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[MBTI General] iNtuition and Cannabis


Apr 24, 2008
I dont have bad experiences with marijuana, I just cant stand it, but that doesnt make me to condemn it.

Salvia is nice but it need to be concentrated the often you take it. I dont know, if its the same like that Sativia you are talking about.

Concerning the flavours, when I go out and buy drugs on the street, I am really not able to choose a flavour. I just get the shit thats there. And looking at some old friends, who are doing the thing for like 10 years now, I know where its gonna lead.

Of course you can order blends or drive to holland from here and take it there, but its a huge logistical undertaking to do that, if you dont want to get caught.

I lived without dope for a long time, then I lived for 5 years with it and today I live without it again. Thats all I am gonna say on the topic.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I dont have bad experiences with marijuana, I just cant stand it, but that doesnt make me to condemn it.

Salvia is nice but it need to be concentrated the often you take it. I dont know, if its the same like that Sativia you are talking about.

Concerning the flavours, when I go out and buy drugs on the street, I am really not able to choose a flavour. I just get the shit thats there. And looking at some old friends, who are doing the thing for like 10 years now, I know where its gonna lead.

Of course you can order blends or drive to holland from here and take it there, but its a huge logistical undertaking to do that, if you dont want to get caught.

I lived without dope for a long time, then I lived for 5 years with it and today I live without it again. Thats all I am gonna say on the topic.

I understand. What I was asking about was the difference between Sativa and Indicas marijuana- as in Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indicas the genus and species name of the plant.

Since I've never really heard of the difference, I'd imagine you're right- you can't really try to buy or the other, you just buy what's there. not that I'm off to buy anything or smoke any weed..that'll wait until I grow up a little.


Minister of Propagandhi
Aug 3, 2008
Coming from someone who has absolutely no experience with weed, what is the difference between indicas and sativas? How can you tell and what effects do they promote? Out of curiosity..of course..:D

Indicas are higher in cannabinoids and have less THC than sativas. So this causes a heavier high with more of a bodybuzz. Mentally it can make you slower and more clumsy. Sativas produce more of the psychedelic effects you've heard about weed. Feels cleaner and lighter. Racing thought, but not in a bad way, for most people.

Most commonly, it will be a hybrid of both with either indica or sativa as dominant.


Apr 24, 2008
Concerning the relation between cannabis and intuition maybe one last word.

I was a very creative guy, having a huge fantasy and I was able to write stories in which I bravely interconnected a lot of unrelated things (nobody understand it though).

I cant put the emotions into my words to let this sound serious so I just say what I wanted to say:

When I did drugs, intuition turned into a threatening form of paranoia. It didnt depend on what flavour I'ld take, I was able to misinterpret everything and too even reject my closest friends. That happened in the end, at the beginning it was good. I highly overdid it in the end, smoked huge amounts a day and therefore I really induced that bad experience to myself, so I dont condemn drugs.

But whats really important and that is a thing bugging me until today. After I quit the drugs, my imagination did never recover. For years after it, my mind was blank and people who knew me from the past tried to bring out my old self again but it was gone.

It was a good experience though, I would like to call it growing up. Until I started to find a topic that intrested me again in university, I was driveless, lazy and a working zombie near death.

What I wanted to say with all this: you can do all the drugs in the world you want. But I dont need them no more.

Samurai Drifter

New member
May 8, 2007
Salvia is the most intense twisting of reality I've ever experienced. It's frightening and amazing.

Do you experience the salvia "pull"? What about "melting" into your physical environment?
Yeah. The first time I tried it I felt like I was being pulled down into a "river" of some kind (that's the closest I can describe it, at least), and I started to become one with the grass I was sitting on.

My trips since the first time have been much more visually focused, though still bizarre and intense.

the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Salvia is the most intense twisting of reality I've ever experienced. It's frightening and amazing.

Do you experience the salvia "pull"? What about "melting" into your physical environment?

i did the 20 extract once. melting, fusing, merging, whatever- it's intense. no euphoria either, not fun but very very interesting. left me with a lot of head noise for an hour or so afterwards. just totally discombobulated. unlike pot i was totally unable to verbalize anything.

Tiny Army

New member
Jan 12, 2009
You can usually spot the difference between indicas and sativas from the moment you smoke them. Sativas tend to take longer to take effect but ultimately give you a more active high. Indicas can be more of a depressant. At least this is the difference I have noticed and a lot of my friends agree with me. I think I mentioned earlier that different brain types react differently to marijuana. I vastly prefer sativa blends but indica blends don't knock me out as fast as they do other people.

I guess I just have one of those weed reactive brains!


Buddhist Misanthrope
Dec 11, 2007
When sober, I can never quite block everything else out and focus entirely on the emotional impact of that particular moment. Often when I'm upset about something or really having trouble mulling over a particular decision in my head, the solution will seem obvious within 10 minutes of lighting up that after-work bowl. The possibilities seem endless.

I'm very long term solution oriented when it comes to matters of self both mental and physical. I see any issues as my body trying to tell me to make changes someplace, finding where isn't always easy but is always worth while.

Being an ENTP, I know that feeling you're talking about, not being able to block everything out. I see smoking as a way of achieving that a cop out that avoids growth and prolongs a permanent resolution. I have an ENTP friend that has an after work bowl, he has been doing the same cycle for at least the past 6 years. He smokes cause he likes to, smokes cause he needs to, quits cause he feels like he doesn't have control, smokes cause he likes to, smokes cause he needs to, quits cause he feels like he doesn't have control. I find the whole thing pretty damn funny honestly.

I have never drank, never smoked, never done any drug of any kind in fact. I have yet to avoid any problem I've ever had in my life. To take that edge off and clear my head, I meditate. This has allowed me to gain control over yet another aspect of my life, my intense, out of control and insane Ti. Having done so I think puts me at a distinct advantage, our Ne Ti working together can be amazingly insightful and gives us such an edge. That feeling you have is you trying to gain control over those as they often times conflict, don't line up or send confusing mixed signals. Smoking may slow that whole process down but the goal is to understand it not slow it down. With understanding you will have the same outcome without any loss of ENTPness.

I like this quote about meditation and I'm putting it up because somebody is bound to comment on it being pointless.

“We could say that meditation doesn't have a reason or doesn't have a purpose. In this respect it's unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music and dancing. When we make music we don't do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best. Also, when we are dancing we are not aiming to arrive at a particular place on the floor as in a journey. When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point. And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment.”

I'm not a prude, I don't care if people smoke weed, I don't care why people smoke weed. I have decided to comment only because the op was another ENTP and I understand the situation and can contrast it with another ENTP that has made a different choice. I will say my friend is far less balanced, tends to avoid people more than I, far more flighty and seemingly never finds any peace or rest in his own mind. He has prety much withdrawn from all but his small inner circle of friends and most people don't get him at all. Not saying that has to do only with smoking but I'm sure it comes into play.
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New member
Mar 15, 2009
simulatedworld said:
--Most SJs I know seem to dislike the lack of physical coordination and control over physical environment that it creates. I've known one serious SJ smoker (he was ISTJ, to be specific), and I think he used it for reasons similar to why SJs over 21 seem to frequently enjoy alcohol: a planned period of relaxation after a hard day's work. (Alcohol is more popular among SJs, though, because it's legal and I guess that's important to some people.)

this really surprised me, as I smoke several times a week and prefer it way over alcohol. like you said though, I like using it for a planned period of relaxation but also for many other reasons. it helps with back pains, helps put me to sleep, helps stimulate my appetite, helps me put things in a different perspective, helps make things more fun, etc.

I also enjoy smoking by myself a lot, which people think is weird for some reason. :huh:

ALSO, I'm all for psychedelics, no matter how hard they are. everything from shrooms to acid to mescaline or dmt, I love them. I'm really against drugs that do harm to your body though.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Hell no. For me, MJ promotes intense introspection, and at the same time causes me to be more introverted and detached from reality.

really? haha, I get much more extroverted and silly :party:

i.e. - "dude, I didn't know you had a ceiling"

Stanton Moore

morose bourgeoisie
Mar 4, 2009
I smoke pretty much everyday. I have multiple sclerosis which causes a lot of anxiety, and weed really mitigates this.

Sativa is the best for me. It really enhances my creativity and allows me to enjoy simple things, as well as feel. I'm pretty disconnected from my emotions, so weed reconnects.
Indicas put me in a coma.
I prefer to eat weed rather than smoke, but it's harder to get the buzz right that way. It feels good though.
I never get paranoid, and rarely get the munchies.
I'm already very intuitive, but I've made connections when stoned that I would never have made. It allows me to connect my emotional side with my rational side.
I like to go for walks (someone tried to mug me once while stoner-walking)
I like to run/ride my road bike too.


New member
May 7, 2009
Never tried drugs (only alchohol, cause its legal and i won't get kicked out the military), i'm curious how extacy might effect me. But i probably won't do it. Unless someone can put a logical arguement in the table on why i should try :).


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I've never done drugs. I like to think I'm above that kind of thing. I guess it's just so ingrained that it's wrong to use narcotics that I would never think of it.

Ironically, I am lazy, unemployed, and nonproductive, though. And I'm completely clean of things like cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. Only thing I put in my system is caffeine.

Wish I had the opposite combination, where I'm diligent, employed, productive, and use drugs. :(


New member
Apr 22, 2009
try anything once. if it works, try it again. if you like it too much, never get near it for the rest of your life.

I believe in having three major vices at a time-- it balances me, lets me get some Se relaxation (which is necessary for medical reasons). weed is appropriate sometimes, but I hate what it does to my short-term memory, so, at exam times, I replace that vice with something else-- usually lots of caffeine. I also have trouble doing work when high, though I've met many NPs who have trouble doing work when they're not.

mostly it just send me into an Ni-Se loop until I fall asleep or the high wears off; sometimes it's fun. usually it just occupies my time until I find something better to do.

current vices: cigarettes, alcohol, experimental manipulation of social responses


New member
Jun 7, 2009
I hate marijuana but alcohol I like. Coke is awful...tried it once at someone's insistance...terrible, terrible, terrible.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
I'm high now.

But I digress, pot allows me a special kind of mental release and accentuation that I have yet been unable to find anywhere else. I love its ability to help me turn down the background noise of life and hyper-focus on something. Whether this thing is a movie, song, or life situation, pot helps me to approach the object of my focus from different angles. In so doing, I often come to better more creative solutions. When really ripped it augments my visceral experiences which can be fun, especially in a party setting. Most importantly, it allows me to mellow out and reign in my rampant Te. I have gained a greater understanding of others and their feelings through some of my experiences with pot. By no means am I saying that weed is the sole contributing factor to my personal growth. But, it has gotten the ball rolling on trains of thought that have lead to personal epiphanies.