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[Tritype] The Contemplative - 459, 495, 549, 594, 945, and 954


Active member
Jul 28, 2011
We're the most represented of any tritype on TypoC, so why not have our own thread? After all, the Gentle Spirits already have a thread. Why miss out out on all the fun they're having? So...team spirit? Or something like that. :laugh:

Anyways, what does everyone think of being triple withdrawn? It makes me extremely introverted. I can be assertive and even slightly outgoing if I really try, but I'm always more comfortable in the background.


New member
Jan 22, 2009

Are you 459? I'm just starting to look further into all of this - but I'm identifying most with 549, 594, and 541.

Any links to descriptions on tritypes beginning with "4"? 459, etc?


Active member
Jul 28, 2011

Are you 459? I'm just starting to look further into all of this - but I'm identifying most with 549, 594, and 541.

Any links to descriptions on tritypes beginning with "4"? 459, etc?

Yes, I'm a 459. Unfortunately, descriptions of tritypes are really hard to find, and there doesn't seem to be one place where you can find them all. There also doesn't seem to be any kind of official descriptions for the tritypes. Here's the best source I've found that has a description of 459: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=33751

I've tried to find out my tritype based on descriptions like that, but they tend to be too vague to really be of any help. I think the best thing to do is just read the individual type descriptions and decide which one in each triad resonates best with you.

You can also try this enneagram excel test: http://download.dotdesign.ro/enntest/enneatest-v5.xls

That test helped me a lot when I was trying to figure out my tritype. I hope this helps!

Anew Leaf

Here is some info from a thread I started a long time ago in regards to me trying to figure out my own enneagram.
459/594/945 is described as being intuitive, knowledgeable, and accepting. You want to be original, wise and peaceful. Highly self aware and reflective, you are very shy, reserved and self conscious. You need regular quiet time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Easily flooded with emotion, it is difficult for you to voice your feelings and ideas to others.

Your life mission is to delve deeply into the mysteries of life and share your insight with others. A true philosopher, you are happiest when you can write about your discoveries and discuss them with others. Making sense of your world is a never ending quest.

You can be so focused on your inner world that you can become inhibited and appear to be indifferent to others. Insecure, you become moody and expect others to initiate and come toward you.

5-4-9: shy, somewhat fragile and a bit romantic, such Fives tend to put on a congenial façade to hide their rich inner worlds from the society. They outwardly appear friendly but reserved, usually mysterious to other people who sense there is more depth and intensity hidden behind their amiable mask. These Fives have rich imaginations and love to immerse themselves in thoughts and fantasies. They are introspective, dreamy, creative and socially withdrawn, but also disorganized and painfully avoidant.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 5w4
similar tritypes: 5-9-4, 9-5-4, 4-5-9
flavours: insightful, imaginative, enigmatic and unstructured

5-9-4: reclusive, modest, discreet and quite dreamy and unassertive, such Fives possess a vast imagination in which they spend most of their time among their theories, fantasies and vivid memories. They have a somewhat bohemian charm to them – they are relaxed, casual, creative and a bit reckless. Usually pleasant and undisturbed on the outside, they hide complex inner worlds in which reality interweaves with fantasy, real with imaginary, the objective with the subjective. These Fives are gentle, sensitive and avoidant and tend to express their anger in a passive-aggressive manner.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 5w4
similar tritypes: 5-4-9, 9-5-4, 4-5-9
flavours: laid-back, unconventional, imaginative and random

Whenever I take the e-test I score almost equally high on 4, 9, and 5. Four makes the most sense for me out of the three. I also score decently high as a 7, ehl oh ehl. This is pretty much why I haven't done much research into enneagrams... I am too all over the place.

Tritype, 4-9-5 makes the most sense. 4 and 9 are my strongest, with the analytical and Star Trek nature of 5 nipping at their heels.

Anyways, what does everyone think of being triple withdrawn? It makes me extremely introverted. I can be assertive and even slightly outgoing if I really try, but I'm always more comfortable in the background.

Well, no wonder I have spent most of my life living under a rock tucked deep within a cave that is guarded by a waterfall. ;)

What I dislike the most is that I am so conflict avoidant on things. I would rather deal with something on my own (especially if it's small and "insignificant") than trouble the person I am upset with... Or just trouble people in general with my problems. I hate the idea of infringing on someone's time or their own needs with what I need. For the most part this works just fine for me, but when things get too overwhelming for me... that's when my carefully crafted system begins to spectacularly break down before my eyes.

I also ramble... but that might just be my Ne-ness coming forth. :)


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Anything on 9-5-4?

Anew Leaf

The information from my thread said that "594/954/459/945" are all very similar in their descriptions. I posted everything I got in regards to the descriptions.

Maybe we should make our own descriptions! :)

P.S. did your Ti notice that all 3 of my sentences end in the word "decriptions?"

(haha, including that one!)


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
The information from my thread said that "594/954/459/945" are all very similar in their descriptions. I posted everything I got in regards to the descriptions.

Maybe we should make our own descriptions! :)

P.S. did your Ti notice that all 3 of my sentences end in the word "decriptions?"

(haha, including that one!)

Okay thanks, I like this one:

5-9-4: reclusive, modest, discreet and quite dreamy and unassertive, such Fives possess a vast imagination in which they spend most of their time among their theories, fantasies and vivid memories. They have a somewhat bohemian charm to them – they are relaxed, casual, creative and a bit reckless. Usually pleasant and undisturbed on the outside, they hide complex inner worlds in which reality interweaves with fantasy, real with imaginary, the objective with the subjective. These Fives are gentle, sensitive and avoidant and tend to express their anger in a passive-aggressive manner.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 5w4
similar tritypes: 5-4-9, 9-5-4, 4-5-9
flavours: laid-back, unconventional, imaginative and random

Though I swear I'm not as passive-aggressive as I used to be!


Active member
Jul 28, 2011
Well, no wonder I have spent most of my life living under a rock tucked deep within a cave that is guarded by a waterfall. ;)

What I dislike the most is that I am so conflict avoidant on things. I would rather deal with something on my own (especially if it's small and "insignificant") than trouble the person I am upset with... Or just trouble people in general with my problems. I hate the idea of infringing on someone's time or their own needs with what I need. For the most part this works just fine for me, but when things get too overwhelming for me... that's when my carefully crafted system begins to spectacularly break down before my eyes.

I also ramble... but that might just be my Ne-ness coming forth. :)

I am also very avoidant, but in a different way. I don't necessarily avoid conflict (maybe your 9 is stronger than mine), but I do tend to avoid social situations. Sadly, I pretty much spend all my free time alone in my bedroom and hardly ever hang out with friends. I've even wondered if I had avoidant personality disorder (I don't, I'm just a recluse). It's not that I'm afraid to be with other people and socialize, it's more that it's stressful since I always feel uncomfortable when I hang out with friends. The social dominant part of my personality really wants to connect with people and form relationships, but at the same time it makes it all the more difficult because I care too much about what other people think of me, and as a result it makes me even more withdrawn.

Wow, I've never told anyone about this before. Anyways, I realize that this an unhealthy way to go through life, so I'm going to try to "get out there" more. I'm starting college this fall, and hopefully the change of atmosphere and new social opportunities will be good for me.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I very much relate to Saturned's postings of 5-4-9 and 5-9-4. I also relate to the good, bad, and ugly of these 2 tritype descriptions. Oh man, this 5-4-1 sounds horrible :ninja::

5-4-1: these Fives are perhaps the most typical of this type’s usual description – they’re withdrawn, imaginative, ingenious, detail-oriented and sensitive. Very intelligent and creative but also somewhat capricious, fussy and impractical, they have explicit standards of intellectual ability and artistic taste and tend to reject and ridicule anything and anyone that doesn’t rise up to them. Typical isolationists who feel misunderstood by society, they hide in their ivory tower of ideas and ideals, abstractly reconstructing reality according to their own terms.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 5w4
similar tritypes: 4-5-1, 1-5-4
flavours: individualistic, elegant, inventive and nit-picking

1-4-6 (146, 164, 416, 461, 614, 641)
If you are a 146, you are diligent, intuitive, and inquisitive. You want to be ethical, original and certain. Morally focused, you have strong emotions and are inclined to voice your feelings and intuitions. You care deeply and want to help others improve the expectations they have of themselves.

Your life mission is to find truth and help others understand what has intrinsic value. A true philosopher, you are happiest when you can use your intuition to help others find meaning.

You can be so identified with what you perceive is the morally correct way of being that you can come across as overly prudish, rigid and inflexible.


Active member
Jul 28, 2011
I just found out I'm not a 4w5, I'm a 5w4. So, I guess I'm a 549 now. And that description Saturned posted sounds pretty accurate.


I just found out I'm not a 4w5, I'm a 5w4. So, I guess I'm a 549 now. And that description Saturned posted sounds pretty accurate.

Don't tell me it's just based on what I posted, cause I'm pretty sure I'm a four with a elephant-heavy five wing.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I've mentioned fitting with 5-2-9 somewhere else, but at the same time, it attributes SO as the main variant, which for me is the one I had to work to develop and thus, while I realize nowadays I can do it just fine, it doesn't mean much to me.

Out of the examples above, I also identify with the 5-9-4 pattern. (My typical enneagram read is 5w4 SX.) When I was younger, I would looked more 5-4-9, but once i acquired some social confidence, I'm not nearly as internalized and enjoy engaging even though it tires me. I also take more risks than I used to.


Vaguely Precise
Sep 22, 2009
Instinctual Variant
5-4-9 for me... probably 5w4 sx/sp, otherwise. Sadly, I agree with being avoidant and conflict averse. I feel like I've made progress being more effective and reality focused over the years, but long range planning and organization can still be a challenge.


Active member
Jul 28, 2011
Don't tell me it's just based on what I posted, cause I'm pretty sure I'm a four with a elephant-heavy five wing.

Well, your post is what got me questioning my type, but I decided based on lots of reading up on the variants as well as a thread I started in the "What's my type" forum.


Dec 8, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Look at my signature.

I have come to antagonize you.


You have a choice!
May 15, 2009
I'm not really familiar with tritypes, but I think I'm 4-5-9. I do show 1-ish characteristics too, so I'm not sure if I'm really a 4-5-9 or 4-5-1. But ultimately I think I want to be at peace more than be right.

The description I read on 459 is pretty vague -- and waaaay too peaceful. What happened to the 4 inner emotional turmoil? :D

Anew Leaf

So..... what does this all mean?

It does at least explain some of my push pull inner turmoil. Some days I am like "I want to find my soul mate!!!!!!11" and then the next day I am like "screw humanity! I am moving to Antarctica and living alone!!" And.... so on and so forth.

And some days..... I even want.... to be.... hugged.... Gah, I've said too much already.