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IQ and aging - personal, conflicting thoughts


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
Start a new thread about IQ "bias" and rail on about it, if you'd like. Some people might enjoy it.

It's just a consequence of what you are saying, that’s all. I don’t think another IQ discussion would be healthy for me. :p


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
You can't suck that much, since there usually is a heavy load of visual tasks in IQ tests. What do you score in this ( http://iqtest.dk/main.swf ) exclusively visual IQ test, for example?

That test is pretty interesting.

Course, try answering every single question wrong and you end up with an IQ of 79. I assume that's the floor... but it makes me suspect their distribution.

(Sadly, I did worse on that test than the Mensa tests... I'm not quite sure what that means :D )


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
What do you think you would score if you were in better shape, something like 115?
I don't know. Maybe. I wouldn't bet money on doing that much better, though.


Wannabe genius
Jun 12, 2007
I don't know. Maybe. I wouldn't bet money on doing that much better, though.

Anyhow, it seems like you are right ... You seem to really be a lot weaker on visual tasks than linguistic. My guess is your IQ varies quite a lot with different IQ tests …


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Increase in intelligence in the 1990s might have something to do with removal of lead in the environment. Lead has been linked to mental retardation... so by getting rid of lead paint, intelligence from the poorer communities get a boost... It also perpetrated the myth that whites are smarter than blacks. Because blacks are more likely to come from an improvished family.

Answering the questions:

-what is your IQ and your confidence with it?
When I was tested as a little kid I believe it was around 125ish. Nowadays, my online scores are in 135-140. How confident I am at the number? Meh... I'm good with it being 1SD+ away from mean.
-how much does your view of "intelligence" align with contemporary IQ views on general intelligence factor?
I think a general quotient for IQ exists in people... that determines how quickly they are to pick up new things. But it's not the be all and end all type of thing where if you have low IQ, you can't do anything. "Multiple intelligence" tries to capture that... but I'm not certain whether it should be called that... perhaps talent might be a better descriptor.
-are multiple intelligences a better representation of people's traits, or a hoax to cater to feelings of the dumb, or something in between?
I think society as a whole place way too much emphasis on IQ. That that lead to the development of the term "multiple intelligence". My take on it is that there a general G for IQ... then there's aptitude for various areas of which G quotient can play a role in. But I wouldn't say aptitude = intelligence.
-have you wished to be of different IQ?
This may sound silly... but sometimes I wish I were dumb. Dumb people seem to be much happier in my mind. Sure, they have problems of their own... but it seems so much simpler and easier to solve. And afterwards, you feel happy again. In contrast to my current random brooding because I think too much. =/
-have you noticed a drop in IQ? If so, have you done a conscious effort to negate the effect? If not, what abilities or perceptions have helped to turn the situation around?
No, but I noticed I feel not as smart because I'm surrounded by smart people in academia. Kind of like the impostor syndrome...
-has type awareness brought different view on IQ? how so?
Heard that Ns on average have higher IQ than Ss... N related to pattern finding, IQ tests heavily based on patterns. Info seems to make sense, so I accepted it. Does that make Ns better than Ss? No. It didn't change my perception of people at all. IQ isn't everything.
-have you aimed for the best job available to your intelligence?
I don't even know what IQ range my job's suppose to be in! Maybe somebody can tell me. I'm in research... drug development in pharmaceuticals.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
This topic relates to some stuff I've recently discovered (as in the past day or two) about myself, and I also have a newfound appreciation for my parents, because they didn't let me see any results from standardized tests growing up, and it's only because I 'found' a folder in my mom's desk that had all the results...so now I know. I look forward to talking to her about it!! ;-)

I grew up in IL, where they did OLSAT (Otis Lennon) intelligence tests starting in 3rd grade, and each yr up through 7th grade. In 3rd grade I was above average, but nothing special. By 5th grade I had gotten into the 97th percentile, and I continued to improve. The OLSAT measures SAI, which is equivalent to IQ. My 7th grade Non-verbal IQ was 125, and verbal IQ was 139, for composite of 132.

The GRE up through 9/2001 is considered an intelligence test (from 9/2001 and later, though, it is not, because they re-vamped the test structure). I took it in 2/2001, and scored a 2090 total (verbal + quantitative + analytical). Lowest composite GRE score Mensa would accept is 1875 (and lowest IQ they accept is 132), so since my GRE is rather higher than 1875, I assume my IQ is higher than 132 now. --> Or, WAS. :)

**However**.:) It is now 2007, and I have had 6 yrs worth of jobs that under-utilize me, and frankly I don't have to 'think' very much on the job. I haven't exercised ANY math skills for years, and I KNOW I've gotten dumber. I know it. It's kind of scary! Makes me almost want to break out all of my college notebooks and re-learn everything I used to know, because I'm becoming really...mathematically...dumb. Tied to this, I have to spend more time figuring out something, that would have been an almost instantaneous knowledge 5-10 years ago. My brain cells and neural pathways have totally become under-used, so I need to do something before they completely atrophy. :) It's like many pathways of my brain have gone into semi-hibernation.


To answer a few of your questions - I do think IQ measures ones aptitude to learn and excel in academic settings, and thrive in those settings. And I think it correlates to how easy it is for one to learn, and how quickly one picks concepts/theories/etc up.

However, you know what they say...often the more book-smart one is, the less common sense he might have. Less social intelligence, less emotional intelligence, etc. And, this would be why there are equally valid intelligence theories out there. I mean, I think emotional intelligence is vastly important in the 'real world' - and the real world is about interacting with people - and those with higher IQ may have more issues with this aspect of life.

Also, I think anxiety and depression are rather common for those with higher IQ's. I know both are beneath the surface in me, and my brother apparently has a higher IQ than I, and he has severe social anxiety, and was diagnosed with chronic depression several yrs ago, but appears to be much more functional, and happy, now.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
**However**.:) It is now 2007, and I have had 6 yrs worth of jobs that under-utilize me, and frankly I don't have to 'think' very much on the job. I haven't exercised ANY math skills for years, and I KNOW I've gotten dumber. I know it. It's kind of scary! Makes me almost want to break out all of my college notebooks and re-learn everything I used to know, because I'm becoming really...mathematically...dumb. Tied to this, I have to spend more time figuring out something, that would have been an almost instantaneous knowledge 5-10 years ago. My brain cells and neural pathways have totally become under-used, so I need to do something before they completely atrophy. :) It's like many pathways of my brain have gone into semi-hibernation.

That's actually a good idea, going over your old notes and such. I encourage it. You don't want to let it all slip away, do you? It's too bad you're being underutilized in your jobs. Even so, there's nothing stopping you from doing things outside of work to stimulate your mind.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
That's actually a good idea, going over your old notes and such. I encourage it. You don't want to let it all slip away, do you? It's too bad you're being underutilized in your jobs. Even so, there's nothing stopping you from doing things outside of work to stimulate your mind.

Thanks! I completely agree, and it sounds like the perfect 'winter project' for me, since I'll be hibernating inside my apartment for 4 months from the arctic air anyway. :)


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
I know this sounds kind of silly, but I sharpened up some of my math and geography skills playing my kids' educational computer games! I never was that good at geography, and I really learned a lot playing Carmen Sandiego! My favorite math program is Math Blaster.:)


Resident Snot-Nose
Aug 13, 2007
-what is your IQ and your confidence with it?
I havn't taken a real test, but on a few online ones (that are probably not very good) I've gotten anywhere from 129 to 152.

-how much does your view of "intelligence" align with contemporary IQ views on general intelligence factor?
I don't know contemporary views on it, but I think that, perhaps, in a general sense IQ is accurate (i.e. someone witha high score is smart, someone with a low score isn't), but it doesn't seem like something that can be measured with great accuracy. My view on intelligence is that it is something nearly impossible to measure.

-are multiple intelligences a better representation of people's traits, or a hoax to cater to feelings of the dumb, or something in between?
I think they are probably a better representation because they don't try to be accurate to a single number and they acknowledge that there are indeed many ways for people to be intelligent, and that people always have weaknesses.

-have you wished to be of different IQ?

-have you noticed a drop in IQ? If so, have you done a conscious effort to negate the effect? If not, what abilities or perceptions have helped to turn the situation around?
Nope, I'm still very young, I've noticed myself getting much smarter...

-has type awareness brought different view on IQ? how so?
Its brought the awareness that multiple personalities is probably a bit more accurate, because like type awareness, it acknowledges different strengths and weaknesses.

-have you aimed for the best job available to your intelligence?
I've never aimed for a job.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
Just realised a post I made yesterday is relevant here:

The more I read about related subjects, the more I suspect that IQ doesn't *have* to decrease with age. It may do in the Western world, in which over the years the majority of people are accumulating a great variety of neurotoxins in their bodies that they never get rid of, but I strongly suspect that just as 'senile dementia' and other new neurological conditions are not found in certain cultures or in individuals who minimise their toxicity levels, IQ could potentially remain unravaged too. I'm also reminded of the case study of a young man whose depression was treated with high quality EPA omega 3 supplements, and whose brain was actually found to grow from its unusually small size within the first nine months - a feat previously assumed impossible in adults.


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
Jiminy, I completely agree with you; even though, I think that past a certain age there must be some decrease just as there is a decrease in athletic capability. But much of the problems ascribed to age are probably better addressed to increasing stress levels throughout the 20 to 40s, and the needed coping strategies (like caffeine) that accompany them, which have a detrimental effect on our mental capabilities.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
OMG, I wrote the message for an hour finding links, references etc. Hit send button, and bam - I was logged out and the message didn't get stored.

I'll cut the long story short.

THere's different ideas as to what is happening to IQ when people age. Perhaps younger generations are smarter, perhaps its adjusting to information age, perhaps they have better nutrition, or something. So in the end older people seem to get dumber as they age, by IQ. Or perhaps IQ-type mental ability does decline with age.

WHen I enrolled in my school (18), I rather reliably tested at about 140 iq (15 deviance). Otherwise reliable, but the results were above the reliability ceiling.. Good statistics from the test, reliable background. Found it during a school course on the study of scholarly verifiable information sources. Now with the same kinds of tests, I score about 133, adjusted to same norm. These scores tend to be more in the reliable range.

Have I spoiled my brains or what, I dont know, explanations are here and there. I feel bad about the process, if it's actual. I feel not so capable to rely on my smarts alone to enter the most highly demanding IQ-centered professions anymore, but I rather feel the need to rely on IQ, EQ (which I'll have to promote from disuse to good use) and good work ethics, the last of which I will have to develop from scratch. I've been a workaholic, which can be kinda used as a replacement for work ethics. Can it?

If this is short story, you can guess what the long story was.

-what is your IQ and your confidence with it?
-how much does your view of "intelligence" align with contemporary IQ views on general intelligence factor?
-are multiple intelligences a better representation of people's traits, or a hoax to cater to feelings of the dumb, or something in between?
-have you wished to be of different IQ?
-have you noticed a drop in IQ? If so, have you done a conscious effort to negate the effect? If not, what abilities or perceptions have helped to turn the situation around?
-has type awareness brought different view on IQ? how so?
-have you aimed for the best job available to your intelligence?
IQ has no relevance whatsoever.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
THere's different ideas as to what is happening to IQ when people age. Perhaps younger generations are smarter, perhaps its adjusting to information age, perhaps they have better nutrition, or something.
I'm going to state with absolute certainty that it's not that. *sigh*

I'm working on it though. :)


New member
Sep 29, 2007
-what is your IQ and your confidence with it?
-how much does your view of "intelligence" align with contemporary IQ views on general intelligence factor?
-are multiple intelligences a better representation of people's traits, or a hoax to cater to feelings of the dumb, or something in between?
-have you wished to be of different IQ?
-have you noticed a drop in IQ? If so, have you done a conscious effort to negate the effect? If not, what abilities or perceptions have helped to turn the situation around?
-has type awareness brought different view on IQ? how so?
-have you aimed for the best job available to your intelligence?

-My IQ is in the 140-ish range. I've taken the test a couple times and that's where I land. I tested 153 before, but I think it was a fluke. I am an extremely visual spatial learner (disproportionately - I score barely anything on auditory & hands on) & seem to pick up patterns instantanously. I think this is why I tend to score high on IQ tests.

-Well, it measures my own intelligence fairly well and others who are intelligent in the ways I am. However, I think that's only a limited definition of intelligence. It does not measure common sense, emotional intelligence, etc. As far as MBTI & IQ, I think N's have an unfair advantage & that leads to the stereotype of being "smarter" than S types (who are normally way more intelligent than I am in "real life" sort of stuff).

-I think multiple intelligences are a better representation of people's traits.

-When I was younger, yes. I felt out of sync with a lot of my classmates and my IQ score led me to be taken out of the classroom twice a week to do logic puzzles. I liked it and all, but I had trouble connecting with children my own age. I didn't start integrating with my peers until junior high school. Now I'm perfectly fine with it.

-I haven't taken the test in years, so I don't know. I do feel as though it's dropped since I left school - mainly because I've been working a job that doesn't require me to use much of my natural intelligence.

-Somewhat. I find that it measures intelligences typically associated with an intuitive personality, so I feel N's have an unfair advantage.

-Initially, yes with my Physics major in college. However, I didn't do much with it and my current job doesn't use my intelligence much at all. I'm going into teaching, though, and I feel as though I will use it a bit more there. However, I'm sure people would argue that going for my Ph.D. is more suited to my IQ intelligence. I'm just not interested in using it that way.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Do you all people use the same IQ standard, like the one with 24 standard deviation.. judging from the fact that you live in the USA? Do you know the deviation of the score you used?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Do you all people use the same IQ standard, like the one with 24 standard deviation.. judging from the fact that you live in the USA? Do you know the deviation of the score you used?

15 standard deviation is the norm.

I don't think anyone here, unless through an academy, has taken a validated IQ test (that is, a very small minority). Something like KAIT or WAIS, or some other modern IQ test. I say this because there is a heavy emphasis on the relation to visual learning, which should compose less than 1/4 of any reliable IQ test.

Course, it is possible that the average person here would, apparently, be a doctor in theoretical/engineering physics... something that about a rather extreme amount of people in the world... I simply doubt it.