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Subconscious Personality Test


The Typing Tabby
Jan 28, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?




New member
Jan 10, 2013
I venture to the right into the wooded valley where I encounter a brown bear that's "standing" and looking at me. On the ground I see a regular black gun (square) and I decide to leave it there. I keep walking until I encounter a small calm round'ish blue lake, the type you want to throw rocks in and just sit near for a while. As I look across the lake, I see more open empty, green land with a sprinkling of trees, etc.


New member
Jun 6, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

To the woods. Plenty of shade, wood for fires, shelter from the rain. Picturesque. Bluebells. Dappled sunlight. Walking a dog. Self sufficiency. Plains contain lions, no resources and no shelter.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

Am I allowed a teddy bear? Or a small baby bear. It's just busy, sideways on to me, eating something. I just go around past its back and it doesn't notice me. I'd take a teddy bear along with me and cuddle it.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

Gun? I don't like guns. This is beginning to sound like an American test, with bears and guns. It had better be a pistol or a revolver, something small.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

I'll pick it up. I will put the safety catch on and carry it very carefully. I dislike guns.

5. After making your decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

A medium sized pond, deep enough to have clear dark patches on the still water surface, goldfish, koi carp. Reflective of the view ahead and of the clouds and sky. About one third is covered in water lilies, which are yellow flowering. Tall bulrushes on one side, maybe a huge gunnera or rhododendron on the other, red flowers on that. Lie down and tickle for trout or look at the fish and underwater world. Walk around it. Cross to the island in the centre and back. Maybe paint it. Generally, look at it from many viewpoints and absorb its peaceful beauty.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

Deep blue sky, pink clouds like horizontal mattresses, white topped mountain range tipped with pink by the nearly setting sun. Eagles flying high, maybe some flying dragons. Maybe fields of unicorns. No people visible. Green fields, country pathways, sheep, lots of sheep. Gates and stiles between fields. Occasional resting places and English country pubs.



New member
Nov 10, 2014
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

I´d say woods but then when I go look the 2nd answer I imagine the bear in a plain. So I say plain.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

A grizzly bear, eating something that is in between the long wild green grass.
I just walk as anything in particular was going on

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

A water gun, green and white.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

Leave it on the floor. It isn't mine.

5. After making your decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

A huge round lake with calm waters in some shades of violet and bright light blue. Some lotus flowers near the shore. Some swans carps and other lake animals quietly swimminf around

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

Shills and a wood with red trees standing before them. A sunset, with really mild colors such as pink, light orange and violet, some weak starlights are starting to show up, and half of the moon is already visible.


Jan 25, 2014
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

Right. I much prefer the feeling of something more enclosed (the openness of plains makes me uneasy- too exposed). Besides, woods/forests are just prettier to me and more recharging.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

I stop and freeze, calmly turn around and walk back the way I came a very far distance as to watch and see it's activity. The bear is brown, large but not gigantic, and appears to be eating something on the ground on the edge of the path, distracted/content what I would assume to be a good mood.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

It appears to be a shotgun of some kind. It looks like it was ditched and left there for a short-ish period of time (about a month). It's wet, damp, the wood on it is water logged but not entirely ruined. It likely was broken and subsequently left behind.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

Leave it. I have no interest in guns, and it appears to be broken anyway.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

It's a small lake around 100 meters across. Roughly a roundish shape. IT's surrounded by fur trees, grass, moss and ferns. The lake is tranquil and there appears to be no fauna on it (unknown if there is any in it). There is mild natural debris in the lake and some fallen logs on the perimeter. There is no way to tell how deep it is, but it would likely be no deeper than 10 feet at the center.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

A male deer with a large rack is standing at the edge munching on what appears to be grass (likely there are berries on a small bush near the ground).

After reading the results. Hmm, interesting.


Gryffindor Prefect
Nov 10, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

Left, towards the wide open plain.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.
It's a small baby brown bear eating plants in the field.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?
A pistol.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?
I pick it up, but in order to put it somewhere more concealed so nobody finds it and uses it. So I pick it up but I don't shoot it.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)
It's a fairly large, bright blue lake. There's a lot of life going on down below but on the surface it looks pretty peaceful.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?
On the other side is a bunch of bears, indicating the small baby brown bear's family.


New member
Dec 29, 2014
1 i go right and end up in a wooded valley
- i am absolutely not ready to take any risks at this moment in time, the thought of something changing right now, or at least unexpectedly terrifies me and i just want to close my eyes and imagine that i am in a safe wood, cloaked by trees and secure...

2 i see a bear. the bear is pearly white, with large whiskers, and it's fur seem to be shimmer slightly. it's playing a strange looking flute of some kind.
- hmmm, very interesting. i usually meet people with a lot of enthusiasm and love and openess. i see people as wondrous and strange creatures, at least, that is always my initial way of responding to people in the beginning, i want to know about their dreams and to know the kid in them. and i am often shocked when the times when they turn out to be...not so good people, as i try to see the good and the pure in everybody.
it's playing the strange flute i guess, because i love to jam with people. not just musically, wich i love, i love to sing with people and play music with other people, and i want people to be more open to music and expressing themselves, instead of being afraid that just because they are not super stars they can't sing along and enjoy the beauty and relief that is mutual singing and instrumentation. i wish everybody could just whip out their '"internal" instruments and jam to our hearts content.

3 i see a gun. or rather it's an ornate and strange object, sprouting from the ground that resembles a flintlock, shaped from wood and has interwoven intricacies of vine and leaf and petal. completely harmless. odd shape though...
-the gun thing is a little difficult for me to analyse right now...

4 i decide to leave it on the ground. it looks like a plant or a root, and belongs in the ground.

5. i arrive at a strange body of water. it's a perfectly spherical pool or silver moonlight. it looks like liquid moonlight and it emits a strange sound, almost like it's singing. it's very soothing and alien. particles jump in and out of it forming intricate shapes in the air directly above it, encircling and dancing around a perfectly spherical ball of moonlight water that soars about 3 meters above the pool.

6. beyond the pool, beyond the strange but very dim mist that seeps from it, i can see a vast hill. and there at the end stands a big beautiful tree. maby a sakura tree, i don't know. it reminds me of a sakura tree, only much larger. the petals could be pale pink, but they are most likely silvery white, milky moonlit white. and the petals are falling, creating a perpetual shower of gentle petal rain.


good, hot, fresh, fly ~
Dec 22, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

Wide open plain, technically safer plus less restriction of where to walk I guess.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

Brown big bear, seems to be walking on two paws and waving two paws, not necessarily threatening me as much as it's trying to grab my attention.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

Small black pistol. Idk much about guns so.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

Leave it, wth am I picking it up for.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

River, bluey green, low velocity, raggedy curvy edges. Width about 3m.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

A forest.

After reading results:
Interesting that I picked the open plain because I thought it was safer but in fact the explanation sees it the other way round.
Not sure what my bear means exactly...
Lol I love how I was confused about why I would even pick up the gun, I'm definitely comfortable with that aspect of my personality so makes sense.
The last one is also interesting, I more or less just saw a forest and nothing more, it wasn't inviting nor threatening, it was just there, with many possibilities.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

this one requires no thought... I'd head straight into the forest! as a naturally pasty person who likes trees and avoids the sunlight wandering across a wide open plain sounds both boring and sunburn-y

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

it is brown, it is grazing in a meadow... the bear doesn't notice me so I don't bother it :shrug:

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

a rusty old shotgun... why would anyone leave a usable firearm sitting around in the forest? unless of course the bear was finishing its salad course AFTER the meat course :thinking:

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

pick it up, inspect it, figure out it's unusable and I don't feel like carrying it and then leave it propped against a tree

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

a clear, cool stream about 3 meters wide and rocky... the type of stream that has water plants growing near it and you can hear it from a bit away and feel the cool air rising from it as you approach it

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?

a deep, dark forest that I really want to explore :holy:


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
Into the wooded valley.

One of the oldest children's stories I can remember is about a little girl getting lost in the forest, so I don't agree that the woods is automatically secure and familiar. It's all your experience and perspective.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.
Large brown bear some distance off the path, minding his own business.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?
Hunting rifle.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?
I leave it there. It's not mine, and I don't need it. Now should the bear approach, I might reconsider.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)
A lake; I stand at one end that is narrow enough to see across, and perhaps even swim across, but it broadens out to the right to a moderate size. It is very peaceful, with only the occasional water fowl activity here and there.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?
More woods, like on the side where I stand - a lake in the middle of the forest.


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
1. Right
2. It's a Grizzly Bear and it's saying Good Bye to her children as it prepares for its crucifixion
3. Bazooka
4. I pick it up
5. It's a big lake, deep, with a beautiful sunset reflecting off it, I'm there alone
6. Rocky Mountains.


don't ask me
Jan 16, 2014
Instinctual Variant
1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
wooded valley

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.
it's a large brown bear that looks like it's about to attack if I come any closer

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?
a long rifle made of steel and brown wood

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?
pick it up, for obvious reasons

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)
small, deep blue, looks very pure, still water, rounded oval with a wavy perimeter

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?
A field with tall green grass with mountains in the background

Yawwwwn, my answers are so boring.



New member
Apr 29, 2013
1. Right
2. Skyrim bear making Skyrim bear noises.
3. Glock machine pistol in black.
4. Pick it up
5. Small lake. Empty, round and blue.
6. More woods are on the other side.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I've seen several of these over the internet, and I thought I would share one with you guys. I'll post my original answers to this test below this post.

Try and answer with the first picture that comes in your head when you read the "describe" questions.


1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?
- If you go right, you will be led to a wooded valley.
- If you go left, you will be led to a wide open plain.

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?


1- Right path
2- Brown bear, scratching its back
3- Pistol with medium barrel
4- Pick it up
5- Medium size lake, fishes in it, still
6- Log cabin, peaceful, with a view of the lake


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
1. Right
2. Black bear, minding its own business which stops to look at me, and I look back. I wait for it to move away, so I can continue down the path.
3. a .22 rifle
4. I pick it up, in case the bear decides to attack me.
5. I see a stream, running amongst white boulders and an overhanging canopy of trees partially shading some aspects of it. The water is clean, and free of plants.
6. A dark forest, and silence.

Pessimistic Hippie

New member
Jul 2, 2020
Instinctual Variant
This was cute :smile:

1. One day you decide to go for a hike in the country. After walking for a while, you come to a fork in the road, which way do you decide to go?

2. Farther down the path you chose, you suddenly came across a bear, describe what kind of bear it is and what it is doing as you approach it.
I guess a black bear with its back turned to me so I have time to walk away and can avoid the confrontation. But even if it attacks me, I'll know how to fend for myself.

3. As you look around, you discover that there is a gun on the ground nearby, what type of gun is it?
I really don't know much about guns. I'd probably just want one of those standard 'women's' handguns.

4. Do you decide to pick up the gun or leave it on the ground?
I pick it up. Can't hurt to have.

5. After making you decision, you continue down the path and arrive at a body of water, describe it in detail (size, shape, color, activity, etc.)
A wide open lake that's kind of grey/the 'normal' color, I don't know lol. But not much is happening on it.

6. Finally, as you stand there looking across the body of water, what lies on the other side of it?
I didn't really want anything to be happening on the other side, I wanted to be alone lol. But if I HAVE to pick something, probably just some other animals. No people.


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Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
1) The plains

2) A grizzly bear, rather scruffy looking, delving into a freshly caught meal at a basin

3) A hunting rifle

4) Leave it(this means I'm the passive aggressive type ahaha)

5) It's a creek with some branches about to snap off into the water, I can hear the branches breaking and the water rushing rapidly. Fish are jumping about.

6) I picture a campsite, with some wounded men hanging out and there's a fire going and some trees are starting to come into the picture. Also, even though I was most drawn to the plains in the first question, behind the river lies a forest valley while the foreground in my head is the plains.