage, and I hope to one day become more self-possessed and less easily triggered by things. I try to be kind and understanding however and will not typically start a fight unless I am truly bothered or offended by something, or a person does something that triggers such a reaction from me.

b) Shame
I feel shame when I have not lived up to my own ideals and expectations, as well as when I feel I have discomforted someone in any way or failed to impact them in a positive way. As I mentioned before, I intend to use my past experiences to help and guide others, so when I feel that I can’t be of service to someone or can’t benefit them in a positive way, it really makes me feel badly about myself. I also feel ashamed when I am perceived as incompetent and can’t contribute anything meaningful to society.

c) Fear
I have struggled with bouts of anxiety throughout my life, which is usually triggered by my analytical nature and tendency to fear the unknown. I tend to be introspective and like to think about things in depth, which can often result in my being stuck inside my own head rather than being out in the world making an impact.

d) Love/passion
I think true love is selfless and involves putting someone’s happiness above your own. I believe a person is truly in love when they can quarrel with someone and see the ugliest side of them, yet still love that person all the same and rekindle their bond stronger than it ever was before. I also think loving someone, whether platonically or romantically, involves patience and understanding, as well as the ability to accept one another and mutually help each other grow as people.

e) Conflict
I admit that I don’t like conflict and that fighting with a person or feeling like I have disappointed or let them down in some way really hurts me. I know relationships take work and effort and that there will be many times in which things will be difficult and unpleasant, and overall, I am trying to learn how to deal with conflict more constructively and have healthier communication patterns during these times.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, etc)?

8) Answer only one of the following:

a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

I currently have my bachelor’s in psychology, which was motivated by my desire to better understand myself and the world around me. I intend to help others with my knowledge in this field and ideally would do something related to counseling to benefit and guide others.

b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be?
I’ve contemplated furthering my education with a master’s degree to go the counseling route, but also know that job options in the psychology field are quite limited, so I might also chose a completely different career path and use my creativity and technology skills to become a web developer.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on? What are their interests? Can I help them with anything? Can they help me with anything? What are their values?
When I first meet someone, I tend to focus on the deeper questions and am mostly wondering whether we are on the same wavelength or if our personalities are compatible. I admit that I tend to notice physical appearance first as most people do, but what truly makes me feel connected to someone is whether their outlook in life compliments mine and if we have shared values and interests.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
I honestly think the world is so cruel nowadays and that most people tend to lack empathy. It saddens me how judgmental the world is and how entitled much of humanity has become, and I feel that the age of social media has limited our ability to form quality connections face to face and distorted our perception of beauty. I think a lot of the world is superficial and materialistic nowadays and that people are too swayed by earthly desires rather than the things that truly matter. I know that there might still be some good people left out there, but it is shocking to see someone the inhumane things I’ve observed in others.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I tend to write and journal a lot, although I have more recently found enjoyment in writing detailed background stories for original characters I have created, as strange as this may sound. I used to draw fairly often when I was younger as well as liked to read, and I also love going on long walks as I listen to music and let my mind wander. I am also interested in psychology and things related to personality theory, and sometimes like to watch certain cartoon shows for fun, as childish as this may sound. If I had enough money, I would also love to travel the world, as one of my biggest desires has always been to explore new places and look into different cultures. Admittedly, I also surf the web quite often, although this usually just involves watching videos or listening to music on YouTube.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
I prefer one-on-one encounters and like calmer pursuits such as going to a coffee shop or bookstore, seeing a movie together, or perhaps the mall, to going to a bar or a club. I prefer that others initiate first given how introverted I am, although it usually tends to be the other way around.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
I always say that actions tend to speak louder than words, as what comes out of a person’s mouth may not always be sincere and you can determine more about a person’s intentions based on how they act and their body language overall.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose?

a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!
I would honestly chose to lose my memories. I would benefit significantly from being able to let go of the past and not dwell so much upon what happened yesterday, so losing these memories would allow me the opportunity to start fresh without any past negativity to hinder me.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc?
I avoid being unkind, as cliche as this may seem. I like to treat others the way I would wish to be treated and am reluctant to offend. A person who embodies what I prefer to avoid is probably difficult for me to pinpoint in all honesty, but I simply would rather not be a superficial, mean, entitled person who hurts others to elevate themselves.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
I think my desire to find a “better half” has led me fixate on finding someone who lives up to a certain ideal, which can potentially make me expect too much from my relationships and those around me. I also tend to get distracted easily if I am not passionate about something, but can become completely immersed when it comes to the things I truly enjoy.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
I am much more messy than I am organized, by far. I also think I tend to be somewhere in the middle in terms of my impulsiveness, as there are times in which I do plan before I act, but other occasions in which I act rashly in the spur of the moment, usually due to being influenced by my emotions.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
I tend to find comfort in the simple things in life, whether that be watching a sunset, eating my favorite food, rewatching a favorite childhood film that I once enjoyed, hearing a good song that inspires me, or simply having a meaningful, heartfelt conversation with a good friend.

What do you guys think, based on these answers?
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My best guess for enneagram: core 9w1 seems very obvious. Tritype probably 946 or 926, so/sx.


Oct 25, 2021
Hmm i dunno if you're familiar with this new typology system that's been introduced from Personality Ninja and Objective Personality, but based on what you wrote, I think you're FiSi. I understand that this function stack might seem veerrryy unfamiliar, but I think it matches you more than FiNe or FiSe. I think Ne might be your tertiary function because when you do use it, you imagine possibilities that are negative, so its probably not the functions you are natural with.

However when you described your nostalgia, it seems like something you do often, and also quite naturally. Hence, pointing to Si. Other than that, there's no doubt about your Fi, I think I can see it throughout your post. Just that Si is something that is also fairly prominent in your post.

You can check out the type description for FiSi on Personality Ninja. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a type description from Objective Personality because they don't have one. Feel free to ask me about the code or anything you are unsure with. I know the codes look really alien, but I think I can provide some explanation if you need any.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hmm i dunno if you're familiar with this new typology system that's been introduced from Personality Ninja and Objective Personality, but based on what you wrote, I think you're FiSi. I understand that this function stack might seem veerrryy unfamiliar, but I think it matches you more than FiNe or FiSe. I think Ne might be your tertiary function because when you do use it, you imagine possibilities that are negative, so its probably not the functions you are natural with.

However when you described your nostalgia, it seems like something you do often, and also quite naturally. Hence, pointing to Si. Other than that, there's no doubt about your Fi, I think I can see it throughout your post. Just that Si is something that is also fairly prominent in your post.

You can check out the type description for FiSi on Personality Ninja. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a type description from Objective Personality because they don't have one. Feel free to ask me about the code or anything you are unsure with. I know the codes look really alien, but I think I can provide some explanation if you need any.

Could you provide more explanation? I looked through the info on the site but it wasn't clear how their codes break down. Thanks.


Oct 25, 2021
Could you provide more explanation? I looked through the info on the site but it wasn't clear how their codes break down. Thanks.
Alright here goes. Let's use SFVB as an example code then break it down for there. SF is the village of a type, and there's like 4 of these villages (SF, ST, NF, NT). I think the villages should be familiar to some because online personality communities tend to use them to categorize types.

Okay so that's the first part. Now comes the next part, which is V and B. V stands for eVolver class, B stands for Builder class. There's another two classes, which are X for eXplorer, and L for Leader.

eVolver class is basically Ti or Fi, and Builder class is basically Ni or Si. When put together with the village, which in this case is SF, then the code SFVB is actually FiSi.

You can read more about it here on the site, in case my explanation is not clear enough, haha.


Oct 25, 2021
Alright here goes. Let's use SFVB as an example code then break it down for there. SF is the village of a type, and there's like 4 of these villages (SF, ST, NF, NT). I think the villages should be familiar to some because online personality communities tend to use them to categorize types.

Okay so that's the first part. Now comes the next part, which is V and B. V stands for eVolver class, B stands for Builder class. There's another two classes, which are X for eXplorer, and L for Leader.

eVolver class is basically Ti or Fi, and Builder class is basically Ni or Si. When put together with the village, which in this case is SF, then the code SFVB is actually FiSi.

You can read more about it here on the site, in case my explanation is not clear enough, haha.
Additional info, so Leader is Te/Fe, and eXplorer is Se/Ne.
So if you see a code that is NTXL that stands for NeTe.