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The Golden Compass Daemon Test (Actually quite good)


Widdles in your cream.
Feb 5, 2008
HelloQuizzy.com: The Golden Compass Daemon Test

Basically it's your typical personality quiz, only the theme is what kind of animal your daemon would settle as. I'm not sure whether you would need to sign in to take the quiz. *fail*

The score columns are extraversion, openness and sensitivity.

And if you must know, I scored as "Quiet loner" soul.

Quiet Loner soul
You are a quiet, solitary kind of person. You probably rely on your few close friends or family members to get you out of the house occasionally, or you would probably forget to leave. You don't like big crowds of people, or being in new social situations, because they make you feel uncomfortable and you get tired very quickly. You need to spend some time alone in front of a computer, book, or television to recharge after expending all of that social effort! You have a lot of personal projects that you like to spend time working on.

You don't spend much time talking about yourself or your emotions. Your close friends and family probably have to try and remember to ask you directly about your feelings, and even then you probably just smile or shrug a lot of the time. People who don't know you well probably forget that you even have emotions at all, because you never get angry or upset. Really, though, you just don't think of your emotions as being important. It doesn't even occur to you to call someone and complain about your day, or to retaliate when someone insults you. You march to the beat of your own drum, and you don't really care that much when other people think. You are calm and logical in nature, and reacting emotionally to things simply doesn't come naturally to you. Perhaps you have been hurt or embarrassed in the past, which makes you afraid to share your feelings. Or maybe you are just naturally that way.

At the same time, you are not uncaring, and you are aware of the feelings of other people around you. When a close friend or a family member is going through a rough time, you are sympathetic and probably wish you knew how to make it better.

Your daemon's form would reflect your solitary, calm, logical nature, but would not be aggressive or intimidating in appearance. He or she would probably spend time talking to you constructively about how to solve problems, or simply watching over your shoulder while you indulge in your hobbies.

Suggested form: Lizard, Gecko, Manatee, Tree Kangaroo, Grass Snake.

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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
My results:
* 7/100 You scored -14 on Extroversion, higher than 7% of your peers.
* 97/100 You scored 14 on Sensitivity, higher than 97% of your peers.
* 20/100 You scored -2 on Openness, higher than 20% of your peers.

Solitary Trickster

You are shy and a little reclusive. Big crowds and new social situations make you feel uncomfortable and nervous. You prefer to stick with your close friends and family. You have a large personal space and you hate to feel crowded or overwhelmed. If you have been dragged out to a party, or have had a stressful day at work, you need to retreat to your own private place for a while afterwards to recharge.

You are very sensitive, and easily hurt. You tend to worry about what other people are thinking about you. Often, the offhand comments that people make hurt your feelings. You tend to hide your feelings from people whom you are not comfortable with, like strangers, acquaintances or coworkers. You may brush things off with a joke or hide your pain behind a toss of the head. You try not to overreact to things, and you avoid conflict, especially with strangers. However, if you are pushed too far, you can defend yourself with a vengeance.

With your loved ones you are quite different. You trust them with your feelings and with them you tend to be more open and sincere. You are loyal and clannish, and while you hide yourself from strangers and acquaintances, you come out of hiding when your close friends and family are around. Or at least, you do for a while, before you need to retreat back into your private place to re-charge.

Your daemon would represent your secretive, shy nature, your dislike of conflict, and your ready ability to defend yourself or your friends, should the need arise. He or she would probably stick close to you when you felt nervous or uncomfortable, and provide you with humorous commentaries to keep you smiling.

Suggested forms: Coyote, Fox, Raccoon.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
9/100 You scored -13 on Extroversion, higher than 9% of your peers.
38/100 You scored -7 on Sensitivity, higher than 38% of your peers.
17/100 You scored -3 on Openness, higher than 17% of your peers.

Independent Soul.

You are calm and logical, but not unemotional. You are an introvert, at heart, preferring to read alone than be subjected to the crush and noise of a big party or bar. You have a few friends and family, whose presence you welcome - to a point. Even they can wear on your nerves eventually, and you need to retreat back into your personal space for a while so you can recharge. Your energy comes in bursts, after which you need a long nap or a couple of evenings at home to recuperate.

You are comfortable with yourself, and reasonably confident. You want the friendship and goodwill of others, but you are not willing to sacrifice your principles in order to get it. If your close friends need something that you can provide, however, you will be the first to offer it.

You are a good and sympathetic listener, and are aware of your friend's emotional states. With your very close friends, you will open up, but rarely - you don't like to burden people with your problems. At the same time, though, you are honest and are not willing to alter the truth for the sake of convenience. Among strangers you are reserved, and may resort to making jokes to disguise your true feelings.

While you are not afraid of conflict, you do not seek it, either. When you are hurt or insulted, you feel that you have a choice to make. You can choose to take the up on it and defend yourself, or you can let it pass. Your decision may depend on how well you know the person, how personally you take the insult, or simply what mood you are in that day. Your friends may not always know how you are going to react, for that reason. Whatever you reaction, though, you will be logical, rational and unnervingly accurate: a measured strike.

Your daemon's form would represent your calm, introverted nature, your cool logic, and your impatience with crowds of people. He or she would probably whisper ironic comments in your ear, give logical advice and try to hide his or her soft side from everyone, even you.

Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.

Ho Hum.


Jun 26, 2008
You scored -11 on Extroversion, higher than 12% of your peers.
27/100 You scored -10 on Sensitivity, higher than 27% of your peers.
13/100 You scored -5 on Openness, higher than 13% of your peers.

Curmudgeonly Soul

You are an independent, confident person. You march to the beat of your own drum, and if other people don't like it, they can go f*** themselves. You don't really care what they think, or at least you THINK that you don't care. You believe that people should live and let live.

You are an introverted soul, disliking the crowds of morons and idiots that you find at big parties or clubs. You prefer to be on your own, or with a couple close friends. When you are forced to be social, you get tired quickly. You need to curl up with a good book or spend a night on the computer to recharge.

You have a strong sense of self, and it doesn't bother you much when people criticize you, especially strangers. You care more about what your family thinks, but probably not enough to change yourself for them. In any case, your loved ones know that under that gruff, aggressive exterior there is a caring friend. Your daemon's form would represent your confident, occasionally aggressive and solitary nature, but might betray your softer underbelly. He or she would probably help you make fun of the idiots around you, but would also provide the comfort and affection that you sometimes deny yourself in everyday life.

Form suggestions: Badger, Jackal, Black Bear.


Boring old fossil
Nov 2, 2007
Jokester Soul

You are a confident person with a strong sense of self. You can be loud and jocular, and you don't really care who hears you. You don't spend too much time stressing about how other people see you. If they like you, well, good for them. If they don't like you, well, that's their own problem.

People need to earn your respect in order for you to really start taking them into consideration. You might bend yourself over backwards for a friend or family member, but you aren't going to give that sort of special treatment to any old Joe Blow. Your loved ones know that under that bold, brash exterior, there is a person who is loyal and even clannish at times. You will fight to defend your friends and family from any and all comers. With these special few, you drop that joking exterior and be your real self.

Your daemon's form would represent your confident ways, your joking and insensitive manner, and your secret tendency for softheartedness. He or she would probably help you criticize all the idiots whom you meet on a day to day basis, and back you up when you are on the defensive.

Suggested forms: Magpie, Raven, Kangaroo, Wild Boar, Baboon.

(Remarkably accurate - sounds like an E/INTJ description)


New member
Dec 4, 2007
You scored -24 on Extroversion, higher than 0% of your peers. 38/100
You scored -7 on Sensitivity, higher than 38% of your peers. 20/100
You scored -2 on Openness, higher than 20% of your peers.

Independent Soul

You are calm and logical, but not unemotional. You are an introvert, at heart, preferring to read alone than be subjected to the crush and noise of a big party or bar. You have a few friends and family, whose presence you welcome - to a point. Even they can wear on your nerves eventually, and you need to retreat back into your personal space for a while so you can recharge. Your energy comes in bursts, after which you need a long nap or a couple of evenings at home to recuperate.

You are comfortable with yourself, and reasonably confident. You want the friendship and goodwill of others, but you are not willing to sacrifice your principles in order to get it. If your close friends need something that you can provide, however, you will be the first to offer it.

You are a good and sympathetic listener, and are aware of your friend's emotional states. With your very close friends, you will open up, but rarely - you don't like to burden people with your problems. At the same time, though, you are honest and are not willing to alter the truth for the sake of convenience. Among strangers you are reserved, and may resort to making jokes to disguise your true feelings.

While you are not afraid of conflict, you do not seek it, either. When you are hurt or insulted, you feel that you have a choice to make. You can choose to take the up on it and defend yourself, or you can let it pass. Your decision may depend on how well you know the person, how personally you take the insult, or simply what mood you are in that day. Your friends may not always know how you are going to react, for that reason. Whatever you reaction, though, you will be logical, rational and unnervingly accurate: a measured strike.

Your daemon's form would represent your calm, introverted nature, your cool logic, and your impatience with crowds of people. He or she would probably whisper ironic comments in your ear, give logical advice and try to hide his or her soft side from everyone, even you.

Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.


Habitual Fi LineStepper
Nov 20, 2008
# You scored -21 on Extroversion, higher than 1% of your peers.
# 5/100 You scored -21 on Sensitivity, higher than 5% of your peers.
# 1/100 You scored -19 on Openness, higher than 1% of your peers.

Distant Loner Soul
A confident and independent person, you are logical and probably very intelligent. Some people think you are a little cool and unemotional, just because you don't prattle on about your feelings all the time like some people do. Outbursts of either anger or joy are both rare for you: You try to keep yourself under control at all times. You tend to deflect any really personal questions with a joke, an overly-literal reply, or even an out-and-out lie. Your few friends and your family probably wish that they knew you better. You probably wish they would just leave you alone.

The thoughts and opinions of other people don't hold much sway over you. You don't spend time agonizing over other people's feelings, and you don't much care what people think about you. Sometimes your insensitivity can hurt people's feelings, but that's their problem. If someone didn't like you, you wouldn't lose much sleep over it. You march to the beat of your own drum, and if your friends and family think you can be a little odd... well, that's their issue.

You are an introverted person, disliking crowds and strangers. Some people might think that you are shy, but really, you simply find parties and crowds to be unpleasant and tiresome. You get exhausted quickly when you are forced into social situations, and you need some time to yourself to recharge afterwards. You don't like noise and chaos. You like to keep things calm and logical.

Your daemon would represent your cool, unruffled, solitary nature and would probably spend a lot of time comparing you favorably to the people around you, or helping you work out logically complex problems.

Suggested forms: Octopus, Manta Ray, Shark, Boa Constrictor, Komodo Dragon.

Find it funny they offer 3 underwater creatures. What am I supposed to do, carry them around in a fishtank strapped to my back? So sign me up for the Boa.


Apr 23, 2007
Independent Soul


You are calm and logical, but not unemotional. You are an introvert, at heart, preferring to read alone than be subjected to the crush and noise of a big party or bar. You have a few friends and family, whose presence you welcome - to a point. Even they can wear on your nerves eventually, and you need to retreat back into your personal space for a while so you can recharge. Your energy comes in bursts, after which you need a long nap or a couple of evenings at home to recuperate.

You are comfortable with yourself, and reasonably confident. You want the friendship and goodwill of others, but you are not willing to sacrifice your principles in order to get it. If your close friends need something that you can provide, however, you will be the first to offer it.

You are a good and sympathetic listener, and are aware of your friend's emotional states. With your very close friends, you will open up, but rarely - you don't like to burden people with your problems. At the same time, though, you are honest and are not willing to alter the truth for the sake of convenience. Among strangers you are reserved, and may resort to making jokes to disguise your true feelings.

While you are not afraid of conflict, you do not seek it, either. When you are hurt or insulted, you feel that you have a choice to make. You can choose to take the up on it and defend yourself, or you can let it pass. Your decision may depend on how well you know the person, how personally you take the insult, or simply what mood you are in that day. Your friends may not always know how you are going to react, for that reason. Whatever you reaction, though, you will be logical, rational and unnervingly accurate: a measured strike.

Your daemon's form would represent your calm, introverted nature, your cool logic, and your impatience with crowds of people. He or she would probably whisper ironic comments in your ear, give logical advice and try to hide his or her soft side from everyone, even you.

Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hello Quizzy
Compared to other takers

* 99/100 You scored 26 on Extroversion, higher than 99% of your peers.
* 38/100 You scored -7 on Sensitivity, higher than 38% of your peers.
* 97/100 You scored 21 on Openness, higher than 97% of your peers.

Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test ...
Fun Loving Soul

You are an open and social person. When you are left alone you tend to get bored and restless, and too much time without social contact makes you fade away. A good night surrounded by friends and laughter soon perks you back up.

You are trusting and truthful, and you aren't good at hiding your emotions from friends or strangers alike. People need to take you as you are - and often they do. You are confident but not overconfident, sensitive but not touchy. You aren't afraid to give your opinion, or to let someone know when they have offended you, but you don't constantly fly off the handle. You simply want to make your thoughts and feelings known, and you are just as open to hearing others' points of view. Sometimes your friends feel slighted by you, because they aren't as open about their feelings as you are, and so you don't always notice when they are feeling hurt or down.

Your daemon's form would represent your social and emotionally honest nature, as well as your balanced sense of self. He or she would constantly be throwing him or herself into the moment - enjoying the feel of the afternoon wind, the throbbing beat of music in the club, or helping you argue your point.

Suggested forms: Meerkat, Labrador Retriever, Sea Lion, Lemur
Rate my test!

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Distant Loner Soul

You scored -21 on Extroversion, higher than 1% of your peers.
You scored -22 on Sensitivity, higher than 4% of your peers.
You scored -24 on Openness, higher than 0% of your peers

A confident and independent person, you are logical and probably very intelligent. Some people think you are a little cool and unemotional, just because you don't prattle on about your feelings all the time like some people do. Outbursts of either anger or joy are both rare for you: You try to keep yourself under control at all times. You tend to deflect any really personal questions with a joke, an overly-literal reply, or even an out-and-out lie. Your few friends and your family probably wish that they knew you better. You probably wish they would just leave you alone.

The thoughts and opinions of other people don't hold much sway over you. You don't spend time agonizing over other people's feelings, and you don't much care what people think about you. Sometimes your insensitivity can hurt people's feelings, but that's their problem. If someone didn't like you, you wouldn't lose much sleep over it. You march to the beat of your own drum, and if your friends and family think you can be a little odd... well, that's their issue.

You are an introverted person, disliking crowds and strangers. Some people might think that you are shy, but really, you simply find parties and crowds to be unpleasant and tiresome. You get exhausted quickly when you are forced into social situations, and you need some time to yourself to recharge afterwards. You don't like noise and chaos. You like to keep things calm and logical.

Your daemon would represent your cool, unruffled, solitary nature and would probably spend a lot of time comparing you favorably to the people around you, or helping you work out logically complex problems.

Suggested forms: Octopus, Manta Ray, Shark, Boa Constrictor, Komodo Dragon.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Solitary Trickster

Solitary Trickster

You are shy and a little reclusive. Big crowds and new social situations make you feel uncomfortable and nervous. You prefer to stick with your close friends and family. You have a large personal space and you hate to feel crowded or overwhelmed. If you have been dragged out to a party, or have had a stressful day at work, you need to retreat to your own private place for a while afterwards to recharge.

You are very sensitive, and easily hurt. You tend to worry about what other people are thinking about you. Often, the offhand comments that people make hurt your feelings. You tend to hide your feelings from people whom you are not comfortable with, like strangers, acquaintances or coworkers. You may brush things off with a joke or hide your pain behind a toss of the head. You try not to overreact to things, and you avoid conflict, especially with strangers. However, if you are pushed too far, you can defend yourself with a vengeance.

With your loved ones you are quite different. You trust them with your feelings and with them you tend to be more open and sincere. You are loyal and clannish, and while you hide yourself from strangers and acquaintances, you come out of hiding when your close friends and family are around. Or at least, you do for a while, before you need to retreat back into your private place to re-charge.

Your daemon would represent your secretive, shy nature, your dislike of conflict, and your ready ability to defend yourself or your friends, should the need arise. He or she would probably stick close to you when you felt nervous or uncomfortable, and provide you with humorous commentaries to keep you smiling.

Suggested forms: Coyote, Fox, Raccoon.


now! in shell form
Jun 6, 2008
Quoth the raven:

Jokester Soul


You are a confident person with a strong sense of self. You can be loud and jocular, and you don't really care who hears you. You don't spend too much time stressing about how other people see you. If they like you, well, good for them. If they don't like you, well, that's their own problem.

People need to earn your respect in order for you to really start taking them into consideration. You might bend yourself over backwards for a friend or family member, but you aren't going to give that sort of special treatment to any old Joe Blow. Your loved ones know that under that bold, brash exterior, there is a person who is loyal and even clannish at times. You will fight to defend your friends and family from any and all comers. With these special few, you drop that joking exterior and be your real self.

Your daemon's form would represent your confident ways, your joking and insensitive manner, and your secret tendency for softheartedness. He or she would probably help you criticize all the idiots whom you meet on a day to day basis, and back you up when you are on the defensive.

Suggested forms: Magpie, Raven, Kangaroo, Wild Boar, Baboon.
You scored 4 on Extroversion, higher than 61% of your peers
You scored -19 on Sensitivity, higher than 7% of your peers
You scored -1 on Openness, higher than 23% of your peers


More human than human
Jan 19, 2008
Gruff Soul

You are a bold and fearless person, with a strong sense of self. People, especially people who don't know you well, might think that you are unfeeling or callous, but your loved ones know that you are a loyal and fierce friend. Your loyalty does not come easily, though. People need to earn your affection and respect.

You like to be with your favourite people, but you don't have much patience for the rest of humanity. Even your close friends and family can drive you crazy some times, so you need your space from them every now and then. You often hide your feelings behind offensive or rude jokes, and you rarely let your true feelings shine through. If an emotion does shine through, it is likely to be masked as aggression or through a joke.

Your daemon's form would represent your clannish, loyal nature, your self confidence and your aggressive, joking exterior. He or she would probably help you mock the people whom you dislike and disrespect.

Suggested form: Hyena, Coati, Maned Wolf, Raven, Dingo


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Shy Loving Soul

You are a sensitive and shy person. You want to be loved and liked, but you don't think people actually like you very much, and that hurts to think about. You like to be with your family and friends, who care about you. When you are with them, you can open up and talk and be yourself. Among strangers, however, you are nervous and tend to clam up. People are often surprised at how talkative you can be once they get to know you, because you appear to be so quiet and bland at first. You hide your feelings from people whom you do not know well, because you don't know if you can trust them. With your loved ones you can be more yourself.

Your feelings are easily hurt, and you tend to be easily embarassed. You are sensitive, and your loved ones may even tease you about being a little TOO sensitive at times. When your feelings are hurt, you don't always let on. You don't like confrontations, and you are not the sort of person to throw a melodramatic hissy fit. You just tend to fret over it for a few days, until eventually the misunderstanding is cleared up, or time heals the wound.

Your daemon would represent your shyness and sensitivity, and your love of family, and your tendency to hide your feelings from strangers. He or She would probably hide in your pocket or sit on your shoulder where he/she would whisper comfort into your ear.

Suggested forms: Rabbit, Dormouse, Dik-dik, Sighthound


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Took it again.

Independent Soul.

You are calm and logical, but not unemotional. You are an introvert, at heart, preferring to read alone than be subjected to the crush and noise of a big party or bar. You have a few friends and family, whose presence you welcome - to a point. Even they can wear on your nerves eventually, and you need to retreat back into your personal space for a while so you can recharge. Your energy comes in bursts, after which you need a long nap or a couple of evenings at home to recuperate.

You are comfortable with yourself, and reasonably confident. You want the friendship and goodwill of others, but you are not willing to sacrifice your principles in order to get it. If your close friends need something that you can provide, however, you will be the first to offer it.

You are a good and sympathetic listener, and are aware of your friend's emotional states. With your very close friends, you will open up, but rarely - you don't like to burden people with your problems. At the same time, though, you are honest and are not willing to alter the truth for the sake of convenience. Among strangers you are reserved, and may resort to making jokes to disguise your true feelings.

While you are not afraid of conflict, you do not seek it, either. When you are hurt or insulted, you feel that you have a choice to make. You can choose to take the up on it and defend yourself, or you can let it pass. Your decision may depend on how well you know the person, how personally you take the insult, or simply what mood you are in that day. Your friends may not always know how you are going to react, for that reason. Whatever you reaction, though, you will be logical, rational and unnervingly accurate: a measured strike.

Your daemon's form would represent your calm, introverted nature, your cool logic, and your impatience with crowds of people. He or she would probably whisper ironic comments in your ear, give logical advice and try to hide his or her soft side from everyone, even you.

Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.

Snow leopard omgyay