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Morpeko Types You in 2022


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I saw @Frosty and @Saturnal Snowqueen create threads like these, and I figured this would be a good way to get back into the forum and engage with other users, both new to me and my friends.

I'm most interested at typing Enneagram (with a focus on triads) and best at typing Attitudinal Psyche, so I would go into more detail with those two systems. I'll probably throw in MBTI/cognitive functions, Hogwarts Houses, and temperaments when I actually type, but not go into as much detail. I'm no expert in anything or in any of you so take my word for face value.
I'm also the kind of person to offer multiple options with some reasoning behind each typing.

Also, I don't know how long these will take but my goal is to get any done before 2022 is over lol. Feel free to give any details, link to any relevant threads, tell me whatever you want, etc. Especially if I don't know you.
I'll be doing these in order, by the way.
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Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Me me me me. Please. :)


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
Please type me :)

I'm not sure what to include as far as relevant information, but if you're searching for something more than the usual, just let me know, and I can drum something up.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Please type me :)

I'm not sure what to include as far as relevant information, but if you're searching for something more than the usual, just let me know, and I can drum something up.
I promise I'll get around to this! Just wanted to say you've given more than enough relevant information, I actually know you and you have quite a few questionnaires already posted.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Excellent. Would love to be next in line.

come on guys! More type threads. Let’s do this typology thang!


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
@Saturnal Snowqueen

Enneagram: 9w1 4w3 7w6 sp/so

Well, your tritype has been extremely accurate for quite a while. I honestly don't have much more to say for you in this system, but I can summarize it. I was always one of your earliest advocates of you being a 7 rather than 6-fix, and I still stand by that. I don't see much of the 6 fixations and fears, I see more of a 7 flightiness and wanting to deal with anxiety through making fun plans and indulging yourself. While you are very doubt-triad, it's explained by your other two fixes. 4w3 is a clear fix, I think you relate to it a lot on a surface and somewhat deeper than surface as well, but not enough for it to be a core type. I also wouldn't say you are a reactive-core, they tend to have a specific sort of energy that you don't have, even with strong 9. I've wondered about 3w4 fix for you at times when you were typing as a 6-fix, especially since it used to seem to me that you were more focused on being unique than authentic, but I don't think that type fits you much otherwise, besides movement to it from your core (which also might be able to explain why you have related to 6 as well). You are generally strong attachment, but it's from your 9 core, (dis)integration, and wings, which you have a strong connection to all three. You are one of the two clearest Gentle Spirit examples I have in my mind, you embody this tritype to me. Like a fun fairy. Sorry if I babbled too much here, I was trying to think of things I haven't told you before regarding how I perceive you in terms of enneagram.

While I think that so/sp makes a lot of sense for you, and I understand why you type that way, if I'm being completely honest, I do tend to lean toward you being sp-dom in my mind. Self-preservation 9 seems to be very comfort-based and Si-like in a way that you appear to me. You are definitely in-tune of social circles and have an over-focus on how much you don't fit in, which does seem typical of heavily 4-fixed soc doms, though. Overall, I think that your variants tend to work in tangent rather than against each other and are quite close in magnitude, so I'd say if synflow has any value, I would type you that way rather than contraflow. You are clearly sx-blind, you are lacking in sx energy and essence, you merge in a different way from sx-users.

Attitudinal Psyche: FELV

1F-A. I don't know what to say, you embody AP Physics in the first position. You're results-focused, your aesthetics come to life. You're confident about it, and you value your opinion on it above anyone else's, by far. Unlike me, you mostly have a healthy relationship toward these sensory aspects in your life, and honestly, it's quite cool.

2E-A or 2E-4. Now, I'm not exactly sure about this. You are stereotypically 2E in some ways that make you appear Fe > Fi. However, a lot of 2X people can get quite assertive about these topics and I don't think you ever do with E. You are very live-and-let-live, and maybe that's partially due to enneagram, or to the nature of flexible emotion itself. But you do explore a lot in terms of your own Emotion and that of the people you care about. I would lean more toward subtype 2 than subtype 4, but 4 tends to quietly hoard information which I think you do about things like typology.

3L-4. I used to think that you were 4L. It seemed to be something that you don't particularly prioritize, and I think it's because you downplay this attitude, either intentionally or unintentionally. However, deep down, I know how much you don't want to be seen as stupid, it is an insecurity, and you can be reactive about it. Most of my expertise has been reading about L in higher positions so I'm not as sure how to describe it in lower positions, to be honest.

4V-2. You seem higher V than you are, especially because you make so many plans that you don't always follow through with, making you seem more process than results-oriented in terms of volition. You also tend to have what seems like a healthier attitude toward Volition than a lot of 4th position people, even 4V me. This description from the website fits you, I think: They are truly searching for results in the aspect, but they do so by venturing through the information and opinions at hand. This gives them a friendly, honest, and genuine aura. The 4-2 subtype is looking for ideal opinions but cannot quite grasp them. Much like a bulk shopper, they are trying things out to get the best deal that will last them long enough to place any concern on the back burner.

I am NOT good at subtypes, by the way.

Fi = Si > Ne > Fe > Se > Te > Ni > Ti
I often contemplate about the probability of ISFJ for you, but while I see high Fi and Si in you, I think Fi + Ne makes more sense than Si + Fe. Also, no way you're tertiary-Ti, to be honest. Also, your high Si-like qualities can be explained through other aspects of your personality that don't have anything to do with cognitive functions.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colours cotton candy pink and baby blue.
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Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 6w5 9w8 3w4 so/sp

You're one of the first 6s I've ever been able to enjoy talking to, but you embody 6w5 soc dom too well. You fit so well into all the triads: reactive (oh, so very reactive, but I get it lol), attachment (clearly very much so, since I type you as triple), head/anxiety, and to a lesser extent, compliant. The wing 5 is clear in how you hoard information, and you do seem quite 5-ish based on how you approach academia and research, anyway. You have the positive stereotypes of 6 like being inquisitive, but also the negative sides to it like testing behaviors, that push/pull, etc. You are very clear aware that you're a 6 so I don't need to go into much more detail about that.

I know you're less set on your fixes, but I think that based on triads and core fears, 9w8 and 3w4, with these respective reactive wings, fit best. Yes, you're reactive AF, but I don't really see anything else about 8 that fits you, besides it being a wing flavouring. No rejection triad, no core fear or desire, really. There's no 1 either. But you do have that 9w8 gut energy, in my opinion. It's a bit hard for me to articulate, for some reason, especially since descriptions of type 9 tend to be bad so I can't rely on them as much for quoting. As for 3w4, I know you've considered 4 fix in the past, but besides (of course) the reactive triad, I don't see much of that type in you. Your relation to the underdog is very 6-like, you have more of a competency focus than seeking authenticity in the introspective way that 4s tend to do (which isn't a bad thing at all).

I relate to you sometimes, but definitely not through variants, and you seem aware of these instincts so there's not much more on which I can elaborate. You pretty much personify so/sp who tends to deal with the sx blind spot unhealthily. Your sp is present and quite good, there to protect you, but it always does bow down to your soc variant.

Attitudinal Psyche: LEVF

1L-A. You seem pretty stereotypically 1L to me. Easy to identify, present. You are confident in your own logical decision making and thought processes, not so apt to listening to others in this regard. We both know several 2Ls and you lack their teaching and elaboration. To quote the website, this fits you: "view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, 'Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.' However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness."

2E-3. I think this subtype makes sense since you are considering the possibility of being 3E itself (I just strongly think you are 3V personally, which leaves me with 2E for you as process of elimination). This tends to be more of a negative take regarding Emotion than other 2Es like myself, and even brings a more "Logic-based" take on this attitude. At the same time, it can also be exploratory and positive about Emotion during healthier states, which I have seen in you as well. I think you are open to other people's input about the subject, like a 2E.

3V-2. Basically explains why you may also consider 2V for yourself. Volition doesn't seem to be an aspect in your life that you are more comfortable with, but you also don't tend to talk about it too much. I think you can be self-deprecatory about it (and you are about yourself in general anyway), and more open to input than some of the more argumentative 3Vs, while also being set in your ways.

4F-A. You honestly just seem very unbothered when it comes to Physics. You don't leave conversations regarding it, but it's not something you're an expert in, or something you bring up at all. I think this description fits you: "The accentuated subtype has the easiest time shutting the aspect off when there are other issues happening affecting their first three attitudinal aspects. They behave as chameleons when information regarding the aspect is brought up, willing to go with others so long as it means they do not have to engage and process it themselves."

Again, I am still not good with subtypes.

Ne > Ti > Te > Fe > Ni > Si > Se > Fi
It can be hard to tell whether you are xNTP because your Ne and Ti are pretty close, and you don't seem either heavily introverted nor extraverted. I do think you seem to process things outwardly rather than inwardly first, though, and despite awkwardness I don't think that you are inferior Fe, inferior Si tends to make more sense to me. I don't think INTP is out of the picture, though.

Temperament: Choleric-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: True Neutral, leaning toward chaotic
Bonus: I associate you with the colour fiery orange (same shade as Charmander from Pokémon)


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 9w1 2w1 5w4 sx/sp

I agree with 9 core, and while it may not be so obvious (though is the case for some 9s), I think you are focused on gut core. I thought about it more, and I think your 1 is actually really strong, more so than I initially thought as I got to know you better, as I see your ability to fight for your values that you believe in. I do think you are double 1-winged so that makes sense anyway. I do clearly see those 9 fears and desires in you, the merging, the triads (strong in withdrawn, and I think single attachment core makes sense as well). You have a great ability to see and understand the other side, and to respect other people, even those you don't know.

I feel like your 5 is harder to see, but you do have it. I was actually confused about the wing for that type, since I see both some 4 and 6 in you, but not a significant amount of either. I see more of that 5w4 creative colouring than the 5w6 dryness. As for 2, I see those fears in you pretty clearly and it's the most fitting type in the heart triad to describe you. I also noticed that you put discussion of other people before yourself. 2 and 5 makes a lot of sense because you are actually quite rejection triad, more so than many people I meet. 2 and 5 was a weird combination to me in the past, but now it's clearer to me in you. You're a strong example of this Problem Solver tritype.

To be honest, I didn't really know about the sx variant until I met you. You're actually one of the first people who made me realize that I'm as sx as I am, and besides myself, you're the first example I think about when sx/sp comes to mind. So I don't really have anything to add here. Your sx and sp just work together so well, in tandem, and I see how both colour your life. I also see your soc-blindness but I don't think you're horrible at soc itself, it's just your blind spot.

Attitudinal Psyche: ELFV

1E-A. I think you are a clear 1E. You are knowledgeable AF in this aspect, confident in it, and it's what you follow in yourself and trust most out of all the aspects. You are pretty succinct in any emotional advice you give. I think, while harshly written, this fits you from the website: "The 1-1 subtype is the easiest to identify because it is supremely confident and protective over its own understanding of the aspect held within. ... This type believes that their greatest gift lies within their ability to come up with quick answers regarding the aspect and will refuse to mitigate its understanding to other parts of the personality."

2L-4. I'm going to be honest, I didn't realize you were 2L at first, I think it's more of a hidden aspect in you. However, I definitely agree that you are process-oriented in this subject. I think that this description fits you: "The 2-4 subtype is all about hoarding information. This subtype is shy, hidden, supportive, and deceptively fearless. The 2-4 subtype recognizes the gift they have for others but holds closely to it to use it for when the situation calls for it. They see themselves as a secondhand source of information that can be explored by others when necessary."

3F-A. To be honest, ever since I've learned what 3F is, you've really stricken me as one too (also 3F is probably the most interesting aspect and position to me, though a lot of my understanding of it is intuitive and hard to explain). While aesthetically-oriented, I see some neuroticism in you regarding other things related to Physics, such as hygiene or your living space. Which isn't a bad thing inherently, it's a big part in how you deal with it, and are assured in yourself to take care of it.

4V-A. Honestly, we've never really talked much about Volition-related subjects, and I've never observed you talking to others about Volition. I mostly see you discussing the other things. This is part of why I think it's your fourth aspect, it's something you don't prioritize too much compared to the other aspects. I was torn between 4-3 and 4-4 for you, but 4-3s tend to be more belligerent about the subject, which I don't think you ever have been.

I still have no confidence in subtypes.

Fi > Fe > Ne > Ni > Te > Si > Ti > Se
You have some of the healthiest, well-developed feeling functions I have ever seen that can help you navigate your life. I had a hard time ordering your functions because you do well with a lot of them. I think you fit the INFx dichotomy very well, you can seem quite J-ish and Fe pretty often, but you do have a Fi that shines through and I admire.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colours deep ocean blue and marigold
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Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I am interested, especially in what enneagram type you would assign me.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 6w5 9w1 3w2 so/sp

You've changed your type quite a bit during your time here, but honestly, I now completely agree with it, order and everything. These are the wings I think you have. You're probably the most Attachment triad person I know on the forum. I can see any of the 369 triad as your core type, but 6 makes the most sense because 1) you seem to have the biggest focus on anxiety rather than shame or anger, 2) your strong connection to your 5 wing, 3) you're probably more compliant than withdrawn and definitely assertive. I guess the only thing that would make me question a 6 core typing is the fact that it's Reactive triad, but you pretty much embody the phobic sx-blind (more pleasant) kind of 6 to me, and you help show the diversity in this particular type. 9w1, I think that you tend to push anger aside based on what I've read from you, and I see zero 8, though there's a bit of a 1 edge of wanting to improve, etc. 3, I'm less sure about your wing, but you have more of an "others" take on it rather than trying to look more unique, so I would lean toward 3w2 fix.

You've always screamed sx-blind to me, but I get quite torn between sp/so and so/sp for you. You do seem superficially sp-dom, because you're pretty withdrawn, shy, self-focused, but that's probably the Si talking. I think your 6 focus is actually on the soc realm rather than the sp realm, though, and it affects how you interact with people. Even on this forum, I think you are focused on trying to find your own place in this community. You are more of a "synflow" kind of so/sp because I think that your variants work in tangent. The sp actually seems to go along with the soc variant, and it's an interesting thing in you. I'm rereading what I'm writing for this paragraph and it looks like a lot of babble, I hope it makes sense to you.

Attitudinal Psyche: VEFL

1V-4. You're somewhat of a strange case of 1V because you're not so aggressive about Volition unlike other 1Vs tend to be, but I think it's because you're this subtype and because of the position of your other attitudes. VEFL, the Orchestrator, makes a lot of sense to describe you, I think, just a more doubtful and introverted one. VEFL is the Attitudinal Psyche type with the most faith in the human spirit. They take all their personal goals upon themselves while adjusting to how people feel about their presence. This type expresses their emotions in colorful ways and respects the reactions others, no matter how complex or elaborate. VEFLs take responsibility for any task they believe will be best completed independently.

2E-A. This is your attitude that I've been most certain about, and so I believe the accentuated subtype makes the most sense here. I think you're very 2E in the way that you like to learn more about your emotional state while also exploring those of others, understanding and validating any emotional opinions they may have, even if they're more fiery. I quite admire this about you, actually. It's something that you tend to talk about in your private blog, versus the other three attitudes, and sometimes it seems like a struggle, while others you're just being introspective and stating things about it.

3F-2. Honestly, I wasn't sure about your F-placement, it's not something you've talked about often during your time here. I think 3 makes the most sense, since it seems not to be results-oriented to you, but it's also something you're not too interested in discussing. I think you take Physics in an objective more than subjective manner, but I have a hard time describing why or finding specific examples, especially since some of your questionnaires have been edited out.

4L-1. You are pretty objective and results-oriented regarding logic, which can make you appear 1L, but I think you're just the 4-1 subtype. Pretty quick to form judgments, but I also think that you're others-positive when it comes to this field, such as how quickly you accept and comprehend the arguments of others regarding typology, etc. This probably fits you: This subtype has an urgency about it that is reminiscent of the first attitude, yet it lacks the certainty, confidence, and true emboldened nature that the first attitude displays. I think you have a strong growth path toward Logical self-sufficiency.

Still not confident about subtypes.

Si > Te > Fe > Ti > Ne > Fi > Ni > Se
I've had difficulty figuring out your MBTI type, but I have been confident about you being Si-dom. I definitely think that Si, Fe, and Te are your strongest functions, which make it hard to determine which ISXJ you are, but I now lean more toward ISFJ because I don't think you're tertiary Fi, I think it's unvalued.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Alignment: Lawful Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colour pine tree green.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 6w7 9w8 4w5 so/sp

To me, you are notably 6 core in all ways, all the triads, the disintegration and integration, etc. I have considered 9w8 as a core, and you do have gut energy, but I think it's just movement from 6, as well as a strong fix. For your 6 core, I am torn on both wings for you. I don't really think you are double 5-winged, and I think that the flightiness of the 6/7 intersection actually fits you well. I also sense a bit of escapism rather than information-hoarding. You also have more swings between counterphobic and phobic than I see from a lot of 5-wings, though that's not the be-all-end-all for that type. I think you're the user who embodies the Doubt (469) unofficial triad the most on this forum, actually.

For your other fixes, I know some people think you're a 3 fix, but I personally think you're a 4 fix. One huge reason why is because you embody double Reactive, I think. Like, it's more than just a Reactive core, there's an added edge. Not a bad thing of course (I also am). Triad-wise, it makes so much sense. You're double withdrawn as well. Single frustration. 9, I think is a lot more obvious. The core fear and desire fits you pretty well, and the suppressed anger which comes out sometimes.

Wow, a lot of sx-blinds here. I think you're a clear-cut example of soc-dom without any sx, and sp sort of just falls in between. All your variants seem to be at odds with each other, which supports my counterflow theory. I also think that the soc-dom description of your core and both fixes fits you more than sp-dom. Your focus does seem to be on the social variant rather than the other two, though self-pres does clearly come second as sort of a "backup."

Attitudinal Psyche: LVEF

1L-2. I'm not completely sure about the subtype even though I wholeheartedly believe you are 1L. You are not necessarily, pushy, but I perceive you to be pretty self-convinced in your own personal Logic, and it comes across as confident to me. You don't tend to express vulnerability in this field, as you do with other aspects. I think you have a push and pull when it comes to sharing your own opinions, as illustrated in the website description: the 1-2 subtype can tend to look like a seesaw. They will go from intense sharing of information, to cutting off anyone who disagrees with it and moving on.

2V-A. I believe that you are open-minded to what others say regarding Volition and are open and receptive to advice regarding willpower, careers, etc. However, you have also shown agency in making your own V-related decisions, in a refreshing way. You do seem process-oriented in this regard, placing more focus in making plans (such as improving your living situation and seeking help, etc.) and unlike more results-oriented people, you are prone to changing your plans as well.

3E-A. I thought about this a bit. You do seem to be pretty clearly insecure Emotion to me, so it was easy for me to type you in this way, but at the same time, it's truly something that you are working on in yourself and understanding in other people. At least that's my perception of you. You are open about your insecurities in this regard, which I have seen in your blog and in other places.

4F-A. Physics just seems to be something you don't care about, or really think about too much. You don't seem overtly disgusted, or irritated, or anything negative toward it, it's just there and you don't prioritize it as much as the other three aspects. This is from the website and I think it fits: The 4-4 subtype is the most apparent and easily recognizable of the unbothered subtypes. They tend to downplay the importance of their fourth aspect but will easily incorporate new blocks of information from outside sources. They identify where they stand with the aspect with ease and are genuinely fearless and unconcerned with how it might affect them long term.

Insert my typical subtype disclaimer here.

Fi > Si > Ti > Ne > Te > Fe > Ni > Se
You are especially hard to MBTI-type, because I find it hard to gauge and explain your most used cognitive functions. I think that's a common problem with Fi doms who aren't 4 cores, I would think. You sort of have that troubled and chaotic 6-core high Fi feel in my mind and it's hard to articulate why, and I don't think you value Fe, which makes me think INFP is more likely than INTP now. Also notable, I think you have a strong Si but it's not your dominant function by any means.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Choleric
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Alignment: True Neutral, leaning toward chaotic
Bonus: I associate you with the colour, not sure how to describe it, but it's the shade between light purple and grey.


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
hello, i'm ready for my 2022 typing :cool:


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 6w7 3w4 1w2 so/sp

First of all, I'm only going off of a couple of threads and posts you've made in 2022 (I don't want to dig too deep into older posts since they may not be as relevant), as I haven't been able to talk to you like some others in the thread, so I'm really not confident about any of my guesses here. I think that things would change if I witnessed you more around the forum, but this is what I have so far based on the recent data you've given.

I think attachment triad makes sense for you, and 6 in general. You seem pretty head-energy and with a lot of that 7 imagination, with a focus on answering your own personal questions about the world. I considered 7w6 as your core, but I don't think that the fears and desires would fit you as well, based on what I've seen. For fixes, I'm not entirely sure either. I think that a 3 fix makes sense to put you into double-attachment territory, and give you some of that assertion. For the 1w2 fix, I see some frustration, some desire to make things better in yourself, though I'm not quite sure yet how you do react to anger.

For variants, I guess I don't see very much indication of sx at all. I know sx is more than just sex/one-on-one, soc is more than big groups, and sp is more than just being withdrawn, but your focuses seem to be more on wider spectrums (i.e. you mention a lot of other people whom you are not personally connected to in your Type Me thread and your focuses on religion seems soc-oriented), and to a lesser extent, yourself.

Attitudinal Psyche: LFEV

1L-A. You seem to be very confident in your own understanding of the world, and positive about your own logic. It looks like you'd be able to come up with quick answers regarding how you think and perceive things.

2F-1. This is sort of a vibe typing, but honestly, it seems that you would be creative about the realm of physics, and process-oriented. It seems like something you'd consider the input from others, and from your description of things that you do in your free time, it seems that you have your own unique way of experiencing fun and comfort. Physics appears to be something that you take positively from not only others but yourself.

3E-2. Emotion aspect seems to be on the back burner for you and perhaps it's because it's an insecure attitude? Not sure yet. It's not something you seem to take particularly positively in other people, or something that you particularly seem to be exploring in yourself and others, compared to other aspects.

4V-A. I think you seem pretty stereotypically 4V, and I'm confident on this part of the typing based on what you said. Such as "Last of all I enjoy helping around the house with the chores but I am definitely a P as I do procrastinate. I sleep 12 hours a day." It seems that you DO make goals and follow through with them, but not entirely often or consistently, though that does make me believe that your V is results-oriented.

Si > Te > Ti > Se > Ne > Fi > Fe > Ni
I'm going to be completely honest, a lot of what you say in your Type Me threads strikes me as Si/Ne rather than Se/Ni axis. So while you may be an ISTP in terms of dichotomy, I'm going to lean ISxJ in terms of cognitive functions, which is how I type. You go on some interesting tangents in your Type Me thread that strike me as lower level but valued Ne, especially regarding the animal metaphors, I suppose.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Bonus: I associate you with the colour medium blue, somewhere in between sky and navy.


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant

Enneagram: 6w7 3w4 1w2 so/sp

First of all, I'm only going off of a couple of threads and posts you've made in 2022 (I don't want to dig too deep into older posts since they may not be as relevant), as I haven't been able to talk to you like some others in the thread, so I'm really not confident about any of my guesses here. I think that things would change if I witnessed you more around the forum, but this is what I have so far based on the recent data you've given.

I think attachment triad makes sense for you, and 6 in general. You seem pretty head-energy and with a lot of that 7 imagination, with a focus on answering your own personal questions about the world. I considered 7w6 as your core, but I don't think that the fears and desires would fit you as well, based on what I've seen. For fixes, I'm not entirely sure either. I think that a 3 fix makes sense to put you into double-attachment territory, and give you some of that assertion. For the 1w2 fix, I see some frustration, some desire to make things better in yourself, though I'm not quite sure yet how you do react to anger.

For variants, I guess I don't see very much indication of sx at all. I know sx is more than just sex/one-on-one, soc is more than big groups, and sp is more than just being withdrawn, but your focuses seem to be more on wider spectrums (i.e. you mention a lot of other people whom you are not personally connected to in your Type Me thread and your focuses on religion seems soc-oriented), and to a lesser extent, yourself.

Attitudinal Psyche: LFEV

1L-A. You seem to be very confident in your own understanding of the world, and positive about your own logic. It looks like you'd be able to come up with quick answers regarding how you think and perceive things.

2F-1. This is sort of a vibe typing, but honestly, it seems that you would be creative about the realm of physics, and process-oriented. It seems like something you'd consider the input from others, and from your description of things that you do in your free time, it seems that you have your own unique way of experiencing fun and comfort. Physics appears to be something that you take positively from not only others but yourself.

3E-2. Emotion aspect seems to be on the back burner for you and perhaps it's because it's an insecure attitude? Not sure yet. It's not something you seem to take particularly positively in other people, or something that you particularly seem to be exploring in yourself and others, compared to other aspects.

4V-A. I think you seem pretty stereotypically 4V, and I'm confident on this part of the typing based on what you said. Such as "Last of all I enjoy helping around the house with the chores but I am definitely a P as I do procrastinate. I sleep 12 hours a day." It seems that you DO make goals and follow through with them, but not entirely often or consistently, though that does make me believe that your V is results-oriented.

Si > Te > Ti > Se > Ne > Fi > Fe > Ni
I'm going to be completely honest, a lot of what you say in your Type Me threads strikes me as Si/Ne rather than Se/Ni axis. So while you may be an ISTP in terms of dichotomy, I'm going to lean ISxJ in terms of cognitive functions, which is how I type. You go on some interesting tangents in your Type Me thread that strike me as lower level but valued Ne, especially regarding the animal metaphors, I suppose.

Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Bonus: I associate you with the colour medium blue, somewhere in between sky and navy.
Thank you


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
@Hermit of the Forest

Enneagram: 9w1 5w4 2w3 so/sp

Double-withdrawns can be quite hard for me to type, but your 9-coreness is exceedingly clear to me. The attachment makes sense, the way you deal with anger makes sense in regards to this type. There are other 9s on the forum but you're potentially one of the most 9w1 people, and I think you fit the type in a healthy and admirable way. I can see some positive outlook in you, none of the 7 really, but a lot from 9. But I'm going to be honest, I had a hard time thinking of your heart fix. I'm sure that it's last place in your tritype, and perhaps 2 would be the best fit in my opinion. I initially had 3, but I don't see it as much if I think about the core fears and stuff. Also, double rejection wouldn't be too off, sometimes I see you interact in a wy that 2/5 people do, blending approaching others with both rational thinking and empathy. I chose a 3-wing for some extra competency, although that could very well just be from your pretty strong 5 fix.

I'm less sure of your variants, but I definitely agree with social 9. The second variant (and, well, third) is a bit more hidden. I don't think you're bad or obviously blind at either sx or sp, and I think so/sx is possible and perhaps I'm mistaking your AP Physics or Si for self-preservation. I can imagine more of a sexual blindspot than a self-preservation blindspot in you from my perception of you, I suppose, particularly in how you appear to hold others at a distance, even online. However, I see where you're going with so/sx and I'm considering it as well, because as much as I bash synflow/contraflow theory, I do adhere to it in my own terms, and I think that your variants are working together rather than separately.

Attitudinal Psyche: FEVL

1F-4. I think that you're 1F in a pretty discreet way, though 1Fs do tend to be more introverted about it anyway especially depending on the rest of their attitudes. I think you're confident in comforting, physics-related stuff in such a quiet away, things like gardening and nature. I think this description applies to you: The 1-4 subtype is the most hidden of the confident attitudes. This type is taking their vulnerability and burying it under a layer of analytics. They prefer to blend into situations rather than immediately assert their opinion like the 1-1 (accentuated) or 1-2 subtype. They will put their gift of strength within the aspect on standby until it is needed.

2E-A. You remind me of some other Ti/Fe 2Es on this forum, and I think it's clear in how you talk about Emotion-related matters in both yourself and in others. You're others-positive for sure and you do well in validating while not being pushy in any way, and you seem to be open-minded to your own Emotional state as well. You take it in an exploratory way that is refreshing.

3V-2. Volition does not seem to be a particularly secure attitude from you, or something that you necessarily value in others, but I think you'd be more open-minded toward it than a typical 3V. We haven't talked about this aspect much, but you're probably more like this description from the website from what I can tell: The 3-2 subtype tends to want to communicate with others in an objective way. This is the most likely insecure subtype to share what they experience of the aspect held within in an open and honest way.

4L-1. I was actually quite torn about where your L should be, so I figured it would be an interesting subtype. I don't think that you are very insecure about it. You typically seem more results-oriented than process-oriented about it as your more logical posts tend to be short and sweet (actually, you are pretty succinct in explaining anything in general). I think you understand your own logic and aren't negative about the logic of other people, at the same time.

Ti > Si > Fe > Ne > Ni > Te > Fi > Se
I am pretty confident about your first four functions being those four, and I don't always see function stacks fitting someone very well. This would be closest to INTP though I wouldn't be surprised by ISFJ as you don't always seem inferior-Fe to me (perhaps because you're a soc-dom). I also considered ENTP, but it's hard to see you using an extraverted function first.

Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bonus: I associate you with the colours of jasmine and matcha.