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Musical skill tests online


New member
Oct 26, 2007
Tone: 91% :)D but then, I do ear training regularly)
Rhythm: 76%
Pitch: 0.825

EDIT: took em again got
Pitch: 0.45
Rhythm: the same
Tone: 89.8
Im happy i improved the pitch portion though, but the tone is down, I guess its back to listening to intervals again.
Last edited:

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
tone 86.1%
pitch 2.7%, re-test 2.4%
rhythm 68.0. I got bored.. i dont know if its because of my mediocre skills in this, or other.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
i'm a drummer. pretty embarrassed by these scores actually. i'm stoned though, so maybe i'll take it later and do better or something.

75% on that tone-deaf thing
84% rhythm (bah)
.6 Hz


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
Well, I won't post my scores, since they are very embarrassing, but my musical genius friend got 98 % on the tone test, and she was very sick that day. I think she would get 100 % otherwise. Yes, she has both passive and active absolute pitch... I love her! :D


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
my little brother has perfect pitch and 14 years of musical training (he's 18). he got a 72% on that one lol. and he only got .6 hz on the other test.

which is weird, since i've never met anyone with a better ear than he has. i don't think these tests are very accurate on the high or low ends of the bell curve.

edit: the reason i'm questioning the accuracy is that i know for sure that 87th percentile in pitch differentiation is far too low a score for my brother. he's easily easily 1/1000.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
my little brother has perfect pitch and 14 years of musical training (he's 18). he got a 72% on that one lol. and he only got .6 hz on the other test.

which is weird, since i've never met anyone with a better ear than he has. i don't think these tests are very accurate on the high or low ends of the bell curve.

Well, the tone test mostly has to do with musical memory, which I guess is only indirectly connected to perfect pitch. Your brother did well on the actual pitch related test though, which I guess measures relative pitch? I think these tests are excellent, by the way. I really do think they say a lot about musical talent. It's almost like an IQ test for musical intelligence.

edit: the reason i'm questioning the accuracy is that i know for sure that 87th percentile in pitch differentiation is far too low a score for my brother. he's easily easily 1/1000.

Thing is, this measured relative pitch, not absolute ... The other very important thing is that the sample is probably very biased ...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Well, the tone test mostly has to do with musical memory, which I guess is only indirectly connected to perfect pitch. Your brother did well on the actual pitch related test though, which I guess measures relative pitch? I think these tests are excellent, by the way. I really do think they say a lot about musical talent. It's almost like an IQ test for musical intelligence.

Thing is, this measured relative pitch, not absolute ...

i mean, the tests are really good for online tests. i agree. but one score isn't necessarily indicative of ability, especially on the high or low end of the bell curve.

it's the same idea as online IQ tests. i've scored a 180 on one, even though i'm probably at least 45 points lower. they can tell you if you're better or worse than average with a high level of accuracy, but their accuracy is definitely questionable.

although, i might be making this point partly because i don't think my results are indicative of my ability, either. my pride hurts :(


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
i mean, the tests are really good for online tests. i agree. but one score isn't necessarily indicative of ability, especially on the high or low end of the bell curve.

it's the same idea as online IQ tests. i've scored a 180 on one, even though i'm probably at least 45 points lower. they can tell you if you're better or worse than average with a high level of accuracy, but their accuracy is definitely questionable.

although, i might be making this point partly because i don't think my results are indicative of my ability, either. my pride hurts :(

Interesting point, but I think my musical genius friend really showed there is something to these tests even in the high end of the spectrum, by outclassing other very talented people in here. If there was such a thing as MQ, hers would be something like 180. Did I mention I love her?

But do not fear my friend, as I mentioned, the sample is probably very biased, so your true percentile, compared to the whole population, is likely quite a lot better. I think it is likely the sample is + about 1SD, as on online IQ tests. That would make you 98th percentile in pitch differentiation. Does that sound better?


Reigning Bologna Princess
Apr 23, 2007
Okay, I found it amusing that in New Posts, it showed "dissonance" as the last post in this thread. I even tried to make a pretty picture of it, but failed at life.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Interesting point, but I think my musical genius friend really showed there is something to these tests even in the high end of the spectrum, by outclassing other very talented people in here. If there was such a thing as MQ, hers would be something like 180. Did I mention I love her?

But do not fear my friend, as I mentioned, the sample is probably very biased, so your true percentile, compared to the whole population, is likely quite a lot better. I think it is likely the sample is + about 1SD, as on online IQ tests. That would make you 98th percentile in pitch differentiation. Does that sound better?

no, that does not sound better. not to sound like a dick (which i'm totally gonna do anyways), i am by far the 2nd best musician i know, next to my brother -- i'm sure we're both 3 SDs above average. (he was the youngest guitarist ever to be sponsored by fender, for example.)

but i'm obviously arguing from a biased stance, i guess.

edit: i'm not trying to say your friends score means nothing. i'm trying to say:
very high score --------> very good musician
very good musician -----> very high score


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
no, that does not sound better. not to sound like a dick (which i'm totally gonna do anyways), i am by far the 2nd best musician i know, next to my brother -- i'm sure we're both 3 SDs above average. (he was the youngest guitarist ever to be sponsored by fender, for example.)

but i'm obviously arguing from a biased stance, i guess.

edit: i'm not trying to say your friends score means nothing. i'm trying to say:
very high score --------> very good musician
very good musician -----> very high score

Do notice that this test probably measures something halfway between ability (if you are good musician is probably more dependent on training than these test results) and talent. The comparison with IQ is really fruitful. By the way, my friend is probably more talented than you both. She has active (only found in 1/10000) and passive (I think it's found in something like 1/400) absolute pitch, plays more instruments (clarinet, piano, drums, guitar, bass, saxophone, violin, etc.) than I have fingers and probably toes, and is able to compose (with notes) only in her head, without the help of any instruments. Simply put, she is amazing!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Do notice that this test probably measures something halfway between ability (if you are good musician is probably more dependent on training than these test results) and talent. The comparison with IQ is really fruitful. By the way, my friend is probably more talented than you both. She has active (only found in 1/10000) and passive (I think it's found in something like 1/400) absolute pitch, plays more instruments (clarinet, piano, drums, guitar, bass, saxophone, violin, etc.) than I have fingers and probably toes, and is able to compose (with notes) only in her head, without the help of any instruments. Simply put, she is amazing!

she's prolly better than me. i don't doubt that. whats active and passive perfect pitch? 'cuz i think my bro has both, but i don't know the definitions. oh and my brother has written hundreds of compositions too, with and without instruments to play with.

anyways i was thinking about it more. and basically the results from the two tests (minus the pitch differentiation one) are greatly dependent on short term aural memory, which isn't necessarily indicative of musical ability (although it's obviously helpful).

but yeah, i'll take back my point from earlier. it was stupid. the tests are actually pretty good. it's just that what they test for doesn't cover the whole range of musical skills.

edit: just looked it up; my brother definitely has active perfect pitch.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
she's prolly better than me. i don't doubt that. whats active and passive perfect pitch? 'cuz i think my bro has both, but i don't know the definitions. oh and my brother has written hundreds of compositions too, with and without instruments to play with.

anyways i was thinking about it more. and basically the results from the two tests (minus the pitch differentiation one) are greatly dependent on short term aural memory, which isn't necessarily indicative of musical ability (although it's obviously helpful).

but yeah, i'll take back my point from earlier. it was stupid. the tests are actually pretty good. it's just that what they test for doesn't cover the whole range of musical skills.

edit: just looked it up; my brother definitely has active perfect pitch.

Interesting, then it really is strange he doesn't test better. Was he unfocused when he took the tests? And really, I don't see the tests as a test of how good a musician you are, but rather a test of your musical intelligence. Again, talent and ability are two different things. Having a genius level IQ, doesn't make you knowledgeable. Having a genius level musical talent, doesn't make you a good musician. Perhaps you have never touched an instrument, but had it in you to become Mozart?

I have to boast some more of my genius friend. :p Of course she as well has composed a lot of stuff, for example a string quartet (known to be hard). But she is very personal about it. I doubt she has showed her stuff to many. And I think music might be too emotional for her to have it as a profession, it's just too intense. By the way, genius is kind of an obsession of mine. :p


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007

Tone deaf: 58.3% Correct

Rhythm deaf: 44.0% Correct

Adaptive Pitch: 31.2Hz (after six tries of being told my perceptual abilities were out of range.)

To be fair, I am nearly deaf in my right ear... so keep that in mind.

I wonder if this is why 96kbit/s MP3's sound okay to me?

What's odd is that I can hear tones in people's voices very easily, and can detect a mood change or an implication easily, and I can hear noises from far enough away... I don't get it. I'm even good at keeping up with what's being said during lectures in class.

What's awful is that I'm only 19, and I've done worse than people 20+ years older than me. If this is deterioration, this means I'll probably be deaf by 30.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
To be fair, I am nearly deaf in my right ear... so keep that in mind.

My musical genius friend is actually nearly deaf on one ear as well, can't remember if it is the left or right. Anyhow, even if you are, I think you can still have a good ear. I must admit I am kind of interested in how much musical training will improve these test results. Maybe 1 SD?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
My musical genius friend is actually nearly deaf on one ear as well, can't remember if it is the left or right. Anyhow, even if you are, I think you can still have a good ear. I must admit I am kind of interested in how much musical training will improve these test results. Maybe 1 SD?

Are you saying that somehow, all of these people that have taken this had musical training or something of some sort, and my results aren't that weird? If that's the case, I feel better. And what's an SD?