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i thought i knew my type but...


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Instinctual Variant
1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
Well, a lot of things, actually. When I first started taking MBTI tests, nearly three years ago, I tested fairly often as INxP. At the time, however, I was in a grossly unhealthy state of mind. For the last year or so, I've tested consistently as ENTJ, and I've been pretty confident with that until the last few months. There are some moments where I feel like ENTJ really fits me, but much more frequently I feel like it doesn't whatsoever. Sure, I'm a good, organized, efficient leader, but I don't know if that's necessarily the forefront of my personality. I don't know if this is simply well developed Fi kicking in, my enneagram tritype, or if I'm just another type completely. Personality wise, I'm a hot mess between Peggy Carter and Queen Elsa - basically a bored 18th century french aristocrat in a teenager's body.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
I'm not quite sure, exactly. Surely when I was younger I would say to be exorbitantly successful, powerful, and famous . Now, however, I would say that I would like to love what I am doing, and feel like I am making a difference. I want to be surrounded by people who understand me and care for me. I want to have better self-esteem, and be happy with myself. I do want to be successful, but I also want to have fun and explore the world and see all that it has to offer.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.

A few years ago, after I got out of the hospital for my depression, I went to a gala at a famous art museum with my mother. Now, since my mother was talking business the whole time, I basically had the opportunity to do whatever I wanted. The exhibits were open, and I just remember standing in an empty gallery, right in front of Monet's Bridge over Water Lilies, mere inches from it. And I was alone - it was just me, the dull sound of conversation and music in the distance, and this exquisite work of art and I remember feeling strong. And happy. And I realized I wanted the rest of my life to be like that moment, with the Monet and me.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
I care very much what other people think of me, so if I think other people don't like me, I shut down. I try to please even the people I hate. I take great pride in my successes, so I don't take failure lightly. Mostly the first one, though. I was bullied growing up so I tend to look for insult even where it does not exist, and am secretly very sensitive.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
Usually how I will feel about it - will I be comfortable with it, will I be having fun? Will it be enjoyable? Will it help me, in the future? Then, I consider the point of view of those who matter to be (mostly my parents) - what will they think? Will it disappoint them? Would they approve? (I'm only 18, so this stuff still means a lot).

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I tend to be quite, erm, bossy when I'm the group leader? I just like to be in control, because I know my way will give us an A. Therefore, I usually prefer to work alone. I like to get started early, because if not, I know I'll procrastinate. I try to get it done quickly so I can move on to something else. I like every single step to be just the way I want it to be. I have very clear visions for what I do. Unfortunately, while I enjoy starting projects, I usually get bored with them when it comes time to finish them.

7) Describe us a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
I just got back from a class trip to Disney World, which was probably the most fun I've had in awhile. However, I enjoyed myself the most when I was alone. My friends wanted to do something different from me, and we split up. Just walking around the Magic Kingdom, taking in the castle, meeting the princesses, watching the kids on the big regal carousel, I felt the happiest I had in months.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you? (Are you more prone to be hands on, to theorize, to memorize, etc)
Just try it myself. When I wanted to learn fencing, I went to lessons right away. As for information, like in school, I memorize things pretty easily. I can form images in my head of where it was in my notes, where on the page in the textbook, etc. I also constantly use the internet to learn things (I know, smart). I also don't like help - in fact, I refuse it, because I like to figure things out on my own (another character flaw).

9) How organized do you to think of yourself as?
Organized in my own way, I guess. Not painstakingly, but I know where everything is. A sort of organized chaos, I guess. I’m only very thoroughly organized when I’m writing papers for school. My outlines are a thing of beauty.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
Mull them over, then see if it supports what I already know to be true. I pretty much believe in whatever there is enough evidence to support. I tend to sometimes get swept up in believing in popular opinion, and then kind of wising up and figuring out what I myself believe about something.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I feel at peace when I am being myself with a group of people who I fit in with and who include me. So, both. Probably the former a little more because I’m not quite sure what ‘being myself’ means quite yet.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I like group intellectual discussions, like in school, with people with interesting ideas. Among my friends, I like one-on-one conversations because I sometimes feel a bit lost among the loud voices of my friends. I try to think before speaking, really, but I have a penchant to just speak too quickly and end up saying something mean/blunt/putting my foot in my mouth.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
Though I love words, and firmly believe that words influence people beyond belief (the pen is mightier than the sword), they mean nothing without action to back it up. I am a firm believer in doing what you say. If you mean something, follow up on your promises. I’m kind of a mix of a planner and an improviser. I plan more complicated things but freely ‘wing’ things I think I can get away with, or 'wing' things when I get bored of planning.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
Tape the show, go out with friends. We don’t go out that much, anyway. I’m constantly paranoid that they’re hanging out without me, or they secretly hate me (I have a hard time making friends, and have very few close ones, so I always wonder if they really like me or not), so I always want to go out and make sure that isn’t the case.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
Crazy. I become snappish and irritated, angry with everyone around me. I become anxious - literally shake, feel like I need to run a hundred miles, my brain feels like it’s going to explode. I feel sick to my stomach or like I need to sleep for a good week and a half. I usually cry, at some point or another, and feel like I have to vomit.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
People who are loud, people who are obnoxious, people who are unnecessary assholes, people who are ignorant, people who are stupid, people who don’t have good tastes, people who are sanctimonious, people who act like their problems are bigger than yours. People who ignore evidence that contradicts their own beliefs. People who push their beliefs in your face. People who are very much 'my way or the highway' (though I am like that, admittedly)

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
Literature, TV, movies, travelling, our hopes and dreams. Literary criticism and symbolism is kind of my favorite though. Also, with my close friends, gossiping about everyone we hate :/ which I realize is not great.

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your life
Honestly, my friends’ drama. Like I could care less. Also whatever the hell my extended family is up to. I also don’t really have a good short-term memory. I’ll just selectively forget things you tell me to do, or things I don’t deem important.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
They’d never admit it, but they know I’m selfish and elitist and pretentious. And ambitious and cutthroat and overly sensitive. In general, I’d say they know I’m a hard worker, resilient, and there for them 100%. They probably don’t know that under layers and layers of false confidence and happiness, I am deeply insecure and easily hurt. I feel a lot of things very deeply, though I don’t show it. Like I said, I am incredibly sensitive and emotionally guarded, because sometimes it feels like I feel things so strongly.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Sleep in, then head to the beach with a nice book (probably like, Jane Austen, or something). Freshen up, get dressed to the nines, and go to a fancy dinner before heading to an art gala/the opera/the ballet/the theater.

note - I started with this thread on PerC, but I just got a whole bunch of people telling me how dangerous my narcissism is so...I thought Typology Central would be more helpful


New member
Mar 16, 2015
[MENTION=19421]melisanddre[/MENTION] here are some questions for you. Please elaborate in your answers.

Now, however, I would say that I would like to love what I am doing, and feel like I am making a difference.
What does making a difference mean to you?

I do want to be successful, but I also want to have fun and explore the world and see all that it has to offer.
What would your experience of the "fun" be like? What would it be like to see all that the world has to offer?

I care very much what other people think of me, so if I think other people don't like me, I shut down. I try to please even the people I hate.
Please explain how you please others in this context.

I tend to be quite, erm, bossy when I'm the group leader? I just like to be in control, because I know my way will give us an A.
How important is it to get an A, and why?

Just walking around the Magic Kingdom, taking in the castle, meeting the princesses, watching the kids on the big regal carousel, I felt the happiest I had in months.
What was it that was the most enjoyable, the actual physical experience or was it anything else?

I can form images in my head of where it was in my notes, where on the page in the textbook, etc. I also constantly use the internet to learn things
What is it like to learn something new about a topic that you are interested in?

I also don't like help - in fact, I refuse it, because I like to figure things out on my own
What would be the downside of accepting help?

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
People who are loud, people who are obnoxious, people who are unnecessary assholes, people who are ignorant, people who are stupid, people who don’t have good tastes, people who are sanctimonious, people who act like their problems are bigger than yours. People who ignore evidence that contradicts their own beliefs. People who push their beliefs in your face. People who are very much 'my way or the highway' (though I am like that, admittedly)
Why is it important to have good tastes?

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
Literature, TV, movies, travelling, our hopes and dreams. Literary criticism and symbolism is kind of my favorite though. Also, with my close friends, gossiping about everyone we hate :/ which I realize is not great.
What makes you passionate about literary criticism and symbolism?

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
They’d never admit it, but they know I’m selfish and elitist and pretentious. And ambitious and cutthroat and overly sensitive. In general, I’d say they know I’m a hard worker, resilient, and there for them 100%. They probably don’t know that under layers and layers of false confidence and happiness, I am deeply insecure and easily hurt. I feel a lot of things very deeply, though I don’t show it. Like I said, I am incredibly sensitive and emotionally guarded, because sometimes it feels like I feel things so strongly.
What does being elitist and pretentious get you?

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Sleep in, then head to the beach with a nice book (probably like, Jane Austen, or something). Freshen up, get dressed to the nines, and go to a fancy dinner before heading to an art gala/the opera/the ballet/the theater.
Tell us about how you enjoy the art gala/the opera/the ballet/the theater.

Tell us about your personal values and beliefs.

To what extent do your values play a part in your decision making?

To what extent would you ignore your values to fit into a social group?

Are new ideas more important than new experiences?

Do you get distracted easily? What is it that distracts you when you are trying to concentrate on something?

When you have made a decision do you usually stick to it and complete the task or do you prefer to change it later?

What is it like to not be doing anything?

If you were feeling drained, what would be the best way to energize yourself?

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

What is it like when you learn something new about yourself?

In social situations do you pay attention mainly to other people's feelings or to your own?

You are at a social event where you notice that someone is looking depressed. What is your impression of the situation? Do you feel the urge to do anything? Why or why not?

You have been given the "Most valuable person on earth" award. What did you do to deserve the honour?


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=24431]robert666[/MENTION] -
What does making a difference mean to you?
Having some long-lasting impact on the world, being remembered for something, for my work to have some tangible effect

What would your experience of the "fun" be like? What would it be like to see all that the world has to offer?
Meeting new people, travelling, having new experiences. Ideally, I would like to go to the more 'forgotten' areas of the globe, and see all different cultures - I want to live in a hut on the Savannah, go on an ayahausca retreat with Peruvian natives, stay in an ashram in the mountains of Tibet, boat up and down the Nile. Maybe one day I would write about it.

What was it that was the most enjoyable, the actual physical experience or was it anything else?
It wasn't just that I was in disney world (though it is the happiest place on earth), I think I just felt finally free and happy being alone. I have low-self esteem, and for a brief few minutes I felt perfectly happy with myself.

Please explain how you please others in this context.
Okay, so growing up I was bullied, right? By that 'popular girl' clique. Now, my senior year of high school, they all need my help passing their classes, and they act like they've never done anything to hurt me, that we've always been friends, and I still HELP them. For some reason, their opinion still matters to me.

How important is it to get an A, and why?]
Very important. I grew up in a very academically rigorous household, where my parents expect me to keep straight As. Schoolwork and academic success are treated as everything, basically.

What is it like to learn something new about a topic that you are interested in?
Exhilarating. I feel more knowledgeable and well-informed and more well-rounded.

What would be the downside of accepting help?
I would be judged, and be seen as incompetent or weak. I mean, I didn't tell my parents I was severely depressed for five months, so. Or that I was suicidal for weeks. Clearly, I have an issue with asking for help.

Why is it important to have good tastes?
Well, I like everything to be elegant and refined and tasteful. I'm a bit of a social-climber, so I'm kind of big on high status stuff and looking like you belong, etc.

What makes you passionate about literary criticism and symbolism?
Honestly, no idea. I think I love the idea that there is so much thought and meaning in a simple work, a bunch of paper with a jumble of words. I find it fascinating, and there is always something new to find.

What does being elitist and pretentious get you?
Just an inflated sense of self-esteem :wubbie:

Tell us about how you enjoy the art gala/the opera/the ballet/the theater.
I'm not quite artistically talented (though I always tried to be), so I admire such talent and refinement in the arts. I love the idea of escape, I think. That you can pretend to be someone else for awhile.

Tell us about your personal values and beliefs.
That's a loaded question that I'm asked a lot and never quite know how to answer. I value compassion but also efficiency, hard work, ambition, tolerance, open-mindedness. Loyalty, too, though I struggle with that myself.

To what extent do your values play a part in your decision making?
I usually make decisions based on what I think is best for me at the time - I feel really uncomfortable making 'value' judgments.

To what extent would you ignore your values to fit into a social group?
I try to remain true to myself, but as a teenager I don't quite know what that means yet? I mean, I've done it before and it sucks a lot so. I just kind of find people with similar values to mine.

Are new ideas more important than new experiences?
No. Though I like new ideas, I like new experiences more.

Do you get distracted easily? What is it that distracts you when you are trying to concentrate on something?
Only in school :D And it's usually because whatever we're doing is boring, or I already know it. I'm distracted by my own thoughts and ideas, I guess. I kind of space out.

When you have made a decision do you usually stick to it and complete the task or do you prefer to change it later?
Honestly it depends? I usually like things set in stone early because I don't like uncertainty, but I like knowing there is a way out in case I don't want to do it anymore.

What is it like to not be doing anything?
Nice, considering I'm perpetually stressed.

If you were feeling drained, what would be the best way to energize yourself?
Go for a run or nap. Maybe take a hot shower.

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?
All the things I have to do/the future/TV or movies/what my friends are up to

What is it like when you learn something new about yourself?
I guess it depends on what I'm learning ;)

In social situations do you pay attention mainly to other people's feelings or to your own?
Both. I'm usually wrapped up in my head but I'm pretty good at reading people. If someone looks upset I'm the first to notice.

You are at a social event where you notice that someone is looking depressed. What is your impression of the situation? Do you feel the urge to do anything? Why or why not?
I feel bad. Maybe their friends ditched them or something. I guess I would try to make conversation with them, and maybe if that works ask them if they feel alright. I'd try to engage them in whatever I'm doing.

You have been given the "Most valuable person on earth" award. What did you do to deserve the honour?
Saved the world from WWIII or a nuclear holocaust.


New member
Mar 16, 2015
[MENTION=19421]melisanddre[/MENTION] here are some more questions. It's important to provide as much information in your answers if you want to be typed accurately. For example your response to the following questions doesn't give much useful information.
What is it like when you learn something new about yourself?
I guess it depends on what I'm learning

Ideally, I would like to go to the more 'forgotten' areas of the globe, and see all different cultures
Why are the more "forgotten" areas of the globe more appealing?

What makes you passionate about literary criticism and symbolism?
Honestly, no idea. I think I love the idea that there is so much thought and meaning in a simple work, a bunch of paper with a jumble of words. I find it fascinating, and there is always something new to find.
Is it important to find out new things? What kinds of new things would excite you? What is it like to find out something new?

Tell us about your personal values and beliefs.
That's a loaded question that I'm asked a lot and never quite know how to answer. I value compassion but also efficiency, hard work, ambition, tolerance, open-mindedness. Loyalty, too, though I struggle with that myself.
Please order these values, starting with the most important.

If you were feeling drained, what would be the best way to energize yourself?
Go for a run or nap. Maybe take a hot shower.
Is anything on your mind when you go for that run or hot shower?

Would you say that you acquire knowledge with a goal in mind or simply because you like to acquire knowledge?

You say that you are good at reading people. Do you spend time observing people and trying figure them out? Is that important at all?

You are a counsellor at a kids summer camp. What would be your goals when supervising the kids?

When you are with your friends what is it that you are mainly interested in?


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Instinctual Variant
What is it like when you learn something new about yourself?

Well, I like to learn about myself. What I'm capable of, etc. I like these personality theories, obviously. I think it's because I cannot accurately self-analyze that I'm interested in it. Sometimes, however, the things I discover aren't necessarily good or what I expected, which is what I meant by 'it depends what you're learning'

Why are the more "forgotten" areas of the globe more appealing?
Because I want to go and see and do things that the average person wouldn't. I want to experience places that are the exact opposite of where I live now - white, upper-middle class suburbia.

Is it important to find out new things? What kinds of new things would excite you? What is it like to find out something new?
I think it's enriching, to discover new things in literary works - it shows that even the older works still are relevant today. I feel confident and happy with myself whenever I can kind of connect the dots and find a bigger theme or picture. I always love to study allusions, larger symbols, discovering foreshadowing after I've read it.

Please order these values, starting with the most important.
Tolerance would be first, then ambition, open-mindedness, loyalty, compassion, efficiency, hard work.

Is anything on your mind when you go for that run or hot shower?
Honestly, I just try to focus on things that aren't stressing me out (i.e., not focus on work)

Would you say that you acquire knowledge with a goal in mind or simply because you like to acquire knowledge?
Simply because I like to acquire knowledge. I'm pretty addicted to wikipedia. I know a lot about a lot of things that have zero relevance to my day-to-day life. It makes me really good at Jeopardy, haha.

You say that you are good at reading people. Do you spend time observing people and trying figure them out? Is that important at all?
I can usually figure out people rather quickly, but I do spend a little more time if I'm bored, or am going to interact with them later and they seem angry/sad/upset. I wouldn't say it's the most important thing, but it's certainly helpful considering I'm not the most friendly person to begin with.

You are a counsellor at a kids summer camp. What would be your goals when supervising the kids?
Making sure no one is getting hurt, doing anything dangerous, making fun of someone else, etc. We can have fun when everyone is safe and happy.

When you are with your friends what is it that you are mainly interested in?
Just going out, having fun, chatting - seeing what they're up to in their classes (we don't share many), gossiping about the people we don't like (petty, but it happens).


New member
Mar 16, 2015
[MENTION=19421]melisanddre[/MENTION] here's my assessment of your type.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
I'm not quite sure, exactly. Surely when I was younger I would say to be exorbitantly successful, powerful, and famous . Now, however, I would say that I would like to love what I am doing, and feel like I am making a difference. I want to be surrounded by people who understand me and care for me. I want to have better self-esteem, and be happy with myself. I do want to be successful, but I also want to have fun and explore the world and see all that it has to offer.
Seems F.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
Usually how I will feel about it - will I be comfortable with it, will I be having fun? Will it be enjoyable? Will it help me, in the future? Then, I consider the point of view of those who matter to be (mostly my parents) - what will they think? Will it disappoint them? Would they approve? (I'm only 18, so this stuff still means a lot).
Seems F.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I tend to be quite, erm, bossy when I'm the group leader? I just like to be in control, because I know my way will give us an A. Therefore, I usually prefer to work alone. I like to get started early, because if not, I know I'll procrastinate. I try to get it done quickly so I can move on to something else. I like every single step to be just the way I want it to be. I have very clear visions for what I do. Unfortunately, while I enjoy starting projects, I usually get bored with them when it comes time to finish them.
Seems P.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
They’d never admit it, but they know I’m selfish and elitist and pretentious. And ambitious and cutthroat and overly sensitive. In general, I’d say they know I’m a hard worker, resilient, and there for them 100%. They probably don’t know that under layers and layers of false confidence and happiness, I am deeply insecure and easily hurt. I feel a lot of things very deeply, though I don’t show it. Like I said, I am incredibly sensitive and emotionally guarded, because sometimes it feels like I feel things so strongly.
Seems FP.

When you have made a decision do you usually stick to it and complete the task or do you prefer to change it later?
Honestly it depends? I usually like things set in stone early because I don't like uncertainty, but I like knowing there is a way out in case I don't want to do it anymore.
Seems P.

You are at a social event where you notice that someone is looking depressed. What is your impression of the situation? Do you feel the urge to do anything? Why or why not?
I feel bad. Maybe their friends ditched them or something. I guess I would try to make conversation with them, and maybe if that works ask them if they feel alright. I'd try to engage them in whatever I'm doing.
Seems F.

Why are the more "forgotten" areas of the globe more appealing?
Because I want to go and see and do things that the average person wouldn't. I want to experience places that are the exact opposite of where I live now - white, upper-middle class suburbia.
Possibly Ne.

Is it important to find out new things? What kinds of new things would excite you? What is it like to find out something new?
I think it's enriching, to discover new things in literary works - it shows that even the older works still are relevant today. I feel confident and happy with myself whenever I can kind of connect the dots and find a bigger theme or picture. I always love to study allusions, larger symbols, discovering foreshadowing after I've read it.
Seems N.

Would you say that you acquire knowledge with a goal in mind or simply because you like to acquire knowledge?
Simply because I like to acquire knowledge. I'm pretty addicted to wikipedia. I know a lot about a lot of things that have zero relevance to my day-to-day life. It makes me really good at Jeopardy, haha.
Seems Ne.

You are a tough nut to crack. I find it very difficult to type you and it may be due to the self-esteem issues that you have mentioned. From what you've said, you can do things to avoid being judged, bullied or excluded, such as helping people that you hate, to pass the class. Similarly you like to be elitist and use negative gossip to try to increase your own self-esteem. You are also under a lot of pressure to perform and excel in school and I expect that this expectation would extend to other parts of your life. Things such as this might be the reason that it is hard to discover the real you, for typing.

Based on your responses I would say that you have a preference for F over T. Your decisions are based on feelings rather than pros and cons etc. You are also a P type rather than J. I also see enough indication of N to say that you are intuitive (your love of allusions etc).

I have not seen any significant indication of Fe, and certainly not Te. Although I believe you are an Fi type I can only see a hint of it, I think it is covered up by behaviours that come from the self-esteem issues. I do see indications of N in general and Ne. You like new experiences, and these experiences all seem to be the kind that might make a person think or have new ideas as opposed to just physical experiences, so I see this as Ne rather than Se. This would make you a NFP type.

As far as I or E goes I think you are probably an E type, I am basing this on your use of Ne. You have talked about enjoying some experiences by yourself, such as at disneyland and the museum, and you say that you are energized by going for a run or hot shower. This might make you look like an introvert, but I think that you enjoy these experiences alone because there is no one around to possibly judge you and bring up any self-esteem issues, so it's a chance for you to be completely relaxed. Also your current avatar picture does not look like one that an INFP would use, but could be one that an ENFP would use.

So I am typing you as ENFP.

I wish you the best in your self discovery.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015

Hi, I think you maybe ISFJ a 2w3 So/Sp/Sx. ( ijsf )

You seem to be in the feeling triad, Point:2 and you seem to touch on 3w4, Point:4 and Point:8

The INTP stuff and ENTJ stuff I think is linked with your core stuff at Point:2 at an Instinctual level. The Points 5, 8, and 2 have a interconnection at the level of the Instincts and this triangle of three points allows movement. The So/ of the So/Sp is located at Point:8 and can move to Point:5 under stress but can integrate and also utilise the health from this point being Point:5 the Sx/ of the Sx/So. The three instinctual types that occupy this triangle focus predominately on the impersonal of team work of the interpersonal:
( - So/Sp - Sp/Sx - Sx/So - )
the other three instinctual type energies predominately focus on the personal of the interpersonal:
( - Sp/So - So/Sx - Sx/Sp - )
Their is a balance within and between the two Instinctive triangles and as you maybe able to deduce a simple weave interlocking the two triangles. I am thinking that this maybe the primary mechanism that is at the apex of your personal difficulties at this stage of maturational development you seem as a young adult to be having some difficulty with. If so the enneagram institute chat boards, is a good place to talk and learn about the instincts, I have not read much discussion about the instincts on the typology central topic boards, they seem to focused on good stuff like cognitive functions like:
(Se Si Ne Ni Te Ti Fe Fi) .
My advise is to make a study of the Instincts and get to know that level of the human condition once you have or while you are working on working out what your basic type structure is.

I provided the information because it maybe helpful key information to help clear up the muddy glass view , the Chaos .. and to allow you an opportunity to gain a clearer context for a more enjoyable cognitive experience into the future.

Anyway good luck and I hope you gain the insight into your type that you are seeking.

If you would like me to analyse via the eight cognitive functions I will have a go but others do that better than I.



Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I like the eight cognitive functions, but my mind also likes to read this way: or should I say, my mind reads it this way also.

Well (T), a lot of things (SE), actually (IP). When I first started taking MBTI tests (SP/SX) nearly three years ago (sx), I tested fairly often as INxP (SO/SX) . At the time (EN), however (SP/so), I was in a grossly unhealthy state of mind. (" ENT / ( Mood Point:1 ) Sp/So gone to social SO Sp/So ").
Think--Feel , ' a line between point 'nine and point 'six at its ends the line connects two components of three with in the third of the inner Instinctive Triangles.

A feeling of alone can be attributable to the inner line between the two axis instinctive emotions. The triangles third component is 'sense at point three. The third inner triangle proses is like, custodian of three sea saws interconnecting all three triangles held together as one primary unifying junction between operational Orders/Patterns. Pertaining to Sense/Think/Feel, three instinctual emotion functions that cannot be separated from a working...called: The Law Of Three.

We also find Id (9, 4, 5) Ego (3, 7, 8) Superego (6, 2, 1) three irregular triangles reaching between the three triangles.

thinking: ( Points: 4&5 ), Think ( Point:9 ) visceral the gut centre.

sensing: ( Points: 7&8 ),Sense ( Point:3 ) visceral the hart centre.

feeling: ( Points: 2&1 ), Feel ( Point:6 ) visceral the head centre.

So as you can see it would take for ever but giving you a one Cognitive Function I Would Choose Se and some Si but mostly SP. What being. Question: #1

"The First Clue could be seen..(so)!" (sx) it could have been seen as (so) the So/Sp is "The hidden Self."-primary function. I view the instinctive function - (--"/so), 'as being - your primer at Point:8. ( 'a primary function at point eight.)"

Your cognitive conches at Point:2

I think the most interesting thing that moved in my psyche was reading you would have liked experience, the perpetual of life to have a continues experience felt of,.. And I thought to my self (ETFP)- EJSF.
But by around the time on your post you enjoyed Disney Land, I thought your type as being most likely, So/Sp ISFJ .
Last edited:


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=19421]melisanddre[/MENTION] here's my assessment of your type.

Seems F.

Seems F.

Seems P.

Seems FP.

Seems P.

Seems F.

Possibly Ne.

Seems N.

Seems Ne.

You are a tough nut to crack. I find it very difficult to type you and it may be due to the self-esteem issues that you have mentioned. From what you've said, you can do things to avoid being judged, bullied or excluded, such as helping people that you hate, to pass the class. Similarly you like to be elitist and use negative gossip to try to increase your own self-esteem. You are also under a lot of pressure to perform and excel in school and I expect that this expectation would extend to other parts of your life. Things such as this might be the reason that it is hard to discover the real you, for typing.

Based on your responses I would say that you have a preference for F over T. Your decisions are based on feelings rather than pros and cons etc. You are also a P type rather than J. I also see enough indication of N to say that you are intuitive (your love of allusions etc).

I have not seen any significant indication of Fe, and certainly not Te. Although I believe you are an Fi type I can only see a hint of it, I think it is covered up by behaviours that come from the self-esteem issues. I do see indications of N in general and Ne. You like new experiences, and these experiences all seem to be the kind that might make a person think or have new ideas as opposed to just physical experiences, so I see this as Ne rather than Se. This would make you a NFP type.

As far as I or E goes I think you are probably an E type, I am basing this on your use of Ne. You have talked about enjoying some experiences by yourself, such as at disneyland and the museum, and you say that you are energized by going for a run or hot shower. This might make you look like an introvert, but I think that you enjoy these experiences alone because there is no one around to possibly judge you and bring up any self-esteem issues, so it's a chance for you to be completely relaxed. Also your current avatar picture does not look like one that an INFP would use, but could be one that an ENFP would use.

So I am typing you as ENFP.

I wish you the best in your self discovery.

Ahhh thanks! I've never tested as an ENFP, so I guess this gives me a lot to think about. In fact, I have fairly volatile relationships with both of the ENFPs I know, but they that could be because of a lack of Te development, to be quite honest.


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I like the eight cognitive functions, but my mind also likes to read this way: or should I say, my mind reads it this way also.

Well (T), a lot of things (SE), actually (IP). When I first started taking MBTI tests (SP/SX) nearly three years ago (sx), I tested fairly often as INxP (SO/SX) . At the time (EN), however (SP/so), I was in a grossly unhealthy state of mind. (" ENT / ( Mood Point:1 ) Sp/So gone to social SO Sp/So ").
Think--Feel , ' a line between point 'nine and point 'six at its ends the line connects two components of three with in the third of the inner Instinctive Triangles.

A feeling of alone can be attributable to the inner line between the two axis instinctive emotions. The triangles third component is 'sense at point three. The third inner triangle proses is like, custodian of three sea saws interconnecting all three triangles held together as one primary unifying junction between operational Orders/Patterns. Pertaining to Sense/Think/Feel, three instinctual emotion functions that cannot be separated from a working...called: The Law Of Three.

We also find Id (9, 4, 5) Ego (3, 7, 8) Superego (6, 2, 1) three irregular triangles reaching between the three triangles.

thinking: ( Points: 4&5 ), Think ( Point:9 ) visceral the gut centre.

sensing: ( Points: 7&8 ),Sense ( Point:3 ) visceral the hart centre.

feeling: ( Points: 2&1 ), Feel ( Point:6 ) visceral the head centre.

So as you can see it would take for ever but giving you a one Cognitive Function I Would Choose Se and some Si but mostly SP. What being. Question: #1

"The First Clue could be seen..(so)!" (sx) it could have been seen as (so) the So/Sp is "The hidden Self."-primary function. I view the instinctive function - (--"/so), 'as being - your primer at Point:8. ( 'a primary function at point eight.)"

Your cognitive conches at Point:2

I think the most interesting thing that moved in my psyche was reading you would have liked experience, the perpetual of life to have a continues experience felt of,.. And I thought to my self (ETFP)- EJSF.
But by around the time on your post you enjoyed Disney Land, I thought your type as being most likely, So/Sp ISFJ .

Huh, I've never tested as an enneagram 2 before, but I suppose I'll have to look in to it now :D. And thank you for your input! My mom is actually an ISFJ, and we are a lot alike haha (except when it comes to grief but *shrug*)


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
What's to me curious ... you say you are not alike with your isfj mother when it comes to grief,. ("shrug") grief, ..? Yet you have toiled with depression.
My expression experience while clinically depressed had its moments of grief ,no a wailing form of grief,.. "But a silent-grief". While acknowledging Vacant; vacant-Space.

Two's with the ( I S F ) and ( J ) preferences do self suffer under the wait of their internal disappointments longed and denied felt.

But we are all diversely different , cheers.