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Questionaire and Request for Typing!


New member
Aug 4, 2021
Instinctual Variant
I'd honestly love to see what people make of this. I have a few hunches but I'll leave them as hunches. I'm more confident about my ennegram than anything else.

1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)?
I'm a college student, 19 from the US.

Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire?
Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, possibly dysthymic disorder.

Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?
I am moderately left leaning and an atheist.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven't you decided on one?
I know I'm a introverted, and intuitive. Everything else is \_(ツ)_/
I haven't decided because I am not satisfied with the conclusion I have gotten so far from various tests. Sometimes I feel like I am just picking the answer I associate with my type rather than what is true. It is harder to do that on a questionnaire like this.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
To have fun and explore the nuances of what it means to be a human, and to be myself. There isn't any inherent purpose in my life more than a snails.
3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
I relate most to pride and sloth, although if "overworking" was one that could be included.
With pride, I tend to fall into the trap of "I am aware of how stupid I am, so I am smarter than other people for it." Also I always have to be right.
I relate least to wrath, lust and envy. It's pretty difficult to make me mad, and I don't really feel jealous since I know each person in life has their struggles. I'm not a very sexual person so lust is low as well.
4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to
I am drawn towards people who have a sort of darkness in them. I don't mean this in a sense that I like assholes; I mean people who have a complex view of reality or come from an uncommon viewpoint..a sort of hidden sadness that I guess I romanticize.
Even more pretentious I guess...their eyes. People who have an intense gaze I tend to get along well with.
Finally, people who have a strong personality and don't shy away from things. I don't like initiating first (although I often have to) and I find people who can command a situation to be good.
b) The type of people who are drawn to you
All types. I have friends who are very shy, friends who are super empathetic and love babies and that sort of thing (unlike me), and friends who are extroverted party-goers who live for thrill. Overall worldview is more important than these sorts of characteristics, I think.
I notice that I have better long-term relationships with people who have a good sense of humor about themselves (can laugh at themselves) and aren't very pessimistic. Everything else is variable.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by
Very pessimistic people, bigots, people who are either obsessed with how great they are or how awful they are, incels...any people who are intolerably irrational and cannot be reasoned with.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
People who like to take care of others and derive pleasure from it. I do this on a infrequent basis (volunteering activities), but I feel like I have low sympathy stamina in comparison to some, like a diplomat or those who are nurses.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger
Rarely expressed or felt, since during my childhood I was taught to not be angry. I usually only feel angry when I feel there is a injustice being done to me, and that I am in a situation that I can't fix it.
b) Shame
Something I associate with my bad habits, such as procrastination, eating poorly, etc. Shame motivates me to become a better person, in the way that I percieve the actions of others as being flawed in comparison to myself. I am acutely aware of my own flaws, and feel shame.
c) Fear
I have an anxiety disorder, so I live in fear of fear.
d) Love/passion
I idealize romance and romantic love, and finding a perfect partner as the highest form of happiness, even when I am aware logically it is not true.
e) Conflict
I avoid it at almost all costs, unless it's something I know I can smooth over quickly. Due to traumas I feel horrible when people are upset with me.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?
My anxiety in contrast to my appearance as a assertive, confident and rational person.
Because of the contrast between these two: my mental state of anxiety and the outward appearance of confidence, there is a long-term feeling of being misunderstood.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?
I am currently an anthropology major, and I plan to work in a related social science field out of college.
I chose this because humans are an immediate and fascinating problem to solve, and I don't feel I will tire of it. The more I learn, the deeper it goes.
If I could change, I would become an astrophysicist. It is my dream job, but I lack the math skills for it.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
Their vibe, their energy. If they're in a larger group, whether they tend to notice and try to include everyone? or do they focus on their friends? or are they alone.
Secondly, if I ask them a question that requires a straightfoward answer, how do they respond? I dislike dishonest people, I find it to be timewasting.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
It's okay, I guess?
concerns: us vs. them thinking, an inability for people to acknowledge that what is comfortable isn't always right, and groupthink.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
listening to music, reading, coding.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
Initiation is 50/50. I have friends who I have to initiate with, and I have friends who will always initiate. Usually the emphasis is on doing a shared activity together, like going to a nature preserve, playing DnD, or just talking on the phone.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
Actions by far. I believe that you do what you believe. Words are ornamental.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive.
b) To be immortal
It seems like it'd be fascinating to be immortal. I'd like to see what humans do next as we become space-faring. Also I want to see aliens.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.
A person who defines themselves by their own pain and bitterness, who cannot enjoy life because they are weighed down by their own perceived responsibilities or their delusions about the world.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
Yes, I tend to "merge" with my interests deliberately to fully understand them. It feels like that part becomes another piece of me that I can use to further contextualize reality.
I don't think it's necessarily healthy, but I understand why people do it. It's a salve for the pains of the real world.
I don't do this with real people. I do obsess over people, but not that I want to merge with them. I feel very uncomfortable with the concept of losing myself to another person's will.

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
Organized, plans. I don't like surprises, nor chaos.
I don't like bootlickers and strict rules either. Balance is important to have life to the fullest.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
Comfort is when I am rested comfortably in my own head. The world is my oyster, full of concepts and people who are waiting to be discovered.
Comfort is also have financial means to live without constant worry.
Finally, comfort is having people who you know truly care about you in every sense of the word. There's almost a separate universe in being on the same wavelength as someone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
My best guess is 59x or 95x so/sx, the x being either 3 or 4. I want to say 4, but you don't seem triple withdrawn (so dom could account for that, however). You've got a lot of 5 + 9 qualities - you see the world as an intriguing puzzle, thirst for knowledge, are simultaneously drawn to the dark complex but put off by pessimism.

You seem a very intelligent, interesting person. I'm sorry you also struggle with anxiety. Welcome to the forum!

Do these resonate?

Hudson's 27 Type Profiles
The SO5: avarice in the SO zones. “I don’t want to need much social contact.” S05s highlight how SO instinct is NOT about socializing. Most 5s dread socializing but SO5s enjoy communicating about topics of interest--sharing their knowledge and learning from smart people. SO5s are usually introverts, but they engage through their areas of mastery & focus. They are ok with being in social settings as long as there is a role to play that employs their expertise: being a DJ or a bartender or a teacher. W/o such roles they can feel overwhelmed.SO5s focus on the the contribution zone of SO, feeling this is perhaps the only way they can connect. They may lack capacities for bonding & reading situations, but are loyal friends & are sensitive to others being treated disrespectfully. They are curious about people. When troubled SO5s can be quite anti-social, isolated, & angry at society. They can feel futile & that despite their gifts, they will never have a place in the world. At their best, they excel at communicating challenging ideas & inviting others to explorations of reality.

Naranjo called S05 Totems: looking at how 5s connect through ideas & archetypal energies. For SO5s, SO instinct is about intelligent communication--helping the world be smarter. I call SO5 The Specialist, b/c of the need to develop in-depth expertise in particular subjects. SO5s often feel they have something special to convey to the world, & seek to connect with others who have "done their homework." They are the most friendly 5s but seek the company of those who like them, have mastered something. The feel validated by being in such company. SO5s may spend much time devoted to studies or developments of skill, but they grow as they learn to see how such knowledge & skill serves others. Their expertise is in service to healing & genuine connection rather than being used as a way to distance. Mind serves compassion.
The SO9: "sloth" in the SO zones. "I can't get what I really want socially, but this will do." S09s can be outgoing, positive & purposeful--they can resemble 3s & 7s. While externally engaged w. others, they can maintain an internal aloofness, a safe distance emotionally. SO9s are the mediating 9s--the 9s who easily see different sides of a conflict & help people come together around an issue. They're often trusted as leaders because people sense they will be fair. They have a gift for making others feel welcome 7 included--they seek consensus. SO9s focus on the bonding & reading zones of SO. They sometimes struggle finding their purpose but can pursue goals when they feel someone believes in them. They want to belong but get annoyed with themselves when they lose their identity in relationships or group dynamics. When troubled, the usually energized SO9s become flat & listless. They are prone to depression & a sense of futility, surviving through basic routines. At their best, they are wonderfully sensitive & inclusive, inspiring leaders, & profoundly supportive friends & partners.

Naranjo called S09 Participation: deciding what to participate in is important, because SO9s are deeply influenced by who & what they engage. I call SO9 One Happy Family, because of their wish to be inclusive. Helen Palmer's name for 9s, The Mediator, also works well here.
SO9s can be introverted, but are more likely to be found in organizations than SP or SX9s. They have the ability to be involved while maintaining an "untouched" inner world. When stressed, they still show up but are disengaged emotionally. They have a robust sense of humor. Much of the journey for SO9 is learning how to belong without "blending" into the culture or values of others--even in intimate relationships. They discover that people sincerely want to know their authentic hearts, & when they trust this, their wisdom can be hugely healing.
The SO4: envy/hypersensitivity in the SO zones. "The social sphere is not getting me." S04s highlight how SO instinct is about what we connect with but also what we don't. SO4s feel like they don't fit in, but are looking for the place where they might--their chosen family. SO4s are more outgoing & adaptable than SP or SX4s, but they are still 4s--melancholic & aware of a longing to find the place where they belong. They may relocate. As SOs they can be cooperative and supportive, but they feel the need to distinguish themselves from the crowd. SO4s focus on the the contribution zone of SO, feeling they have something significant to contribute & seeking like-minded peers to gain mirroring & encouragement for their talents & views. Thus, many SO4s are drawn to alternative lifestyles, connecting through "otherness." When troubled SO4s feel shut-out, misfits whose envy of others' contributions can be expressed in bitterness & harsh self-criticism. At their best, SO4s are leaders in creating cultures & environments in which creativity, beauty, & respect for the individual can flourish.

Naranjo called S04 Shame: perhaps pointing to the self blame that arises in wanting to belong but feeling one doesn't. Some SO4s overcompensate for this by seeking to be more glamorous/interesting than others. I call SO4 The Outsider, addressing a constant feeling for them. SO4s take comfort in finding friends who like them, feel like outsiders. They can be a great source of healing for others, helping them come to accept who they are, celebrating their "quirks." While not everyone in a subculture is a SO4, many subcultures reflect these values. SO4s find healing in discovering that they have much to contribute & that their unique sensibilities are much needed, even when not initially accepted. Healthy SO4s are profoundly non-judgemental. Having explored their own darkness, they are a safe space for others to do so.


New member
Aug 4, 2021
Instinctual Variant
My best guess is 59x or 95x so/sx, the x being either 3 or 4. I want to say 4, but you don't seem triple withdrawn (so dom could account for that, however). You've got a lot of 5 + 9 qualities - you see the world as an intriguing puzzle, thirst for knowledge, are simultaneously drawn to the dark complex but put off by pessimism. You seem a very intelligent, interesting person. I'm sorry you also struggle with anxiety. Welcome to the forum! Do these resonate? Hudson's 27 Type Profiles
Thanks for going through this!
When I took Katherine Fauvre's test I actually typed as 583 sp/sx (with both of the wings pretty close) lol. 5w4, 8w9 3w2.
I find the description of 5 sx to be very well fitting, almost like a glove. With being a 9, I haven't really looked into it enough yet to tell..perhaps a 9w8?
Currently, I find 8 to be quite fitting. I do dislike not having control over my enviroment in a way that I think would be less pronounced with a 9 in my tritype.
I think the three ties into my drive to be percieved as a sucessful and admirable person.
Interestingly enough, the description you posted of so 4 does sound familiar...but that description also sounds like a 3 thing as well.

EDIT: based on this I'd say 583 fits better, unless I'm 5w6 with counterphobic wing.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
ISTP, purely because you remind me of myself with not only how you word things. But your interests and how you deal with people. Lots of indication of Se, as well as Fe inferior. ISTP can have a lot of TJ traites, especially if a 5w4 with sp.


New member
Aug 4, 2021
Instinctual Variant
ISTP, purely because you remind me of myself with not only how you word things. But your interests and how you deal with people. Lots of indication of Se, as well as Fe inferior. ISTP can have a lot of TJ traites, especially if a 5w4 with sp.
I can see Fe inferior, but why Se aux?


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I can see Fe inferior, but why Se aux?

Overfocus on objective data. Especially the darkness of humanity. That whole thing is inf Fe+ Ti dom. Society awareness stems from Ti+Se. The guilt is indicatived of Ni+Fe. You care about image, you push for certain moral standards.etc, despite being entertained by "darkness" itself. Laregly, ennegram will determine how you manifest. Ivw met many types, different ennegram. All manifesting differently. Not something apparent in passing. Just hoping to also be not one of the few lonely sensors here. :)

Might seem weird, but the fastest way to type someone os via inferior functions.

Don't get me wrong, I myself hated anything to do with "being a sensor". I just hope I can explain it better to you.


New member
Aug 4, 2021
Instinctual Variant
Overfocus on objective data. Especially the darkness of humanity. That whole thing is inf Fe+ Ti dom. Society awareness stems from Ti+Se. The guilt is indicatived of Ni+Fe. You care about image, you push for certain moral standards.etc, despite being entertained by "darkness" itself. Laregly, ennegram will determine how you manifest. I've met many types, different ennegram. All manifesting differently. Not something apparent in passing. Just hoping to also be not one of the few lonely sensors here. :) Might seem weird, but the fastest way to type someone os via inferior functions. Don't get me wrong, I myself hated anything to do with "being a sensor". I just hope I can explain it better to you.

It's definetly not weird, and being a sensor or any other type isn't shameful... It's good to get varying opinions like this and contrast them with my own, since I've percieved myself as Se-blind for a while. If i just took my own opinion on how my actions fit into cogntive functions I could make my own type at will, which is not how this works.
I associated my "darkness" thing with my instinctual variant over Fe/Ti. sx seeks intensity and merging.