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Me taking a test and my responses to the questions.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Another greenfairy type thread, yay! Well, a few people suggested this idea, and I think it's a good one. So here goes.

(From this link: http://similarminds.com/cgi-bin/newmb.pl )

1. I favor the surreal.
I dunno. When and with reference to what? (This is going to be my response to a lot of things.) Um...I guess I like realistic things better. So...somewhat inaccurate.

2. I tend to be more comfortable with the known than the unknown.
I think I'm equally comfortable with both, except that things unknown make me want to know them, at least with a general idea. So...in the middle.

3. I base my goals in life on inspiration, rather than logic.
Hm...probably. I don't know what goals based on logic would look like- maybe purely practical ones? But most people will do things they are inspired by which are also practical, if they can. I guess I do what I enjoy, what is in line with using my talents, and then use practical logic to make my plans feasible. But I'm not extreme, so I'll have to say somewhat accurate.

4. I am extremely interested in abstract ideas.

5. I tend to trust the mind more than the heart.
Well, the heart knows what is best for the spirit, so it knows what is ultimately best for a person in general if someone can listen to it accurately. However, I have not reached that point, and I need my mind as a reality check- so yes. They have to work together usually, and make sensible decisions.

6. I tend to be organized.
Yes. But I'm not perfect at time management, so not 5.

7. I focus far more on possibilities than present reality.
Probably. I daydream a lot about how things could be. Far more on possibilities? As opposed to just more...I'd say accurate- no, I'll go with extremely accurate.

8. I require lots of time alone to recharge.
Not a lot. I have a lot of alone time, and I use it to recharge...and I like it; but I also like it when I have a lot of time with other people.
So...somewhat inaccurate. No, in the middle. Who knows? I'd have to be in a situation where I had very little alone time and see if I liked it. I've spent weekends at festivals where I could spend my time any way I wanted, and I chose to be with other people nearly all the time. But that was just weekends.

9. I tend to be more realistic than conceptual.
Conceptual meaning having to do with concepts- and this is opposed to being realistic? Doesn't really make sense, but it must be an S vs. N thing. Probably conceptual because in my philosophy classes I'm always throwing out crazy "what if" questions; but not extreme, because I always think about whether it all really matters (and conclude that it usually ultimately doesn't). So somewhat N...that would be...

10. I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out of nowhere.
Oh yeah. All the time. I'm totally an idea person. I have like a million.

11. I often start/do things at the last minute.
I used to, but I never really liked this about myself. So not anymore. Now I rarely do.

12. I tend to make decisions based on logic and facts.
What decisions are we talking about here? That's always the question. What I'm going to do with my life? What I'm going to have for supper? What movie I want to see? Whether I'm going to spend money on something? Whether I'm going to get up at 8 tomorrow and get to school 2 hours early as usual?

What I'm going to do with my life: both logic and feelings. Supper: what I want as long as it's healthy and inexpensive. Movie: logic and facts don't really have to do with it, so whatever I think I'll enjoy. Spending money: I try to avoid it, but I like buying things when I let myself. Getting up tomorrow: yes. I'm serious about school. So sounds like I'm more sensible than anything else, just based on these questions. I guess somewhat accurate.
Or are we talking about making decisions as in coming to conclusions? I use intuition a lot, and if I have a feeling about something it usually feels like intuition even if it has an emotional component- if I do have a strong emotion about something, I try to avoid making decisions just based on this. So still 4.

13. I tend to value competence more than compassion.
Another loaded question, which is therefore confusing and difficult to know the correct answer to. But my instinct says yes. This is one question I changed my answer to when I was deciding I was not in fact INFP. Of course I value compassion- who doesn't; but compassion has so many subjective interpretations, so people will probably end up fighting over what is compassionate and what isn't. Altogether easier to just prioritize competence, and make sure the people in charge have some sense of compassion to go along with it. And people can take advantage of compassionate people, and I really don't like enabling people to be irresponsible. I feel like most people deserve the benefit of the doubt sometimes, but ultimately they just have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

14. I rely mostly on my feelings to guide my decision-making.
So the parallel to 12. I guess not. Even though I take them into consideration, I wouldn't say I rely mostly on them.

15. I am extremely sentimental.
Looking "sentimental" up in the online dictionary...
a : marked or governed by feeling, sensibility, or emotional idealism
b : resulting from feeling rather than reason or thought <a sentimental attachment> <a sentimental favorite>
: having an excess of sentiment or sensibility

I guess I'm sentimental. But not extremely. So...in the middle?

16. I am very social.
I'm social, but not very. If I was less busy and had people to socialize with who were less busy, I'd be more social.
I guess in the middle. But the question says "very," so in the middle would be more than in the middle. So,

17. I prefer to keep my spaces clean.
Yes. I'm not extreme about it, so:

18. I am weird.
Probably. I know this is at least somewhat accurate. So I guess I have to choose:

19. An argument with feeling has more effect on me than a cold rational one.
Hard to say. Probably not. Even if I'm persuaded by an emotional argument, I want to have facts and reasoning to back it up. I prefer cold rational arguments. So I'm going to say:
I think intuition takes it all into account and balances the two.

20. I prefer to keep things open and flexible.
Pretty much.

21. I frequently do things without a specific schedule or plan.
I always have a tentative plan or schedule, and then I modify it according to whether I have time to follow the inspirations of the moment. And sometimes I lose track of time. But I feel a bit uncomfortable being totally spontaneous and impulsive without it modifying a plan I already have in place. So I'm going to say in the middle.

22. I am more of a planner than an improviser.
Probably. I have a lot of detailed plans. Often the reality doesn't look exactly like my plans, but I have fun making them, and they always inspire my actions.

23. I tend to analyze things objectively and critically.
Yes. Even if I have thoughts which are emotionally or subjectively based, I always examine them critically and objectively. I examine everything this way, especially things I shouldn't.

24. I talk a lot.
I talk to myself a lot- does that count? Seriously, I wonder. Anyway, I don't think that's what they mean. In real life, I talk an average amount. Even though I'm really quiet. So in the middle I guess.

25. I am a private person.
Nope. I'm the opposite of private. I'll tell you more than you want to know.

26. I value compassion over analytical reasoning.
So almost the opposite of 13. But I love analytical reasoning so much! I like compassion; I have compassion and love for every cute little living thing- but not more than analysis. It's a close call. I'm going to have to say in the middle.

27. I value solitude immensely.
I would say this is inaccurate, but is it very inaccurate? No. I like some solitude, but not too much.

28. I feel very comfortable around people.
No, I'm always I bit nervous, no matter how happy I am. Unless I know the person really really well.

29. I think rules and regulations are necessary.
Generally. An excess is unnecessary and troublesome, and an insufficient amount leads to chaos. But what if you could get around rules and regulations? What if people just naturally did what they were supposed to do? I know it happens sometimes in some situations, with people being in the right relationship to one another and cooperating and all that. Still, that's not the norm in our current world. So,

30. I tend to be spontaneous.
I guess kinda, maybe. I don't know. I like being encouraged to be spontaneous by other people.

31. I greatly appreciate strangeness.
Depends. I don't like ugly unpleasant strangeness, like that one movie my ISFP guy made me watch. I don't like feeling like I'm in a bad dream. But nice feeling strangeness, or just unusual and interesting things, I like.

32. I am very introspective.
Probably to much.

33. I am extremely passionate.
I'd say that's accurate. It makes me feel alive. But I don't get swept away by it really. So I'm going to say

34. I tend to be more down-to-earth than head-in-the-clouds.
No. My head isn't so far in the clouds that I don't get things taken care of, so

35. I am extremely outgoing.
Not extremely. I can be outgoing, but it's probably not a marked feature of my personality. I should say inaccurate.

36. I am far more casual than orderly.
Not far more. I have order to my actions. I like being casual though. As for just casual vs. orderly, I'd have to say in the middle I guess.

37. I tend to be more practical than abstract.
Both these words can have so many meanings. But since I'm making all these questions more abstract than they need to be, I think I should say no.

38. I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts than my feelings.
This is true. I think a lot, and I get lost in thought and carried away with it. Not so much with feelings. I don't get lost in and carried away with feelings. If I get outraged about something, and I have stuff I want to say about it, then I translate those feelings into (mostly illogical) thoughts and get carried away with them; but that is usually not a good idea, and I've found I should say things when I'm not annoyed. Doesn't mean I always follow my advice. Still, the answer to the question is yes, since this happens less often than getting really into pure thoughts.

39. I find it difficult to approach others.
Sometimes, kind of. I feel like I have to have a plan of action for it, so it doesn't go embarrassingly wrong. If I already know the person, no.

40. I tend to prefer actual examples to theoretical ones.
Mostly. I like both, but I have to have at least one actual example to really make sense of things. The important thing is that the examples clearly illustrate the concepts, whether they're theoretical or not. I guess in the middle.

41. I tend to value fairness more than feelings.
This must be an Fe vs. Fi question! And yes. Why would you be dissatisfied with something fair? If I am, I just have to deal with it. And I expect the same of other people. Of course, people feel what they feel, and having expectations of people doesn't make them operate the way you want. But the question asked what I value; and I think things tend to work better this way.
4 or 5?
I guess 4. I'm accommodating to people who value feelings.

42. I tend to prefer the specific to the general.
No, I love generalities and generalizations. But I also love specifics when they are used for clarity and precision. I'm just going to say

43. I make friends easily.
I make friendly acquaintances easily. Good friends, no. Hm...3 or 2? I'm not bad at it anymore. I think

44. I am somewhat disorganized.
Aha, the parallel to 6! No. Probably.

45. I am very open.
I guess. I like to think I am. I don't know if that's how others see me.

46. I tend to make specific plans before taking action.
Parallel to a couple of other questions. I don't know. Maybe. If I don't know I guess I have to say in the middle.

47. I avoid unnecessary interaction.
No, I'm usually pleasantly surprised by unnecessary interaction. I wouldn't like to have a job where I interacted with strangers for extended periods of time all day, because it tends to make me nervous, and I think and daydream a lot. That would kind of cramp my style. So I guess I'm not an extrovert. But back to the question...I guess I do somewhat, but in other ways I don't. So I am forced to choose

48. I prefer structured environments to unstructured ones.
Well, I guess I feel more relaxed at home that at school or work; but I get more done at school or work usually. Hm...I guess unstructured ones, because I can create structure. (But then is it really unstructured?) I'd get bored and feel lost with no structure ever. I have to have stuff to do and some kind of plan, or at least idea. Oh, I'm just going to choose in the middle again.

Last question!

And the result is...

Introverted (I) 55.56% Extroverted (E) 44.44%
Intuitive (N) 65.63% Sensing (S) 34.38%
Thinking (T) 59.46% Feeling (F) 40.54%
Judging (J) 57.58% Perceiving (P) 42.42%

Your type is: INTJ

INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

I'm really sure I use Fe though; maybe I flip flop between INFJ and INTJ. Not too strong on any letter other than N, which is what I already knew. So INXJ/XNTP.

Argue with the test, bitches. ;)



philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
What, no comments? Does that mean no one is upset? Everyone agrees?


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
What, no comments? Does that mean no one is upset? Everyone agrees?

I don't agree. I feel like the way you answered ALL of the questions was very perciever-like. After the first five I had to get some food lol...because I knew I would be reading everyone. If I were taking the test I would just have answered them and maybe for like 2-4 put explainations...maybe it's just me though...When I take tests I just make a decisions...I need closure...I don't pull it apart like Ti does and I don't consider all the possibilities like a perciever would. lol I still think you're an INFP. But your thinker side is definately more developed than most feelers. Again only imo. Sometimes I can't tell if it's INTP or INFP...but then again I don't see many INTP's disclosing much, you seem very open to me...<--which is kool btw :) also I don't see many INTP's saying "I'd get bored and feel lost with no structure ever." At least not the ones I know. You seem to put higher answers for the "organizational questions" <---that could be Te which an INFP has...but that's just me lol...I have still never met an INTJ ...so I could be way off...:D


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I don't agree. I feel like the way you answered ALL of the questions was very perciever-like. After the first five I had to get some food lol...because I knew I would be reading everyone. If I were taking the test I would just have answered them and maybe for like 2-4 put explainations...maybe it's just me though...When I take tests I just make a decisions...I need closure...I don't pull it apart like Ti does and I don't consider all the possibilities like a perciever would. lol I still think you're an INFP. But your thinker side is definately more developed than most feelers. Again only imo. Sometimes I can't tell if it's INTP or INFP...but then again I don't see many INTP's disclosing much, you seem very open to me...<--which is kool btw :) also I don't see many INTP's saying "I'd get bored and feel lost with no structure ever." At least not the ones I know. You seem to put higher answers for the "organizational questions" <---that could be Te which an INFP has...but that's just me lol...I have still never met an INTJ ...so I could be way off...:D

Cool. Good analysis. I thought it seemed more Ne/perceiver-like as well, but then I'm in the middle. Fair enough reasoning for INFP. I just don't think I'm Fi dom is all- everything I've read about it and from IXFP's seems to be less like me than Fe. Particularly the parts about getting swept away with emotion- that I associate with Fi (and it's not something that happens to me). So you think INTP's are less self disclosing? That fits with my observations on here, but then it seems to be the opposite in real life. I think INTP's are about the same online as in real life, and INFP's are more cautious in real life and see the online format as being more confidential (whereas I'll just talk about myself to anyone who's interested regardless). As for INTJ's, I think they are more private.


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Cool. Good analysis. I thought it seemed more Ne/perceiver-like as well, but then I'm in the middle. Fair enough reasoning for INFP. I just don't think I'm Fi dom is all- everything I've read about it and from IXFP's seems to be less like me than Fe. Particularly the parts about getting swept away with emotion- that I associate with Fi (and it's not something that happens to me). So you think INTP's are less self disclosing? That fits with my observations on here, but then it seems to be the opposite in real life. I think INTP's are about the same online as in real life, and INFP's are more cautious in real life and see the online format as being more confidential (whereas I'll just talk about myself to anyone who's interested regardless). As for INTJ's, I think they are more private.

I see what you me about Fi...I'm not sure how you are irl with your emotions. I feel like I relate to Fi users...Like they're the only one's I can feel the emotional vibes off of if you know what I mean. So I wouldn't be able to determine that unless irl really. Also my INFP friend just did this the other day: I told her I would do a huge favor for her and she was EXTREMELY happy. To me I could tell that she was so happy because to me it is expressed by holding in tears of being overwhelmed and hugging someone. <--Hugging is a very NF thing to do in general I find. They love hugs...hugs make things ok at the end of the day. But I had a connection with her because she was introverting her emotions. Not because she was smiling...so what i'm getting to is...do you feel like you express yourself as easily as others(not to be mistaken for disclosing info) or does it feel better to just do your own thing when you're feeling a strong emotion... A lot of isfp's I know don't think that they us Fi primarily becuase they do it so naturally...it can be difficult to detect...

Hmm...you do have a point about INTP's or INFP's irl and on here...there may be a difference...INTJ's do seem very withdrawn, maybe only having a small circle that they really open up to...

Can you give examples of when you use Fe?


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Though the test gave you INTJ and I have even suggested it before it rests on very shaky foundations as none of your letters tested that strongly and you come across as having very strong Fi so I would guess you are either INTJ or INFP depending on what type of intuition you use. INTJs are described as tenacious visionaries oriented towards action while INFPs are described as idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations. Which do you believe yourself to relate more towards? Anyway I just asked people on Ventrilo what type they think you are and they all answered INFP though one person said INTP and one said EFP so apparently nobody except for me seems to even think of INTJ as an option but ultimately you should seek for the answer within.



Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
wow...you make a very good point...if she tested intj...then she tested Fi...lol :doh:


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Though the test gave you INTJ and I have even suggested it before it rests on very shaky foundations as none of your letters tested that strongly and you come across as having very strong Fi so I would guess you are either INTJ or INFP depending on what type of intuition you use.
Ok, apparently I strike people as Fi. But of the 4 Fi people I know, I am nothing like them feeling-wise. Really. Can I ask where you see Fi in my answers to these questions? I don't see it at all, except maybe the one about basing my goals on inspiration. I'm trying to provide actual "evidence" to base things on here, rather than my username and avatar and the fact that I get frustrated with this whole thing (seems rather self validating).
INTJs are described as tenacious visionaries oriented towards action while INFPs are described as idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations. Which do you believe yourself to relate more towards?
I identify equally with both.
Anyway I just asked people on Ventrilo what type they think you are and they all answered INFP though one person said INTP and one said EFP so apparently nobody except for me seems to even think of INTJ as an option but ultimately you should seek for the answer within.
Well then I guess they're not very experienced typologists, because I've tested this way several times, including the first time when I took the official MBTI test. I'm not saying I think this is my definite type, but it certainly seems like I resemble it. Out of curiosity, how many are "they"? Yes, I know I have to find the answer within. I'm content with INXJ/XNTP, but the point is I can't seem to persuade "the public" that I know what I'm talking about, and unfortunately this fact bothers me. I sometimes feel like people just aren't listening to what I say and don't care what I think, and so it's kind of pointless me even being on here if I can't contribute to a type forum by using typology. <--Fe btw, being concerned about relating to a group.

Oh well. Thanks for your input.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
wow...you make a very good point...if she tested intj...then she tested Fi...lol :doh:

Yeah, but INTJ's have Fi as only a tertiary function, so they don't really look like INFP's because INFP's are Fi dominant. And if I'm INFJ with T tendencies, then I could pretty easily switch by Ni bringing up Fi from the unconscious. Conversely, if I'm INTJ with P tendencies, it would do the same with Fe- and would fit with INFJ. The point is that if I'm INXX, I could easily switch between the 4 types and have a strong preference for Fe at the same time- being the 2 Fe using types most often, then INTJ, then INFP. You see?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm just not sure you understand fi much.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Or fe for that matter


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Ok, apparently I strike people as Fi. But of the 4 Fi people I know, I am nothing like them feeling-wise. Really. Can I ask where you see Fi in my answers to these questions? I don't see it at all, except maybe the one about basing my goals on inspiration. I'm trying to provide actual "evidence" to base things on here, rather than my username and avatar and the fact that I get frustrated with this whole thing (seems rather self validating).
You have never struck me as Fi, but rather much more Fe. I have pointed this out on a couple of occasions in other threads. Also, you are definitely a perceiver, and seem to use Ne > Ni. More and more I see you as similar to a couple (male) INFPs I have known, who have been strong, logical thinkers but share your strong spiritual side, love of nature, etc.

Now here's a wild speculation: you mentioned having difficulty with social skills, perhaps even asbergerish tendencies. If so, your preference for Fe might be frustrated by a lack of innate ability with it. As a result, you resorted to your next judging function, Ti, and developed more proficiency with it than your average Fe-aux ever would. (Ignore if way off base.)


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I see what you me about Fi...I'm not sure how you are irl with your emotions. I feel like I relate to Fi users...Like they're the only one's I can feel the emotional vibes off of if you know what I mean. So I wouldn't be able to determine that unless irl really. Also my INFP friend just did this the other day: I told her I would do a huge favor for her and she was EXTREMELY happy. To me I could tell that she was so happy because to me it is expressed by holding in tears of being overwhelmed and hugging someone. <--Hugging is a very NF thing to do in general I find. They love hugs...hugs make things ok at the end of the day. But I had a connection with her because she was introverting her emotions. Not because she was smiling...so what i'm getting to is...do you feel like you express yourself as easily as others(not to be mistaken for disclosing info) or does it feel better to just do your own thing when you're feeling a strong emotion... A lot of isfp's I know don't think that they us Fi primarily becuase they do it so naturally...it can be difficult to detect...

Hmm...you do have a point about INTP's or INFP's irl and on here...there may be a difference...INTJ's do seem very withdrawn, maybe only having a small circle that they really open up to...

Can you give examples of when you use Fe?
I relate to Fe users more in terms of emotions. I relate strongly to what Fidelia writes, I feel the emotions of my ENFJ friend obnoxiously strongly (and I always know what she's feeling and why), I relate to the expression style of my INTP Metaphysics professor, and a couple of other friends I suspect of being Fe users. The Fi doms I know irl just react so...strongly to things, and something in me always wants to recoil. I can never predict it or find patterns in it, or an underlying basis of reason. Fe at least has underlying patterns of social expectations, and you can predict it because they react to things you can see, as a mirror. I don't identify with what Fi doms write, I don't behave or feel the same way in relationships (and if I ever do it's not for the same reasons), I don't like the same music or art, I don't fight the same way, I don't solve problems or resolve conflicts the same way. Need I go on? My feelings are like a mirror. I don't react to things in the outside world for no reason- I'm not easily affected. People's moods affect my mood even without me realizing it. Personal identity is not important to me- I don't really feel I have it; I feel like I just exist as a collection of reflections.

In real life with my emotions: I express them easily in words, and I'm happy to do it, but I'm not outwardly expressive. I can be animated and enthusiastic, but it's not in a "forceful" way like I observe in strong Fi's. I always feel like I'm in control of how expressive I am. (And speaking of lack of expression, I usually talk in a quiet, low monotone.) I get really excited about relationships, and turn into an ecstatic anime girl. But I don't get attached to them or get my heart broken. And I've never experienced romantic feelings which weren't returned, and don't intend to (I've noticed Fi users seem to find this romantic, are comfortable with it, and do it easily- none of which applies to me).

I like hugs, but I can be standoffish. It depends on who wants to hugs me.

If all this doesn't sound like Fe, people need to read some threads comparing the two functions and look at people's responses. There's more, if anyone needs further convincing.

Edit: Another Fe thing:
I'm great at playing music and pretty good at understanding poetry, but I can't compose music to save my life, and I suck at writing poetry which is anything like meaningful.

I'm just not sure you understand fi much.
I understand it a lot more than I used to, but the fact that I don't automatically suggests to me that I don't relate to it. I do relate to Fe, and it makes perfect sense to me.
Last edited:


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I agree with [MENTION=5418]Lady X[/MENTION] that you probably don't know enough about the functions to make a completely accurate self analysis (don't worry as I don't understand them that well either), but I do at least know that when you ask for evidence or empirical proof I believe that is Te because Ti would follow their own internal sense of logic whereas Te seeks external validification though someone correct me if I am wrong. When I edit this post I can pull up some good proof that you might use Te and Fi but it will require time for me to do so by researching your posting history and for all I know the conclusion could completely defy my expectations so the search will begin now and yes this is kind of like trolling but it's for a good purpose!

All of that said I think you should really be asking yourself whether you specialize in Ni or Ne if you need to pick between INTJ and INFP though you will have to ask someone else the dynamics behind those functions as I don't fully understand them hence I lable myself IxTP.

edit: Note that my understanding of typology is rather shallow so my assumptions here could be completely off base though I will make an honest attempt to analyze the functions [MENTION=15773]greenfairy[/MENTION] might specialize in:
I like it both rough and (kind of) gentle, as long as it's artistic (meaning we'd look pretty on film). I imagine I'm being video taped and that turns me on more than physical sensations. Usually I have to consciously focus on what my body is feeling, and the energy. I'm a tantric animal. And a fairy of course. I like pretty much any position, and I like variety. Oh, and threesomes are nice now and then. Except it becomes hard to concentrate on two people at the same time. And I really like doing it in the woods. Except there's no electrical outlet.

That could be Ni and Se since there is a focus on external sensation or Se and also a focus on how it transforms your internal state Ni.

I am a great mystery lol. That which is the true Tao cannot be put into words. The essence of greenfairy because she is in harmony with the Tao cannot be put into a box and limited by language. I must be known with the intuition through the third eye.

This reeks of an Ni mystical metamorphosis.

I'm high on life as much as possible. The infinite complexity of life and the universe, the interconnectedness of everything, and simplicity and symmetry of truth all make me feel in harmony. If anything tries to get me down I think about it philosophically and spiritually and remember that it's just an illusion.

I'm not sure what functions are showing here though it doesn't seem like something an INTP would say.

Au contraire. I do not desire power at all. I seek to be in harmony with the power of reality.

This may or may not have anything to do with functions but it does have an NF vibe to it as many NTs would seek not only to center himself/herself with the universe but also to ultimately control it and obtain mastery over it though there is the Albert Einstein sort of NT who is more about harmony that power so I guess it could click as it probably depends on how you wish to use your knowledge which is what the classical NT endlessly seeks.

I'm fascinated by the anarchist mentality. I want to be free and in solidarity with my fellow free people. I want to live a sustainable, independent lifestyle. I want to be able to survive in any situation, using mad ninja skills.

Again I'm not really seeing any functions but I am seeing the self preservation or Sp instinct here so it might be one of your top 2 instinctual variants though I would guess you are sexual first.

Both, in fact. But in my confusion I get closer to the truth. I identify things about myself which are true in certain instances, and patterns of behavior motivated by certain things. Putting it into a framework, even multiple frameworks, helps it all make sense.

I'm no expert but the framework references could be Ti organization though the patterns if following a straight line of reasoning or a cause and effect cycle could also be Te dynamics and since this is your own analysis of yourself I can't be sure that this is how you really think or rather how you think you think.

Space Cadet who is capable of organizing information, Clinger (when I'm insecure and confused and find myself making mistakes all the time) who is perfectly willing to express ideas and opinions. I don't mind being managed, but I hate being micromanaged because it's condescending and makes me nervous. In that case, if I have a boss who is mean and critical I become a Challenger and start looking for a new job.

This could be function related but I know at least that this willingness to challenge authority expressed here is more T than F.

We are part of nature, and the part of us which knows it continually searches for the connection. We've separated ourselves from the natural environment, where in order to survive we had to be tested against the elements and animals. In order to survive in nature we had to possess those qualities we think of as valuable, and now we have to create those situations in order to feel the same thing.

I have no idea what to make of this but I like your idea of connecting with the harmony of the natural world and attracting positive things into your life in a constant process of self creation though there is also a focus an conflicting forces and the fight for survival so this might be a T trait if by searching for connections you mean understanding the mechanisms by which the world works but if you are seeking harmony that might be more NF.

I've thought about it, and the fact is that the evidence I've been presented with on here is a small amount compared with the evidence in my own mind, so it's not really that unreasonable. I've read a lot of things and a lot of threads, and, for example, I identify with what Fe users say in their Fe thread far more than the Fi users, and the Fe users identify with what I say. (I could still be an Fi user as in INTJ, but I doubt I'm Fi dominant. And I could be INFJ.) I do this kind of thing with everything; I too notice what different types say and how they say it, and I have made informed decisions. I know what resonates with me and what describes my behavior. I know what types' opinions and thinking styles I feel more drawn to. I can't possibly regurgitate all this on an online forum. So I wouldn't say I'm choosing to believe something despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary; I just file it all away along with my own evidence and look at how it stacks up.

I think this final quote I am including here as I don't have all the time I would like to add more pretty much speaks for itself and sums up everything we have argued for your typing case here so my conclusion on your type is

Everyone else feel free to draw upon all of the quotes provided here to make your own arguments as well as to make your own judgments on the type the OP might be or even to refute the logic behind claims I made in this.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I agree with [MENTION=5418]Lady X[/MENTION] that you probably don't know enough about the functions to make a completely accurate self analysis (don't worry as I don't understand them that well either), but I do at least know that when you ask for evidence or empirical proof I believe that is Te because Ti would follow their own internal sense of logic whereas Te seeks external validification though someone correct me if I am wrong. When I edit this post I can pull up some good proof that you might use Te and Fi but it will require time for me to do so by researching your posting history and for all I know the conclusion could completely defy my expectations so the search will begin now and yes this is kind of like trolling but it's for a good purpose!

All of that said I think you should really be asking yourself whether you specialize in Ni or Ne if you need to pick between INTJ and INFP though you will have to ask someone else the dynamics behind those functions as I don't fully understand them hence I lable myself IxTP.

That sounds like a valiant effort, my friend! And if you would like me to analyze you, let me know.

I do think I understand them now- at least the F and T functions. I've read enough threads and descriptions to get an intuitive feel for them, and intellectually understand how they work.

As for Te, I can see that. But I see Ti as well. I do use my own logic. Like I say, I'm not doing this to have people help me decide- I want to convince people, not be convinced. I am searching for information, because more information is always good. I think I am being misunderstood on this. I already have my own ideas, and the more I learn the more I become convinced of them. However, I see myself more in different types the more I learn as well; it just becomes a modification of the ideas I already have.

Edit: Awesome analysis, RaptorWizard!


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm just not sure you understand fi much.
^ This. When people remain undecided on the MBTI for this long, I find that it's usually from lack of understanding of the system.
(I learned this from Marm.)

To answer the implicit question in the OP:
- You self-type as being an introvert, and you say that you're extremely introspective and very quiet, so I'll trust you on that;
- You come across as significantly more Ne than Ni;
- You come across as being either a Ti user or an Fi user; and
- I am fairly certain that you're a Perceiver. (<-- Edited from being "100% certain")

So... INxP.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
You have never struck me as Fi, but rather much more Fe. I have pointed this out on a couple of occasions in other threads. Also, you are definitely a perceiver, and seem to use Ne > Ni. More and more I see you as similar to a couple (male) INFPs I have known, who have been strong, logical thinkers but share your strong spiritual side, love of nature, etc.
Thanks for acknowledging my Fe observations. Although jumping from that to INFP is a big leap. Can I ask how I resemble the INFP's you know more specifically? When I thought it was my type, I did focus on the spirituality and connection with nature (although connection with nature is usually attributed to S types).
Edit: Oh yeah, and thanks for saying I'm logical. That's refreshing.
Now here's a wild speculation: you mentioned having difficulty with social skills, perhaps even asbergerish tendencies. If so, your preference for Fe might be frustrated by a lack of innate ability with it. As a result, you resorted to your next judging function, Ti, and developed more proficiency with it than your average Fe-aux ever would. (Ignore if way off base.)
I think this actually makes a lot of sense. So that would make me (centrally) INFJ. I'm ok with that. It would also make me more introverted than I naturally want to me, so my real type might be E something.

^ This. When people remain undecided on the MBTI for this long, I find that it's usually from lack of understanding of the system.
(I learned this from Marm.)

To answer the implicit question in the OP:
- You self-type as being an introvert, and you say that you're extremely introspective and very quiet, so I'll trust you on that;
- You come across as significantly more Ne than Ni;
- You come across as being either a Ti user or an Fi user; and
- I am fairly certain that you're a Perceiver. (<-- Edited from being "100% certain")

So... INxP.

Ok. Fair enough. Thought on my Fe post? (#13)


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I don't think it's lack of understanding of the system, although I could be wrong. I'm usually able to understand systems very quickly and apply them. I think in systems. But I'll keep learning and see if I change my mind.


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, but INTJ's have Fi as only a tertiary function, so they don't really look like INFP's because INFP's are Fi dominant. And if I'm INFJ with T tendencies, then I could pretty easily switch by Ni bringing up Fi from the unconscious. Conversely, if I'm INTJ with P tendencies, it would do the same with Fe- and would fit with INFJ. The point is that if I'm INXX, I could easily switch between the 4 types and have a strong preference for Fe at the same time- being the 2 Fe using types most often, then INTJ, then INFP. You see?

yea, I know what you mean...the only thing is...if you're talking to a another person that is "hardcore" MBTI...they will tell you that you can only have one dominant function and you are primarily using that function all the time. The only real exception to that are introverts. Introverts have their first function really developed just like most types, but introverts
are forced to develop their second function very early and to an ok level. And that's because when you're interracting with people(which we have to do, we all do to an extent) you're using the extraverted function which for introverts is the second function. Long story short...introverts are just more developed usually than extraverts...in that they HAVE to use their first two functions to actaully "function" in the world. Where extraverts don't have to. I just think that that's where some of the confusion is also coming from. So when you're talking about switching between 4 types that starts to make me cringe. Cause that would mean that you have 2 introvered dominant functions...that would mean you might be really developed and in your 50's-80's <---to me lol...cause people don't develop those that quickly. Also then that means that you have 2 auxiliary functions really developed...which then I would envy you...cause I don't even have one lol...but if you just say either intj or infj... i can completely understand...cause then you would be on the border for only the auxilaries...and just need to decide which one...

Which by the way I wanted to just point out... with this quote to Raptor Wizard :"Well then I guess they're not very experienced typologists, because I've tested this way several times, including the first time when I took the official MBTI test. I'm not saying I think this is my definite type, but it certainly seems like I resemble it. Out of curiosity, how many are "they"? Yes, I know I have to find the answer within. I'm content with INXJ/XNTP, but the point is I can't seem to persuade "the public" that I know what I'm talking about, and unfortunately this fact bothers me. I sometimes feel like people just aren't listening to what I say and don't care what I think, and so it's kind of pointless me even being on here if I can't contribute to a type forum by using typology. <--Fe btw, being concerned about relating to a group." This sounds like Te actually...to me...it's only my opinion and my first function...but it sounds like a Te venting. When I read that...I just saw anger coming out. That doesn't sound like a INTP just venting...they will tear you apart and leave nothing for the scavangers. Also the only other note I wanted to present to you was that Fe and Te are in the same area in the brain and can be easily confused...


Dominant: Introverted Thinking In the way you write I dont see this<-- I feel like Jennifer is an INTP female on here that I've seen use the most Fe...I just don't think you're an INTP, I don't feel like they use all the Fe you are saying you have.
Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
Inferior: Extraverted Feeling


Dominant: Introverted Intuition < I didn't know that you thought you had Ni as a Dominant<--that might be possible...but you were also saying you were witty entertaining and curious that's Ne
Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling
Tertiary: Introverted Thinking
Inferior: Extraverted Sensing


Dominant: Introverted Intuition < ---As before...they're withdrawn...but maybe you've developed the auxilaryy well....?
Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking
Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
Inferior: Extraverted Sensing


Dominant: Introverted Feeling
Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition < I get the sense that you have a lot of this
Tertiary: Introverted Sensing< what about this? do you think you are energized by Si?
Inferior: Extraverted Thinking


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I don't think it's lack of understanding of the system, although I could be wrong. I'm usually able to understand systems very quickly and apply them. I think in systems. But I'll keep learning and see if I change my mind.
You're right that I could be wrong. The other alternative would be that you understand the system but don't necessarily know how to apply it.

(I'm biased, because my problems are always with "getting" systems; once I get them, though, I can implement then like THAT. *snaps fingers*)
Ok. Fair enough. Thought on my Fe post? (#13)
Oh, didn't read it. Let's take a look.
I relate to Fe users more in terms of emotions. I relate strongly to what Fidelia writes, I feel the emotions of my ENFJ friend obnoxiously strongly (and I always know what she's feeling and why), I relate to the expression style of my INTP Metaphysics professor, and a couple of other friends I suspect of being Fe users. The Fi doms I know irl just react so...strongly to things, and something in me always wants to recoil. I can never predict it or find patterns in it, or an underlying basis of reason. Fe at least has underlying patterns of social expectations, and you can predict it because they react to things you can see, as a mirror. I don't identify with what Fi doms write, I don't behave or feel the same way in relationships (and if I ever do it's not for the same reasons), I don't like the same music or art, I don't fight the same way, I don't solve problems or resolve conflicts the same way. Need I go on? My feelings are like a mirror. I don't react to things in the outside world for no reason- I'm not easily affected. People's moods affect my mood even without me realizing it. Personal identity is not important to me- I don't really feel I have it; I feel like I just exist as a collection of reflections.

In real life with my emotions: I express them easily in words, and I'm happy to do it, but I'm not outwardly expressive. I can be animated and enthusiastic, but it's not in a "forceful" way like I observe in strong Fi's. I always feel like I'm in control of how expressive I am. (And speaking of lack of expression, I usually talk in a quiet, low monotone.) I get really excited about relationships, and turn into an ecstatic anime girl. But I don't get attached to them or get my heart broken. And I've never experienced romantic feelings which weren't returned, and don't intend to (I've noticed Fi users seem to find this romantic, are comfortable with it, and do it easily- none of which applies to me).
In fairness, re: second bolded, that forcefulness is usually just there with Fi dom/aux. I related a lot to what you said about stating your feelings openly without any affect to speak of; I'm Fi-inferior and if you watch any of my TypeC videos, you'll see that I'm just the same in that regard. (Hell, even my TypeC writing style is like that.) But yeah, you've made quite the convincing case for Fe, especially the first bolded.

Not sure about [MENTION=9811]Coriolis[/MENTION] ' point on you possibly being INFJ; I just don't see Ni in you much at all. For now I'm going with INTP with strong Fe.